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Newslinks for 9/11/2012

Darwin wins again! Teen shoots privates while “cleaning” gun…
Submitted by: John Boch

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So, you’re an 18-year-old stud with a BMW car, you like to smoke cancer sticks and you got yourself a new pistol at a party a month before… I mean, we always carry some extra greenbacks with us so when we find a great deal on a gat at a party, we can proceed with the purchase with great haste, right? (Wrong, for the sarcastically impaired.)

And you shoot your junk off putting your pistol in your pants “Mexican” style (that’s without a holster for non-gun aficionado readers).

So what do you do?

First you tell the cops someone else did that to you because no self-respecting white trash stud would be caught dead admitting he shot his penis off (along with one of his little jewels) with his gat...


In the aftermath of a shooting: What to do, what to say
Submitted by: John Boch

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(GunNews) - It’s Friday night and your legs are wobbly and you’re shaking like a leaf. You’re holding your handgun after opening fire on a violent predatory criminal you reasonably believed was about to inflict great bodily harm upon you.

The smell of cordite still hangs in the air from the two rounds you just fired, just like you were taught in your basic handgun protection class a few years earlier. You take a deep breath to calm yourself and look around for any other possible attackers. Seeing none, you call 9-1-1 and ask for the police, an ambulance and wait for the arrival of the first responders.

What do you do? What do you say?


IL: Fanny pack carry is legal. Period.
Submitted by: John Boch

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While some politicians posture in public to the contrary, “fanny pack carry” is legal in Illinois.

Here is Illinois law explained, directly from “Transport Your Firearm Legally”:


Three statutory codes regulate the possession, transfer, and transportation of firearms – the Criminal Code, the Wildlife Code, and the Firearm Owner’s Identification Act. In order to comply with those statutes when transporting a firearm, it must be:

Unloaded, and
Enclosed in a case, and
By persons who have a valid FOID card.


Ex-star cop now accused of being a drug-dealing swindler
Submitted by: Anonymous

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When things jumped bad in Detroit -- as they often did in the 1980s and '90s -- there was William Rice, an island of well-tailored calm amid the shell casings, yellow crime scene tape and body bags.

U.S. gun sales hotter than a pistol
Submitted by: D. Smith

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The gun business is booming. The question is, why?

Speculation has focused on fears of a coming regulatory crackdown on gun ownership. Liberal administrations tend to be anti-gun and so, the thinking goes, an Obama re-election would set the stage for stricter gun purchasing requirements. Hence, people are buying now in anticipation of difficulty later.

“I should put Obama’s picture on the wall up there,” said one New Jersey gun salesman, asking not to be identified. “I’d name him salesman of the month!”

CO: Escorted from Theater for Legally Carrying
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Sheriff Deputies were called to Elvis Cinemas Littleton theater Saturday night on a report of a man with a gun at the theater.

The unidentified man was legally carrying the weapon while wearing a jacket, but the handgun was visible. Whether the gun was reported by other customers or by theater employees wasn’t immediately disclosed.

The cinema manager, who was not identified, asked deputies to escort the customer from the theater. Deputies complied with the manager’s request.

The customer does not face charges and was not arrested since openly carrying firearms is legal in Jefferson County.

IL: Results of Chicago paying tribute to thugs
Submitted by: John Boch

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(GunNews) – Ceasefire Illinois got a million dollars from the City of Chicago earlier this summer to hire ex-convicts to “mediate” disputes between violent criminals and to “prevent” crime.

It’s true. This isn’t April Fool’s and sadly, it’s not a joke...

So, what has Chicago got so far this year besides further arrests (here and here) of street pharmacists claiming to be CeaseFire “Mediators”?

...Bumper stickers.


It’s better than that… Here’s what they are doing with them.

Hollywood’s evolving take on gun rights
Submitted by: John Pierce

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In 1999, back when the Brady Campaign was upfront about their goals and called themselves Handgun Control, Inc., they ran a full page ad in USA Today entitled “Open Letter to the National Rifle Association.”

The letter called for a nationwide “one handgun a month” rule, waiting periods for handgun purchases, an end to private sales, and a complete and permanent ban on so-called “assault weapons” as well as normal capacity magazines.

Signing this “open letter” were dozens of Hollywood stars and media personalities.

But a new era appears to be dawning in Hollywood, with many stars voicing their support for gun rights.

Did Colorado shooter single out Cinemark theater because it banned guns?
Submitted by: Mark Jensen

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The Aurora Colorado theater where the shooting took place was the only theater in the area that prohibited the lawful carry of firearms. Was that the reason it happened there?

NY: NYSRPA releases candidate ratings; Seward gets an A, B+ for Blake
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Both of the Republicans seeking the party's nomination in the 51st Senate District received high marks from the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, but only one received an A. NYSRPA posted their primary election candidate ratings online, scoring candidates and incumbents on their support for gun rights and pro-gun legislation. In the 51st, state Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, received an A and Republican primary challenger Jim Blake received a B+.

FL: Police: Michael Smeriglio accidentally shoots off his penis and testicle; friend arrested on drug charge
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A teenager is recovering after police say he shot himself in the penis and testicle while cleaning a gun he just bought. ...
Police say 18-year-old Michael Smeriglio first lied to police saying someone shot him while he was walking down the street. After being questioned by police he admitted to accidentally doing it himself.
Doctors say the bullet went through his penis, his left testicle and then lodged itself in his thigh.
Smeriglio told police he bought the gun last month at a party.

Submitter's comment: If he had only been enrolled in a firearms safety program when he was younger ...

Lott: Did Colorado killer single out Cinemark theater because it banned guns?
Submitted by: John Boch

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John Lott has done some investigating, something our mainstream media can’t be bothered with doing if a story deviates from their anti-gun template, and he found that the lunatic killer that killed those folks at the Batman movie premiere didn’t choose the closest theater complex to carry out his attack. He didn’t choose the second closest movie house.

In reality, it was the only movie complex within twenty minutes of his residence that banned lawfully carried firearms by private citizens. The “no guns” signs on the doors made right-to-carry license holders unwelcome. The murderer, however, didn’t care about a silly sign in the window, just as he wasn’t constrained by a civilized society’s proscription to murder and attempted murder

FL: Zimmerman defense team wants Trayvon Martin's social media postings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The defense team for George Zimmerman filed a subpoena to get their hands on postings that Trayvon Martin made on twitter and facebook. Zimmerman's legal team also wants to review the slain teen's academic and attendance records.

A Super Stinger: Les Baer Custom .38 Super Stinger Review
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Pistols designed for concealed carry are usually exercises in compromise. Barrels and grips are shortened for concealability, but that results in a shorter sight radius, which makes it harder to aim. That approach also produces a lighter gun with less gripping surface, which results in increased recoil and reduced capacity.

Crimson Trace Releases Four Green Laser Sights to Market
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Crimson Trace announced today the release of the highly anticipated green Laserguard and Rail Master products.

This initial release of the green laser sight line includes Laserguard models for Kimber and Smith & Wesson 1911 frames, Glock Full Size and Compact and Springfield XD/XDm firearms.

The Rail Master model is designed to fit on firearms equipped with a Picatinny rail – making it the ultimate in universal green laser sighting systems. All four of these models are available now through normal distribution and from starting at $269.

RECOIL magazine Squibs, then KBs
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Editor Jerry Tsai put a round in the chamber that, alone, was enough to blow up his magazine. But, when faced with the outcry about his perceived anti-Second Amendment statement, his response was to fire another round that blew up in a firestorm of social media protest.

The maelstrom revolves around the following passage that ran in the latest issue of Recoil magazine:

‎”…the MP71A is unavailable to civilians and for good measure. We all know that’s technology no civvies should ever get to lay their hands on. This is a purpose-built weapon with no sporting applications to speak of.”

Ed.: Has RECOIL editor Tsai never heard of Jim Zimbo?

Documentary to show ‘civil right’ to arms ‘under fire’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A film currently in production that promises to “compare the historical aspects of gun control … to today’s laws“ has attracted financial backing from national and state gun groups and is now appealing to gun rights supporters to help complete the production, Gun Rights Examiner learned in an exclusive weekend interview with Kris Koenig, Emmy award-winning producer and writer, and founder of Dead Patriot Films, Inc., which is producing “Assaulted, Civil Rights Under Fire.”

Former agent reveals all on ATF's Fast and Furious ultimate goal
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Friday, GunMag, a publication of the Second Amendment Foundation, reported that the former agent revealed all to one its national correspondents in an informal talk at the firing range. The agent revealed that Fast and Furious was only one of a three pronged approach by the ATF to place draconian restrictions on the gun rights of American citizens.

AZ: Election 2012: Supreme Court Hangs in the Balance
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the past several years, we have achieved great victories. In two rulings, the Heller decision and the McDonald decision, the Supreme Court has ruled that all American citizens, in every state and municipality, have the right to legally possess a firearm. Those decisions were a tremendous accomplishment, and they finally ratified what our Founding Fathers envisioned when they drafted the Second Amendment.

Obama’s Democratic Platform Calls for More Restrictions on Gun Owners’ Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One thing was made crystal clear at the Democratic National Convention, held this week in Charlotte, N.C. The 2012 National Democratic Platform is President Barack Obama’s platform. There is nothing in the document that doesn’t reflect the President’s position.

While the opening lines give lip service to supporting the Second Amendment, the rest of the plank calls for renewing the semi-auto ban and for regulating gun shows into oblivion.

Feinstein, Democratic Party Get Head Start on Gun Ban Anniversary
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A week from today marks the eight-year anniversary of the expiration of the federal “assault weapon” and “large” ammunition magazine ban of 1994-2004.

While gun owners have been preparing to celebrate by going to three-gun competitions, doing some recreational target practice, taking carbine classes, or zeroing their ARs to get ready for hunting season, their detractors have been busy too.

GA: NAACP Calls for Release of Black Man Who Killed a White Man Claiming Self-Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The NAACP and a number of civil rights groups are calling for the release of a Black man in Georgia who was convicted of killing a white man who had broken into his home and threatened his son.

At the center of the controversy is John McNeil, a successful African-American businessman who in 2006 returned to his home to protect his son from Brian Epp, an armed trespasser on his property.

Ed.: The article's lamentations notwithstanding, the GA Castle doctrine law didn't apply here because it was passed after this incident.

Mexico: Mexican activists call for change in U.S. gun industry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The American war on drugs and Mexico's problems with gun violence met up today in Washington. What's being called a caravan for peace has been traveling the country the past month or so, trying to draw attention to the violence in Mexico. The activists: many of them are family members of people who've been killed. They're asking Washington to change the way the U.S. goes after drug traffickers, in part by targeting the American gun industry.

Ed.: Having failed to secure their own borders, they now want to penalize Americans.

IG appearance before House Oversight delayed to Sept. 19
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform announced Monday that a long-anticipated appearance before that body by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has been put off to Sept. 19.

The announcement comes as a newspaper in Columbia reports that guns from Operation Fast and Furious, which Horowitz has been investigating, have been recovered by authorities in that South American nation.

NV: NSHE weapons possession policy sparks debate among higher education leaders
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) vice chancellor of Legal Affairs Brooke Nielsen requested the Board of Regents approve an amendment to the board’s Handbook regarding possession of weapons on NSHE property during a meeting Friday, though some were reluctant to vote in favor of the revision.

Nevada law prohibits the possession of dangerous weapons on private and public campuses, but a statute gives university presidents the authority to provide written permission for individuals to carry or possess a weapon.


The amendment was approved.

NC: Johnston County OKs new noise ordinance, nixes gunshot ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Johnston County Board of Commissioners approved a new noise ordinance Tuesday, but left out a provision that would ban loud gun discharges.

An ordinance banning loud gunshots, music, cars and ATVs in residential areas was proposed after neighbors voiced a number of complaints about a gun owner in the Oak Ridge subdivision near Willow Springs who uses his backyard as a shooting range.

But after about 300 people packed into the commissioners' meeting Tuesday evening – many up in arms about their right to bear arms – language banning gunshots was removed from the approved ordinance.

Instead, commissioners outlawed "excessive and unreasonable" use of a firearm in residential areas.

If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. — Winston Churchill

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