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Newslinks for 9/15/2012

NYC Soda Size Ban. More Guns, Less Bloomberg? (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Holy Nanny State Batman! Bloomberg’s banned big sodas! Or, to paraphrase George Taylor, they finally really did it. I know The New York City Board of Health’s decision to prohibit delis, restaurants and movie theaters from selling sugary drinks above 16 oz. isn’t particularly 'gun.' But the same Nanny State ethic that created this absurd intrusion into personal liberty sustains gun control legislation wherever it rears its ugly head. ..."

Statement from RECOIL on Jerry Tsai’s Resignation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Source Interlink Media (SIM) today announced it had accepted the resignation of Recoil editor Jerry Tsai. Mr. Tsai will leave Recoil effective immediately."

"SIM, a leading men’s interest media company, will continue to publish Recoil, a gun lifestyle magazine that has to date proven to be a highly popular new title in the firearms sector." ...

Question of the Day: Where Do You Draw the Mental Health Line?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Software engineer Christopher Lacy shot and killed California Highway Patrolman Kenyon Youngstrom during a routine traffic stop last week. And set out to take the pulse of its Golden State readership in the wake of the murder. Here’s the poll question they posted: 'Christopher Lacy, the man suspected of gunning down CHP officer Kenyon Youngstrom last week during a traffic stop, had been treated for mental health problems, according to his family. Do you think that alone should restrict someone’s right to bear arms?' . . ." ...

Washington CPL numbers continue rising with national trend
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nearly 378,000 Evergreen State residents are now licensed to carry concealed pistols as Washington continues to trend with other states in the steady nationwide increase in the number of private citizens who are obtaining carry permits or licenses." ...

Dick’s Sporting Goods new ammo purchase policy clarified…
Submitted by: John Boch

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... "Guns Save Life’s GunNews Editors John Boch and John Naese stopped by Friday morning, September 14th and talked with the Champaign, IL store manager David Eades to seek clarification."

"Mr. Eades said that the company had recently changed policy, chain-wide, and was now asking purchasers of ammunition to verify they are U.S. citizens before allowing them to complete ammunition purchases."

"In Illinois, with the requirement of the FOID card for ammunition and firearm purchases, the cashiers at the point of sale are also being asked to enter the purchaser’s FOID card number as a verification that the cashier did indeed see a valid FOID card before completing the sale." ...

Spock! Damage Report! We’ve Lost the PS90 Captain
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dammit Jim, I’m a shooter not an aesthetician! Just as well, really, ’cause the FN PS90 isn’t the most attractive rifle in the world. Still, the strangely-chambered bullpup has plenty of followers (so to speak). PS90 fans are just like AR-15 adherents (and my nine-year-old- fashion-crazed daughter): they like their accessories. So they’re gonna dig Damage Industries‘ extended optic rail ..."

TTAG Exclusive: First Look at the NSN “No Stock Needed” Stock-Like Device for AR-15 Pistols (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Looks like TTAG is the first to get our hands on this interesting new device, and rest assured we’ll be writing up a full review once we’ve thoroughly tested it. I have a U.S. Air Force officer who used to train soldiers for close quarters combat coming in to help out, and a few other tricks up my sleeve. But for right now, all I can tell you is that it isn’t terrible. Not to say that it’s the bees knee’s, but it isn’t terrible. Here are my impressions so far…" ...

Gear Review: MidwayUSA Competition Range Bag
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the shocks you get as someone new to guns is how much gear you’ll need to go along with your new shootin’ iron. From safety equipment to optics, holsters, cleaning kits and anything in between, there’s no shortage of additional materiel to attract your disposable dollars. Since my budget is, shall we say, limited, I usually end up reading reviews and looking at pictures of all the gear I hope to lay out my cash for some day. But if you’re gonna shoot your gun (and you really should) you have to get it — along with all the associated paraphernalia — from home to range and back again. So there was one purchase I just couldn’t put off any longer; a range bag . . ." ...

Five Guns and Only Five Guns, Forever
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The conversation was about internet marketing and it was with my friend Jon Gibbon of Then out of the blue Jon asked me 'If you could only have one gun the rest of your life what would it be?' 'Hmmm…I guess it would be my Remington 870.' I figured I could hunt big and small game, defend the home patch and nothing stops like a 12 gauge slug. You can stop a charging dump truck with a 12 gauge slug."

"Then the conversation moved to: What would you take if you could only have five guns the rest of your life? ..." ...

Future Now: 4 Space Age Looking Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The people of Illinois are a bunch of rebels."

"A friend of mine is studying to be a gunsmith asked me recently what I would do if I were going to design a gun. At first, I thought we were just talking. Then I realized he was serious. But the sad thing is, I simply don't know. I have no idea."

"I had never considered what a gun would look like, if I could design it and build it from scratch. But I like the idea. And it got me thinking about the classic designs, and about the really odd-ball innovations. I have just as much respect for the guns that look radically different."

"Here are four guns that are currently in production that seem to completely buck tradition." ...

Etiquette and Shooting Range Property
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Ron had posted a while back about policing brass and range etiquette and I thought I’d tag along with that and mention that steel targets like these are for handgun loads only. It’s unbelievable that someone would ruin expensive hardware like this. One would think that after punching a hole in one, oops better not kill off the other ones. I’d say, this person(s) knew what they were doing."

"So, don’t shoot steel targets that don’t belong to you with rifle rounds. Pretty simple stuff."

"Got any stories about etiquette at your range? I’m glad that there weren’t any safety issues to deal with; rather a people issue." ...

Rimfire Realism: .22 Automatic or Revolver?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When my father died a couple of years ago, I inherited a couple of oddball pistols. One was a Savage Model 101, a pseudo-revolver single shot novelty. The other was a German eight shot revolver with an 8-inch barrel. I kept the Savage and sold the revolver without a second thought. I don't even remember the brand. All I remember is that it shot straight and I sold it for a bag of beans."

"And now I'm kicking myself. I didn't really see the point in a .22 revolver, but now I'm feeling just a bit under-prepared." ...

Dave Spaulding – Challenging the concealed handgun license holder to win on the street
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Be prepared to play an active role in your rescue.'"

"That was a key message when Dave Spaulding presented the basics of handgun combat to the group of Buckeye Firearms supporters gathered outside Xenia, Ohio at the Greene County Fish and Game Association ("

"Following a short introduction, Spaulding immediately launched into his presentation. His style is engaging, analytical, deliberate and challenging. He looks students directly in the eye challenging them to think about the potential of handgun combat and what it takes to win. ..." ...

NJ: Smart gun control
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"NEW JERSEY has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, but even they cannot prevent an unstable man from opening fire and killing people."

"The tragic shootings last month at the Pathmark in Old Bridge remind us of that. Not that we needed reminding ... This bloody summer has seen shootings at a Colorado movie theater, at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, at a Maryland high school and on a street outside Manhattan's Empire State Building."

"Even New Jersey's comparatively tough gun laws ... are not strong enough. We don't have a ready solution, but we do know that New Jersey and the nation need to have the conversation about how to better keep guns out of the hands of killers. ..." ...

Judge rules against NDAA indefinite detention – Obama Administration immediately appeals
Submitted by: John Pierce

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"On New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2011, President Obama signed into law H.R. 1540, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA). This innocuous sounding bill, a version of which is passed every year, contained something much different than previous versions."

"For those who aren’t paying attention, this is one you shouldn’t ignore because it is directed at YOU. Let me repeat myself … this bill gives the federal government the draconian power to arrest American citizens … on American soil … without a warrant … and to detain them indefinitely … without trial or hearing. This is a law so destructive to our concept of due process that it has drawn criticism and concern from all corners of the political spectrum." ...

What caliber for angry, raving-lunatic Islamists?
Submitted by: John Boch

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"So, what caliber would you choose to defend yourself from angry Islamists who don’t respect your rights to free speech and expression and deem you someone who must be killed for mocking the prophet muhommed?"

"It looks as though Mr. Nakoula Nakoula is going to get to make that call right now."

"And if he picks wrong, he might end up dead."

"Who is Mr. Nakoula?" ...

OH: 68-year-old woman fires gun to chase off attacker
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 68-year-old southeastern Ohio woman tells sheriff’s deputies that she chased off a masked attacker by pulling out a pistol and firing shots at him."

"Athens County Sheriff Patrick Kelly says 68-year-old Tamara Snyder was attacked in her driveway Wednesday night. She said she was hit in the head, knocked to the ground and kicked by someone wearing a black ski mask."

"Snyder then pulled a .22-caliber derringer and fired two shots at her attacker, who fled. It wasn’t known if the person was hit." ...

OK: Disabled Oklahoma Homeowner Shoots and Kills 1 of 3 Women Who Broke Into His Home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A disabled homeowner in OK was forced to defend himself and his home around noon today when 3 women broke into his home. One of the women is though to have worked for the homeowner in the past."

"The other 2 suspected thieves fled the scene after the shooting began, but were arrested shortly after and charged with burglary." ...

Say What You Need To Say - It's Okay To Be A B**** Sometimes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No, this is not a 'your brain will turn into a fried egg in a skillet' anti-drug campaign. I primary write about firearms, and I love to write about the basics for newbies: but this article digs deeper than the tangible tools we use to protect ourselves. It’s one of the most basic forms of power, and can be one of our first lines of defense." ...

It Should Have Been a DGU: Rabid Beaver Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m not a big fan of nature. It’s filled with animals operating under the assumption that 'territorial means never having to say you’re sorry.' Nature is also home to billions of bugs ready, willing and able to risk their lives to have a piece of you. Just as I don’t feel comfortable exploring new Boston bars without ballistic ballast, I wouldn’t dream of communing with nature without a gun. Paranoid much, you ask? Yeah well, clock this from 'The [15] kids were fishing when a beaver was spotted approaching a dock where about four or five children were located, a nature center staff member who witnessed the incident told Fairfax County Park Authority spokeswoman Judy Pedersen . . ." ...

Leadership needed on the second amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since Anthony Hatcher (guest column Sept. 5) has put himself in charge of advising the president for the purpose of feigning second amendment support by Mr. Obama, I will play along."

"Dear Mr. President, allow me to educate you on a few things that might explain the distrust of gun owners in this country. As usual, I think you have managed to leave a few pertinent facts out of your speech, no doubt the fault of some pesky teleprompter." ...

Obama vs. Romney 101: 4 ways they compare on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A spate of gun violence has beset the United States ahead of the November election – including shootings at New York's Empire State Building; an Aurora, Colo., theater; and an Oak Creek, Wis., Sikh temple – raising the perennial question about how effectively America regulates the 300 million-plus guns in its collective gun cabinet. Yet neither presidential candidate is likely to hoist his own complicated record on gun regulation as a rallying cry."

"Here is how President Obama and Mitt Romney have addressed support for the Second Amendment and gun-control laws, as well as whether they own guns and how their vice presidential candidates stack up." ...

Gun Sales Hinge on Obama Re-Election
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As Cabela's Inc. CAB +0.45% prepares the selection of guns it will sell for the holiday season and winter hunting, the outdoor-gear retailer has two plans: one if President Barack Obama is re-elected, and one if he isn't."

"The Sidney, Neb.-based retailer and other companies in the guns-and-ammo business say if Mr. Obama wins a second term they are preparing for a surge in sales—the same as they saw after he was elected in 2008—from buyers fearful the president would back policies to make buying a gun more difficult. If Republican challenger Mitt Romney wins, though, the chain plans to stock more items such as waterproof boots and camouflage hunting gear." ...

AR: TEA Party will sponsor Second Amendment Sportsmen's Rally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Southeast Arkansas TEA Party will honor and celebrate the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States on Saturday, September 29."

"'Because of the rich hunting and shooting heritage of Southeast Arkansas, the TEA Party will be hosting a fun-filled four hours at the Drew County Fairgrounds Auditorium,' spokesperson Linda Davis explained." ...

UN Arms Trade Treaty Lives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The following article by Alan Korwin (a.k.a., the Uninvited Ombudsman) is republished here with the author’s permission. ..."

"The lamestream media told you that the UN Arms Trade Treaty ended in failure, as the parties could not reach agreement before their self-imposed deadline. A dull sentiment of remorse fell over the conference as high hopes for an agreement ended dashed. Both Hillary and Barack withdrew their support in the eleventh hour when it became apparent the agreement would not be finalized. The Huffington Post blamed the Obama administration for the failure, and also the NRA which it said spread 'lies'; USA Today blamed it on the U.S., Russia and China ... The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that . . ." ...

IL: Illinois Poised to Approve Concealed Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The people of Illinois are a bunch of rebels."

"'We don’t care if the other 49 states allow for concealed carry – we'll control guns as much as we want!'"

"'We’re sticking with the folks in Arkansas and we’re going to keep using silent letters. Just try to stop us!'"

"Well, one Illinois senator wants to bring Illinois another step closer to joining the rest of the country (on the concealed carry issue, not the silent 's' thing). State Sen. Gary Forby held a public meeting yesterday in Marion, Illinois, to speak with the public about changing Illinois’s concealed carry laws. And here’s the surprising thing: Gary Forby is a Democrat!" ...

KY: Former Highland Heights police chief pleads guilty to wire fraud, identity theft
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Highland Heights Police Chief Carl Mullen, 49, pleaded guilty to two felony counts Friday morning in federal court."

"The 1981 Covington Catholic High School graduate admitted to wire fraud and aggravated identity theft. He took $127,390 from Highland Heights police between January 2010 and November of 2011 by using credit cards issued to departmental employees."

"Mullen not only used these credit cards improperly but he falsely certified each month that the cash withdrawals were for legitimate police expenses." ...

AL: Officer faces torture charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Moulton police officer charged Thursday with torture and willful abuse of a child had resigned from the Decatur police force in 2010 after his estranged wife accused him of assaulting her and threatening her with a gun."

"Mitchell Harris Breland, 27, was arrested Thursday by the Alabama Bureau of Investigation and released from Lawrence County Jail on $5,000 bail."

"'We plan to plead not guilty at the appropriate time,' said Breland’s attorney, Brian White of Decatur." ...

TX: Aransas Pass Police Chief Explains Firing of Two Officers (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Aransas Pass Police Department officers have been fired following claims of misconduct and mistakes involving criminal investigations."

"Robert Gonzales, once captain of the APPD Criminal Investigations Division, was asked to turn in his gun and badge; a badge he has worn for more than 21 years."

"This following claims of missing evidence and shoddy criminal investigations, the details of which are laid out in a report written by Police Chief Eric Blanchard. In one instance, prosecutors were unable to seek the maximum sentence in a DWI felony case. Blanchard said that discovery exposed a much larger issue." ...

RI: RI police boss gets prison in stripper theft case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Rhode Island police chief accused of stealing $714 from a stripper's pocketbook following a chase has been sentenced to serve six months in prison."

"Former North Providence police Col. John Whiting was sentenced Friday to five years in prison, but 4 ½ years were suspended. The judge stayed the sentence while Whiting appeals." ...

FL: Miami Police Fire Cop Pulled Over For Speeding By FHP (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Miami police officer who made headlines after he was pulled over on the Florida Turnpike by a Florida Highway Patrol officer for speeding has been fired."

"Fausto Lopez was fired by Miami Police on Thursday. This comes more than a month after an internal investigation into the matter determined that he should be terminated."

"The internal probe found that Officer Lopez showed a 'practice and pattern' of reckless speeding. Lopez routinely clocked speeds of more than 100 miles per hour while off duty between September and November 2011, according to the report." ...

PA: Club Security Confiscates Patron’s Gun, Force Him to Buy it Back for $500
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police in Scranton, PA, are following up on a complaint that bouncers at a local nightclub confiscated a patron’s firearm and did not return it to him until he gave them $500."

"Since the investigation is ongoing, details are sparse, but here’s essentially what we know based on the Times Tribune’s account of the incident:" ...

"In any event, there’re a lot of head-scratchers here. But if we are to learn something from this it should be try to frequent places that are pro-carry, stay clear of businesses that have unlawful confiscatory weapons polices."

OH: Buckeye Firearms Foundation Helps Youth Camp
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Buckeye Firearms Foundation had an opportunity to provide assistance to a youth camp recently. The camp is the Coonskin Cap Brigade operated by the Ohio Wildlife Federation. All the leadership and instructors at the Coonskin Cap Brigade camp are volunteers. Due to many factors, including the economy and rising cost of ammunition, the instructors on the ranges experienced a shortage of some ammo. The concern was that some students in the camp might not get to shoot as much as in the past. Buckeye Firearms Foundation was able to react to the situation and provide a donation of ammunition and supplies ensuring the students would get plenty of range time." ...

If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Only the police, the secret police, the military, the hired servants of our rulers. Only the government — and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the outlaws. — EDWARD ABBEY

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