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Newslinks for 9/18/2008

House Right to Vote on D.C. Gun Regs, Make Council Behave, Says SAF
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"House passage of a bill that strips away authority from the District of Columbia Council was both proper and expected for a number of reasons, the Second Amendment Foundation said today."

"'What did the council expect,' observed SAF founder Alan Gottlieb. 'The city has stonewalled, delayed and done everything in its power to make it difficult for citizens to register legal handguns, and the House justifiably voted to put an end to that nonsense. The city council's vote to amend its own restrictive gun registration requirements was a pitifully transparent attempt to avoid having Congress take over, and it was too little, too late. ..." ...

Post-Heller Junk Science
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recent Supreme Court decision concerning the Washington, D.C. handgun ban, District of Columbia v. Heller, is a big win for American gun owners because simply banning firearms is no longer an option."

"Now that an individual right to arms has been confirmed by the Supreme Court, firearm prohibitionists can only accomplish their goal of civilian disarmament by regulating the Second Amendment out of existence."

"In order to do this, they must frighten the public into demanding such strict regulation that possessing firearms, legally, becomes onerous. This fear can be created by emphasizing the costs to society of private firearm ownership, while hiding the benefits." ...

You Must Vote!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Your vote absolutely matters and if you fail to vote, your rights and liberties could be in greater jeopardy. Not voting is a vote for your least favored candidate, as is voting for someone who can not possibly win. The time to send a message was during the primaries when there was still a chance of getting a solid, pro-gun candidate at the top of the ticket or of at least moving the eventual winner toward a more favorable pro-gun position. In the general election for President, unless the two major party candidates are both simply abhorrent, it is best to cast your vote for the candidate who will best work with the congressional candidates you support. ..." ...

Businesses who deny citizens their rights to self defense
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"...The page lists businesses who refuse We The People, who choose to carry arms, entrance into their establishments. As well as businesses that have seen the error of their [formerly tyrannical] ways, and now allow We The People to carry on their premises."

"So, the point of this post is for readers to post businesses; Name, Address, City and State, of those who refuse to allow an armed citizen on their property. And spread the word to our fellow citizens to NOT frequent their establishments until they change their 'policy'. For nothing can change minds more quickly than potential loss of income."

"Please feel free to post any business that you are aware of that denies We The People to be armed on their premises...."

U.S. Soldiers to Celebrate National Hunting and Fishing Day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sometimes the best way to appreciate a special privilege is to imagine life without it."

"In recognition of American soldiers serving far from home this autumn, the U.S. Army is hosting a National Hunting and Fishing Day celebration at its Heidelberg Rod and Gun Club near the U.S. military base in Heidelberg, Germany."

"This lone overseas commemoration of National Hunting and Fishing Day is set for Sept. 27 to coincide with hundreds of events across the U.S. Visit for listings."

"Congress formalized the day in 1971 as a public reminder that hunters, anglers and shooters are America's premier conservation supporters. ..." ...

Statement Of Brady Campaign On House Vote That Threatens Public Safety In Nation's Capital
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign ... issued the following statement about the House of Representatives' vote to second-guess the District of Columbia's elected officials and substitute their own views on the appropriate local gun laws in the Nation's Capital:"

"'This legislation will endanger public safety in a city that is already a target for terrorists. It will allow dangerous people to stockpile dangerous weapons and it will make it harder for the people of D.C. to combat gun violence in their community.'"

"'At a time when we should be taking common sense steps to protect Americans and their families from gun violence, this is a step in the opposite direction. ..." ...

NRA shoots a round
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It begins to appear that the [NRA] and the rest of the guns-first crowd won't be satisfied until something approaching the whole American nation is armed against itself. Washington is the latest example."

"Washington's ordinance outlawing handguns was the vehicle that led to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling this year that the Second Amendment is an individual right and thus forbids any such blanket ban."

"The district's City Council has scrambled into compliance with a temporary ordinance and is working toward a permanent one. The council is inclined toward enacting some safety controls that the NRA would abominate — maybe trigger locks, registration, restrictions on semiautomatics: it is so far unclear just what." ...

D.C. leaders, Congress spar on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An effort in the U.S. House of Representatives to curtail District of Columbia officials' ability to regulate guns in the city goes too far, city leaders say."

"Just as the District of Columbia Council voted Tuesday to change its gun laws to comply with a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, city leaders were decrying a bipartisan effort in the U.S. House to scrap almost all of its local gun laws, The Washington Post reported Wednesday."

"The District council voted unanimously Tuesday to ease some of the more contentious parts of its 32-year-old handgun ban, saying they would comply with a historic June High Court ruling interpreting the Second Amendment as granting[sic] individuals the right to own firearms." ...

Anti-gun laws don't stop criminals, they hurt residents
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On June 26, the Supreme Court overturned a ban on handguns in our nation's capital that had been in place since 1976, finally allowing those in the district their Second Amendment rights after 30 years of disenfranchisement."

"Currently, however, the way in which handguns may be brought into the District of Columbia is one of the worst examples of bureaucracy at work in recent memory. ... the city council tried to hobble the court decision by decreeing that all rifles, handguns, pistols, and shotguns must be unloaded, disassembled or equipped with a trigger lock unless there is a perceived immediate threat. ..." ...

GOP lawmakers back DC gun-control measure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Second Amendment advocate says the GOP seems intent on alienating its base on many issues -- including the constitutional right to keep and bear arms."

"It seemed Congress was set to pass a bill designed to repeal Washington, DC's illegal gun ban, but now an alternative anti-gun bill has been introduced -- one that is being backed by Republicans."

"HR 6691 ... was meant to repeal the DC gun ban ... Childers' measure seemed headed for passage when Eleanor Holmes Norton ... introduced an alternative bill ... All but one of the Republican members of the Committee ... voted in favor of Norton's bill."

"Erich Pratt of Gun Owners of America says it appears that Republicans cannot stick to their principles." ...

Del. Norton blasts House vote easing DC gun restrictions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton is denouncing the House for approving a measure that would make it easier for the city's residents to buy and own firearms."

"She and other critics say the vote tramples on D.C.'s right to govern itself and could endanger both residents and political dignitaries who travel across the city."

"Norton says the vote is particularly galling because she lacked the right to vote on its passage."

"Norton unsuccessfully tried to move a bill that would have given the district 180 days to come up with new regulations complying with a Supreme Court ruling that overturned D.C.'s gun ban." ...

Submitter's Note: It has been 189 days since oral arguments and 84 days since the ruling; they've had plenty of time.

GA: House votes to override D.C. gun laws; Broun and Lewis take opposite sides
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Late last night, the U.S. House voted to rewrite the District of Columbia's rules on gun ownership. Two Georgia congressmen took part in the argument."

"The bill was sponsored by a Democrat, newly elected Travis Childers of Mississippi, and was backed by the [NRA]." ...

"... the District's local government set up a registration process for revolvers, but continued to ban most semiautomatic pistols — and kept the requirement that guns be stored in pieces, or trigger-locked."

"The House legislation was prompted by Second Amendment advocates who accused D.C. officials of giving only lip-service to a Supreme Court decision that for the first time declared possession of firearms to be part of an individual right ..." ...

WA: CCRKBA Asks Wa. Democrats Why They Oppose Gun Rights for D.C. Residents
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the House of Representatives adopted legislation Wednesday to force the District of Columbia to abide by a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the Second Amendment earlier this year, five Washington State Democrats turned their backs on their colleagues who supported this important civil rights measure."

"The Bellevue-based [CCRKBA] said Evergreen State voters deserve to know why. CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb suggested that voters in the state's First, Second, Sixth, Seventh and Ninth congressional districts ask Reps. Jay Inslee, Rick Larsen, Norm Dicks, Jim McDermott and Adam Smith why they have a problem with District of Columbia residents exercising their right to keep a firearm in their home for personal protection." ...

CA: Robbery Suspect Killed by San Pablo Store Owner
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The owner of A&L Posters had been the victim of several violent robberies at his store, and reached for a gun beneath the counter when two would-be thieves tried to take over his business on Tuesday night.

Two armed men burst into the store around 5 p.m. and the owner, whose name was withheld by police, fired at the one who vaulted over the counter, according to Lt. Mark Foisie.

The intruder, still not identified, died at the scene. His accomplice fled.

The one customer in the store at the time was not hurt.

Foisie said the store had been robbed several times, and on one occasion the owner was shot at and beaten.

FL: Owner of shop where suspect was killed: 'He came after' my family
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Noel Nagi says he was ready to give the gun-toting would-be robber the cash - about $150. 'Just don't do anything crazy. There's a baby.'"

"Around the counter-top corner, Nagi's 7-month-old grandson was perched on his father's knee. ..."

"'I don't give a f—,' Nagi recalls the man saying as he pivoted and leveled the gun at the boy."

"Then a customer pulled open the A1A Discount Beverage door. In a heartbeat, the gunman was distracted."

"The father ... handed off the infant to its mother. She rushed him to the closed office ... The gunman's attention and weapon then returned to Nagi ... And the babe's father, a gun-carrying veteran of the check-cashing business, pulled his weapon, rounded the corner and fired." ...

GA: Home intruder fatally shot at Big Canoe
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A man was fatally shot Tuesday morning after he reportedly broke into the Big Canoe home of his female business partner.

Dawson County Sheriff's Lt. Tony Wooten said reports indicate that the man brandished a knife after getting into a fight with the woman, and that her husband intervened.

"The husband...observed the physical altercation going on," Wooten said. "At that point the male homeowner fired and fatally wounded the male subject."

The name of the victim has not been released.

CA: Richmond teen ID'd as suspect killed in San Pablo robbery attempt (follow-up)
Submitted by: John Jorgensen / GS2AC

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"A suspect in a takeover robbery attempt who was shot and killed by a San Pablo store owner Tuesday evening has been identified as a Richmond teenager ..."

"Amariae Sanders, 16, was one of two people who ran into A&L Posters ... Sanders' accomplice entered carrying a sawed-off shotgun while Sanders ran in and jumped over the counter."

"By this time, the store owner had armed himself and shot Sanders, who died at the scene. The accomplice wielding the shotgun ran out the front door."

"Police said the owner had begun carrying a firearm in the store after a series of recent bouts with robbers, including some where he was beaten by his assailants. The owner was not injured in Tuesday's robbery attempt." ...

KABA Note: Another 'child death' for the antis to weep about.

Obama hopes some gun owners are willing to prostitute the Second Amendment for a paycheck
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The past decade as brought about several visible attempts by gun grabbers to masquerade as Second Amendment advocates."

"One of the more high-profile attempts was launched by billionaire Andrew McKelvey ... During his time at HCI, McKelvey became convinced that the words 'gun control' weren't selling ... The HCI cronies apparently saw McKelvey's point, and in 2001 renamed themselves the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence."

"McKelvey, however, had already moved on, having spent $12 million to create Americans for Gun Safety (AGS). But a quick visit to the [AGS] website alerted visitors that they weren't the least bit concerned for firearms safety. was never any information on the website about the proper handling of firearms ..." ...

The Top Ten reasons I’m voting for Obama
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This election year is one like no other. We have very intriguing candidates. Whether you identify as Republican/Democrat or as Conservative/Liberal, there are some points that should be noted. ..."

"I am the type of person that likes to receive all the facts before I make a decision. ..." ...

"... Please allow me to list the reasons for why I support the candidate of my choice ..."

"1) He supports the integrity of the constitution; including the preservation of the Second Amendment, yet believes there is a way to reduce the rate at which guns are used in crimes without affecting the Second Amendment." ...

Submitter's Note: Obama can 'believe' in the Tooth Fairy, but that doesn't make it real.

Senators McCain and Obama Vie for Sportsman Vote in Exclusive Field & Stream Interview
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama go head-to-head in the October issue of Field & Stream as they compete for the decisive sportsmen's vote in the upcoming election. With over 38 million Americans identifying themselves as outdoorsmen, issues such as conservation, Second Amendment rights, and the candidates' personal histories as hunters and fishermen will play a pivotal role in shaping the minds of voters this November. Historically, sportsmen tend to vote more based on the issues, rather than party affiliation, making it a critical demographic in this contested presidential election." ...

IN: NRA For Daniels
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Former National Rifle Association of America president makes a stop in Terre Haute stumping for Governor Mitch Daniels."

"Sandy Froman spoke to a group of Second Amendment supporters Tuesday at Dobbs Park."

"Froman says she supports Daniels because he's done great things for gun owners and hunters."

"Froman says all supporters of the second amendment should consider voting for Daniels."

"She also talked to gun owners about the importance of voting." ...

"Daniels signed into law a lifetime consealed carry permit."

"Froman says it has helped responsible Hoosiers who choose to, be able to carry a gun and not have to deal with paperwork delays in renewing their permits."

PA: Mayors, meeting in Reading, back requiring the reporting of lost or stolen handguns
Submitted by: jac

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"Irked at the state Legislature, mayors of seven area cities, including Reading, announced in City Hall on Tuesday that they plan to introduce ordinances in their cities requiring handgun owners to report lost or stolen weapons within 24 hours." ...

"Reading Mayor Tom McMahon ... said he'd introduce an ordinance in City Council next week that would require owners to report lost or stolen handguns within 24 hours or be subject to a $1,000 fine."

"The mayors of the other cities ... also said they plan to introduce similar ordinances in the coming weeks." ...

"They also said a poll conducted for the group CeaseFire PA shows 96 percent of state residents and 92 percent of gun owners support the reporting requirement." ...

Audit: ATF lost 76 weapons, hundreds of laptops
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"The ATF lost 76 weapons and hundreds of laptops over five years, the Justice Department reported Wednesday, blaming carelessness and sloppy record-keeping."

"Thirty-five of the missing ... weapons were stolen, as were 50 laptops, the internal audit found. Two of the stolen weapons were used in crimes."

"The audit ... found 'inadequate' oversight of weapons and laptops resulted in 'significant rates of losses' at the [BATFE]."

"'It is especially troubling that that ATF's rate of loss for weapons was nearly double that of the FBI and DEA, and that ATF did not even know whether most of its lost, stolen, or missing laptop computers contained sensitive or classified information,' he added." ...

ATF lost dozens of weapons, laptops, audit shows (follow-up)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The [BATFE] said Wednesday it is changing its ways after an audit showed that the agency was losing guns and laptops, often through carelessness."

"According to a Justice Department audit released Wednesday, the inspector general reported the ATF was unable to account for 76 weapons and 418 laptops over the past five years."

"The report said the rate of loss had tripled since the last audit was conducted by the ATF's then-parent agency, the Treasury Department." ...

"ATF Director Michael Sullivan said he agreed with most of the report's findings."

"'We are revising our procedures of reporting losses of weapons or laptops,' Sullivan said." ...

KABA Note: This is the same agency which demands a 0% error rate for FFL holders.

NY: Yonkers police warn against allowing children to have fake guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Police are warning parents not to allow their children to carry fake handguns after two 13-year-old boys, one from New Rochelle and the other from the Bronx, were accused of using a toy while trying to rob a city man Sunday."

"Holding up the gun equipped with a bullet clip at a news conference at police headquarters, Commissioner Edmund Hartnett said, 'It looks like a very real gun.'" ...

KABA Note: 'looks like a very real gun' except for that bright orange tip in place as required by law!

FL: Judge: Riviera Beach 'saggy pants' ban unconstitutional
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A judge says Riviera Beach's 'saggy pants' law is unconstitutional in the case of a 17-year-old who spent a night in jail for having his underwear showing."

"And a public defender said her office wants to get the law tossed altogether."

"Julius Hart was charged Wednesday when an officer spotted him riding his bicycle ... with 4 to 5 inches of blue and black boxer shorts sticking out of his black pants." ...

"'Somebody help me,' Palm Beach Circuit Judge Paul Moyle said.

"'We're not talking about exposure of buttocks. No! We're talking about someone who has on pants whose underwear are apparently visible to a police officer who then makes an arrest and ... he's then held overnight ...' the judge exclaimed." ...

PA: Pennsylvania Officer Charged With On-Duty DUI
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Springettsbury Township police officer has been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol while on duty and driving a police cruiser."

"State police filed charges against Patrolman Gary Utter, 37, of Stewartstown, on Monday."

"If convicted of DUI, which is a misdemeanor, Utter would be decertified by the state's Municipal Police Officers' Education and Training Commission, meaning he would no longer be allowed to work as a municipal officer in Pennsylvania."

"Police referred comment to Springettsbury Township Manager John J. Holman, who said Utter has been an officer with the township for approximately seven years." ...

SD: Seattle officer's felony assault charge in Hells Angel shooting is dismissed by S.D. prosecutors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prosecutors in South Dakota have dismissed a felony assault charge against a Seattle police detective who shot a member of the Hells Angels motorcycle club last month during a bar fight."

"Meade County State Attorney Jesse Sondreal said Monday that an aggravated-assault charge against Detective Ron Smith has been dropped because 'the investigation that I have reviewed indicates he was assaulted and it was premeditated.'"

"Earlier this month, Sondreal dropped a felony perjury charge against Smith in connection with the same incident."

"Smith still faces a misdemeanor charge stemming from the shooting of Joseph McGuire on Aug. 9." ...

TN: Memphis Police Officer Arrested for Assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Memphis police officer is off the job and facing charges of aggravated assault and aggravated burglary." ...

"... Thompson climbed through a window of her ex-boyfriend's house while he was asleep. Once inside the home, Thompson is accused of punching the victim in the mouth and pointing a gun at him. The affidavit also states that Thompson then began tearing things off the wall and took clothing from the home."

"When officers arrived, they found a gun and clothing in Thompson's car."

"Thompson is assigned to the Organized Crime Unit."

"She has been relieved of duty pending an administrative review."

"Thompson is behind bars on a $5,000 bond and scheduled to be in court Tuesday morning."

UK: Ex-officer charged over robbery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A former Metropolitan Police officer has been charged over a robbery at a betting shop in east London.

Gary Griffiths, 38, of no fixed address, was charged with two counts of robbery at Ladbroke Bookmakers and possession of an offensive weapon.

Mr Griffiths was held after two men robbed hundreds of pounds during a raid in North Road in Ilford. A staff member was also threatened with a gun.

Bradley Donovan, 25, faces the same charges as Mr Griffiths.

Both men will appear before Redbridge magistrates on Tuesday.

Mr Griffiths left the police force earlier this year.

CA: Olympic champion Kim Rhode's shotgun is stolen
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The prized shotgun used by an Olympic champion to win four medals has been stolen from her car, authorities said."

"Riverside County sheriff's detectives are searching for a pair of suspected thieves who broke into Olympic gold medalist Kim Rhode’s pickup truck Thursday."

"Rhode was shopping for her wedding ... when the theft occurred, said Deputy Herlinda Valenzuela. When Rhode returned to the parking lot about 2:30 p.m., she discovered that one of the truck's window was shattered and her shotgun, locked in a case, had been taken from the back seat, Valenzuela said."

"'There's just no words to describe what the gun means to me,' Rhode tearfully told television reporters Thursday night at the crime scene." ...

OH: Deer check stations being phased out in Ohio
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Ohio Division of Wildlife is preparing to change the way it does business, eliminating deer and turkey check stations and streamlining its fishing and hunting license sales."

Sue Howard, executive administrator of business operations, says the new plan is to be put in place by March, 2010. It would:

"Allow Buckeye deer and turkey hunters to notify the DOW of their success by telephone or computer instead of having to haul their game to a check station."

"Establish a new system of Ohio license and permit sales and encourage anglers and hunters to go online to get them ..." ...

H/t to Buckeye Firearms Association.

MN: Pine Island group gets into practical shooting
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Harmon Pierce checked his pistol, checked it again, wiggled his fingers, put his head down to concentrate on what he was about to do, then put his hands above head."

"He was primed, ready to shoot."

"Another shooter held a special timer near his head."

"'Are you ready?' he said to Pierce."


"'Stand by.'"


"Pierce pulled his autoloading pistol out of the holster and began shooting at special targets, firing fast, reloading, firing fast. Always fast, his mind in a zone of concentration."

"His time was 13.8 seconds. Not great, but OK."

"Then the scorer checked his accuracy. ..." ...

AZ: Annie, get your gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Carol Ruh cried the first time that she held a gun. Visiting a shooting range in Arizona while on holiday with her husband, her anti-firearms views made the trip an upsetting experience."

"But after she told the staff of her discomfort, she underwent an epiphany."

"... 'The gentleman behind the counter said: 'It's not the gun that kills, it's the person behind it.' And that made a lot of sense to me.'"

"'If your heart is that set on doing damage, you can use a chair, a baseball bat, a pen...'"

"Since that day, Carol's attitudes have changed completely. Having moved to Phoenix permanently, she now runs classes teaching other female shooters how to hone their skills ..." ...

A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government. — Edward Abbey

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