The Dirty Dozen: How YOU Fund a Radical Agenda on America’s Campuses
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"Universities across the nation continue to raise tuition rates and complain they are not receiving enough funding from taxpayers. But, how are these schools spending the money in their 'tight' budgets? They continually promote leftist ideology, while ignoring the conservative viewpoint. Liberal faculties assign readings by Karl Marx, while they overlook F.A. Hayek. Professors insist their students study John Maynard Keynes, while they disregard Milton Friedman. Students learn more about the work of Cornel West than Thomas Sowell. Worst yet, many academic institutions no longer require courses in fundamental subjects, such as American history or Western civilization, yet use taxpayers’ funds for eccentric, bizarre, and 'politically correct' courses."
Armed America: Firearms Ownership, Hunting and Gun Culture in the Early United States
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Tyree White
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Clayton Cramer writes: "The Book That I Can't Find a Publisher For...
"If you want to see the first two chapters, look here. If you are a publisher--or you are good friends with a publisher--maybe you can see the merit to what I have been working on the last two years. Remember: the book that I wrote this to counteract (Michael Bellesiles' Arming America) is again in print." |
MO: Missouri Changes Gun Resale Laws
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"Missouri will modify its policy of trading its used gun for resale, after Governor Holden raised concerns about the practice following a deadly shooting at a Jefferson City factory. Department of Public Safety Director Charles Jackson says the state Highway Patrol is considering a policy change that would prevent used revolvers from getting into the hands of the public."
"Concerns about the policy of gun-trading were raised by Holden just days after a deadly shooting in July, at the Modine Manufacturing Company in Jefferson City. Jonathon Russell killed three co-workers and injured five others before killing himself." |
New Project: Don't Spy On Us!
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Melissa (skypod)
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CAPPS II Back From the Dead -- JetBlue and Galileo Will Be Opening Up A Dossier On You
"To the Department of Homeland Security, you are no longer an American, you are a potential terrorist. Soon, anyone who flies JetBlue Airways or who books a flight through the Galileo Computerized Reservation System will have a nice fat file opened-up on them. In another test of a new Orwellian airline security program by the Department of Homeland Security's Transportation Security Administration, JetBlue and Galileo will be facilitating background checks on anyone using their system." |
MD: Man Dies After Arrest in Howard
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"Lofgren ignored commands from the officers to stop and continued to assault Rich even as they tried to pull him off her, police said."
"One officer fired a pepperball gun, which produces a cloud of incapacitating pepper powder, but Lofgren appeared unfazed and kept beating Rich, according to police."
"Llewellyn said three or four officers responded to the scene, and called for backup as they struggled with Lofgren. She said that when Lofgren stopped breathing, officers administered CPR."
------- There have been previous Newslinks on KABA pointing out that some people are not as sensitive to pepper powder as others, and some are simply immune. This is a dire warning to those who think a pepper gun touted recently in Ohio is an effective substitute for a firearm in home defense. |
OH: National Rifle Association urging immediate grassroots action on HB12
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Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC
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"For the first time in ten years, Right-to-Carry reform stands on the brink of being a reality in Ohio. But there are still those who want to deny your right to choose how best to defend yourself and your family from violent criminals."
"Ohio's House of Representatives has passed House Bill 12, sponsored by Rep. Jim Aslanides, to allow law-abiding citizens who have taken a training course to obtain a permit to carry a concealed handgun for personal protection."
"The Ohio Senate, however, passed a version of HB 12 that would require a permit holder traveling in a car with anyone under age 18 to secure his handgun in a locked box. This provision would make the firearm useless for self-defense and render the Right-to-Carry law meaningless." |
UT: District blasts Utah gun laws
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"Salt Lake City School District fell in line Tuesday with Utah's gun laws but not without firing a shot at state lawmakers."
"The Board of Education adopted a policy that allows concealed weapons permit holders to bring guns into schools. Like Jordan and Granite school districts, Salt Lake's policy simply follows a state law adopted by the 2003 Legislature."
"But Salt Lake City board members also passed a resolution Tuesday that sends a very clear message to legislators."
"Until the Legislature can show how allowing guns in schools makes for a safer learning environment, the board wants schools to get equal 'protection from weapons that is afforded private residences and houses of worship.' "
------- How absurd that these people want "protection" from peaceable citizens exercising their constitutional rights. Where, exactly, is the threat? |
IL: Madigan challenges death row commutations
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Lawrence Miller
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"Thirty-two of the death row inmates whose sentences were commuted to life in prison in January don't qualify for relief from capital punishment, the state attorney general's top deputy told the Illinois Supreme Court Tuesday." |
UK: Co Dublin bank raided by gunman
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There has been a bank raid in Dundrum in Dublin. A man entered Bank of Ireland on the main street at around 12.45pm armed with a sawn-off shotgun. He threatened a customer and a member of staff and escaped on foot with a small quantity of cash.
Guns: Lawsuits are predatory (Letter)
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"Imagine a city filing a lawsuit against General Motors, claiming to hold the company responsible for the damage done by drunken drivers. It sounds crazy, but that's what about 30 cities have done, only it's not General Motors. The cities have sued firearms makers, hoping to hold them responsible for the acts of criminals. Backed by the trial lawyers who made billions suing tobacco companies and gun-control organizations, the lawsuits have cost the firearms industry hundreds of millions of dollars. These millions could have been used for more firearms safety classes or for research and development of improved safety systems."
"There is no merit to this attack. After four years, not a single one of these cases has been upheld, but that doesn't prevent the groups that strive to ban firearm sales from pushing for more lawsuits." |
UK: Superhero Frees Cars from the Clamp
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"He wears a baby-blue spandex jumpsuit and shiny gold panties, gloves, cape, boots and goggles. He wields a giant, metal-cutting circular power saw."
"Who is Angle Grinder Man?"
"He is Britain's self-styled 'first wheel-clamp and speed camera vigilante cum subversive superhero philanthropist entertainer type person.' That's who."
"For those not familiar with industrial machine tools, an angle grinder is the saw best suited to cutting through plates of steel, such as, say, the wheel clamps that authorities use to immobilize illegally parked cars in London."
"And Angle Grinder Man offers his 'free clamp-removal service' to 'all good, decent law-unabiding people' who would rather fight back than pay to have their cars released." ...
"Angle Grinder Man says his actions are a political protest against 'the arrogant contempt that politicians hold for the people who put them in power.' " |
Canada: Dude! You Call This Medicine?
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Canada's government-grown marijuana is unfit for human consumption and makes some patients sick, people who have tried it said."
"The federal government has permitted more than 600 Canadians to legally buy medical marijuana, the first country in the world to do so. They are patients whose doctors prescribed pot after conventional treatments failed."
" 'It's not marijuana, it's ground-up stems, twigs and beads and it's not fit for human consumption,' said Jim Wakeford, who uses marijuana to battle AIDS symptoms." ...
"A recent study by patients-rights group Canadians for Safe Access claims government dope contains 3 percent of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the main active ingredient, not the 10 percent the government says." |
WA: Cops Raid Wrong Home, Taser Man
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Bob Wolfley
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"Okanogan County sheriff's deputies seeking a person on outstanding warrants broke down the door to the wrong home and then jolted a man with a Taser in front of his wife and child."
"Sheriff Frank Rogers says the bottom line is officers messed up." ...
"The heavily armed officers apparently burst into the wrong trailer at the Homestead Trailer Park in Omak." |
MN: Former Child Support Official Arrested
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Bob Wolfley
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"A former Minnesota state official who once oversaw the state's child support enforcement division has been arrested in Las Vegas for allegedly failing to pay child support, federal officials said Monday."
"Francis Giberson, 56, who was deputy commissioner of the state Department of Human Services from 1983 to 1987, owes more than $106,000 in child support, according to the U.S. Health and Human Services Department's office of the inspector general." |
UK: Shop Robber Pointed Pistol At My Chest
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Two workers at a shop targeted by an alleged serial armed robber in North Staffordshire identified a jacket worn by the offender. Susan Wilkes and Dreena Fraser both said that the jacket shown to a jury at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court had been worn by a robber who carried out one of six armed robberies at stores in North Staffordshire in the space of a month."
"Susan Wilkes, an assistant at the Spar Shop in Mill Hill, was forced to hold back tears as she saw the clothing and described the moment the man in the jacket held a gun only a foot away from her chest."
------- Because in the UK, only the bad guys have guns. |
Philippines: Examiner, trader 'ordered murder' of customs' Lao
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A Bureau of Customs (BOC) official and a Chinese trader were the brains behind the murder of customs deputy collector Eduardo 'Wewe' Lao and appraiser Bennett Soreño, the principal suspect revealed Wednesday."
"Juan Jesus 'John' Vergel de Dios, 31, of Lagtang, Talisay City, mentioned customs examiner Arnold Famor as the one who hired him when they met in Plaza Independencia with Rustico 'Loloy' Fernandez, two days before the July 24 ambush."
"When Lao's Isuzu Trooper passed by and stopped for a red light on Osmeña Blvd., de Dios said, Fernandez took out the firearm and sprayed the vehicle with bullets."
------- This is what happens when peaceable citizens are disarmed and only government and bad guys remain in possession of firearms. |
Philippines: Probers face blank wall in kidnap of Malabon trader
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The police are facing a blank wall in the abduction of businessman William Uy, who was taken at gunpoint by eight gunmen in front of the trader’s house in Malabon City on Tuesday."
"Chief Supt. Marcelino Franco, director of the Northern Police District Office, said relatives of the victim would not talk to investigators sent by Malabon police chief Supt. Pedro Ramos and even by investigators from the District Intelligence and Investigation Division."
"Franco said relatives of the victim refused to answer queries by investigators."
" 'We can’t do anything about it for now. They are not cooperative. I do not blame them because life is at stake here,' Franco said."
------- Another disarmed populace at the mercy of thugs. |
MO: Qualifications for getting concealed carry permit are strict
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Getting a permit to carry a concealed gun under Missouri's new law will not be as simple as paying the fee and walking out of the office with a permit."
"Meeting the requirements of the new law that goes into effect Oct. 11 will not be difficult, said Sheriff Dan Bullock, but they are strict and he intends to follow them to the letter. One wrong answer on the application form or one misstated fact and the application will be denied."
"To qualify for a permit a person must be at least 23 years of age, a citizen of the U.S. and a resident of Missouri for at least six months. Exceptions to the state residency requirement are members of the military and their family members who are stationed in Missouri."
"Among those who cannot qualify are people who have been found guilty of a felony crime, been found guilty in the preceding five years of a misdemeanor involving a crime of violence or two misdemeanors involving either alcohol-related driving offenses or possession of a controlled substance." |
South Africa: Cop faces inquiry over 'forgotten' firearm
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A man whose life was threatened if he testified in an attempted murder trial got the fright of his life when he found a loaded gun in the toilet during a court recess."
"My first thought was 'this is the weapon they want to shoot me with'," ...
"He picked up the pistol and took it to the prosecutor at the Roodepoort magistrate's court."
"However, it turned out that the gun, a loaded police-issue Z88, had been left there by accident - allegedly by a Dobsonville police inspector who placed it on the window ledge while he relieved himself."
MO: Expect 'Barrage' of Concealed Gun Requests {Another view}
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Franklin County Sheriff's Department is bracing for a 'barrage' of requests from people wanting permits to carry concealed firearms under a new state law."
"Sheriff Gary Toelke is still studying the new provisions and seeking answers to some 'gray areas' in the law. But overall, he said, his department will be prepared to handle the process."
"The sheriff acknowledged that concealed carry provisions have both the 'potential' for harm and 'to save a life.' " ...
"He doesn't expect the measure to cause more concern among deputies making traffic stops, because they already are trained to anticipate that a motorist has a gun in their car." |
NV: Vegas woman fatally shoots intruder who falls through ceiling
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A woman was justified in shooting a man who fell through her ceiling while she was getting dressed after a shower, police said Wednesday."
"The 31-year-old intruder was wanted for burglary and a parole violation, and was trying to elude plainclothes police at his door when he fell into his neighbor's apartment about 4 p.m. Tuesday, Las Vegas police homicide Lt. Tom Monahan said." ...
"Police said the man fell when the floor of an attic crawl space gave way beneath his weight." ... |
CO: Rogue cop or victim of store coverup?
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"An Aurora Police officer is either a rogue cop who lied to recover a stolen police machine gun or the victim of a store's attempt to cover up a botched shoplifting case."
"Those were the arguments made Tuesday by opposing attorneys as testimony began in the trail of officer Brian Saupe."
"Saupe is charged with tampering with physical evidence, abuse of public records, filing false information with authorities and second-degree official misconduct." |
MN: Minnesota Sheriff Ordered By Court to Follow CCW Law
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"As right-to-carry and shall-issue concealed carry laws have been enacted across many states, high-ranking lawmen have not always followed the letter of these laws, but now a judge in Minnesota has ordered at least one county sheriff to toe the line."
"Anoka County Sheriff Bruce Andersohn had insisted that residents drive to the Sheriff’s Department office to pick up their newly-issued licenses. That came to a halt when Anoka County resident James R. Evenson and attorney David Gross went to court and forced Andersohn to start mailing the CPLs as provided by the state’s new shall-issue law. It was a law Gross helped author, so he is intimately familiar with its requirements."
------- How strange that the local mainstream media didn't appear to cover this blatant case of official abuse. |
AZ: Trial begins for ex-cop in gun-purchase case
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"A former Tucson police lieutenant facing a federal charge of lying on a gun purchase form was helping out a friend and is wrongfully accused, his attorney said during opening statements Tuesday."
"The gun purchase qualifies as a gift under federal law, which means Michael J. Lara did not make a false statement on the federal firearms purchase form, said Michael Piccarreta, Lara's attorney."
"Lara was indicted June 11 on a charge that he said he was the buyer of a gun that was actually purchased for someone else. He pleaded not guilty June 26." ...
"The gun was traced to Lara after it and the receipt were found during a drug bust at his friend's home in March. The jury will not hear that information." ... |
NJ: East orange man accused of selling guns
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"A man was charged Wednesday with illegal weapons trafficking for selling 86 handguns without a license."
"Roy Campbell, 29, of East Orange, went to Colorado in 1999 to establish residency for the sole purpose of becoming eligible to buy handguns legally there, U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie said."
"He then returned to New Jersey and sold the guns for a profit of at least $100 each." ...
"He faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine if convicted."
------- While this guy's actions were admittedly stupid, this also leads to the following questions:
1 - Have the firearms he sold been traced to any crimes?
2 - If said guns were, then, used in crimes would getting a license from the nanny state have prevented these guns being used in criminal activity?
And if not, what kind of government prosecutes a citizen for selling his own property without permission of the nanny state? |
NY: Military Style Assault Rifles Sold at Gun Show Held on Public Grounds in Syracuse, NY
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"New Yorkers Against Gun Violence (NYAGV), a statewide gun violence prevention organization, called on local and state officials to no longer permit the sale of assault weapons on public property. Gun violence prevention advocates pointed to the availability of military style assault rifles being sold at the public fair grounds in Syracuse, New York at one of the state's largest gun shows. Assault weapons pose a grave risk to law enforcement officials according to a recent study by the Violence Policy Center, "Officer Down" that found that one in five law enforcement officers slain in the line of duty between January 1, 1998, and December 31, 2001, were killed with assault weapons."
" 'It is outrageous that public property is used to sell military style semi-automatic assault weapons that are designed to kill as many people as possible, and outgun law enforcement officers,' said Andy Pelosi, Executive Director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence. 'We are here today to call on local and state officials to no longer permit semi-automatic assault rifles to be sold on public property.' "
------- Here we go again. More whining from the enemies of freedom about what amounts to little more than cosmetic features on certain firearms. |
China: Anti-Rape Squad
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Talking of crime, in Zengzhou, the capital of the Chinese province of Henan, they have hit upon an innovative way of battling rape. An anti-rape squad of female detectives has been set up to help combat rising cases of the crime in the city."
"The women have been chosen for their karate skills, and are undergoing training in acting so that they can successfully lure the culprits. The Chinese police authorities, however, are taking extra precaution and are not letting the detectives, who will move around dressed as ordinary women, rely only on their karate for self-defence. The women will also be packing pistols. And, above all, they have chosen the very beautiful ones who can be sure to attract rapists!"
------- All well and good, but these women cannot be everywhere at once. Ergo, the disarmed women without the karate skills and pistols are still easy prey for violent rapists. |
AZ: Ban on trick shooting appears to miss target
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G. Hughes
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"The town known for its Western lifestyle won't be banning trick shooting after all."
"n Monday, the Cave Creek Town Council voted to continue a proposed weapons-code change that would have made it illegal to shoot any kind of projectile within town limits. In addition to live rounds, which are already banned, the tweaked code would have made it unlawful to launch arrows or to fire paint balls, BBs or even blanks." |
Don't pay attention to this day
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"This day isn't important."
"There are far more significant days in the year:"
"Labor Day, when we pretend to care about other people's jobs while frolicking at the beach."
"Election Day, when we pretend we're making a difference by voting." ...
"Memorial Day, when we pretend that we live in a free country because of all the people who were killed in the government's senseless wars." ...
"Veterans Day (formerly Armistice Day, when we pretended that World War I made the world safe for democracy)." ...
"United Nations Day, when we pretend to believe all those inane statements about world peace." ...
"You see, today is supposed to be Constitution Day. And no one really cares about the Constitution anymore." |
New Zealand: Gun used in other robberies
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"The gun used to kill Marcus Doig and John Vaughan was fired in two other robberies, an ESR scientist told a jury in the High Court at Auckland yesterday."
"Ese Junior Falealii is serving a life sentence for the killings."
"Three other men are on trial accused of being parties to one or both murders. They and a fourth man also face robbery charges."
"The Crown says there was a series of 12 robberies. Falealii was involved in eight, culminating in his shooting of pizza worker Mr. Doig at the Pakuranga Pizza Delivery Company on May 8 last year and of Mangere Bridge ASB teller Mr. Vaughan a week later." |
WI: Top cops oppose new gun law
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"The police chiefs of Lisbon, Lannon and Butler oppose a new state law that would allow most Wisconsin adults to carry concealed firearms." "Lt. Peter Chycinski, who heads the Waukesha County Sheriff's Sussex office, is on vacation and could not be reached for comment, but his boss, Sheriff Daniel Trawicki, takes the opposite view. He wants the 'conceal-carry' bill passed." |
MO: Democrats disagree on investigating Dolman's leave
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"U.S. Rep. William Lacy Clay laid the groundwork to investigate a state senator's military leave to vote for concealed weapons, while U.S. Rep. Ike Skelton said the matter was none of his business."
"The Missouri Democrats were responding Wednesday to questions about the leave granted state Sen. Jon Dolan to return home from duty in Cuba to cast the deciding vote to override a veto of concealed guns legislation."
"The override of Democratic Gov. Bob Holden's veto gave most Missourians the right to carry concealed guns."
"Clay advocates a Pentagon review of the matter, which is being done. But if he is dissatisfied with the outcome, he wants the House Government Reform Committee to look into Dolan's leave." |
Another Enemy of Freedom Throws His Hat in the Ring
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"Retired Gen. Wesley Clark's late entry into the Democratic presidential sweepstakes shakes up a contest that, by nearly all accounts, needs to be shaken up."
"Speaking in the clipped, concise cadence of a military commander, the former NATO chief announced his candidacy Wednesday in Little Rock, the Arkansas political base he shares with former President Bill Clinton." ...
"While Clark's political views are not well defined, he mixes traditional conservative support for the military with some liberal stances on key social issues. He supports abortion rights and gun control, for example, telling CNN in June that 'people who like assault weapons . . . should join the United States Army.' " |
GA: Police: Colbert man shot by wife
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"For now a Madison County woman is not being charged with the shooting death of her husband."
"Chief Deputy Bill Strickland says Debra Ann Pittman shot and killed Jonathan Scott Pittman with a 9-mm handgun during an argument Monday." ...
"Strickland says at the time of the shooting, Debra Pittman claimed Jonathan Pittman was in a jealous rage when she shot him." |
AZ: Deputy misused stun gun, attorney claims
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"A Tucson attorney says a Pima County sheriff's deputy crossed the line when he used an electronic stun device to coerce his handcuffed client into providing a blood sample in a drunken-driving case."
"Attorney Michael J. Bloom wants DUI charges against his client dropped because a sheriff's deputy used a 50,000-volt electronic stun device on the neck of Brian Sewell, 35, to force him to allow blood to be drawn as evidence against him in a May 2003 case."
" 'The Taser is to be used for defense, not coercion,' Bloom said recently." |
South Africa: Gun owners told to 'hide' their weapons
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"Police issued a warning to gun owners not to advertise that they are carrying a weapon after a man was robbed of his pistol in Lenasia." "Sergeant Richard Munyai said a 41-year-old man was robbed of his 9mm Norinco parabellum pistol, which was in plain view as he was walking with a friend to a shop in Extension One, Lenasia."
"The robbed man and his friend chased and caught one of the two robbers but the other ran off with the pistol." |
MN: Taking back 2 gun permits proves exactly nothing
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"Institutionally we — I don't know, elitists, people with access to ink, women — are out to pinpoint every infraction regarding the new law even when the facts suggest we are barking up the wrong tree. The best we have been able to accomplish so far is two permits lifted out of 8,000 issued by sheriffs across Minnesota in the last three months." ...
"So where are we since the new law went into place? Well, we're exactly where we were before the new law went into place, law abiding." |
IN: Two Deputies Suspended After 'Serious Allegations'
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"Two sheriff's deputies were suspended this week in connection with 'serious allegations of misconduct,' the Marion County Sheriff's Department said in a press release Wednesday."
"A department spokesman declined to say why the deputies were suspended, but sources told RTV6 on condition of anonymity that the allegations were sexual in nature, and the men were in uniform and on duty when the alleged misconduct is said to have occurred, RTV6's Jack Rinehart reported."
"Sgt. Eric J. Parker, 31, and Deputy Danny J. Gaither, 37, were suspended Monday, the department said. A board of deputy chiefs will meet in two weeks to hear the allegations." |
South Africa: Business slow on gun law
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"No business with a firearm registered to it has applied for accreditation to police yet."
"This was the statement of Senior Superintendent Andrew Lesch, police spokesperson, on Wednesday after police issued a statement on the compulsory accreditation under the Gun Control Act of 2000 of organisations and business with firearms."
"This controversial act dictates a stricter legal framework and was again under discussion in parliament recently when police were reprimanded for not having implemented the act yet." |
Puerto Rico: Governor files bill to amend Weapons Law
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"Gov. Sila Calderon sent a bill to the Legislature that would amend the Weapons Law and impose more restrictions on selling and bearing arms." "The bill would also give anyone carrying an illegal or unregistered firearm six months to turn it in to the police without penalty."
"The amendment would add to the list of felonies for which a license to bear a firearm can be denied." |
OH: Kettering Officers Transition To New Weapons
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"...Recent occurrences throughout the country have caused Kettering Police commanders to assess their officers' capability to respond to violence quickly and effectively." ...
"Kettering officers will transition from the Remington 870 shotgun to the M-4 rifle. This change will enhance an officer's ability to deliver accurate, long distance shooting capabilities."
"A new evolution in crime has seen criminals using high caliber automatic weapons, paired with the use of body armor. Officers using the M-4 semi-automatic rifle will use a .223 round that can penetrate body armor and end an incident quickly."
------- Note that peon civilians, who aren't part of the elite police class are not afforded the same "privileges." |
The Moose is on the loose!
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"While Moose yuks it up with Jay, prosecutors in Virginia are hard at work preparing for the capital murder trials of accused snipers John Muhammad and Lee Malvo. 'Personally, I don't understand why someone who's been in law enforcement his whole life would potentially damage our case or compromise a jury pool by doing this,' Assistant Prince William Commonwealth's Attorney James Willett told the Washington Post. Willett is handling the prosecution in the Muhammad trial."
"Why would Moose risk tainting the prosecution of the cases? Why would he jeopardize the pursuit of justice? The obvious answer is greed." ... |
Is Your Sheriff Worth His Salt?
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"Many people who think they are on the right side of the issue of firearms believe that the world would be much safer for them and others if there were no firearms in society. This may be true, however you can never take all the firearms from society any more than we can ever remove all the illegal drugs from society. They will always be out there as has been proven over and over in countries that ban firearms. The problem is that the honest citizen is then without protection and becomes the victim. It's that simple." ...
"So, any Sheriff worth his salt should be standing strong against any attempt to violate this Constitutional and God given Right." ... |
Defining Freedom
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"Most Americans believe they are 'free' because Power insists again and again that they are. For nine months of the year, beginning at age five and continuing to age 18, the State requires that people spend almost half their waking weekday hours in government facilities under the direct control of government employees. They begin each daily session by facing that big, imposing, red white and blue symbol of the State, holding their right hand over their hearts, and pledging their allegiance both to it 'and to the republic for which it stands . . . with liberty and justice for all' (and, as I have said before, the irony of saying such words under such coercive conditions rarely if ever occurs to them)." ... |
Banned Books: How Schools Restrict the Reading of Young People
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Newslinks Admin
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"In 1953, Ray Bradbury published Fahrenheit 451, a depiction of a society so dominated by censorship that firemen burn books and the word intellectual is profane. As Bradbury explained in an afterword for the 1986 edition: 'Fire-Captain Beatty ... described how the books were burned first by the minorities, each ripping a page or a paragraph from the book ... until the day came when the books were empty and the minds shut and the library closed forever.' " |
WI: Felon drops racial argument against gun reduction program
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G. Hughes
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"A legal challenge of an effort to get guns off the streets is over, at least for now."
"In Wisconsin, convicted felons are not allowed to have guns of any kind for any reason. Violators can be prosecuted in either state or federal court. Ceasefire, a joint enforcement program between Milwaukee County and the federal government, aims to move defendants considered more dangerous by prosecutors into the federal system, where they can face significantly longer sentences." |