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Newslinks for 9/17/2002

Thomas Jefferson's image on U.S. coin to go from mature revolutionary to "Roman tyrant"
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A federal proposal to give the more-than-60-year-old Jefferson nickel a face-lift has triggered a mini-tempest and opposition from Virginia members of Congress."

"The image of Thomas Jefferson's Charlottesville home, Monticello, would be removed at least temporarily from the reverse side of the nickel under the proposal, disclosed by U.S. Mint officials to Virginia lawmakers in the past few days."

MD: In Maryland, a Blowout Becomes a Nail-Biter
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"It is harsh enough that the double-digit popularity poll leads of Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend's campaign for governor of Maryland evaporated over the summer."

"No less biting to her is the cool pronouncement lately by Representative Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., who was initially viewed as her little-known, long-shot Republican challenger, that 'the Kennedy legacy is dead.' "

MN: Guns a loaded issue in governor's race
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Minnesota's gubernatorial candidates are in the bull's-eye this year."

"The man who becomes Minnesota's governor in January will inherit an emotional debate over whether to allow more Minnesotans to carry loaded, concealed weapons in their purses and pockets for self-defense."

CA: Los Angeles City Council To Consider Hunting and "Green" Ammo Ban
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"As early as next Tuesday the Los Angeles City Council is expected to vote on a proposed ordinance that would prohibit law-abiding citizens from purchasing most firearm ammunition in Los Angeles."

"A few council members, acknowledging that they cannot legally ban all guns, have gone so far as to urge a complete ban on all ammunition in the City."

Why the NRA affiliate in Illinois won't support Ryan for governor
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"In the Sept. 13 edition of the 'Chicago Tribune,' a spokesperson for Republican Gubernatorial candidate Jim Ryan issued a misleading statement regarding the ISRA-PVF's decision not to endorse Ryan's bid for governor."

"The Ryan spokesman claimed that Ryan would have had to declare support for concealed carry and firearms pre-emption legislation in order to receive the ISRA-PVF endorsement."

"Regulate Guns" = "Ban Handguns Now"?
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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Blog, by Volokh, on the slippery slope between regulating guns and banning them
"Some gun rights advocates argue that calls to 'regulate guns as consumer products' are just attempts to let the government ban guns through the back door. This is not logically necessary -- of course lots of things are regulated without being banned -- but the claim is that in this case, regulation will just be a means to the end of prohibition."

"Well, we now see another piece of evidence for this -- as InstaPundit points out, there's a new site called that purports to call simply for regulating guns, but the WHOIS directory shows that it has been registered by a group called the Violence Policy Center (something that the site apparently doesn't reveal). And the VPC, it turns out, also runs a site called . . . Pretty telling, no?"

UK: Speak More English At Home, UK Official Tells Immigrants
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Britain's top immigration official suggested in a book published Monday that immigrants should speak English more frequently at home to speed their integration into society."

"Home Secretary David Blunkett, citing a recent survey that found that 30 percent of Asian immigrants into Britain do not use English at home, said he wanted to tackle the 'schizophrenia' that affects education and employment prospects for recent migrants."

MO: Police officer says he "accidentally shot" unarmed motorist
Submitted by: Art Schreiber

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"A Kinloch [Missouri] police officer said he accidentally shot a motorist during a traffic stop early Saturday then chased the man for 25 miles into Maryland Heights."

"The officer, Walter Wilson, the former police chief in Kinloch, said he stopped the man about 3:40 a.m. at Martin Luther King Boulevard and Suburban Avenue in Kinloch."

"He suspected the motorist, a 24-year-old man from Bridgeton, was involved with a drug transaction, Wilson said."

"Wilson says he reached through the car window to grab the man's keys in the ignition, and his drawn gun accidentally fired. The shot hit the man in the shoulder."

"The motorist sped away, knocking Wilson to the ground. Wilson jumped into his patrol car and gave chase."

"Police did not find any drugs on the suspect, Wilson said. The suspect was unarmed."

NJ: Four New Jersey school districts testing for drug residue
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Four New Jersey school districts have been conducting drug residue tests at some of their schools for several months, but one has discontinued the practice because it found the testing kits to be unreliable."

"The Toms River Regional and Southern Regional districts in Ocean County began testing in January without notifying the public. The tests also were implemented in the East Windsor Regional and Mercer County Vocational districts, and also are used in other states."

"The testing is part of a federally funded pilot program that examines the effectiveness of the kits -- long used by law enforcement agencies -- within a school setting. At a cost of less than $1 each, the kit almost instantaneously detects trace amounts of marijuana, heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine on a variety of surfaces."

"A piece of paper is rubbed on a surface and is then sprayed with an aerosol reagent that turns it a different color if drug residue is present. The testing was done on several common surfaces, such as locker doors and bathroom stalls."

OH: Shots fired through window of mosque
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"... No arrests have been made and the department's detective bureau is investigating."

"U.S. Rep. Tom Sawyer, D-Akron, who was notified of the incident Sunday... said it sounds like a hate crime."

KY: Results of the accidental discharge at Tinseltown
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A lot of folks will argue that there is no such thing as an 'A/D' or 'accidental discharge.' There is only an 'N/D' or 'negligent discharge.' Accident or negligence, a mishap at the Tinseltown theater complex in Louisville resulted in an injury to a woman at the theater and a wanton endangerment conviction for the man whose pocket pistol went off."

MD: Bradys attack gubernatorial candidate Robert Ehrlich on stance to review gun laws
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Congressman Bob Ehrlich, a candidate in the Maryland Governor's race, is broadly characterizing himself as a 'moderate' on issues of interest to Marylanders. But his record on guns and gun violence prevention is far from moderate -- his record on guns is extreme. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence united with the Million Mom March will hold a press conference to discuss Ehrlich's recent statements about potentially abolishing some of Maryland's gun laws, and to highlight his dismal record on guns. Grassroots activists will begin a leaflet campaign to provide specific information on Ehrlich's record." "

Nigeria: Police Seize 'Illegal' Arms, Parade Gunowners Through the Streets as Prizes
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Plateau State Police Command, Thursday, paraded 12 suspects for various offences which included armed robbery and illegal possession of firearms."

"Addressing journalists at the command's headquarters in Jos, Assistant Commissioner of Police Sotoye Wakama stated that 9 locally made single-barrel rifles and 8 pistols were intercepted in Shendam Southern Plateau following a routine stop and search."

"The three suspects apprehended in connection with the firearms, according to Wakama are presently being detained and are helping with police investigations."

"Confirming tha tall the suspects being detained were Nigerians, the ACP declined to disclose their state and local councils of origin for 'security reasons.' "

Australia: 'Huge increase' in phone taps
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"WARRANTS permitting Australian authorities to tap telephones were issued too easily and by too many agencies, according to the NSW Council for Civil Liberties."

"NSW council president Cameron Murphy said the number of telephone tapping warrants issued increased dramatically over the past five years and constituted a gross breach of privacy."

Groups Broaden Efforts to Regulate Guns as Consumer Products
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"With the 107th Congress drawing to a close, activists are looking ahead to next year for a renewed effort to pass a bill that would subject the gun industry to the same health and safety regulations as almost every other industry."

"The Firearms Safety and Consumer Protection Act (S. 330 and H.R. 671), authored by Sen. Robert Torricelli (D-NJ) and Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), would give the Department of Treasury the authority to regulate the design, manufacture, and distribution of guns."

Brady Campaign: Help Stop NRA Push to Take Away the Legal Rights of Gun Victims
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The National Rifle Association (NRA) is working hard to get the word out to their membership in support of its top priority, H.R. 2037/S. 2268: legislation that would stop gun violence victims from seeking justice in our nation's courts. The bill immunizes gun makers, gun sellers, and gun trade associations from liability under most negligence and other common law principles."

94 Year Old Woman Longs for the Days That She Hunted
Submitted by: Roger MacDonald

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God bless this woman! A REAL American...
"Brown, who has long enjoyed hunting, insists that she could easily shoot some more deer meat with a "30-30 rifle, if only her son would drive her up to the mountains."

“Put me in your pickup with my walker and a hunting knife and I’ll sit on a log,” she said. “I’ll get a deer.”

"These days, she contents herself with making apple pies."

KY, SD: Kentucky and South Dakota now have CCW Reciprocity
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The State of South Dakota has on file Reciprocity Agreements with the following states:
Florida (including non-resident permits)
North Dakota

South Africa: Teachers, Children to Be Searched for Weapons 'before entering school premises'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Two Limpopo MECs want teachers and pupils to be searched for weapons before entering school premises following the accidental shooting of an 18-year-old girl in class."

"Education MEC Joyce Mashamba and safety and security MEC Dikeledi Magadzi visited Martha Ramoraswi in Mankweng hospital outside Polokwane after she was shot in the stomach two weeks ago."

Rallying cry: It's time for action
Submitted by: Lawrence Miller

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A call for the citizens of Aurora, IL to get involved, report crime, and walk the streets.

Submitter's Comment: A move in the correct direction. Of course, our inherent RKBA! might help. We need to correct the law in IL.

Cal Skinner for Governor of Illinois

Student held in Florida highway 'terror scare' says incident was a misunderstanding
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The three Muslim medical students detained after a woman said they were discussing terror plans told reporters they want to clear their names and study to become doctors, but a Miami hospital where they were supposed to train no longer wants them."

A Crack House Divided
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I feel nothing but sympathy and concern for Noelle Bush. Her latest stumble on the rocky road to recovery -- being caught with crack cocaine at a drug rehab center -- shows that she is in desperate need of help."

"As a parent, I can also easily empathize with the anguish Noelle's father, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, must be experiencing. And I'm in total agreement with his insistence that his daughter's substance abuse problem is 'a private issue.' "

"But when I think about the heartless stance the Governor has taken toward the drug problems of those less-fortunate and well-connected than his daughter, my empathy turns to outrage." ...

"But the rich and powerful are judged by a very different set of rules. That’s why the staff at Noelle's rehab center tore up a sworn statement incriminating Noelle even though the facility's standard policy is to turn all such matters over to the police."

Sixth Arrest Made In Alleged N.Y. Terror Cell
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A Muslim group is confirming a sixth arrest in connection with an alleged terrorist cell based in western New York."

"The American Muslim Council of Western New York confirmed the arrest happened in the last few days in Bahrain. He's a New York resident."

Program gives old cell phones to abuse victims, elderly citizens
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"The world of an abuse victim can be a terrifying and lonely place."

"Many live with the fear that they will not be able to make that 911 call when their abuser gets out of control."

"The elderly, too, often worry about being stranded when they need medical help."

"Businesses in Sandpoint [Idaho] are collecting used cell phones for donation to people for use in emergencies. By giving a cell phone to a women's shelter, a homeless shelter or an elderly person, residents are giving a lifeline to those who otherwise couldn't afford one."

Bush Backpedaling on Arming Pilots!
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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Call to action.

Illegal donor to Dem. Sen. Torricelli claims conspiracy put him in prison
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"David Chang, the businessman imprisoned for making illegal donations to Sen. Robert Torricelli's 1996 campaign, claims his troubles are the result of a conspiracy that includes the senator as well as a federal judge, prosecutors and the FBI."

" 'Robert Torricelli instructed me, everything I was supposed to do,' Chang told The Record of Bergen County. 'Now, I'm in jail, he's still a senator. What kind of justice is this?' "

"Chang claimed an unnamed, high-ranking federal agent falsified evidence against him and destroyed evidence that bolstered his credibility, while lawyers conspired secretly with Torricelli to get Chang to do things that turned out to be illegal."

Former FBI agent in Boston sentenced for tipping off his top mob informants
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A former FBI agent who had been credited with helping to cripple the New England Mafia was sentenced to more than 10 years in prison Monday for protecting his top mob informants, including tipping them off to their indictments."

DE: 17 Delaware inmates convicted of violent crimes petition for new DNA tests under 2000 law
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The results could provide grounds for the convicts to petition for a new trial or a clemency decision that would free them."

"Test results that reinforce guilt, however, could be used against convicts if they seek parole, probation or commutations."

"Nationwide, 110 convicts have been exonerated and released from prison after their cases were reopened to allow new DNA tests."

Port Security Bill Held Up by Proposed 'Fee'
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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The measure "...would require each seaport to implement a federally approved security program; demand more information about shippers' cargo, crew and passengers before they enter a U.S. port; impose background checks on people working in security-sensitive areas; fund more U.S. agents and security screening agents for ports; and coordinate federal, state, local and private law enforcement at ports."

Now one senator wants to impose a user fee on exporters and importers to help fund the bill.

DC: Off-Duty Officer Shot During Robbery Attempt
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"GUN-FREE" WASHINGTOON, D.C. -- "The female officer was off-duty and in her personal car when the incident occurred just before 5 o'clock Monday morning. The shooting happened at the Texaco station on New York and West Virginia avenues, in northeast Washington.

Authorities said that two men were attempting to rob another woman when shots were fired. The off-duty officer was shot in the leg, and the robbery victim was also hurt. "

More gun crime in gun-free Washington DC -- even the police are getting hit with "banned" handguns, and virtually everyone but criminals is an easy target for predators. End the D.C. handgun ban NOW!

IRS swings back into old role: enforcer
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Uncle Sam's tax collector has started to pump iron again.

" 'There has been a shift back to tax enforcement,' says Mortimer Caplin, a former commissioner of the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS). 'I'm heartened by that.' "

"In recent months, the IRS has been cracking down on some corporate and personal tax shelters and other tax dodges. The agency proclaimed Friday a further expansion of efforts to catch high-income tax cheaters."

Chechnya: "Large Amount Of Arms Confiscated"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A large amount of arms and ammunition was confiscated by task group officers of the RF MVD (the Ministry of the Interior) over the past 24 hours."

"The officers confiscated an automatic rifle, 2 pistols, a grenade-launcher, over 2 thousand cartridges, 9 grenades, 10 cartridges for a grenade-launcher, 8 shells, 2 landmines, 12 electric detonators, 700 grammes of trotyl, and eliminated 5 self-made explosive devices."

"In the course of operational search actions interior bodies' officers inspected 14,430 automobiles, IDs of over 22 thousand people, revealed 231 administrative offenses."

"Besides, over the last 24 hours law enforcement officers liquidated 17 illegal mini-oil refineries, confiscated 6.6 tons of oil products in the republic."

IN: Self-defense program focuses on giving women options
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Many women know the feeling of dread. Walking alone after dark through a dark, empty area, you suddenly tense up thinking you hear footsteps behind you."

"You quickly curse yourself for being out late by yourself and speed up your steps. If you're like many women, you don't know how to protect yourself if the footsteps turn out to be those of an attacker."

NOTE: One thing missing, again, is firearms training.

GA: Perdue to NRA: 'Choose wisely'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"After receiving a broad and public hint that he wouldn't get the group's much-desired endorsement, Sonny Perdue cautioned the National Rifle Association on Saturday to 'choose wisely' in the governor's race."

"In his debut speech as the Republican nominee for governor, Perdue also suggested that he and Gov. Roy Barnes shoot it out -- with shotguns, at clay targets."

Hot Cars & Shotgun Shells: Nebraska Youth Sets Sights on Olympic Shooting Competition
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"There are two things in the world that have Josh Gesch's full attention - his 1985 Olds Cutlass, slowly grinding its way toward restoration, and what dominates his weekends...shotgunning."

" 'When I was in the sixth grade, my big brother came home from school and told my father that he wanted to join the high school shotgun team,' Josh says. 'My father says, 'No way!' I went to that school, and they don't have a shotgun team.' "

(Race baiter extraordinaire) Jesse Jackson trashes America, Founding Fathers
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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ORIGINAL TITLE: "Jackson dismisses Founding Fathers"
"The Rev. Jesse Jackson yesterday told about 600 Michigan State University students that America's democracy was 37 years old, not 200-plus, and that 'democracy as we know it did not begin in Philadelphia, where a bunch of white men wrote the laws.' "

" 'These men's wives were not allowed [to vote], these laws were made at a time when only white men had the right to vote,' Mr. Jackson said, noting that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was the commencement of 'true democracy.' "

CA Gov. Davis Urged Not to Remove Protection for Makers of Legal, Non-Defective Products
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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This is a letter from Lawrence G. Keane, General Counsel for the "Sporting Arms & Ammunition Manufacturers Institute" advising California Gov. Davis not to open gun manufacturers to frivolous anti-gun lawsuits.

"The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute, Inc. (“SAAMI”)1 urges you to veto AB 496 because the repeal of Civil Code §1714.4 will result in firearm manufacturers being held to a higher standard under the law than any other manufacturer of legal, non-defective products." ...

What Every World Leader Should Know
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Please... before you send our sons and daughters to die for causes and becauses… you should know something. It cannot be about hatred. It cannot be about lies, apprehension, greed, or deceit. It matters not the envy, the craftiness, the treachery, or the despair. Of no consequence or purpose are cruelty, superstition, guilt, or revenge. Useless is anger, arrogance, and contempt. Let go of embarrassment, indifference, laziness, and doubt."

Fathers Deserve Proper Notification of Their Child's Pending Adoption
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"What is truly an outrage is NOW's and the FAAP's lack of consideration for fathers and children. Agonizing and emotional custody battles between biological and adoptive parents--like those in the well-publicized Baby Richard and Baby Jessica cases--demonstrate the need for an effective notification system which can prevent children from being adopted against their biological fathers' wishes."

D.C. Jail Mistakenly Released Four More Inmates
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"The D.C. jail erroneously released four [MORE] inmates during a six-day period last month, among them a student from Pakistan who threatened to kill President Bush a week after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and who should have been delivered to federal authorities for a deportation proceeding."

Depend on the cops to protect us!! NOT!


UK: "One person commits suicide every two hours" - without firearms
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Young men and suicide 'hot spots', such as railway bridges, will be key targets of a national strategy to reduce the number of people taking their own lives in England, according to an initiative launched today (16/09/02) by health ministers."

"On average, one person commits suicide every two hours, says the Department of Health, which has set a target of reducing the number of suicides in England by at least a fifth by 2010. To achieve this goal, the government has officially launched its National Suicide Prevention Strategy, following a three-month consultation."

"One of the strategy’s key goals will be the targeting of young men, who are considered most at-risk from suicide – it is the most common cause of death for men under 35. Young men who self-harm will be monitored in an attempt to identify those most likely to attempt suicide, with preventative action being taken."

"Steps will also be taken to make it harder for people to commit suicide. These will include promoting the safer prescription of antidepressants and analgesics, and assisting local authorities in identifying – and making safer – locations where suicides most commonly occur, such as high buildings and bridges."

NH: "Choice is income tax or higher property taxes"
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"Ten years ago, Democrat Arnie Arnesen ran for governor on an income tax platform and lost."

"That was before the state Supreme Court ordered the state to find a fairer way to pay for schools, before an income tax passed the Legislature, before Democratic Gov. Jeanne Shaheen refused to take New Hampshire’s traditional pledge to veto broad-based taxes and won a third term anyway."

Sorely lacking in this "report" is any mention of CUTTING GOVERNMENT SPENDING.

"Youths Have Easy Access to Guns, Alcohol"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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NOTE: Bear in mind if you click and read this full "report" that it's found on WebMD is based on New York City, where the writer of this "report" -- a woman named Jennifer Warner -- is required by law to submit to a rapist, unless of course she wants to fight him off with her bare hands or a purse.
"Many American youths don't have to look far to find easy access to alcohol and guns. In fact, they don't have to look any further than their parents' liquor or gun cabinet. A new study shows about one in four adolescents has ready access to a gun or alcohol at home. And you might be surprised about who the teens are."

Rummy asked to rescue Rambo's favorite gun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Doesn't this sound like the old Pentagon that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld came back to fix: Instead of spending $5,000 each to upgrade thousands of battle-tested but aging M-60 machine guns favored by special ops and security teams in the antiterrorism war, the Navy is dropping millions to develop a $15,000 replacement weapon–by 2004." ...

UK: 'Faulty' Army rifles to be retained
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Army's controversial assault rifle is not to be replaced despite complaints about performance, the Ministry of Defence is expected to announce."

"The SA80 is the UK forces' standard weapon, but troops in Afghanistan had reported the rifle sometimes jamming in action."

"There had been reports the Government was considering scrapping it but this option is thought to have been rejected."

"Instead, the BBC has learned the MoD is now embarking on a confidence building exercise in the Omani desert, where the SA-80 is being tested against other weapons, including the American M-16."

"The aim is to show that British soldiers are not being issued with inferior kit and sources have told the BBC there is no question of replacing the SA-80."

TX: Woman sets sleeping man on fire - fire isn't blamed for her actions
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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As the man who sent this story in to us said, paraphrased, "It looks like people are responsible for their actions -- unless their actions involve a firearm."
"A Conroe [Texas] man is in intensive care. He was beaten and burned - apparently set on fire while he slept, and police say they know who did it."

"Shortly before 6pm, Conroe police arrested the woman who is accused of setting fire to a mattress and the man who was sleeping on it at the time. Patricia Womack did not say anything as she passed by cameras. The 21-year-old is being charged with aggravated assault for allegedly setting fire to Deon Dock."

Canada: Shooters are high-calibre people
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Canadian journalist:

"These people made my year possible and proved again that responsible gun owners are the salt of the earth and make great friends. I have observed this to be true of almost every shooter in any club I have visited in the last 25 years."

PA: Attorney of alleged drug-dealing councilman quits
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A former Montgomery County prosecutor said he will no longer represent a borough councilman who is accused of running a large drug-dealing business."

" 'Due to [now-ex councilman Ernest W. Scott Jr.'s] current economic situation, I cannot continue to function as his attorney,' said Woodward, who represented Scott during a six-day preliminary hearing in July."

"Police arrested [Republican] Scott, his mother, three sons and five others in June on charges they distributed large amounts of marijuana in Norristown using Scott's allegedly fraudulent notary business as a headquarters."

"That search yielded more than 40 pounds of marijuana, guns, fraudulent motor vehicle documents, as well as cars, jewelry and electronic equipment allegedly purchased with the proceeds of drug sales."

"With virtually all of Scott's financial assets inaccessible, the former councilman, who remains imprisoned on $1 million cash bail, is unable to afford Woodward or any private attorney, Woodward said."

UK: 'Poor' response to weapons amnesty
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police say they are disappointed with the response to a weapons amnesty on Teesside."

"At the halfway point of a two-week amnesty, 10 air rifles, one shotgun, 19 air pistols, and a number of knives have been handed in."

"But Cleveland Police say they are hoping for more firearms to be handed in."

"Collecting bins have been set up at police stations where people can leave weapons without being questioned."

Afghanistan: Soldiers search women for weapons
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan — "Sgt. Nicola Hall knew something was amiss when the Muslim woman in her 60s, clad in a burkha, pushed her hands away as the military policewoman gently patted her down for weapons."

"When Hall, 22, passed a metal-detecting wand over the woman’s body, it had gone crazy. During the pat down, she pulled out an AK-47 rifle automatic rifle strapped to the woman’s leg and 30 rounds of ammunition tucked under her breast."

" 'She started screaming; she lashed out at me,' Hall recalled."

South Africa: "Doctor held after military cache found"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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JOHANNESBURG -- "A medical doctor from Rustenburg in the North West Province was arrested early last night after an abandoned truck full of weapons and ammunition was found near Lichtenburg on Saturday, police said."

"Senior-Superintendent Martin Aylward said the doctor, whose age and name have not yet been disclosed, was arrested in Rustenburg around 6.30pm."

"Aylward said he could not disclose the circumstances under which the doctor was arrested."

"The police's crime intelligence unit found one AK-47 assault rifle and a number of other firearms in the truck, as well as thousands of rounds of ammunition of various calibres."

UK: Organized gangs cooperating to circumvent gun prohibitions
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Birmingham criminals are supplying warring gangs in Manchester with an array of deadly firearms, the Sunday Mercury has learned."

"And gun-running between the two cities is just one of the examples of increasing links between the violent crime crews."

"There are now fears that the gangland wars which have turned Manchester's Moss Side into the British Bronx could spill out onto the streets of Birmingham."

"Steve Shropshire, author of a new report on gangs in Manchester, has called on Greater Manchester Police and West Midlands Police to work together to break the cities' crime links."

"Mr Shropshire, who has been given access to secret police documents for his report, told the Sunday Mercury:
"There is an increasing amount of inter-action taking place between gangs from Manchester and Birmingham.

"Unlike other areas, there is no great rivalry between crews from the two cities. It is more like co-operation. I believe this is because there are a lot of family connections."

Former FBI Agent Murders Co-workers
Submitted by: Ken Bach

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NEW YORK CITY -- "A former FBI agent who was an executive at the fraud unit of Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield called two co-workers into his office Monday morning, shot them to death and then killed himself, a source told The Associated Press."

"The apparent shooter, identified as a Blue Cross vice president, was formerly an agent at the FBI in New Jersey, a federal law enforcement source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The Associated Press."

"The shooting happened at around 8:20 a.m. at Broadway near 40th Street. The site is a temporary office leased by Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield, said Soraya Rodriguez, a company spokeswoman, who had no further details."

D.C. Police Officer Wounded in Home Invasion
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Authorities in Prince William County said the D.C. officer told them that a masked man broke into his town home around 2 o'clock Monday morning."

"The officer heard a crash and went downstairs where he encountered the suspect, who was wearing a mask." The suspect was armed. His gun went off striking the off-duty officer in the leg. "The officer then fired a couple of times at the suspect as he ran out the door..."

Living the Outlaw Life
Submitted by: Ted Vaughn

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Would you like to keep what you earn, and carry a gun without asking permission?

(A lot of folks may already do both but this bears looking into.)

London Calling (Out for Help)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"One of the great untold stories of the American crime drop since 1993 has been how violent crime in our closest comparable 'neighbor', the United Kingdom, has surpassed us in virtually every measure. An investigation by the Department of Justice on figures up to 1996 showed that Britain had even then surpassed the US in robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and auto theft."

Pay special attention to the chart on the above link.

Pre-Emptive Self Defense
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Whoa, you say. Starting a war is illegal under both the UN Charter and the US Constitution? No problem. We just call it self defense! Yeah, that's it! We're just defending ourselves. Don't need to bother with them pesky congresscritters, either."

Mentality of a Gun Controller
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The end always justifies the means, any means, including lying, fraud, suppressing the facts and truth, misrepresentation, smoke and mirrors, anything to arrive at the justified objective for the betterment of all Mankind."

"In the course of human events it has been demonstrated that freedom of thought is best protected by freedom of speech, and that freedom is best protected by the People's right to own and carry firearms."

Hidden threats -- Part I
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Geoff Metcalf, on says,
"For several years now I have been getting all sorts of wild reports about 'Government Internment Camps.' I have generally dismissed these rumblings as classic right-wing paranoia, extrapolation of facts not yet in evidence, or creative writing. However, recently, additional information has been revealed which lends credibility to the myriad concerns which have been expressed."

KY: HB97 and the Instructor Scandal
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"In March of 2002, 6 people were indicted for fraudulently certifying concealed carry applicants without providing the required training for these applicants. In return for a fee of up to $75, the instructors certified that people had completed training when they hadn’t. As a result of this fraud, it is estimated that as many as 7,000 persons received concealed carry licenses without going through the required training and shooting qualification test. Three of those indicted were instructors. The three others solicited business for the fraudulent instructors."

"In response to the revelation of corruption, the Department of Criminal Justice Training (DOCJT) issued a set of emergency administrative regulations to CCW instructors. They included:..."

Sometimes a person has to exercise personal judgement and take the chance of being mistaken, or stop calling himself or herself free. —POUL ANDERSON

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