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Newslinks for 9/19/2008

SAF Applauds Ohio Supreme Court Ruling on CCW
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today's ruling by the Ohio Supreme Court that strikes down a ban on legal concealed carry in public parks was 'a proper decision that upholds the state's concealed carry preemption statute,' the Second Amendment Foundation said."

"Ohio's current concealed carry statute ... prohibits local governments from adopting more stringent gun control regulations than the state. The City of Clyde passed an ordinance banning legal concealed carry in city parks. The law was challenged by Ohioans for Concealed Carry."

"'Anti-gun municipalities across the country have been cooking up ways to challenge state preemption statutes,' noted SAF founder Alan Gottlieb, "as a means of harassing legally-armed, law-abiding citizens. ...'"

Outdoor Jounrnal: Cowboy action shooting growing in popularity
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Last month in Wyoming, I got to watch a reenactment of a cowboy gunfight."

"This weekend, I’m going to watch and enjoy another one, but this time I can walk to it because it will be taking place near my home at the Kayaderosseras Fish & Game Club grounds, when the Circle K Regulators host their eighth annual Single Action Shooting Soc­iety Heluva Rukus New York State Championship."

"Cowboy action shooting has grown in popularity over the last several years and now enjoys an international membership in excess of 80,000, with registered clubs in 50 states and six countries. Currently, there are 17 SASS affiliated clubs in New York state." ...

Shooting for the Olympics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two young shooters from Illinois were among the 18 from 11 states selected for intensive training and evaluation Oct. 8-12 at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colo."

"Both Brett Bachmann, 16, of Highland Park, and Kelcey DePatis, 17, of Donovan (Iroquois County), were selected in trap."

"All were selected from the Scholastic Clay Target Program."

"Two Chicago-area coaches were among the seven volunteer SCTP coaches from five states also invited to attend the camp to learn advanced skills in coaching shooting sports." ...

U.S. House Acts Like City Council To Pass Dangerous Gun Lobby Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"America is coping with the worst financial crisis in a century according to Alan Greenspan, is rebuilding from two destructive hurricanes, and is waging two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan."

"Yet Congress found nearly four hours of floor time in the last two days to re-write a local gun ordinance."

Yesterday's vote in the U.S. House of Representatives - to second-guess Washington, D.C.'s efforts to re-write its gun laws in response to this summer's Supreme Court decision on the Second Amendment - was a charade. That's the only way to describe it." ...

Gun ownership and suicide not a good mix
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the scientific paper 'Guns and Suicide in the United States,' authors Matthew Miller and David Hemenway discuss the direct relationship between the number of suicides and gun ownership."

"They found that the U.S. states with the most gun owners also saw the highest number of suicides."

"Dr. Matthew Miller is the associate director and Dr. David Hemenway is the director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, United States." ...

Submitter's Note: Dr. Lott does a good job debunking this piece here. Paul Gallant and Joanne D. Eisen also address this and other 'junk science' studies here.

VA: One and a Half Miles of Guns, Knives and Accessories
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Nation's Gun Show took place this past weekend in Chantilly, Va. I attended looking to meet a few members of armed America ..." ...

"From my brief visit, I discern three phases of gun-nuttery: people who think guns are fun (for hunting, target practice, or just as sexy pieces of machinery), people who fear crime and think guns will make them safe, and people who think owning a gun proves their love of God, country, and freedom. The crazy spectrum seems to run from low to high as you pass from fun-loving gun fans to the God and freedom brand." ...

We Earned the Fees in the Gun Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Vindication of fundamental civil rights is not an 'injury,' and asking that the government be held liable for the cost of enforcing our civil rights laws is no 'insult' ['Holding Up Taxpayers,' editorial, Sept. 6]."

"Enforcement of our nation's civil rights laws depends on attracting qualified lawyers to fight government agencies with endless resources on behalf of ordinary people who cannot afford legal services."

"Awarding successful civil rights lawyers below-market rates for taking such enormous risks would send the bar a terrible message: Ignore injustice, unless you can afford to fight it." ...

"If the city doesn't want to pay civil rights lawyers' fees, it should obey the Constitution. Freedom isn't free."

NRA wins battle in House, but might not get to fight in Senate
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The legislative gun that the National Rifle Association (NRA) put to the head of the District of Columbia government might not have any bullets."

"The NRA won a decisive, bipartisan victory in the House on Wednesday on a bill that strips the District of Columbia’s government of much of its ability to regulate guns. But there is no agreement to bring the bill to the floor in the Senate — and with only seven legislative days left on the schedule, it is unlikely the bill will get floor time this year."

WY: Wyoming senators back gun rights
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Wyoming senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso, both Republicans, praised the House passage of a bill preserving Second Amendment rights in the District of Columbia Wednesday."

"'With its landmark June ruling, the highest court in the land left no doubt that the Second Amendment is a fundamental American right to be honored across this great nation,' Enzi said. 'I applaud the House for going to bat for District residents and protecting their right to own and carry guns.'"

"Enzi and Barrasso also joined their fellow senators in writing a letter to Senate leadership, urging them to bring up the Second Amendment Enforcement Act for prompt consideration in the Senate." ...

FL: Vero Beach Man Shoots, Kills Intruder
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A man shot and killed a 24-year-old intruder who apparently tried to rob a Vero Beach home Thursday morning, sheriff's deputies said."

"Indian River County Sheriff’s Office detectives said Thomas Thompson was armed with a knife when he broke into the home on 47th Avenue and woke up Francis Hornsby. She screamed, alerting sons Robert, ... 20, and Austin, 19."

"'Someone came through our window, had a knife -- they're in my mom's room standing over her bed,' Austin Hornsby told WPBF News 25's Terri Parker. 'I chased him out, tackled him midway through the house. My brother came out, shot him with a shotgun, end of story.'"

"A motive for the break-in is not clear, even to one of Thompson’s good friends." ...

PA: Officer Says He Fired In Self-Defense
Submitted by: jac

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"A transit police officer who fatally shot his neighbor in suburban Philadelphia said he fired in self-defense."

"Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman said ... Sgt. Darryl Simmons shot Joseph McNair following a traffic dispute ..."

"The sergeant dialed 911 after shooting McNair ..."

"The sergeant told police McNair threatened his family following a near traffic collision. The officer believed McNair was reaching for a weapon when he drew his gun and fired."

"NBC10 also reported that the officer said he had been threatened by McNair in the past."

"McNair was struck multiple times and later died at a hospital."

"Simmons was interviewed by police and released. No charges have been filed."

Gun control target practice
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun control has suddenly emerged as the toxic issue of the 2008 presidential campaign, endangering Barack Obama's appeal among Democratic blue-collar and labor union households."

"The freshman Illinois senator has a long record of favoring gun bans in Chicago and Washington, D.C., and a raft of other gun control bills that are anathema to gun owners, hunters and sportsmen alike."

"He insists now he supports Second Amendment gun rights to keep and bear arms that the U.S. Supreme Court upheld when it struck down the D.C. gun ban in June. But he refused to join 77 of his colleagues who signed a friend of the court brief to end the weapons ban and remains sympathetic to a broad range of gun ban statutes." ...

Could blaze orange turn key states red or blue?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Forget spring, summer, fall and winter. In Minnesota, the seasons go by fishing, boating, hunting and snowmobiling."

"Outdoors passions run so strong that last year lawmakers considered moving the fishing opener to spare anglers the dilemma of having to choose between hitting the lake and marking Mother's Day. It explains why presidential hopefuls John McCain and Barack Obama are targeting hook-and-bullet voters ..."

"Beyond Minnesota, the campaigns are mobilizing blaze-orange brigades in battleground states including Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wisconsin. They're making their cases at game fairs, shooting ranges and hunting camps." ...

Campaign gun issue hits local firing range
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Former Washington Redskin and president of the American Hunters and Shooters Association Ray Schoenke stopped in Clarksburg Wednesday to shoot a couple clay pigeons and talk about how the Second Amendment comes into play in the presidential campaign."

"'As a gun rights organization, we believe gun rights should be protected, and it's a right we feel strongly about,' Schoenke said, adding he doesn't believe an administration under Barack Obama would decrease gun ownership rights."

"'The Supreme Court has ruled the government can't take your guns away,' he said. 'Neither party is going to take your guns away.'"

"There are differences of opinion on whether Obama's stance on gun ownership actually supports gun owners." ...

OH: To Help Keep Dangerous Guns Away From Dangerous People, Brady Campaign Endorses Betty Sutton For Re-Election To Congress
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and its Ohio Million Mom March Chapters today endorsed Betty Sutton for re-election to Congress from Ohio’s 13th Congressional District."

"Sutton, a former attorney, city councilwoman and state legislator, was first elected to Congress in 2006, and is admired as a smart and practical leader who focuses on problem solving."

"'Betty Sutton is an outstanding Member of Congress with an admirable record of service,' said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign. 'She has fought for common sense gun laws to reduce gun violence in America. She knows we need to do more to keep our families safe.'" ...

OH: Cleveland Loses Appeal in Gun Confiscation Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The City of Cleveland has lost in their bid to keep a firearm confiscated from a man who was acquitted of all charges stemming from an April 2007 incident."

"On April 27, 2007, Antonio Fulton was charged with using weapons while intoxicated, failure to secure a dangerous ordnance, and endangering children. His handgun was confiscated."

"At his trial, Fulton was acquitted of the charges. Yet, the City refused to return his handgun. Fulton petitioned the Municipal Court to return the firearm, but the Court refused. Fulton appealed the ruling to the Eight Appellate District. Today, the Appellate Court ruled in his favor." ...

"Not only was Cleveland ordered to return Mr. Fulton's gun, they were also ordered to pay court costs."

NY: Off-Duty NYPD Cops Accused of Assaulting Firefighter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two off-duty NYPD officers have been arrested on assault charges in connection with a confrontation with a firefighter outside a Long Beach bar Saturday night."

"At around 4 a.m., officers Douglas Rome, 25, and Jason Ragoo, 26, made a rude remark to the sister of the firefighter, police said. When the firefighter, Brian McNamara, 32, objected, he was punched and kicked, police said."

"McNamara was treated at a local hospital and released."

"Rome and Ragoo surrendered Wednesday and were fingerprinted, photographed and charged with third-degree assault, authorities said. They have been suspended without pay and their guns have been confiscated." ...

AZ: Officer on leave after shooting armed homeowner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Phoenix police officer is on paid administrative leave this week after he shot and hospitalized an armed homeowner who confronted an intruder at his home ..." ...

"Thompson said Phoenix Officer Brian Lilly responded to the Flower Street home with a fellow officer and a sergeant who were initially called to the neighborhood after calls of shots fired and a residential burglary, both at separate addresses."

"The three announced their presence and entered the house. Lilly shot the homeowner after he appeared with a gun in his hand, Thompson said. ..."

"Thompson added that there was no indication that responding officers had any conversation with the homeowners or Canales prior to the shooting ..." ...

OH: Open carry walk planned for Northwood, Ohio
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The (Millbury, OH) Press is reporting that Ohioans For Concealed Carry Inc. plans to hold a demonstration walk Sept. 20 in Northwood in protest of what the organization says was poor treatment of one of its members by city police." ...

"The story reports that OFCC filed a complaint over the incident with the police department and city law director and an Internal Affairs investigation was conducted but found there was no misconduct by officers. According to the press release, OFCC disagrees with the findings of the investigation and believes Mr. Farbrother is owed an apology by the police department." ...

NY: Convictions Reinstated Against NYC 'Mafia Cops'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal appeals court Wednesday reinstated a jury verdict against two former police detectives who were convicted of moonlighting as gangsters and carrying out a series of hits for the mob." ...

"In April 2006, a jury in Brooklyn concluded that the so-called Mafia Cops were responsible for eight murders, kidnapping and other crimes. It agreed with the government that the pair led double lives, working for the New York Police Department and Luchese crime family underboss Anthony 'Gaspipe' Casso."

"The trial laid bare one of the worst cases of corruption in the history of the NYPD. Prosecutors said they were paid $65,000 for the slaying of a mobster during a phony traffic stop ..." ...

AL: Ex-Anniston police officer arrested
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A former Anniston police officer is in jail in Shelby County without bond on charges including rape, sexual abuse and child endangerment.

Sheriff's Capt. Eric Burchfield said Ronald Loyd Whitworth Jr. was arrested May 4, following reports of sexual abuse, and also charged with possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

Anniston Police Chief John Dryden said Whitworth worked for the police several years ago, before leaving for a job near Birmingham.

Whitworth failed to appear in court on Aug. 19 and was later arrested in Washington.

Birmingham Attorney Brett Bloomston, who is representing Whitworth, had no comment Thursday.

IL: Chicago cops say they are rebelling against chief
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Serious crime is up but arrests are down in Chicago, and some police officers say they are working the streets less aggressively out of resentment toward their new chief and fear of being second-guessed by him."

"'People are doing just what they need to get through' their shifts, said Lt. Robert Weisskopf, president of the Chicago police lieutenants union, 'and not any extra.'"

"In addition to making fewer arrests, police are seizing fewer guns and frisking gang members less often than they did before Superintendent Jody Weis was brought in to clean up a department embarrassed by a string of brutality cases, according to interviews, statistics provided by police and an internal document obtained by The Associated Press." ...

TN: UT officer arrested on drug charge
Submitted by: Wildfire

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A University of Tennessee-Knoxville police officer has been charged with selling prescription drugs.

WBIR-TV reports that Officer Matthew Chambers was arrested Wednesday at UT Police Department headquarters on charges he sold the drug Roxicodone to an undercover Knoxville police officer.

Knoxville police were not saying when or where the sale took place.

The investigation began when Knoxville police received a tip from an informant in early August.

Chambers has been a UT-Knoxville police officer for less than two years. He was placed on paid leave, his police powers were suspended and he turned in his badge and firearm.

NC: Gunshops can keep licenses, judge says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal judge decided Tuesday that Jim's Gun Jobbery of Fayetteville and the Jim's store in Wilmington can keep their licenses to sell firearms."

"Jim's Gun Jobbery in Fayetteville and Jim's Pawn & Gun in Wilmington sometimes violated regulations requiring dealers to closely track their inventory, U.S. District Judge Malcolm J. Howard said in his ruling. But he decided the violations were unintentional and made up only a tiny percentage of the stores' sales ..."

"The [BATFE] has been trying since 2005 to revoke the licenses of Jim's ... The ATF said the stores repeatedly lost track of guns in their inventory over an eight-year period and had not resolved the problem despite repeated warnings." ...

Submitter's Note: As opposed to tripling the loss rate of guns and laptops after being warned?

OH: OFCC v. Clyde Not Just About Parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The media is reporting the landmark Ohioans For Concealed Carry v. Clyde case as a simple matter of the Ohio Supreme Court overturning Clyde's ban on firearms in their parks, but the case goes much deeper than that."

"This case upheld statewide preemption of gun laws, giving teeth to Sec. 9.68 of the Ohio Revised Code ..." ...

"Simply put, this means that nearly all gun laws that are not related to zoning are controlled at the State and Federal levels." ...

IL: Get it right on guns (third letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Roger Ebert does a disservice to Sun-Times readers by not understanding the difference between 'machine guns' and ordinary semi-automatic firearms that would be banned if the federal ban on so-called 'assault weapons' was reinstated, something Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin opposes [Sarah Palin: This will be on the test, Sept. 14]."

"So-called 'assault weapons' are not 'machine guns' and do not 'spray' bullets as is so often alleged. Machine guns have been heavily regulated and virtually banned since the 1934 National Firearms Act. Rather, 'assault weapons' are simply semi-automatic firearms that function no differently than any other semi-automatic firearm ..." ...

I believe that every individual is naturally entitled to do as he pleases with himself and the fruits of his labor, so far as it in no way interferes with any other men's rights. — ABRAHAM LINCOLN

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