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Newslinks for 9/18/2012

EXCLUSIVE: A New York State Of Mind
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Perhaps the most hysterical, but not unexpected, handwringing came from The Boston Globe’s warning that 'The best-trained police officers can be in error when actually facing an enraged gunman. If even these professionals end up shooting and injuring bystanders outside the Empire State Building, how can private citizens be expected to discern an attacker from innocent people inside a darkened theater?'”

NY: Hanna stands with Remington officials on microstamping
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Congressman Richard Hanna was at Remington Arms Monday morning to tour the facility and discuss its business operations across the state. Standing with Remington officials, Hanna said he's against microstamping legislation. He says it's not a good solution to crime, and also says he fears it would threaten the facility that employs so many people in Herkimer County.

IL: Don Gwinn: We're killing them softly
Submitted by: John Boch

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Don Gwinn began his presentation with a rousing analysis of the state of gun control in America today.

He said a headline in The Onion summed things up nicely: “Obama gives bold speech on gun control, alone, quietly, in his office with the lights off”.

...Gwinn reminded everyone what happened in 1999 after Columbine. The Million Mom March sprang up overnight and George Soros and his allies poured tons of money into that and other gun control organizations. And they still failed.

It’s killing them that we’re not seeing a repeat, but there’s no Soros money to fund it.

The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence had a Springfield office. They’ve closed it and they fired the downstate lobbyist, Chris Boyster. ...

MI: Police: Detroit man shot back at would-be robbers, killed teen
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A 17-year-old youth was fatally shot Saturday night when he and three other youths began shooting at a 50-year-old man sitting in his car at a Detroit shopping center and the man fired back, police said.

The 50-year-old, who had a permit to possess a handgun, fired at the youths as they approached to rob him, Detroit Police Sgt. Alan Quinn said.

NY: Pistol ownership's changing faces
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Trish Cutler's fashion show at a Hudson firehouse drew dozens of law-abiding women in search of comfortable yet stylish holsters to discreetly carry their handguns — at the workplace or a night on the town. The offerings included holster for a bra and one inside a purse. Cutler, a target-shooting enthusiast from Claverack who belongs to three local gun clubs, has had her pistol permit for three years. The wife and mother is among growing numbers of women in the rising tide of New Yorkers who have licenses to legally possess handguns.

IL: Guilty! Former police officer, 72, convicted of the abduction and murder of 7-year-old 'Pretty Maria' after 55 YEARS . . . the longest cold case in history
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A former police officer was today finally found guilty of the abduction and murder of a seven-year-old girl 55 years ago.
The conviction of Jack McCullough, 72, represents the longest cold case in history after a DNA breakthrough placed him at the scene of the abduction of Maria Ridulph in 1957.
Maria's mother died without seeing justice for her daughter's slaying - a case that caused so much of a national outcry that President Eisenhower and FBI director J Edgar Hoover demanded daily updates.
McCullough, 18 at the time, was initially considered a suspect when the young girl's decomposed remains were found a year after she disappeared.

IL: Ex-cop convicted in 1957 murder of Ill. girl, 7
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A 72-year-old man was convicted Friday in the slaying of a 7-year-old Illinois girl snatched from a small-town street corner 55 years ago.
Judge James Hallock pronounced Jack McCullough guilty of murder, kidnapping and abduction in one of the oldest cold-case murders to go to trial in the United States.
McCullough was around 17 years old on the snowy night in December 1957 when second-grader Maria Ridulph went missing in Sycamore, about 60 miles west of Chicago. He later enlisted in the military, and ultimately settled in Seattle where he worked as a Washington state police officer.

IL: Alderman Scared! Chicago’s aldermen are frightened by crime and their constituents!
Submitted by: John Boch

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How bad has the rampant violence plaguing Chicago gotten?

It’s bad enough that the Chicago Sun-Times published a lengthy, shocking expose on how even Chicago’s Alderman are frightened by Chicago’s spiraling violent crime in general, and their own constituents in their districts in particular.

Chicago’s Aldermen have long been privileged creatures, insulated from most street crime (although not from the FBI putting the bracelets on them), but not any longer.

Excerpts from the Sun-Times article:

IN: Evansville, IN squirms and squeals in face of open carry lawsuit
Submitted by: John Boch

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Evansville, IN police ejected a gentleman for lawfully open carrying his pistol at the Evansville Zoo back in 2011.

The man, Ben Magenheimer, known to many was Titanium Frost on the Indiana Gun Owners forum, was at the zoo with his family minding his own business when police showed up and ordered him to leave. In his subsequent lawsuit, Magenheimer is seeking damages for violation of his civil rights under the color of authority.

The City of Evansville is smelling an expensive judgement in the case and has responded with a 30-page motion to dismiss the lawsuit, citing Magenheimer’s other open-carry activism....


TX: Big Bad Wolf gets perforated while threatening Little Red Riding Hood
Submitted by: John Boch

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A road rage incident cost a Texas man his life as he failed to remember common courtesy and decency towards women. It probably wasn’t the first time he was less than gentlemanly towards the fairer sex, but will certainly be the last time. The woman in this case was on her way to work with her lawfully possessed and carried handgun.

When a man began beating on her window, she pulled out her gun.

He apparently didn’t get the message, or didn’t think she would follow through on using her safety rescue tool.

In any event, she shot him dead.

Obama expands BATF’s asset forfeiture powers
Submitted by: John Boch

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Asset forfeiture has always been a patently unconstitutional program since its inception.

We might reconsider our view on this if anyone successfully challenging an asset forfeiture case to get triple damages plus legal fees from the offending agency – and some of that damages to come from those who made the seizures personally.

It further irritates, bordering on angers us that Obama has expanded rules to allow the ATF to seize guns.

Here it is: A short article from Breitbart.

(And a Hat tip to Shona D. for sending this to me!)

Dick’s Sporting Goods new ammo purchase policy clarified…
Submitted by: John Boch

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(GunNews) – At least three members of Guns Save Life have approached our leadership asking, “What’s up with Dick’s?” in response to our members’ recent experiences purchasing ammunition at the store.

“It’s a new law,” one member said he was told, while another member was told it was because the Dick’s chain is now selling AR-15s in their stores.

Guns Save Life’s GunNews Editors John Boch and John Naese stopped by Friday morning, September 14th and talked with the Champaign, IL store manager David Eades to seek clarification.

Mr. Eades said that the company had recently changed policy, chain-wide, and was now asking purchasers of ammunition to verify they are U.S. citizens before allowing them to complete ammunition purchases...

Hypocrisy from Obama’s Justice Department
Submitted by: John Boch

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By now we’ve all seen Obama’s Department of Justice, under the leadership of Eric Holder, taking action to block voter ID laws in several states, claiming a mandatory photo ID requirement to vote disenfranchises poor, black voters of their civil rights.

If we take that as in fact the case, even when the photo ID cards are provided at no charge to residents (as they are in South Carolina), then why isn’t “Fast and Furious” Eric Holder taking action against firearm owner identification laws in Illinois, New Jersey and Massachusetts?


OK: Disabled Homeowner Shoots and Kills Female Burglar
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An Oklahoma gun owner shot and killed an intruder who broke into his home last Thursday. Yeah, yeah, we know – you’ve heard this story and stories just like it a thousand times before. This one’s a little bit different though, because this time the would-be thief was a woman.

The burglar in question was 50-year-old Mary Kathleen Sanders, but she also brought along two accomplices, 26-year-old Misty Dawn Puskaric and 37-year-old Starr Michelle Timmons. According to reports, Sanders had previously worked for the homeowner and therefore knew that he was disabled.

FL: Lawyer for Trayvon’s Parents Complain About Zimmerman Facebook Request
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The lawyer for Trayvon Martin’s parents harshly criticized efforts by George Zimmerman’s attorneys to obtain the school records and Facebook information for the deceased 17-year-old high school student, saying they were irrelevant to the case.

“Zimmerman’s lawyers are attempting to assassinate Trayvon Martin’s character,” said Benjamin Crump, in an interview with “Whatever Trayvon had on his Facebook page or whatever was in his school records have nothing to do with why Zimmerman shot him.”

Brad Pitt is Pro-Gun,, Who Da Thunk?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It is probably safe to say that a majority of Hollywood’s stars and A-list actors fall on the anti-gun side of the aisle when it comes to their view of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Historically, not all are anti-gun –Charlton Heston, Tom Selleck, and Chuck Norris, for instance– but a majority are. And for those stars who are pro-gun, openly admitting to that fact these days would bring almost certain disdain and attack from their peers (think Rosie O’Donnell).

FL: FGCU students pushing for concealed carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There's a new push at FGCU to be able to have concealed weapons on campus. It's part of a national effort to legalize concealed carry on college campuses for those with licenses.

Tim Cannedy is trying to start the local chapter of Students for Concealed Carry.

The national group formed after the Virginia Tech shooting tragedy and the goal is to legalize concealed carry for current permit holders on college campuses.

Right now, concealed carry is not allowed in Florida at places like courthouses, police stations and schools - including colleges and universities.

The UN gun control treaty is bad for gun owners everywhere
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The United Nations has been debating an arms trade treaty for nearly a decade now. Though the treaty is ostensibly focused on military arms, it has long been clear that the majority of U.N. delegates consider our personal firearms to be crying out for international regulation, as well. The focus of the treaty would be a demand that governments regulate the sale and possession of firearms worldwide — all of them, including yours and mine.

Though I believe that firearms should not be in the wrong hands, the proposed terms of this global gun control treaty would overreach wildly into regulating the sale of firearms to law-abiding citizens.

Rep. Paul Gosar Asks for Floor Vote on ‘No Confidence’ in Attny General Holder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Cam Edwards talks to Representative Paul Gosar (R-AZ) about the pending release of the Inspector General’s report on Fast & Furious.

Ed.: Video story.

Emerald Trace? – CTC introduces new green lasers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Known as a leader in the laser aiming devices for the self defense market, Crimson Trace (CTC) built their reputation with products like the Lasergrips, Laserguard and Rail Master. Regardless of the platform, model or price, all of the Crimson Trace lasers shared one common trait: they were red. That’s all changed.

Comments on the NRA’s Interview with Mitt Romney
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I’ve already been on record as stating that I believe Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is more of a political opportunist than a principled statesman. He has had a tendency, over his career, to change positions on a bunch of key issues (guns, abortion, etc.). This is no secret.

So, when Romney sat down with the NRA’s Chris Cox for an interview, I was curious to know how he’d answer questions about the 2nd Amendment, guns and gun ownership. Would he echo platitudes, simply telling gun owners what (he thinks) they want to hear? Or would he give thoughtful answers that showed a nuanced and authentically developed knowledge of the issues?

CA: Golden State devalues gun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Assembly Bill 1527 called the “Open Carry Ban” passes in both the state House and Senate, and now sits on Gov. Jerry Brown’s desk for signature. According to California statute, if the Governor does not sign it by September 30th, the measure automatically becomes law effective January 1, 2013.

Proponents of the bill say removing gun rights prevents tragedy, yet there is not one scintilla of evidence to say that is true. In fact, there are piles of evidence to show that criminal elements obtain weapons via illegal ways and use them illegally,unlike law abiding citizens who follow the law.

Misleading gun stories hurt press image
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Denver Post story deals with how Colorado residents have reacted to the Aurora “Batman massacre” earlier this summer, but the headline says something different. “Theater shootings don’t push Coloradans to support stricter gun laws.”

“Shootings?” There was one theater shooting this summer in Colorado, as the text of the story makes clear. It was a single event that sadly took a dozen lives and wounded several other patrons in an establishment that prohibited firearms. In effect, this was a gun-free zone where only the victims were disarmed; a perpetrator ignored the prohibition and opened fire.

Gun Control Targets the Wrong People
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Cam Edwards talks to Dr. Kyle Scott from Duke University about this article he wrote that Gun control targets the wrong people.

Ed.: Video story.

Brady Campaign Not Sure America is Greatest Nation on Earth
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On the other hand, American and British crime trends have not been “opposite” at all. While crime has decreased in Great Britain, it has decreased here as well. For example, in the next few days the FBI is expected to release its crime report for 2011 which, in conjunction with earlier reports, will likely show that our nation’s murder rate has fallen to nearly an all-time low, down by more than half since 1991.

Contact Your U.S. Senators & Urge They Support S. 3525 the ‘Sportsmen’s Act of 2012′
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the waning days of the 112th Congress, there is an outside chance that the U.S. Senate could vote on a sportsmen’s package–S. 3525, “The Sportsmen’s Act of 2012.”

S. 3525 is an essential piece of legislation focused on the expansion and enhancement of hunting, recreational fishing and shooting on federal public land.

GA: Georgia Tech students rally for guns on-campus
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Tuesday a group of Georgia Tech students will rally for guns on-campus.

"Students for Concealed Carry", is recognizing "U.S. Constitution week" and Tuesday will focus on the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms.

Sean Ryno, a student, owns a gun and supports guns on campus. "It's not just about protecting yourself; it's about protecting other people around you," said Ryno.

The pool of guns that get turned in in buybacks are simply not the same guns that would otherwise have been used in crime. — Harvard professor David Kennedy, as reported on FoxNews

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