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Newslinks for 9/21/2012

The end of gun control: Wiki Weapon Project advances
Submitted by: John Boch

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"In a move that will likely spell the end of gun control as we know it, a group is working with designers to put firearm designs into the public domain on the Internet which will allow anyone with a 3-D printer to 'print' their own firearm."

"Workable models have already been made, but designers are refining designs to make them better." ...

Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dead Patriot Films is using Kickstarter to raise funds for a new pro-Second Amendment film production called 'Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire.' In the last 15 days the producers have raised over $15,000 for the film. This includes contributions of $5,000 each from the Second Amendment Foundation and the CalGuns Foundation." ...

Now Available From Next Intent Tactical: Dual Optic AR Scope Mount
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The AR-15 is The Mother of All Versatile Rifles. Near? Far? Wherever you are, a properly sorted AR can open the door to some deadly accurate marksmanship. But moving seamlessly from sniping to CQB requires an optic that splits the difference between long distance love and in yer face aggression. Ideally, you should swap scopes depending on the mission profile. But why swap scopes when you don’t have to? If the action gets up close and personal, just turn your AR sideways, gangsta style, and take care of bidness. Three-gun competitors and tacticoolaid drinkers will tell you: dual optic ARs are all the rage. There’s a mount for that. ..." ...

Ammunition Consistency Testing: Remington’s 300 AAC Blackout Ammo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Like a blast from the past, eh? It feels like its been a year since the last time we saw one of these. And, well, you’re right — the last one was published in December of last year. Sorry, I’m lazy. But without further stalling on my part, let’s get to the results . . ."

"Well, actually, a teensy bit more stalling first for the methodology." ...

Umarex “Colt 1911” .22LR Review
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "A few months back I got in contact with Umarex USA who distributes licensed (by original manufacturers) versions of different firearms like the Colt Government 1911 chambered in .22 Long Rifle or the H&K MP5SD Chambered in .22LR."

"Umarex sent out the Colt Government 1911 .22lr for test and evaluation. We shot over 525 .22 rounds through this pistol without a single failure or problem." ...

Question of the Day: Are You Ruthless Enough to Win a Gunfight? (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You’d think Ruger would have enough money to invest in a set of decent hubcaps. Maybe even Ruger-branded hubcaps. Luckily, Ruger’s invested in some major league gun gurus. In this episode of how-to-itude, Dave Spaulding advises gun owners to let slip the dogs of war, when canine relinquishing is the order of the day. ..."

Gear Review: Howard Leight Impact Sport Ear Muffs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When I first started shooting I knew just enough to know I needed to protect my ears. Somehow. So I went down to my neighborhood Wally World and picked up a $15 pair of muffs that I reckoned would do the job. Then I learned my lesson. While I was at the range, the left muff fell off and I was left with the bells of St. Mary’s ringing in my head for the rest of the day. Seriously, though, if you’re serious about shooting you need to be serious about your gear, but being serious doesn’t mean your gear has to be seriously expensive. Just seriously good . . ." ...

Preparing For That "Cold Bore" Shot (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The US Army Marksmanship Unit has produced some useful YouTube videos for the average shooter. In the video below, Sgt. Joe Hein, an International Rifle competitor, discusses how to prepare for the first shot from a cold bore. That is, the first shot of the day which for many hunters may be the only shot of the day."

"Sgt. Hein illustrates the difference in grouping for a cold rifle with a clean bore versus one with a somewhat dirty bore. You tend to get more consistent groups from a cold rifle with a dirty bore." ...

5 Guns You Didn’t Know John Moses Browning Designed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"John Moses Browning is arguably the greatest firearm designer who ever lived. Sure there have been innovations since his death, but the scope of his work still stands today. We are talking about the guy who invented the 1911, the Winchester 94 and the M1919 machine gun all three of which are still in use today. And all but one are over 100 years old, the M1919 is a youngn’ at 93."

"While there are plenty of others that are equally as well known as the ones above, you ever wonder about the ones that aren’t?" ...

Guns are getting into the wrong hands
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dear Editor: Wake up, America! It’s time we step up and recognize that guns in the wrong hands have gotten out of control. We just can’t allow people to get guns and kill innocent men, women, and children, and only show concern about our rights being violated." ...

Gear Review: Maxpedition Bags for Bugging Out
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"How much can you carry? If you'll be bugging out in a well equipped deuce-and-a-half, weight may not be an issue. If you will have to walk anywhere, weight will become a primary concern."

"I have a long history of wilderness wandering. I've hiked most of the Appalachian trail. I've hiked all over New Mexico and Colorado. I spent a summer in the Boundary Waters and the Quetico, canoeing. I've lived for months at a time out of a backpack."

"But bugging out is different. Though weight is a factor, so is convenience." ...

It’s Not What You Think It Would Be (poster)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Imagine a world without guns. ..."

GREATEST GENERATION: First Marine Division Breakout survivor speaks
Submitted by: John Boch

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"The charismatic Korean War Veteran Gunnery Sergeant Carl Greenwood, USMC, Retired took the microphone as our main speaker."

"He started with a bit about himself. 'I got my first .22 rifle at three years of age. My first shotgun at seven and my first machinegun at 19.'"

"'You know, you guys are probably the most educated group on the Korean War,' he joked, citing last month’s presentation by Col. Robert Henderson, also a Korean War vet. He also presented GSL’s President John Boch with a plaque to say thanks for the work Guns Save Life does for civil rights and supporting our troops." ...

MN: St. Paul mom, daughter hold burglar for police with pink gun (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A St. Paul mother and daughter pinned a burglar to the floor of their home and called police, while keeping a pink-stocked gun pointed at their intruder until officers arrived." ...

"Childs pushed Larson and tried to run out of the house, but Larson pushed back and locked the door. She was eventually able to wrestle him to the floor and call for her daughter to come downstairs and bring her gun."

"Hickman grabbed her 9mm Taurus handgun with pink grips and entered the kitchen, where her mom and the burglar were in a struggle on the floor." ...

FL: Store Clerk Armed With Beer Fights Off Knife Wielding Robber (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Florida store clerk was facing a knife wielding robber in his store. Refusing to be a victim, the clerk grabbed the closest thing that could be used as a weapon – a 6 pack of Natural Ice and began hurling cans at the would be robber."

"So, I guess the lesson is, don’t bring a knife to a beer fight?" ...

NY: NYPD response to crime calls slows to 9 minutes
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Crime may be at near record-low levels, but it took cops an average of 9.1 minutes last year to respond to crimes in progress — the NYPD’s worst performance since Mayor Bloomberg took office in 2002."

"Figures released yesterday as part of the semiannual Mayor’s Management Report showed police response times slowed by 42 seconds to 9.1 minutes in the 2012 fiscal year, which ended on June 30." ...

Submitter's comment: When seconds count ...

The Oversight Committee Hearings Today (video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I was tied up with work all day and wasn't able to break away to watch the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing. They held a hearing today on DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on Operation Fast and Furious."

"If you were like me, you had to work as well. Fortunately, the Committee has made the video available of the hearings. You can see them below:" ...

Katie Pavlich On The IG's Report (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Katie Pavlich of was a guest of Cam Edward's on NRA News last night. She discussed Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on Operation Fast and Furious. She makes a number of good points including how Eric Holder was claiming to be totally exonerated within minutes after the report was released." ...

Highway billboard creates stir
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A billboard on Clovis’ South Prince Street is turning heads, to the point of raising concerns about its possibly insensitive racial wording."

"The message advertises the website, but says little else. Its message is vague, but is grabbing the attention of passersby, which is the point, according to the Odessa, Texas, man who paid for it."

"Charles Abernathy, 47, said the website is a grassroots effort to hold those responsible for the Fast and Furious fiasco, in which a border patrol official was killed." ...

OIG 'Gunwalker' report does not 'exonerate' Holder, but is still whitewash
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wednesday, the [OIG] released to the public its long (very long) awaited report on the numerous failings within the [DoJ] that led to the 'Project Gunwalker' scandal. Within minutes, various administration apologists would have us believe that somehow they had processed the entire 512 page report, or at least enough of it to determine that it had somehow 'exonerated' Attorney General Eric Holder from any wrongdoing in this abomination."

"Think about that, though. How could a report written by the Office of the Inspector General--part of the Department of Justice, and thus written by subordinates of Attorney General Holder--be seen as offering anything approaching impartiality in any absolution it grants Holder? ..." ...

Blasted as Whitewash, Fast and Furious Report Blames ATF and DOJ
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The highly anticipated Justice Department Inspector General report ... on the Obama administration’s deadly 'Fast and Furious' scheme that armed Mexican cartels was released Wednesday, laying the blame on more than a dozen senior officials within the department and the [ATF]. Critics, however, are already tearing the 'whitewash' document apart."

"Several establishment media outlets quickly trumpeted the claim that the report 'clears' disgraced Attorney General Eric Holder of wrongdoing in the scandal ... But gun rights activist David Codrea, who played a central role in exposing the gun-running scandal, said the hasty media proclamations 'could not possibly reflect adequate scrutiny and analysis that effectively assess its findings.'" ...

‘Cowboys and idiocy?’ Fast and Furious meltdown now seems inevitable
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From the abruptly-retired former acting director to the group supervisor and command staff at the [ATF] field office in Phoenix, the Inspector General’s report on Operation Fast and Furious underscores what one agent last year described to Congress as 'the perfect storm of idiocy.'" ...

It’s back to ‘blame the previous administration’ for gunwalking
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As Thursday morning’s long-awaited hearing on the Inspector General’s report about Operation Fast and Furious began to unfold, Ranking Member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) made a point of noting that gunwalking, which lies at the heart of the current scandal, began under the Bush administration."

"Inspector General Michael Horowitz opened his appearance by discussing 'a series of misguided strategies' that 'permeated' the command structure of the [ATF] in Arizona and Washington D.C. Horowitz was also critical of how officials in the Department of Justice handled this case." ...

IG Report Shows Fast And Furious Was Not Aimed At Gun Crackdown (audio available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) said before the committee Thursday that the findings of the Inspector General’s report on Fast and Furious reject GOP claims that Holder was conspiring to allow the eruption of gun violence to lead to a crackdown on Second Amendment rights" ...

Another New #GunVote Video (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Shooting Sports Foundation has released another of their #GunVote videos. This one features a number of quotes from the gun prohibitionists regarding their plans for more gun control and more bans." ...

What will the Romney team do to ensure Fast and Furious criminals are brought to justice?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"That’s the serious question that all gun owners must get answered before casting a vote in the 2012 Presidential election. Lost amid the pomp and circumstance, and 'Rah, Rah!' cheering at the Republican convention has been the thousands of ruined lives as a result of the BATFE scam to walk guns into Mexico. ..."

"The Obama team have made clear they believe that the gunwalker scandal that is fast and furious needs to be kept secret ... The Romney team have not said they will seek justice for the hundreds of dead Mexicans and US Citizens who paid the ultimate price at the hands of law breaking BATFE employees. We need these questions answered so gun owners can make an informed vote for President." ...

Gun rights threatened in 2012 election
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Barack Obama served in the Illinois legislature, he opposed every pro-gun bill put before him. During his campaign he tells people what they want to hear, that he respects the Second Amendment."

"Obama and his cronies, Charles Shumer, D-NY, Frank Lautenberg, D-NJ, Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., and Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., would jump at the chance to impose total gun control. Trampling on the Constitution means nothing to these gun grabbers." ...

UT: OMG! They’re Using Targets! Human Shaped Targets! OMG!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun-friendly Utah is surprisingly queasy when it comes to the kinds of paper targets shooters are allowed to use on state-owned ranges. Well, one state agency is, anyway. Now a Beehive State legislator wants to know why. 'The range belongs to the people,' Sen. Mark Madsen, R-Eagle Mountain, said. 'We need to make sure that people are not restricted in their use because of an overstep of authority.' Or an overabundance of political correctness . . ." ...

It’s the Judiciary, Stupid
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Does the Supreme Court matter for the 2012 election? It certainly should."

"A President’s ability to appoint Supreme Court justices is a lasting legacy that can shape the course of our country for years in the future. The Supreme Court may appear to be a group of robed academics, but the justices tackle issues that impact the everyday lives of citizens, including whether the Second Amendment protects an individual right to own firearms, Miranda and other safeguards afforded to criminal defendants, what role race may play in college admissions, and whether Congress can force Americans to engage in commerce." ...

Text of Judge Posner's respose to Justice Scalia
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reuters has invited me to respond to a statement made by Justice Scalia ..."

"The statement comments on a purported statement of mine in a review in the New Republic ... I say 'purported statement of mine' because what Mr. Adler said I had said was that 'Justice Scalia actually resorts to legislative history in' District of Columbia v. Heller. I didn't say that. I said that "when he [Justice Scalia] looks for the original meaning of eighteenth-century constitutional provisions-as he did in District of Columbia v. Heller, holding that an ordinance forbidding people to own handguns even for the defense of their homes violated the Second Amendment-Scalia is doing legislative history.' ..." ...

Rift wipes out ATF bureau in Reno
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For a year, U.S. attorneys in Reno have refused to prosecute cases generated by local undercover agents with the [ATF], prompting most of the agents to move away and leaving the region ill-equipped to go after illegal weapon and drug activity, a Reno Gazette-Journal investigation has found."

"Federal prosecutors in Reno dismissed four ATF cases involving people who had been indicted by federal grand juries on illegal weapons and drug charges. The prosecutors turned away other cases involving violent criminals, allowing them to walk free and face no charges, the RGJ found." ...

Submitter's Note: Nothing like a jurisdictional pissing match to set dozens of (purported) criminals free . . .

VA: Police Charge Colonial Beach Officer in Apartment Fight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 31-year-old Colonial Beach police officer has been charged with felonious assault following a reported fight in a Forest Village Apartments hallway on Sept. 13."

"Officers responded to the complex at 8:20 p.m. when two men were said to be fighting. One of the subjects involved reportedly had the other subject in a choke hold, said a press release from the City of Fredericksburg." ...

MD: BPD officer sentenced in drug case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Baltimore City Police officer has been sentenced to 20 years in prison. Prosecutors say 41-year-old Daniel Redd worked to traffic heroin."

"Officials say Redd wore his uniform and provided protection for a dealer meeting with a heroin customer. They say he was also the source of the heroin." ...

ID: Boy Claims Cop Sexually Abused Him for Months
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Caldwell police officer abused his position as a high school resource officer to sexually abuse a boy for months, the student claims in Federal Court."

"Plaintiff B.N. claims his abuser, Ruben Delgadillo, was convicted in 2011 of felony injury to a child - the plaintiff."

"B.N. also sued Caldwell police Officer Mike Larimer, who he claims was Delgadillo's roommate during the months of sexual abuse, and knew it was happening but failed to stop it." ...

PA: Former Pittsburgh schools police officer faces sex charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Pittsburgh Public Schools police officer has been charged with nearly two dozen counts of sex crimes stemming from a Pittsburgh police investigation into former students' accusations that he sexually assaulted them."

"Robert Lellock, 43, of Beltzhoover, was arrested today at a friend's home on Orange Avenue where he had been staying, police Lt. Kevin Kraus said."

"He is being questioned at Pittsburgh police headquarters and will be taken to the Allegheny County Jail to face 23 counts of crimes including corruption of minors, child endangerment and sex crimes, the lieutenant said." ...

IL: Cop charged with taking $5K bribe to ‘forget’ traffic stop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Chicago Police officer was charged Wednesday with soliciting and accepting a $5,000 bribe to let a driver off after a traffic stop."

"Harold Rodriguez, 45, was charged with felony bribery and official misconduct, according to court documents." ...

Submitter's Note: Jeez Louise prices have gone up! When I started driving in the '80s it was only $50 to "lose" a ticket.

NM: NM proposes allowing concealed handguns in state parks
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"A state agency is proposing to allow people licensed to carry a concealed handgun to bring their loaded weapons into a New Mexico state park." ...

"A public hearing on the proposals is scheduled Oct. 17 in Santa Fe at the Wendell Chino Building. ..." ...

IL: The Last Saturday: Second Amendment Patriots Meeting at Evansville, IN
Submitted by: John Boch

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"If you’re ever within an hour or two of Evansville, Indiana on the last Saturday of the month, I invite you to check out the Second Amendment Patriots meeting."

"Like Guns Save Life, the 2nd Amendment Patriots turn out scores of high quality, very friendly people who share a passion for guns and gun ownership."

"They have fewer guns actually on display at their meetings than we do. That’s in part because they mostly *wear* their guns, in the loaded condition."

"The 2A Patriots has a slightly more political flavor to their meetings. Their president, the affable Jim Tomes, is quite charismatic to say the least." ...

Reporters today are far removed from America's founding values and are alarmed and contemptuous of gun owners as dangerous lower classes. — HENRY ALLEN, WASHINGTON POST

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