Gun Registration is Gun Confiscation – Updated 2019 Edition
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David Williamson
Website: http://libertyparkpress.com
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The holy grail of those who wish us disarmed is gun registration. Once your guns are required to be registered, they are, in effect, already confiscated. A little thought will reveal to you why this is so. The Government will know who has legal possession of each firearm. They will know where the firearm is stored. When physical possession of the gun is desired, they can order you to turn it in. This has happened repeatedly.
NJ: Gov. Phil Murphy to Gun Industry and Banks: Get Behind Gun Control or Lose State’s Business
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David Williamson
Website: http://libertyparkpress.com
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Gov. Phil Murphy has put gun makers and dealers and financial institutions on notice that if they want to do business with New Jersey, they will have to measure up to the state’s tough gun-control standards. Under an executive order Murphy signed Tuesday, within the next month, the state’s Treasury Department will request that all firearm manufacturers and retailers that sell to the state submit statements of their principles, including their efforts to prevent people from obtaining guns illegally. All financial institutions also will have to tell the state whether they do business with the gun industry and have codes of conduct related to gun safety or sales.
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Actor Alyssa Milano Debate Gun Control, Second Amendment
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David Williamson
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What started as a Twitter discussion turned into a Facebook livestream about the Second Amendment and gun legislation in the United States, as Sen. Ted Cruz and actor Alyssa Milano met in Washington D.C. Tuesday. The debate comes less than a month after two mass shootings in Cruz's home state of Texas — one in El Paso that left 22 dead and another in the Odessa-Midland area that resulted in seven deaths.
OR: Woman Shot, Killed Boyfriend in Self-Defense, Prosecutors Say
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David Williamson
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A woman who shot and killed her boyfriend will not face charges in the incident. The Jackson County District Attorney’s Office said on the evening of June 6, 2019, a 33-year-old woman called 9-1-1 to report her boyfriend, 47-year-old Robert Leroy Mitchell Jr., had been hitting her with an ax, so she shot him. Medford police officers arrived at the scene and took the woman into custody. According to the woman, she was arguing with Mitchell the previous evening. After Mitchell left, the woman armed herself with a revolver out of concern for her safety.
The Top 10 Gun Laws Americans Really Need
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David Williamson
Website: http://libertyparkpress.com
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During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump said previous Republicans had made big promises to get votes and failed to deliver, but that he would be different. Appealing to America’s 100 million gun owners, he argued against two elements of Democrats’ civilian disarmament agenda: “universal” background checks, which Democrats hope to transform into a federal gun registry that can be used to enforce gun confiscation, and a ban on semi-automatic rifles Democrats call “assault weapons.” |
NJ: What New Jersey's New Rules for Gun Makers and Sellers Means
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David Williamson
Website: http://libertyparkpress.com
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New Jersey, a state already armed with some of the strictest gun control laws in the country, got even tougher on the firearms industry Tuesday with a new order by Gov. Phil Murphy. An executive order signed by Murphy also vowed to investigate financial institutions that work for New Jersey to ensure those banks and companies are striving to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals. |
CO: In Garfield County, Some Greet Walmart’s Open Carry Policy with Doubt
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David Williamson
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New policies restricting open carry of firearms at several large chain stores in the country won’t help much in preventing shooting violence, according to Garfield County Sheriff Lou Vallario. “That’s not going to fix the problem that there are crazy people out there doing violent things. That’s really the sad part of this; it’s a Band-Aid thing,” Vallario said.
Ruger 350 Legend Ranch Rifle
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David Williamson
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“Pigs!” we shouted in unison. Our guide, Steve Jones, slammed the four-wheel-drive utility vehicle to a halt on the rocky Texas ranch trail. Wild pigs are hated around these parts, especially among ranchers, so we had already been granted “guns free” clearance if any were seen. Now, only a few hours after flying into San Antonio, driving two hours west to the Ivy Ranch and spending a half-hour sighting-in my rifle, the proverbial green light was glowing. It was time to put up or shut up.
History of 45 Auto (ACP) Ammo
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David Williamson
Website: http://libertyparkpress.com
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Designed by an American, made in America, and created for the United States Armed Forces – nothing encompasses the American spirit of ammunition like the .45 Auto caliber and the gun it was made for. Known as the .45 ACP, this cartridge is the all-American bullet. And over 100 years after its debut, it’s still used by both law enforcement and civilians, and remains a favorite across the U.S. |
New for 2019: Walther 'First Edition' PPK/S
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David Williamson
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Providing a rare opportunity to firearm collectors in the U.S., Walther Arms is celebrating the return of its PPK family and the beginning of U.S.-based manufacturing with the launch of its First Edition line of PPK/S handguns. This limited-edition run will be limited to only 1,250 units, ranging from serial numbers 101-1350. This will be a one-time run, giving handgun collectors a short window of opportunity to grab a future collectible firearm!
More Self-Defense Gun Stories
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Robert Morse
Website: http://www.selfdefensegunstories.com/
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Responsible gun owners defended themselves, but you didn't hear it in the news. Instructor David Cole joins host Rob Morse to talk about four recent examples.
Do you have a gun nearby at night? What do you do when the burglar comes back for more? Are you armed at work? Are you armed as you park your car at home?
These gun owners survived a lethal threat. What should you do in these situations? Text and podcast available at the link. (25 minutes)
MI: Michigan school district weighs option of allowing staff to carry guns in school
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Corey Salo
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Addison Community Schools has multiple security procedures in place, including 60 cameras, buzzers and shatterproof film on the windows.
But the district does not have a full-time resource officer because there's no budget for it. Addison is a small town. It has no police department. It relies on the Lenawee County Sheriff's Department, which is on the opposite side of the county. Response times vary between 13 and 38 minutes.
"Our school shooting facts are that it's all over in seven minutes," Superintendent Steve Guerra said.
For about a year, the school board has been researching the possibility of having staff carry guns. A decision has not been made.
Video available |
AK: Choose your firearm and your shot with care, and do the same when choosing bear deterrents
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Corey Salo
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A couple of weeks back I wrote about bears, guns and pepper spray. I am a gun advocate. Some disagree about the effectiveness of firearms vs. bear spray. I won’t argue the point, but ask only that anyone taking an extended hike into the woods check in with themselves. Would you, personally, rather have an aerosol can or a shotgun in the face of a charging animal? Make your choice and take your chances.
Meanwhile, it is hunting season and the majority of us who hunt are carrying some type of firearm. I am not a gun expert. Most hunters, me included, sight in our rifles and can generally hit what we aim at.
Senators Demand Facebook Crack Down On Already Banned Gun Sales
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jack burton
Website: https://myhightechsecurity.com
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... people like Menendez and Durbin, along with the rest of their cohort, have no business trying to bully a private company into cracking down on anything. If they see listings they think go against Facebook’s rules, report them. Otherwise, they need to stop trying to use their political offices for nonsense like this.
They have no authority over Facebook and it would serve them right if the social media giant decided to lift its prohibition against gun sales as a middle finger to these busybodies. |
MI: Livonia mother's revolver apparently stolen, then returned
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Corey Salo
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A Livonia mother reported a missing loaded revolver to police and then found it – unloaded – on her porch nearly a week later.
According to police reports, officers visited a residence near the intersection of Beatrice and Schoolcraft the morning of Aug. 22 because of a possible breaking and entering incident.
The resident told police her daughter woke her up around 4:30 a.m. to say she had found her mother’s wallet in the front yard and a bedroom window open.
They searched their home and discovered the weapon gone. The mother told police her daughter had been traveling in and out of their home with a visitor. She also suspected a former neighbor. |
MI: Open-carry supporters rally at State Capitol
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Corey Salo
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As more major retailers are asking customers not to open carry guns in their stores, gun rights advocates proudly had their firearms on display at the State Capitol.
The 2019 2nd Amendment March was held in downtown Lansing Tuesday afternoon.
Advocates said that there's no question their rights are under attack, open carry, specifically.
'If a police officer shoots a bad guy, they blame a police officer, but if a bad guy shoots somebody, they want to blame the firearm," said Dennis Daley from Pontiac, MI. He has attended the second amendment rally for the last nine years. "The anti-gun side, they're trying to do it in little bits and pieces and that's how they do it. They're trying to villainize firearms."
Video available |
MI: Gun control advocates applaud Meijer’s open carry request
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Corey Salo
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Meijer waded into the national conversation on gun safety Monday, announcing that it’s requesting that shoppers do not openly carry firearms in its stores.
The move, announced by the Walker-based retail giant on Twitter, drew praise from gun control activists, who called Meijer’s announcement a “common-sense” move that seeks to “create a culture of gun safety.”
Meanwhile, firearms proponents were critical of the move.
“It’s obviously their decision, their property, and I’m assuming that gun owners who are law abiding peaceful people will abide by the decision,” said Steve Dulan, a board member of the Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners. “But it certainly doesn’t create any more safety there.” |