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Newslinks for 9/17/2015

49ers fans beat up Vikings fan in horrifying parking lot brawl video
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They say Philadelphia sports fans are the worst of the bunch, but there’s something to be said for West Coast fans, as evidenced by this horrible brawl filmed by Brandon Cosio. The video depicts what essentially looks like an attempted murder by a bunch of Niners fans outside of Levi’s Stadium after Monday night’s game."

"To make matters worse, there appears to be a child joining in the carnage ..." ...

Submitter's Note: The NFL bans guns at their games, and the antis will point to this incident as evidence supporting ban. But as the video clearly shows, people bent on mayhem don't need guns to commit their violence; it is their victims who need the most effective self-defense tool in existence.

FL: Gun bills being reloaded in legislature
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Floridians who have concealed weapons permits would be allowed to openly carry firearms and Tasers under a bill filed in the Florida Legislature this week.

The bill would also allow lawsuits to be filed against city and county officials if they interfere with a Floridian's right to openly carry a firearm. It is just one of several gun rights bills that will be considered in the legislative session that begins in January 2016.

OR: Gun-Control Advocates Hope Recent Wins Signal Changing Tide
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It's long been conventional wisdom that fighting for gun control is a good way to end a politician's career.
But advocates of tighter gun laws are pointing to a pair of victories in the Pacific Northwest as evidence that the tide is shifting.

Gun Control, Sheriffs & Police Chiefs
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It’s 2 a.m. and you awaken to the sound of shattering glass. You are about to be the victim of a home invasion/rape/robbery. Do you do the politically correct thing and dial 911 — then simply hope that the police arrive in the next 90 seconds, before the invader(s) gets to you and your family? On the other hand, do you dial 911 (if you have time) or have a family member do so, and pick up your pistol or shotgun and let the thugs learn a Constitutionalism 101 lesson on the Second Amendment?

When Seconds Count, Police May Be Over An Hour Away
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After hearing a friend’s story of a home intrusion he thwarted only 2 miles from my home last week, I happened to run in to a town officer at Kwik Trip. I asked him, “Hey, what do you think the furthest distance you are ever from any given residence if we had to call 9-1-1? Like what’s the longest response time you think you’d have in this area?” In small towns like mine, spread over a large rural area, we only have the means to have two on-duty officers and they’re most often ‘on loan’ from their various precincts and counties in the area.

Panama: Noting Success Of U.S. Gun Culture, Panama Reverses Gun Control Laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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According to the PanAm Post, “Public Safety Minister Rodolfo Aguilera said the country will follow in the footsteps of the United States and Switzerland, where the right to bear arms is believed to lead to fewer homicides.”

“Everything seems to indicate that there is no direct correlation in the aphorism that says more guns mean more crime,” said Mr. Aguilera, who cited the 20-year decline in the homicide rate in the U.S. as gun laws have simultaneously been relaxed.

TN: Guns are allowed at World's Fair Park, city spokesman says
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Guns are not allowed at the Tennessee Valley Fair at Chilhowee Park but they are permitted at World’s Fair Park, according to the city of Knoxville.

The definition of a city park continues to be at the root of the controversy over whether licensed handgun carry is allowed in Knoxville parks.

Rand Paul Supports Gun Violence Against the U.S. Tax Code
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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To get himself psyched up for tonight’s Republican presidential candidate debate, Rand Paul exercised his right to bear arms and literally shot holes in the U.S. tax code. Apparently he’s unaware that they have another copy. Either that or he was expecting a bigger refund.

Back in June, he wrote an op-ed piece for the Wall Street Journal titled “Blow Up the Tax Code and Start Over.” All he needs to do now is release a YouTube video of one of his interns beheading the tax code, and he’ll be the ISIS of tax protesters.

“O’Malley’s Gun Control Agenda Treats 2A Like Privilege,” Says CCRKBA
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Monday’s release by Democrat presidential hopeful Martin O’Malley of his gun control agenda reads like a gun prohibitionist’s wish list, and if enacted, would reduce the Second Amendment to nothing more than a heavily-regulated government privilege, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said in response.

CT: Campaign finance complaint against the NRA to be investigated
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Connecticut Elections Enforcement Commission on Tuesday said it would look into claims made against the National Rifle Association that the gun lobby group violated state campaign finance rules.

Filed last month by gun control advocates, including researchers at Brown University and individuals with connections to Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, the complaint alleges the NRA funneled thousands of dollars from national to state political action committees between 2003 and 2006 in support of Democratic Gov. Dannel Malloy’s Republican rival, Thomas Foley.

NV: Was gun-zone letter just a bad joke?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Weapon registration zones" will be created. Gun owners in these zones will report to the police station, be photographed and register their firearms. Additionally, everyone in these zones will be subject to "stop and frisk" laws and have their weapons "temporarily" impounded.

Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong and Adolf Hitler would have been happy to have citizens with your degree of acquiescence, Mr. Austin. Abandonment of our sacred, hard-fought personal liberties in the name of "public safety" is never the answer in a free America.

PA: Proposed Ordinance in West Manheim Township Aimed to Attack Your Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Board of Supervisors of West Manheim Township in York County, PA will be meeting tonight, September 15th at 7:00 p.m., to discuss a proposed ordinance prohibiting gun owners and property owners from shooting on their land.

The proposed measure creates regulations which would ultimately prevent and discourage recreational shooting for private property owners in the township. For example, the proposal would prevent anyone from shooting within 150 yards of any occupied house or “dwelling,” even if the activity occurs on the shooter’s own property. The measure would also include air pistols, paintball guns, B-B guns and .22 rifles, even with appropriate backstops.

The Paradoxes of ‘Gun Control’ Polling
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As the 2016 presidential campaign kicks into high gear, the nation’s voters have just sent some mixed messages on the issue of firearms: though many say that gun violence is an increasingly important issue, a majority don’t think that the most commonly debated policy fix would make a difference.

Gun Owners Say: It’s Time for John Boehner to Go!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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John Boehner must go.

Will your congressman do the right thing?

Congressman Mark Meadows of North Carolina is putting his political career on the line, sponsoring a resolution to “vacate the chair” that would fire Boehner as Speaker.

It’s imperative that you contact your member of Congress right now and tell him or her to vote YES on the Meadows measure (House Resolution 385).

Poll: Most Americans Don't Think It's Too Easy to Buy Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Right now, 49 percent of Americans feel that existing laws make it “about right” for law-abiding citizens to purchase firearms; 10 percent think it’s too difficult; and 41 percent say it’s too easy. Concerning expanding background checks, on average, 75 percent said it was either extremely, very or somewhat likely that it would prevent the mentally ill from obtaining firearms; a debate that should happen given the propensity for mass shooters to have serious mental health issues.

AR: "Open Carry" retaliation? Bald Knob Police Chief's truck vandalized
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Bald Knob Police Chief Erek Balentine went outside of his home Monday night to find his personal truck fully engulfed in flames. It was immediately determined to be a case of arson.

“I opened the front door and the whole back glass fully engulfed and then written on the side of it second amendment,” Chief Erek Balentine said.

“Second amendment” was written on both sides of the truck. The right to bear arms--at least openly without a permit has been a topic of the town recently when Bald Knob citizen Richard Chambless was arrested and then later convicted for open carrying inside a McDonalds.

GOP Debate: Jeb Bush Supports California-Style Gun Confiscation Laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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During the September 16 GOP debate, host Hugh Hewitt asked Jeb Bush if he supported states confiscating guns when a family member expresses concern about the mental state of a particular gun owner. Bush said he not only supports it but that “we need to encourage that kind of involvement.”

FL: Gun bills move forward in early committee action
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In its first committee meeting in advance of the 2016 Legislative Session, a Senate committee pulled the trigger on two bills to alter Florida’s state gun statutes on Wednesday.

First up was SB 130 sponsored by state Sen. Garrett Richter, essentially this year’s version of Democratic state Rep. Darryl Rouson‘s bill from last year to prevent residents of densely populated neighborhoods from discharging their guns at homemade gun ranges.

The Man Behind The Curtain
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In April of this year, the Los Angeles Times published an op-ed with the provocative title, “There’s scientific consensus on guns—and the NRA won’t like it.” The gist of the piece was that the author had surveyed academics who write about firearms policy and found that the majority link more guns to higher death rates. (John Lott wrote a short and elegant rebuttal soon afterward.)

Readers unfamiliar with the name of the author—David Hemenway—might have glanced at his byline and felt reassured that he was listed as a professor in the Harvard School of Public Health. But Dr. Hemenway is no unbiased observer guided by empirical results

NRA News Unveils Expanded Network of Original Programming
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Post Comments | Read Comments has debuted a new platform that includes a new look, enhanced functionality and expanded programming. Visitors to the site will find 12 original series, plus NRA campaigns and an archive of addresses from NRA leaders and politicos. It’s the most comprehensive video coverage of Second Amendment issues, events and culture anywhere in the world.

NY: SUNY Delhi to host debate on gun rights, mental illness
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The State University College of Technology at Delhi will host an on-campus open forum Thursday night focusing on gun violence and mental illness, several organizers said Wednesday.

The forum, titled “Gun Violence: A Public Health Approach,” will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the college's Okun Theatre at the Farrell Student and Community Center, and will explore the U.S. Constitution by "focusing on the Second Amendment and gun rights as a public health issue," according to a recent media release. The event is free and open to the public.

Ahead of GOP Debate Rand Paul Shoots IRS Tax Code With an AR-15
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Ahead of the second GOP primary debate Wednesday night at the Reagan Library, Senator Rand Paul hit the gun range to shoot the 80,000 page long IRS tax code with an AR-15 (a modified model to meet strict California firearms law), a 1911 9mm pistol and a semi-automatic shotgun.

"We don't have like a grenade launcher?" Paul said to reporters at the range, adding that shooting was a good way to relieve some stress before the debate. "I like getting out and shooting, as you can see I'm a novice but at least I hit the target."

NY: Public Advocate Letitia James pushing for tougher gun legislation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Public Advocate Letitia James will introduce a City Council resolution Thursday, pushing Congress to pass tougher gun background check legislation.

Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. — Thomas Jefferson, quoting Cesare Beccaria in On Crimes and punishment (1764).

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