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Newslinks for 9/13/2000

Mudslinging Charges Leveled in Fla.
Submitted by: Hmmm

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"COCOA BEACH, Fla. (AP) -- Republican Rep. Bill McCollum demanded Tuesday that supporters of his Democratic opponent for U.S. Senate pull television ads he says distort his record on gun control."


"McCollum, after the debate, said he has supported a 72-hour waiting period."

The guy doesn't understand the issue, obviously -- if he votes to make a woman under threat of death from an estranged husband wait to get a self-defense device.

Canadian kid whips out a sawed off shotgun in class
Submitted by: Canadian

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"A driving instructor at a Manitoba high school has been hailed as a hero for disarming an emotionally distraught teenager armed with a loaded sawed-off shotgun."

Meszaros gave a brief statement Monday night and said the entire school was shocked by the events.

"Have you ever had a gun taken to school other than Columbine?" he asked, referring to the 1999 massacre at a Colorado high school. "Nobody behaves like this. In 25 years, I've never had anything like this happen."

6th man convicted in death of girl hit by stray bullet
Submitted by: Wow

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Wow. 6 people convicted in the death of one person, and this one didn't even shoot. Hmmm...

Calling all activists in these several cities for October 2 counter demonstration
Submitted by: Activist Alert

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Miami, Baltimore, Boston, Cleveland, Philadelphia and Houston are named as places holding "First Monday" - an anti-self-defense event said to be staging events in "350 locations".

Round up the troops in these cities...

Comrade Boxer defending her violence-promoting Hollywooders
Submitted by: Socialist on the move

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"With one of her home state's biggest industries under attack here, California Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer on Tuesday chided entertainment companies for marketing violent products to children but stressed that the advertising practices of gun makers also should be scrutinized."

NRA holding back on Bush endorsement
Submitted by: NRA & Bush

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"It appears that the National Rifle Association will refrain from endorsing a candidate for the White House."

"But the gun owners' group does have a favorite in the presidential race - and it certainly won't sit out the fall campaign in any other partisan way."

"NRA officials quoted in The New York Times say they will likely withhold a formal endorsement of Republican George W. Bush - in order to help the Texas governor in the battle against his Democratic rival, Vice President Al Gore."

Convicted violent felon who was busted two months ago and set free kills cop
Submitted by: Prosecution!!!

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"Authorities continued their manhunt today for a 47-year-old man accused of using a concealed gun to kill a sheriff's deputy who had just arrested him for drunken driving."

"Morris has an extensive police record and served time in prison after shooting a man in the hand in a dispute over a weed trimmer in 1996, Price said. He also was arrested two months ago for felony gun possession."
The judge who let this man walk free should be tried and convicted for this murder.

Chicago armed abductees should sue the city over these crimes
Submitted by: Lawsuit potential

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"Two south suburban restaurant managers were abducted at gunpoint — one from his home in Lynwood — in armed robberies that occurred within four hours of each other over the weekend, police said."
These two people sould SUE the city, the mayor, all people who voted to bar them from being able to carry a gun for self-defense!!

The Gun Access Follies

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GOLDEN, COLO. — Fixating on today's imaginary “easy access” to guns is a deadly distraction from serious thought about genuine social changes that have resulted in so many more young criminals than half a century Dave Kopel...

Portland man raped, beaten downtown
Submitted by: Male Raped

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"A Portland man was raped on a Seattle street Saturday night, and police are now investigating whether the attack is linked to at least eight other assaults and robberies in the area.

The incident occurred just hours after another man was beaten and robbed a few blocks from Westlake Center."

"Over the past three weeks, at least nine people have been assaulted in a 30-block radius of downtown Seattle."
Two words: DOUBLE TAP.

It's time to part company
Submitted by: Yep

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"If one group of people prefers government control and management of people's lives, and another prefers liberty and a desire to be left alone, should they be required to fight, antagonize one another, and risk bloodshed and loss of life in order to impose their preferences, or should they be able to peaceably part company and go their separate ways?"

"Like a marriage that has gone bad, I believe there are enough irreconcilable differences between those who want to control and those..."

UN GUN GRAB... Slowly, Quietly & No Fuss.
Submitted by: Brad3000

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Tanya reports on the UN's global anti-gun agenda and its push for banning
civilian gun ownership.

First Thing We Do...
Submitted by: Muad'Dib

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Why we need tort reform to prevent the trial lawyers and activist judges from closing down the gun retail industry.

Global Gun Grab
Submitted by: UN & Guns

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"The Millennium Declaration, the document summarizing the results of the conference, includes this directive: “To take concerted action to end illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons, especially by making arms transfers more transparent and supporting regional disarmament measures, taking account of all the recommendations of the forthcoming United Nations Conference on Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons.” That conference is scheduled for next year..."

The right of a citizen to bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the high powers" delegated directly to the citizen, and `is excepted out of the general powers of government.' A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the lawmaking power." [Cockrum v. State, 24 Tex. 394, at 401-402 (1859)]

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