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Newslinks for 9/20/2012

Key figure in Chicago gun ban case to appear at gun rights confab
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Otis McDonald, the man for whom the landmark 2010 Second Amendment victory before the U.S. Supreme Court, essentially nullifying the Chicago handgun ban, will be a headliner at the upcoming Gun Rights Policy Conference, sponsored by the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation."

"This year’s event, to be held at the Hyatt Regency located in the airport terminal complex at Orlando, Fla., is co-sponsored by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms." ...

OIG Fast and Furious report requires analysis before media jumps to conclusions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Simlarly of significance, and hardly surprising to those following this story, the report notes 'The White House did not produce to us any internal White House communications, noting that 'the White House is beyond the purview of the Inspector General's Office, which has jurisdiction over Department of Justice programs and personnel.'" ...

Inspector General’s Fast and Furious Report Clears AG Eric Holder. Or Not.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'A long-awaited report on the U.S. government’s controversial gun-trafficking operation known as ‘Fast and Furious’ released Wednesday found no evidence that Attorney General Eric Holder knew of the botched effort to trace the flow of guns to Mexico’s drug cartels prior to its public unraveling in January 2011,' reports. [Click here for the Inspector General's redacted report A review of ATF's Operation Fast and Furious and Related Matters.] The main mainstream media is touting this as a big thumbs up for the AG . . ." ...

An Open Letter From Ron Barrett - Barrett Firearms Manufacturing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dear Fellow Citizens,"

"In the never-ending battle to destroy our constitution, more 'big lie' propaganda is being dumped on our elected officials. The rhetoric given forth by the Violence Policy Center (VPC) so easily deceived the legislators of California, resulting in the banning of fifty caliber rifles because they are powerful and their bullets punch holes when they strike. Even single shot .50 cal rifles were banned. It's hard to believe we live in such a dark time that someone has actually banned a single shot rifle. But as you will see, this is the cleverest of all gun bans, and the end goal is civilian disarmament, the confiscation of your tools of liberty, your rifles." ...

The Erosion of Constitutional Liberties: Voter ID Laws and Gun Restrictions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over the past few weeks, the news cycle nationwide — and certainly within my home state of Pennsylvania — has been dominated by limited topics. Two of those topics are of direct constitutional relevance: voter ID regulations and restrictions on gun rights." ...

The UN Gun Control Treaty Is Bad for Gun Owners Everywhere
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last time I checked, Americans were responsible for making our own laws. We do not invite foreign nations to have a say in how we govern ourselves within our own borders. Yet if you follow what's been going on with the United Nations this year, you know that the USA came perilously close to having other countries dictate our gun laws. And the fight isn't over yet." ...

Gear Review: 5.11 Tactical Range Ready Bag
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"So I recently completed another trip around the sun (translation: birthday). As is tradition, my dog bought me a gift (translation: I bought myself something and said Ms. Pepper got it for me). For some reason, she has a knack for finding that one thing that no one else knew that I wanted. I guess it’s true: no one knows you like your best friend."

"So this year’s present was the Range Ready Bag from 5.11 Tactical. My old range bag was...old. It also wasn’t really meant for use as a range bag. It was for bringing sporting clay supplies to the range. It was essentially a stiff sided gym bag, when all was said and done so there was no real way to organize anything in it. ..." ...

New from Franchi: Affinity Compact Shotty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wanna get your kid started in skeet or trap? Are you a petit femme or — like me — shorter than the average bear? Then you’ll probably want to take a look at Franchi’s latest. It’s a compact, soft-shooting 20 gauge auto-loader with plenty of butt stock spacers to get just the right length of pull. I shot Franchi’s full-size 20 bore at SHOT and it was mighty easy on the shoulder. Press release after the jump . . ." ...

A zone of danger
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Training with firearms is an inherently dangerous act' – I have seen this disclaimer, and ones just like it at basically every shooting class I’ve attended. We talk about the 4 Rules of Gun Safety, or Cardinal Rules of gun handling, and take precautions to minimize the danger presented by firearms."

"Yet, when someone that’s anti-gun says that firearms are dangerous, we’ll immediately turn out and point out that firearms accidents are at an all time low, and how a gun is just an inert piece of metal/plastic/wood unless it’s picked up by a human being. So which is it? Are guns dangerous or are they harmless? Is this a case of cognitive dissonance by gun owners or is there a reason behind the apparent inconsistency in logic?" ...

Gun Review: Ruger SR1911 (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 2011, the centennial year of John Browning’s timeless pistol design, the market was inundated with 1911s. It seemed like all of the companies that had not already made a 1911 joined the celebration by launching versions of their own. Remington now makes a serviceable 1911 with very traditional looks. Springfield Armory released reasonably priced tack driver—The Range Officer. But the most stylish of the 1911s that sell for under a grand is the Ruger SR1911." ...

American Rifleman’s Editor-in-Chief Mark Keefe: My Disaster Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "My friend Marty Morgan stayed behind in New Orleans—he lived on high ground and had plenty of food and water—and he had a rifle, an AKM. He survived the natural disaster no problem, but knew he might not live through the rampant anarchy that followed. There is no doubt in his mind that, if not for that rifle, he would likely not be with us today."

"Handguns are handy in such situations—and I will always have one on my hip in such times—but a rifle is essential. A man with a rifle has options, he can put distance between himself and predators, and he has long-range firepower that is effective at long range, but devastating at close range. A man with a rifle can defend his home and family, or strap it across his chest and walk out ..." ...

How To Behave in a Gun Store – A Guide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun stores can be magical places full of cool gear, knowledge and the smell of Hoppes #9."

"They can also be overwhelming to someone new to the world of firearms. They can also be potentially dangerous when the rules of firearm safety aren’t followed." ...

"Just because you are in a gun store and the guns in the case are brand new does not mean that you should stop following the rules of firearm safety."

"The most common safety violation is pointing a firearm at other customers, clerks or yourself. Don’t do those things. Seems like common sense right? Go stand at the counter at your local gun store and see how many times you get swept with a muzzle." ...

Josh Horwitz laughably accuses gun rights advocates of disregarding Constitution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Second Amendment is not the only part of the Bill of Rights that CSGV would like to see trampled, by the way. By invoking charges of 'treason' against anyone who dares suggest that the Second Amendment exists to protect the right of the people to equip themselves with the means to resist tyranny, CSGV shows its hostility to the First Amendment, as well."

"This, however, has not stopped them from accusing gun rights advocates of being the ones with a 'total disregard for our Constitution,' as their executive director Josh Horwitz remarkably asserts in the Huffington Post:" ...

Gotta gun? That’s part of the problem in our country
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the recent horrific massacres in Aurora, Colo. and Oak Creek, Wisc. — and even more recent events — to write that gun violence has become a part of our everyday experience is an understatement."

"As a young boy I grew up watching Hopalong Cassidy and Roy Rogers and continued with '77 Sunset Strip,' and 'Gunsmoke' as an adolescent. Today gun story lines continue with television programs like 'Criminal Minds' and 'CSI.'"

"Guns, stories with guns and gun violence have become a common and ever increasing part of our lives. Add to this ... the glamorization of gun play and violence in popular alternative music and film and we have a gun saturated environment." ...

A Silent Killing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This summer, from June to August, cable stations picked up stories of mass killings from across America. From rural Colorado to the doorstep of the Empire State Building, pervasive violence left no community unscathed. Presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney offered words of condolences but few proposals to rein in this violence. Neither candidate mentioned the issue in his speech at their party’s convention; neither has any plans to change the status quo. In a nation with more guns than any other, now is the time to consider this country’s most taboo political issue." ...

Bud’s Gun Shop lists Top 10 Guns for 2012
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bud’s Gun Shop is the biggest online retailer for firearms in the world. Well, besides Gunbroker, but they don’t count since they don’t actually buy any guns. And every year, Bud’s likes to release a list of the top 10 guns they’ve sold to let us know what’s popular. Last year’s list didn’t really surprise us much and they’ve just published their new tally. So, what is America buying?" ...

Future Rifles that Could Be Deadly Past Two miles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Will a man-portable rifle ever be able to take a target at the 2-mile mark? There are 5,280 feet in one mile. When you double this and convert it to yards, you are looking at 3520-yards (3218.69m) needed to cover in a two mile shot. No matter how you cut it, that is a long way. However, right now teams of firearms engineers are burning lean muscle tissue into the night over pots of coffee as black as your soul—to figure out a 2-mile rifle." ...

BETA: New Gun Reviews Listing Feature
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"So, one of the things that people keep telling me is that the reviews are too hard to find. That there needs to be some sort of search function. And while we do have a bigass list of reviews, it doesn’t really offer much in terms of aesthetics or functionality. I’ve been working on a replacement for months, and I’m sick of telling people that 'its coming' and 'we’re working on it.' So, finally, we’re ready to start beta testing the new reviews database thingy ..." ...

WA: 10 year-old with BB gun saves mother's life from attacker (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 10-year-old boy in Belligham, WA saved his mother's life after she was attacked by a man renting a room at their home recently. Police say the boy ran and got his pump action BB gun and shot the man at least four times."

"'He assaulted the female while she was in bed tried to strangle her,' said Office Mark Young with the Bellingham Police Department, 'and during the commotion her young son came to her rescue.'" ...

OH: Buckeyes for Concealed Carry President Uses Handgun to Defend Family
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At approximately 7:00 pm Saturday night, Ohio State Students Joe and Amanda Smith were approached by a threatening white male near Westland Mall requiring Joe, Buckeyes for Concealed Carry on Campus President, to use his concealed handgun to defend himself, his wife Amanda, and their sixteen month old son Kyedin."

"The threatening male approached their vehicle while Amanda was buckling Kyedin into his stroller and Joe was near the tailgate. He began making cat calls at Amanda as he closed in on her. Amanda and Joe asked him to leave them alone. Joe placed himself between his wife and the aggressor ... The male then became belligerent and began issuing threats to Joe." ...

SC: Homeowner Wakes Up To Morning Home Invader, Fights Back (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to WLTX, a homeowner in SC woke up around 9:30am to sounds of someone breaking into his kitchen. Fearful, the homeowner grabbed a handgun and confronted the suspect in the kitchen."

"At some point during the confrontation the homeowner shot the suspect several times in the chest. The suspect then fled the residence and collapsed in a neighbor’s yard." ...

FL: Tests only identify Zimmerman's DNA on handgun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Forensic tests made public Wednesday show that George Zimmerman's was the only DNA that could be identified on the grip of the gun used to fatally shoot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin."

"The results rule out Martin's DNA from being on the gun's grip. Zimmerman's DNA also was identified on the gun's holster, but no determination could be made as to whether Martin's DNA was on the gun's holster, according to the report from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement."

"Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder for fatally shooting Martin during a confrontation in a gated community in Sanford in February. Zimmerman is pleading not guilty, claiming self-defense."

"A delay in Zimmerman's arrest led to nationwide protests." ...

Whitewash. All you need to know about the OIG report in one sentence.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Now we will see if all those promises that the Committee was waiting for the OIG report merely to impeach it with other documents and witnesses was true -- or if this is the end of the line for the hopes of justice and the rule of law." ...

Oversight anticipates IG Fast and Furious report this afternoon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'This is also a reminder that the IG is confirmed to testify tomorrow [9/20] at 9:30 AM,' Watkins concluded, advising the hearing 'will be streamed' at" ...

IG report cites ‘widespread failures by senior DOJ officials,’ says Issa
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The long-awaited Inspector General’s report on Operation Fast and Furious points to 'widespread failures' on the part of senior Justice Department officials, and 'confirms findings by Congress’ investigation of a near total disregard for public safety' in the process." ...

Whitewash Investigation Exonerates Eric Holder in Fast and Furious Scandal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This Wednesday the Justice Dept. announced that it had finished investigating itself in regards to the organizations own responsibility in the 'Fast and Furious' gunrunning scandal. Yes, you heard that right, they were in charge of their own investigation."

"According to mainstream media accounts an 'internal watchdog' was responsible for overseeing the case. An internal watchdog is basically someone within the organization who is somehow supposed to provide an unbiased examination into what has happened."

"Under such circumstances it should come as no surprise to anyone that Attorney General Eric Holder was cleared of any suspicion by whichever co worker of his happened to be in charge of the investigation." ...

Investigation finds no evidence AG Eric Holder knew of 'Fast and Furious' gun-running sting
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"A long-awaited report on the U.S. government’s controversial gun-trafficking operation known as 'Fast and Furious' released Wednesday found no evidence that Attorney General Eric Holder knew of the botched effort to trace the flow of guns to Mexico’s drug cartels prior to its public unraveling in January 2011." ...

DC: Inspector general issues report critical of Justice Dept., ATF in ‘Fast and Furious’ operation
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Federal agents and prosecutors in Phoenix ignored risks to the public and were primarily responsible for the botched effort to infiltrate weapons-smuggling rings in the operation dubbed 'Fast and Furious,' according to a report released Wednesday by the Justice Department’s inspector general."

"The long-awaited report also criticized senior officials at the Justice Department and its Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Washington for lax oversight of the attempt to block the flow of weapons to Mexico’s violent drug cartels. Many of the weapons later turned up at crime scenes in Mexico and the United States, including one where a U.S. Border Patrol agent was killed." ...

I'm Sure They're Consistent, Mr. Attorney General
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Attorney General Eric Holder released a statement today on the Office of Inspector General's report on Operation Fast and Furious. He said the key conclusions were 'consistent' with what he had been saying 'for months now'."

"Oh, Eric, you live in such a fantasy land if you think a report by your appointed Inspector General which was delayed for months and months is enough to get you off the hook. As Mike Vanderboegh so rightly called it, it is a whitewash. ..."

"Kenneth Melson has 'retired', Phoenix ATF and USAO personnel are likely to be terminated, and Deputy Assistant Attorney General Jason Weinstein was, as the Instapundit put it, 'GoatScaped'." ...

Grassley Statement On OIG Report
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) issued a statement today regarding the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General's report on Operation Fast and Furious. He notes that much of what was contained in the report had already been reported by Sen. Grassley and Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee."

"Grassley noted that the wire tap applications still have not been made public nor have much of what was hidden under President Obama's claim of executive privilege. Grassley called Obama's actions 'merely thumbing his nose' at Congress." ...

'Furious' report slams 'disregard' for public safety as DOJ officials quit
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"A bombshell report released Wednesday on Operation Fast and Furious faulted a range of federal agencies for the failed anti-gunrunning program and accused officials in charge of a "disregard" for public safety. In the wake of the report, one Justice Department official resigned and another retired."

"The sprawling report by the department's inspector general is the most comprehensive account yet on the deadly operation which allowed weapons to 'walk' across the U.S.-Mexico border and resulted in hundreds of firearms turning up at crime scenes in both countries." ...

Sharyl Attkisson On The DOJ OIG Report (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News, one of the few journalists to take Project Gunwalker seriously, had a story this evening on the DOJ Inspector General's report. Her story notes that both former ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson and Assistant Deputy Attorney General Jason Weinstein disagreed with the findings of the report. " ...

Issue of Gun Control Between Obama and Romney
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun issues were once again pulled to the forefront in Colorado with the summer Aurora movie theater shooting."

"Although candidates and voters want to uphold the Second Amendment, outcry at the availability of assault weapons often clashes with gun use in other capacities."

"'It tends to be a very polarized issue,' said Kelly Schick, a junior applied mathematics major. 'Some say guns are good and shouldn’t be regulated. Others say guns should be highly regulated and essentially banned.'"

"Here is the breakdown of the presidential candidates’ stances on gun issues:" ...

GOP, Romney Promote Strong Second Amendment Platform
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"The Republican Party platform strongly supports the right to keep and bear arms, including evolving enhancements to the civil right of self-defense like Stand Your Ground laws. The party’s Second Amendment plank begins:"
"We uphold the right of individuals to keep and bear arms, a right which antedated the Constitution and was solemnly confirmed by the Second Amendment. We acknowledge, support, and defend the law-abiding citizen’s God-given right of self-defense." ...

FL: Obama's re-election could shift court on gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"National Rifle Association (NRA) members know of the following possibility, and all gun owners need to be made aware of it."

"If President Barack Obama is re-elected, he could name at least one and possibly two liberal-leaning Supreme Court justices." ...

IL: Guns Save Life opposes “May issue” carry proposals for Illinois
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "WHEREAS, the history of 'May Issue' firearms carry permit laws, including the prior law of Illinois, proves that such laws are widely subject to abuse, corruption, racial bigotry, and un-equal application based upon the whims of government officials, and"

"WHEREAS, 'Shall Issue' firearms carry permit laws, with objective standards, uniformly applied, which give NO 'discretion' to officials who issue such permits to citizens who meet the standards, have proven to be fairly administered in more than 36 states which have passed such laws ..."

"BE IT RESOLVED, that any 'MAY ISSUE' firearms carry permit law proposed in Illinois shall be OPPOSED by the membership and supporters of Guns Save Life." ...

More sniper ammunition being ordered by DHS. Who are the targets?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Surprise! The DHS Immigration and Customs Enforcement have requested more ammunition."

"However, it is the type of ammunition and not necessarily the quantity that is troubling." ...

"Blank ammunition? Why blank ammunition?"

"... Blank ammunition is used in theatrics (hmmm?) but also is used to help teach new shooters to develop trigger and breathing control."

"Nevertheless, have no fear; DHS only needs 25,000 rounds to develop good sniper skills."

"Because, they have also ordered 176,000 rounds of the .308 caliber hollow point boat tail (HPBT) rounds."

"Boat tail ammunition is incredibly accurate ammunition. From the legal opinion from the US Navy JAG in support of using hollow point ammunition:" ...

PA: Lawsuit Says Pa. Man Died After 15 Taser Hits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Mount Joy Borough police officer fired his Taser 15 times while trying to gain control of a borough resident who died a short time later, according to an updated lawsuit filed by the resident's children."

"Former Officer Tyson Woods' bursts lasted from two seconds to 28 seconds - 119 seconds total - during a 10-minute span, according to the suit." ...

NC: NC chief charged with hitting 2 suspects with car
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The police chief in Kernersville has been charged after his patrol car hit two handcuffed suspects sitting beside a road earlier this year."

"The Winston-Salem Journal reported ( that Police Chief Ken Gamble was charged Tuesday with failure to slow down to avoid a collision."

"Forsyth County District Attorney Jim O'Neill said police officers have an obligation to obey traffic laws once a chase is over." ...

GA: Former Dahlonega deputy sheriff pleads guilty to producing child pornography
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former White County Deputy Sheriff of Dahlonega, GA, pleaded guilty in federal court to charges of producing child pornography involving a then-6-year-old girl."

"Christopher Thomas Davis, 32, entered his plea during a hearing Monday before U.S. Senior District Judge William C. O'Kelley." ...

NJ: Robbinsville police officer charged with assaulting woman in wheelchair, 4-year-old son
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Robbinsville police officer was arrested last night after breaking into a family's apartment and assaulting a mother in a wheelchair and her 4-year-old son, the Mercer County Prosecutor's Office said today."

"Authorities say they have no idea why Sgt. Mark Lee, an 18-year department veteran, burst into the apartment at Project Freedom, a home for people with disabilities on Hutchinson Road. Knocking the woman from her wheelchair, Lee also allegedly went after the boy and assaulted him as well." ...

CA: Pasadena officer named in perjury complaint
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A complaint alleging that Pasadena Police Officer Kevin Okamoto perjured himself during the investigation and prosecution of Edward Damas has been filed with the Pasadena Police Department."

"The complaint, received Monday, is the latest of several written complaints and signed declarations alleging gross misconduct by Pasadena officers."

"Okamoto is named in many of those complaints, which accuse Pasadena police officers of kidnapping, beating and threatening to kill witnesses."

"Damas' attorney Michael Kraut has called for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office to bring criminal charges against Okamoto." ...

MA: Sturbridge state police trooper suspended without pay following 'deeply disturbing' allegations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Massachusetts State Police spokesman described the assault allegations against a Sturbridge-based trooper as 'deeply disturbing.'"

"If true, the allegations against Trooper Jason Willard, 38, of Auburn, 'are diametrically opposed to the morals, values and principles of the Massachusetts State Police,' spokesman David Procopio told the Boston Herald."

"Willard was relieved from duty last week, following his Worcester County grand jury indictment on indecent assault and battery and open and gross lewdness charges. On Monday, he was suspended without pay after a police hearing at Framingham headquarters ..." ...

MI: Google Street View Camera Captures the Business End of a Gun
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"It would be so fun to drive around in one of those Google street view cars, wouldn’t it? Happily capturing the world around you so it can be carefully digitized and archived for everyone with an Internet connection to see. Except for like, when you drive through a rough urban area and happen to have a large gun pointed at you." ...

Submitter's comment: Should be a real easy case to solve.

NJ: Rising gun sales in New Jersey driven by first-time buyers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "More and more Americans are opting to exercise their Second Amendment rights, driving up domestic firearms sales and interest in shooting sports, which is good news for manufacturers and dealers."

"Driving these record numbers are thousands of first-time purchasers."

"While absolute data on the number of new gun owners is hard determine — under New Jersey law the police are prohibited from releasing specific information pertaining to firearms purchases and permit requests — local gun dealers are observing the trend toward increased ownership in their own shops." ...

OH: Attorney General announces Second Quarter 2012 CHL statistics; Ohio tops 300,000 concealed carry license holders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine (R) has released the concealed handgun license (CHL) statistics for the second quarter of 2012. For the first time ever, Ohio has officially topped 300,000 concealed handgun license holders."

"Building on the last two record setting quarters, the second quarter of 2012 saw Ohio sheriffs issue 18,199 new licenses, the highest of any second quarter since the initial surge in 2004. Demand was so strong that it exceeded the demand for the second quarter of 2005, 2006, and 2007 combined. The first six months of 2012 are setting a record pace for CHL licenses, already exceeding many entire year totals ..." ...

Gun control FAIL: UK has highest violent crime in Europe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recent killings of two police officers – unarmed police officers – by a lunatic with a gun and a grenade has renewed calls in the UK for the cops there to be armed."

"Of course, the elites say 'NO!'."

"They feel so much safer without introducing guns into their utopian dreamworld."

"How’s that 'disarmed' populace working for them?"

"Well, here it is… Violent attacks in the last ten years are up 77%." ...

UK Police Chiefs: We Don’t Want Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday, two unarmed UK police officers died in a grenade and gun attack. The as-yet-unnamed perp murdered Pc Fiona Bone, 32, and Pc Nicola Hughes, 23; setting off a firestorm of firearms “debate.” Needless to say the gun-oriented hand-wringing doesn’t include even a passing mention of restoring the average Brit’s once-sacred right to armed self-defense. It’s all about whether or not the UK should arm the police—despite the fact that the issue has already been settled . . ." ...

When you disarm your subjects, you offend them by showing that either from cowardliness or lack of faith, you distrust them; and either conclusion will induce them to hate you. — NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI

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