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Newslinks for 9/12/2012

9/11 Thoughts on Voting and Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"September 11, 2012 is an auspicious day for at least two reasons that I can think of. First and foremost, its a day of remembrance of terrible events that happened only a few short years ago. Events that jarred many in this county out of the safe cocoon-like feeling that they had lived in and brought to their attention that even ordinary, everyday people could be victims of extreme acts of hatred and violence . . ." ...

Remembering what makes us better
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some might suggest that many of the people who died 11 years ago today were victims of the 'gun free zone' mentality that extended to the nation’s cockpits."

"In the hours after the terrorist attacks, the Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms took a leadership role in pushing for armed pilots. Why government bureaucrats made that so difficult when so many were willing to volunteer remains a mystery." ...

Documentary To Show ‘Civil Right’ To Arms ‘Under Fire’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A film currently in production that promises to 'compare the historical aspects of gun control … to today’s laws' has attracted financial backing from national and state gun groups and is now appealing to gun rights supporters to help complete the production, Gun Rights Examiner learned in an exclusive weekend interview with Kris Koenig, Emmy award-winning producer and writer, and founder of Dead Patriot Films, Inc., which is producing 'Assaulted, Civil Rights Under Fire.'" ... Where’s MY Gun Control?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The world of gun control is like Sponge Bob’s Opposites Day, only never ending. For example, gun control advocates would have citizens believe that restricting law-abiding Americans’ ability to exercise their Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms makes them safer. In fact unconstitutional infringement on the Second Amendment makes Americans more vulnerable to violent crime ... Now check this: 'Pennsylvania lawmakers quietly disarmed the state House of Representatives’ 16 guards after learning that one had a violent criminal history,' opines. 'It seems the legislators are more than willing to restrict who can carry a gun when it comes to their personal safety. Too bad the general public isn’t given the same consideration.' Hang on . . ." ...

Gun Control Advocates: Sikh and Ye Shall Find
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'In the aftermath of last month’s rampage killing at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, some members of the religion are considering arming themselves in order to defend against future attacks,' reports. No way! C’mon. Really? 'I think that being able to legally obtain and carry a gun is the best thing any Sikh can do, especially after 9/11 where there have been over 800 documented cases of harassment and violence against us,' Sim J. Singh told As opposed to hundreds of thousands of cases of harassment and violence against Jews, African-Americans, OFWGs, Asians, gays and other Americans who aren’t Sikhs? Anyway, gopher it. But why is Fox News searching the country for pro-gun control Sikhs? Check this . . ." ...

Question of the Day: Which Handgun for a MA Newb?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"jp writes:"

"I live in MA and so my personal experience with firearms has been spotty at best.I was fortunate to have grown up in the Boy Scouts and with several veteran Uncles who taught me at an early age the proper respect and techniques for handling firearms of all types and sizes. I plan on purchasing my first firearm between the end of 2012 and the end of Spring 2013. I am curious what your (individual or collective) opinions would be on what a good all-purpose first firearm would be. I plan to start with a handgun . . ." ...

Forty-Five Face-off: Springfield Armory XD-S vs. Glock 36
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Springfield Armory XD-S and the Glock 36 are two single stack pistols — made in Croatia and Austria, respectively — that shoot America’s favorite big-bore cartridge. Aside from their steel and polymer composition and caliber — the venerable .45ACP — the two pistols don’t share much in common. Still, if that Shakespeare guy could compare an unknown prom queen (or king) to a summer’s day, I guess an old gun writer can compare these two pistols one to the other . . ." ...

Welcome to My Addiction
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I dipped my toe into the world of modern black sporting rifles when I picked up an AR-15 a little less than a year ago. I needed something to do on the weekends when I’m out on the road by myself and fresh air at the range beats cable TV in a generic hotel room. It all started when I saw an M&P Sport for a little over $600 hanging on the wall in a Wyoming sporting goods store. I’d never seen an AR-15 for that price so . . ." ...

Magpul Announces New Colors for Fall: Grey and Pink
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The first time my sister saw a pretty pink AR-15, she decided that she absolutely had to have one. It was just too cute! Apparently my sister isn’t the only one that thinks pink is perfect for their Barbie doll like firearm — in fact, there has apparently been so much demand that Magpul has decided to start making their MOE furniture in pink. Oh, and some grey color too. From their Facebook page:" ...

Bushnell Tactical Writer’s Conference: Day One
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After a tiring day spent in TSA queues and miniscule airline seats yesterday, the cosmic balance has been restored. I spent an exhausting and awesome day shooting, learning and testing a slew of new gear from Bushnell, at a totally kick-ass shooting resort in southern Kentucky. We did so much shooting today that after an entire day at the range I was actually ready to stop shooting and eat something. That doesn’t happen often . . ." ...

IG report points fingers, cites ‘failure of leadership’ – Fox News
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fox News is reporting that it has obtained portions of the Inspector General’s report on Operation Fast and Furious that blames top managers at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ Phoenix office for the debacle." ...

2012 Gun Rights Policy Conference Set for September 28-30 in Florida
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 27th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference attracts leaders from across the country, including Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms; Joseph Tartaro, president of the Second Amendment Foundation; Maria Heil, board director of the National Rifle Association; Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America and many others." ...

NRA’s Chris Cox Goes One On One With Governor Mitt Romney
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This year’s election is going to define the future of our freedom, perhaps more than any other in our history. For gun owners, there are a number of areas crucial to the survival of our Second Amendment rights. That’s why I took the time to visit with Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee, to find out precisely where he stands on the issues of concern to gun owners." ...

Profiles In Cowardice – The 2012 Obama Platform
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rather than acknowledge the deadly truth about how the anti-gun policies he promoted as a state senator have utterly failed the good people of Chicago, Obama is hoping that a not-so-subtle change in the Democratic Party platform will sweep it all under the rug." ...

NY: Gun issues hot in 101st Assembly primary
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"If you want to win the northern part of the 101st Assembly District, it doesn't hurt to have the workers at Remington Arms in Ilion on your side."

"'We have 1068 union members that work here at this facility at Remington Arms,' United Mine Workers Local 717 PAC Chairman Rusty Brown said."

"To get Brown's seal of approval, you need to concentrate on jobs, a priority he says is compromised by something called microstamping." ...

NY: Patrolmen Give Meng the Nod in NY-6
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Assemblywoman Grace Meng just got a big endorsement to add to her public safety credentials. "

"The Patrolman's Benevolent Association backed Meng's candidacy on Monday, praising the assemblywoman for her stance on microstamping legislation." ...

PA: Deputy wounded by accidental shot in courthouse office
Submitted by: jac

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"Reading police detectives are investigating an accidental shooting that wounded a Berks County deputy sheriff Monday morning in a courthouse office." ...

"City Police Chief William M. Heim said the accident happened during a training exercise, but investigators did not say who else was involved."

"Heim said the training exercise involved guns that were supposed to be unloaded."

"The gun that discharged had been unloaded before the exercise, but for some reason was loaded during the exercise, Heim said." ...

"Sheriff Eric J. Weaknecht said ... Parsons' holstered service pistol discharged, wounding him in the leg." ...

Submitters note: Yep. Nobody did anything wrong. It just went off all by itself. -- I for one don't believe that for one second.

Hollywood Hypocrite: Karl Urban as Judge Dredd
Submitted by: John Pierce

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"Hot on the heels of yesterday’s column about Hollywood’s evolving take on gun rights, comes the tale of yet another star who profits greatly from glorifying guns in film while apparently embracing gun control for all us ordinary mortals."

"The star in this case is New Zealand born actor Karl Urban. ..."

"He is best known for two roles, Bones on the 2009 Star Trek reboot and Russian Secret Service assassin Kirill in The Bourne Supremacy. And on September 21, he will return to the big screen with his biggest role yet as Judge Dredd in a much-touted 3D reboot of the popular and gritty comic book franchise."

"As you may recall, the last big screen appearance of Judge Dredd featured rabid anti-gunner Sylvester Stallone ..." ...

AZ: Embrace your gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regarding 'Taking issue with guns' (Letters, Sunday):"

"The letter writer asks, 'Where is my family's and my right to be free of guns and the threat and intimidation they often present?'"

"As a retired Canton, Ohio, police officer, NRA member and complete supporter of the Second Amendment, let me assure your reader that if he is free of the threat and intimidation he perceives from lawful carrying individuals, he has far more to fear." ...

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. — Senator Barry Goldwater, 1964 (1909-1998)

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