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Newslinks for 9/20/2008

American Hunters and Shooters Association Responds to its Critics
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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... "The recent national Slash and Burn: Why Does the National Rifle Association Leadership Support Congress’s Biggest Opponents of Conservation?', a report prepared by the American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA) to shed light on NRA's dismal conservation record, has once again fired up the old McCarthy-style, NRA-attack machine."

"Rather than question the accuracy of the report, AHSA critics, once again dredge up old character attacks of AHSA leadership and guilt by association innuendo. In the past the AHSA leadership has not responded to the ridiculous NRA attacks, but now may be the best time to publicly respond to the absurd allegations that many NRA apologists on the internet feel compelled to repeat." ...

Gun Lobby First
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The House stampeded past serious public safety concerns and the democratic rights of residents of the District of Columbia on Wednesday to approve a bill that would gut sensible gun controls in the nation’s capital."

"In all, 85 Democrats joined with a nearly unanimous block of Republican lawmakers to pass the dangerous measure 266 to 152, a reminder that catering to the gun lobby during election season is a bipartisan affliction. The bill was pushed by the National Rifle Association and opposed by the District Police Department."

"Supporters of the bill argued, disingenuously, that the bill was necessary to bring the district in compliance with the Supreme Court ruling in June ..." ...

VA: Town Council trick or treat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When I went to Town Council Tuesday past, my intent was to offer in public forum an idea to close West Street on Halloween evening in the interest of protecting the young trick-or-treaters ..."

"... the real trick-or-treaters of that Tuesday evening were my fellow public forum presenters. They were there at the Town Council meeting to oppose an ordinance our chief of police proposed to not allow the discharge of a firearm in the town limits. These trick-or-treaters were not town residents. They were mostly from northern Virginia. ..."

"... they rose one at a time and pleaded their case that the laws on the books were certainly sufficient ... They were all brandishing firearms on their hips." ...

Submitter's Note: How do you brandish a weapon with it holstered on your hip?

Senate To Kill Gun Bill?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Earlier this summer, in a 5-4 decision, the United States Supreme Court overturned the law in Washington, D.C. banning handguns in the District." ...

"Now, less than three months later, the U.S. House of Representatives has taken aim at reversing other restrictive gun laws in the District of Columbia. As The Washington Post reported earlier this week, the House voted 266-152 to 'legalize semi-automatic rifles in the district and repeal its gun registration laws.'" ...

"Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) fired this salvo: 'If this bill comes to the floor of the United States Senate, I will do everything in my power to stop it.' We doubt Mrs. Feinstein’s stance would play well in the Shenandoah Valley ..." ...

UT: West Valley homeowner shoots an intruder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An estranged husband who was shot after breaking into the home of his wife's male friend remained at University Hospital Thursday."

"Robert Hunter, 50, was shot in the chest and arms with a 12-gauge shotgun ..."

"... Hunter ... had been served divorce papers earlier that day ..."

"... Hunter went to the back sliding glass door, shattered the glass and entered the house ..." ...

"McIntosh fired a shotgun at Hunter almost as soon as he entered. ... Hunter was carrying loaded 9 mm and .22-caliber handguns with him. Police said whether Hunter pointed his weapons at anyone, whether he fired a shot or whether McIntosh even knew he was armed, were all questions being addressed in the investigation."

Solomon Islands: Crocodiles enjoy gun-free Solomon Islands
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Attempts to turn Solomon Islands into a gun-free society has had an unintended deadly side effect."

"It's lead in part, to an increase in the number of fatal crocodile attacks."

"Guns were banned on Solomon Islands following racial tensions and the arrival in 2003 of the Australian lead Regional Assistance Mission, RAMSI."

"Solomon Islands Acting Police Commissioner, Peter Marshall, has told Radio Australia at least six people have been killed by crocodiles in the past 18 months." ...

Trumka: Obama Strong on Guns, Conservation Issues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At a union roundtable discussion in Johnstown, Pa., yesterday, AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Richard Trumka met with a panel of 15 union sportsmen from 12 different western Pennsylvania unions to discuss Sen. Barack Obama’s positions on issues ranging from trade to guns." ...

"Trumka, an avid hunter and fisher, says corporate interests will again seek to exploit the issue of gun ownership this year, hoping to distract gun-owning voters from real issues like jobs, health care and retirement security. ..."
"Obama gets it. Not only is he crystal clear in his support of the Second Amendment, he is light years ahead of John McCain on habitat conservation and hunting and fishing access issues important to sportsmen." ...

Obama's Ohio gun grabber: Persons who shoot home invaders should (still) be guilty until proven innocent
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While most people are familiar with the legal right to a presumption of innocence ... that exists in the modern nations, an Ohio gun ban lobbyist with ties to Barack Obama seems to be quite ignorant about the matter."

"Having suffered yet another stinging loss in the Ohio legislature with passage of Castle Doctrine, Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence ... Executive Director Toby Hoover told Ohio University's The Post that 'a gun owner who shoots an intruder in their home should not be assumed innocent.'"

"Investigations by Buckeye Firearms Association have revealed that OCAGV's primary source of funding comes from the anti-gun Joyce Foundation, for which Barack Obama served on the board of directors from 1994 through 2002." ...

NY: To Help Keep Dangerous Guns Away from Dangerous People, Brady Campaign Endorses Dan Maffei for Congress
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Brady Campaign ... today endorsed Dan Maffei for New York’s 25th Congressional District."

"As a former reporter, Dan Maffei has seen up close the devastation that gun violence can cause. His years of public service with the offices of Senator Moynihan and other longtime champions of gun violence prevention measures will help shape his efforts in the future."

"'Dan Maffei will fight for common sense gun laws to reduce gun violence in America,' said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign. 'He knows how to work in Congress, having served under such great public servants as Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Senator Bill Bradley. Like them, he knows we need to do more to keep our families safe.'" ...

PA: Gun Control
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"If U.S. Rep. Patrick J. Murphy (D., Pa.) had not served as an Army captain in Iraq, the Bucks County congressman might be suspected of running scared as he faces a spirited challenge for reelection."

"It sure looked that way yesterday, when Murphy voted with the National Rifle Association - and against the best interests of cities in his own backyard trying to stem gun violence, including Philadelphia."

"Murphy was among 85 House Democrats who joined 181 Republicans in approving a bill that would roll back gun-safety measures enacted by the District of Columbia, after the Supreme Court struck down the city's 32-year-old handgun ban in June." ...

A raid gone wrong Time to rein in police SWAT teams
Submitted by: Paul Shoemaker

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"It's sad, of course, that Cheye Calvo's dogs were blown away, left for hours in two pools of blood on the floors of his living and dining rooms. It's unfortunate, to be sure, that Calvo's front door had to be burst open, that it was necessary to plant his mother-in-law on the floor, arms bound, a high-caliber weapon pointed at her head, or that his house had to be trashed, every drawer flipped over, his belongings strewn about. Tragic, really."

"But no apology is necessary, you see. Even though Calvo and his wife were exonerated of any criminal act almost instantly after their house was raided in ... 'The guys did what they were supposed to do,' Prince George's (Md.) County Sheriff Michael Jackson says. ..."

TX: Former Georgetown officer convicted in rape case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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a former Georgetown police officer accused of raping a drunk woman after responding to a domestic disturbance call."

"Jimmy Lewis Fennell Jr., 35, pleaded guilty in May to kidnapping and improper sexual activity with a person in custody, but state District Judge Burt Carnes later rejected a deal that recommended a two-year prison term, 10 years of probation and a fine."

"During Friday's hearing, Fennell waived his right to a jury trial and decided not to withdraw his guilty plea ... Carnes convicted Fennell on the two charges ..."

"Fennell faces up to 10 years in prison for the kidnapping charge and up to two years in state jail and a $10,000 fine for the improper sexual activity charge. ..." ...

GA: Officer charged with DUI appeals firing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A fired Sandy Springs police sergeant is challenging his dismissal last month after he was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol while off-duty."

"Vernon Sands, an 18-year police veteran, joined the Sandy Springs Police Department in 2006. ..." ...

"... Sands contends he was fired prematurely and treated unfairly by top city and police officials because he is black. He contends several white officers have been charged previously with criminal offenses, but were placed on administrative leave and given time to resolve their cases."

"'I was fired and lost my position, vacation leave, sick leave, and my income,' wrote Sands ... 'I was not allowed adequate time to resolve my pending charges. ...'" ...

MI: Detroit cop charged in auto fraud ring
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Detroit Police officer has been arrested on four felony counts in connection with an auto fraud ring that the Michigan Attorney General’s Office and Michigan State Police broke up in March 2007.

Kevin Schuh, 35, of Brown City is charged with writing and submitting false police accident reports to support multiple fraudulent insurance claims. He turned himself in today.

The Attorney General’s Office began investigating Schuh after discovering his name was connected to several accident reports at a body shop owned by a person alleged to be associated with an auto fraud ring.

He is scheduled to be arraigned at 36th District Court in Detroit today.

SC: Deputy's Arrest! Who's Wrong? You Decide! Aiken County, SC
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Aiken County Sheriff's Office deputy has been fired and charged with attacking a teenager this weekend and jailing him on trumped-up charges."

"Jeffrey S. Nation, 40 is charged with assault and battery and misconduct in office, said Lt. Michael Frank, an Aiken County Sheriff's Office spokesperson."

"On Sunday, the deputy arrested Lorenzo Williams Jr., 18, of Richmond Circle in New Ellenton More.., claiming the 18-year-old tried to head butt him when he stopped him walking in the area of Green and Jackson streets."

"Williams never tried to head butt the deputy, Frank said."

"The incident was captured on police video and there was no such attempted attack, he added." ...

NC: Warrants Reveal Details On CMPD Officer's Arrest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Eyewitness News has uncovered court documents that show that it was an anonymous tip to a social worker that led fraud detectives to a Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer, who has now been charged with exploiting his disabled father.

Officer Richard Watts Jr. was arrested on Monday. Now, three search warrants show that detectives believe Watts wrote 18 checks amounting to more than $59,000 on his disabled father's bank account.

Detectives said Watts used that money for himself instead of his father's care.

Watts' father has been in a nursing home, and he collected $100,000 in life insurance when his wife died.

Watts has been suspended by the police department until his case is resolved in court.

OH: Gun ban lifted by Ohio Supreme Court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Ohio Supreme Court struck down the city of Clyde's ban on carrying firearms in city parks in a 4-3 decision Thursday."

"The ruling means all municipal ordinances attempting to regulate guns on city property are now void in Ohio, said Daniel Ellis of Ohioans for Concealed Carry."

"The activist organization filed suit against Clyde's ban on guns in city parks in August 2004, shortly after it was enacted. The group claimed in the suit the ban was in conflict with state legislation passed in January 2004 allowing qualified people to carry guns anywhere unless specifically prohibited by the state law." ...

Canada: Gun peddler jailed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Winnipeg man caught selling submachine-guns to an undercover police informant was sentenced yesterday to seven years, four months in prison."

"Andrew David Janz, 36, pleaded guilty earlier this month to one count each of conspiracy to import firearms, conspiracy to traffic in weapons, possession of goods obtained by crime, and possession of a firearm while prohibited."

"Justice Perry Schulman gave Janz double credit for the nine months he has served in custody, reducing his total sentence to 70 months." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Canada: Video shows alleged terrorists in Ontario
Submitted by: Trapper

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"A U.S.-based anti-terrorism group has posted a video on its website showing a training camp in rural Ontario allegedly attended by a group of Toronto men charged with plotting large-scale terrorist attacks in Toronto and Ottawa."

"The video shows masked men wearing camouflage parkas, firing weapons and waving a black flag from atop a small hill in the snow-covered woodlands near Orillia, Ont., while chanting 'Allahu Akbar.'"

"The non-profit Nine-Eleven Finding Answers Foundation obtained the video after it was played in a trial in the United Kingdom, and alleges that it is linked to the trial of 11 men charged with planning terrorist attacks in Canada." ...

In our inner cities, where firearms are outlawed, only outlaws are armed. When our "philosopher kings" sit back and do nothing, this is the tyranny and terror of "gun control." —CHARLTON HESTON

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