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Newslinks for 9/24/2004

About 1.6 percent of gun purchases blocked last year
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"About 1.6 percent of applications for gun purchases were rejected last year by the nation's background check system, according to new Justice Department figures."

"The number of rejections was slightly below the 2002 level and continued a decline seen in recent years in the denial rate, the Bureau of Justice Statistics said in a report released Thursday."

"The bureau attributed the decline to more extensive background checks, involving more records and an increased number of databases – giving pause to potential purchasers who know they would be prohibited from getting their hands on a gun."

This, of course, does not mean that these "prohibited" buyers didn't simply purchase a gun on the black market, where no background check is needed.

The Shot(gun) Heard 'Round The World
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Remember how gun control became a big issue in the 90s under Bill Clinton? With school shootings, militia groups, and assault weapons seemingly around every corner, the gun control movement made significant gains, including passing an assault weapons ban as part of the Brady Law. Then, after a while, a series of events lead to the momentum shifting in the other direction. Hell, even Sarah Brady was found buying a gun for her son." ...

"But the whipped cream on top of this Second Amendment Sundae came with Kerry not only accepting the shotgun, but being photographed with it and being described as a 'pro-gun Democrat.' ..."

CA: Counterterrorism Chief Detained At LAX With Handgun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"John Miller, commanding officer of the LAPD bureau that handles anti-terrorism activities, was detained at Los Angeles International Airport today when a department-issued .38 was found in his luggage."

"Miller was off-duty and traveling with his family when he was briefly detained by Transportation Security Administration agents."

"He had not told anyone about the Smith & Wesson firearm that he is authorized to carry, according to the department's Media Relations section."

"Miller and his family were allowed to continue on to their flight after the 12:15 p.m. incident."

Looks like more special dispensation for the "elite."

This astonishingly compact .380 auto sets new standards in weight-to-power ratio
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Ingenuity is often nothing more than a combination of existing principles applied in unique ways. Kel-Tec's new P-3AT has no single feature that is not established in modern pistol design, yet it has no competition in its niche."

"This simple little .380 is the thinnest pocket auto I can recall. ..."

Carlos A. Cuevas: Assault weapons ban deserved its fate
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"If, as the anti-gunners will argue, the ban has somehow equated to a decline in murders committed with the assault weapons — though they have actually been on sale the whole time — then it could be argued the ban actually was ineffective. In fact, a 1999 report by the National Institute for Justice concluded, 'the banned guns are used in only a small fraction of gun crimes; even before the ban, most of them rarely turned up in law enforcement agencies’ requests to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) to trace the sales histories of guns recovered in criminal investigations.' "

Liberty Belles: "AW" Victory No End to Gun Control
Submitted by: Jennifer Freeman

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"Last week's repeal of the ban on selected semi-automatic rifles bearing certain cosmetic features was a huge victory for those who support our Second Amendment liberties. Clearly, when gun-rights advocates united on a national level, we were able to effect a positive change worthy of a weeklong celebration."

"This is not the end of our troubles, however. Gun-banners will be back during the next legislative session to enact even tougher semi-auto bans at the state, county, and city levels. Gun-rights advocates will find themselves divided and, quite possibly, conquered at the local levels due to a lack of preparedness, lack of resources, and lack of individual activism. This is the unfortunate reality of fighting for our Second Amendment rights. The fight never ends and the gun-banners absolutely will not stop until you are disarmed."

Thomas Withers: Lifting of gun ban marks end of NRA
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The first two paragraphs alone should tell you how hysterical, paranoid, bigoted and uninformed this particular writer is. You can send a letter to the editor of this rag here.

"Letting the assault weapons ban expire shows what can happen when a crafty Congress and president sell out to the unscrupulous National Rifle Association."

"The NRA, arms manufacturers, arms dealers and criminals win. The public loses. Now every criminal and mentally deranged person can have access, albeit illegally, to weapons matching the firepower of a well-armed policeman."

Gun Control: Have We Gone Too Far?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"It took three shootings over the course of ten years to spur Diane Feinstein, the Grand Dame of California politics, into spearheading the 1994 Assault Weapons Act."

" 'It was the ultimate shock,' Feinstein said of the final spree that claimed six lives in a San Francisco law office. 'Someone comes in, aggrieved, and goes right through the place.' "

"And you know what? Such a response makes sense. After all, when 34 people are killed in three totally unrelated situations years apart, what other alternative is there than stripping away the rights of law-abiding citizens?" ...

"Gun control is the ultimate extension of the 'government-as-parent' scenario which posits that Americans are either too stupid or too ignorant to take care of themselves. While I won't argue that our nation is plagued with an overabundance of idiocy, it is not the responsibility of the government to baby-sit everyone and make sure they don't stick a fork in a light socket."

Two high-capacity magazines at no cost!
Submitted by: motoboy

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From the S&W web site:

If the 1994 Assault Weapon Act is not renewed by Congress, any consumer purchasing one of the following new Smith & Wesson handguns at retail between August 15, 2004 and December 31, 2004 that did not include two high capacity magazines at the time of purchase will receive from Smith & Wesson, two high capacity magazines for their specific handgun (subject to federal, state and local restrictions) at no charge upon submission of the handguns model number, serial number and a copy of either the dated receipt or Federal Form 4473.

Model List: (see site)

Thanks. Now, how about those folks who bought RCFs ("Reduced Capability Firearms") from you during The Dark Years (Sept. 1994 - Sept. 2004)?

MO: East St. Louis City Manager Shot; Differing Accounts Of Where
Submitted by: Larry E. Bigham

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"An allegedly self-inflicted gunshot wound has the East St. Louis city manager off the job temporarily."

"Robert Storman told police he accidentally shot himself Monday night. But, there are several different versions being told." ...

"The chief says Storman told him he was taking the weapon out of his pocket and putting it in a holster when it accidentally fired. Chief Matthews says he believes the story and says from what he has reviewed, there is nothing unusual about it."

Happens every day that some moron shoots himself while holstering his weapon, eh?

OH: Gun grabbers misleading Class D's again; signs continue to come down elsewhere
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"OFCC members and supporters, we need you to get involved quickly in response to some Anti-Self Defense activities that are taking place. The following is an email we received from an OFCC member in Summit County."

"There is someone going around (again) to Summit county convenient stores and gas stations telling them that they must post 'No CCW' signs because they sell alcohol. The gentleman in question is even nice enough to give the stores the 'No CCW' signs free of charge. I have compiled info and supplied it to a couple stores. Upon seeing the truth, they have removed the signs."

OH: Loveland voters to decide gun law issue
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Whether the city expands its gun law to allow shooting at an indoor range appears headed for the ballot box."

"A group of residents delivered 33 petitions with 734 signatures to the city today, asking that the issue be placed on the ballot."

"Their efforts are meant to block Shooter's Supply Inc., a 16-year-old Loveland business, from opening a range in a vacant church and warehouse on Loveland-Madeira Road."

"Loveland council passed an amendment last month that allowed guns to be fired inside a target range, despite resident complaint that the range was too close to homes and schools, and that it would present safety and image problems for Loveland."

"Filing the petitions stopped the new law from taking effect."

UK: Gun club will fight attacks
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A WIDNES gun club has gone on the offensive after the latest of a string of malicious attacks caused more damage to their club hut."

"Chris Cowling, chairman of Cronton and District Gun Club, has vowed to keep fighting the vandalism despite enduring setback after setback." ...

"Mr Cowling claims he and his members are aggrieved after 12 separate attacks in as many months."

"Last month the club appealed for witnesses through the Weekly News for information leading to the arrest of the perpetrators and even offered £1,000 reward."

IL: Niles man arrested on gun charges at O'Hare Airport
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A Niles man is facing a felony weapons charges after he allegedly brought a gun into O'Hare Airport last weekend.

Gary Lee, 48, has been charged with attempting to board an aircraft with a weapon, the Cook County State's Attorney's Office said.

A spokesperson for the Chicago Police Department said Lee was going through a security check point at O'Hare just after 12 p.m. Saturday when the X-ray monitor showed an image of a gun inside a bag Lee was planning to bring on board a plane.

The bag was searched and a revolver was recovered, the spokesperson said. Lee was subsequently placed under arrest by Chicago officers. He is being held in lieu of bail and has a preliminary hearing in Cook County Circuit Court tomorrow.

MI: Toy gun incident sparks Zilwaukee School debate
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A parent leader is satisfied with the handling of a look-alike weapon incident at Zilwaukee School, but Kochville Township Supervisor Kenneth P. Bayne says the episode illustrates a 'true lack of concern' by school administrators."

"Last week, Principal Charles "Pat" Shelley suspended two students for a day after classmates reported that they were handling a silver toy gun in the lunchroom."

"The pupils -- one seventh-grader, one-eighth grader -- showed off the toy Sept. 13."

MA: Man Arrested After Loaded Gun Found At Logan
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An Andover, Mass., man was arrested at Logan International Airport Wednesday after allegedly trying to board an aircraft with a loaded gun in his carry-on bag."

"...a man identified as John R. Chen, 30, was taken into custody about 7 a.m. after security screeners at Terminal B detected a Glock 27 pistol in his bag. He was trying to board a U.S. Airways flight to Buffalo, N.Y. Authorities inspected the bag and determined that it was fully loaded."

"Some passengers were incredulous that anyone would carry a gun in their bags."

" 'Shouldn't have people on the planes with guns. It's ridiculous. You kidding me? Shoot people. It's ridiculous. After 9/11? I come from New York. It's ridiculous,' passenger Kevin Cronin said."

Well, golly gee, Kevin. The 9-11 hijackers used box cutters to commit mass murder in New York and in DC. Maybe, just maybe, an armed passenger or pilot could have stopped them. But hanky-wringers like you are too cowardly to even acknowledge that fact, for fear of an armed, responsible citizen has been bred into you by the state.

NY: Stun-gun maker sued by Long Island family
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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The family of a mentally-impaired man who died while in police custody after police used a stun gun on him is suing the manufacturer of the gun. The family is seeking $570 million from the Taser International after 35-year-old David Glowczenski was shocked nine times with the 50,000-volt Taser gun.

Taser markets its stun guns as "nonlethal" but the company has been mired in controversy since it began selling the products in the late 1990s. A recent Arizona Republic investigation found over 50 have died in police custody since 1999 after having a Taser used on them. The Republic says that at least five of those deaths could be attributed to the use of Tasers and the rest are inconclusive.

PA: Principal's firing follows pupil-gun response delay
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A middle school principal may have lost his job because of a delay in reacting to reports of a student bringing a gun to school."

"Superintendent Marianne Bartley yesterday confirmed there was a delay in calling police and locking down the school, but rebutted a report that administrators waited two to three hours to initiate the crisis plan. Bartley would not elaborate on the delay." ...

"Other administrators initiated the school's crisis plan after learning from students that an unidentified 14-year-old boy had brought to school a gun, a knife and a bullet that didn't fit the gun, Bartley said."

"The boy didn't display the gun or threaten anyone with it."

NY: Gun club leases in board's cross hairs
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"Hamilton Selectman recently delayed discussions on the renewal of property leases for the Hamilton Rod and Gun Club and the Myopia River Marsh Rats, both of which use a range at the Manchester-by-the-Sea end of Chebacco Road."

MI: Macomb County pair accused of trying $23-million fraud
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An Eastpointe police officer and a New Baltimore security contractor have been indicted in an alleged attempt to defraud the government of Sierra Leone and a private military company of $23 million."

"The indictment, issued Tuesday, said Officer Christopher Belan and Pasquale J. DiPofi, president of the now-defunct Executive Outcome Inc. of Mt. Clemens, tried to trick the Sierra Leone officials into believing DiPofi's firm was owed $23 million for providing military equipment, security and training during the west African nation's civil war in 1995-97."

But only law enforcement officers are responsible, honest and deserving to exercise their Second Amendment rights, right Sarah?

NY: Remington Arms division UMWA backs candidates
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"State Sen. James Seward and Assemblyman Marc Butler visited Remington Arms Tuesday morning to accept the endorsement of the United Mine Workers of America labor union's Remington Arms division."

WI: Look-alike AK-47 Causes Scare
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Fond du Lac police say it had all the makings of a needless tragedy. They responded Wednesday night to a call that a man in a car was waving an AK-47 at people."

"It was, in reality, a BB gun. Like other toy guns, it has an orange tip." ...

"Manzano is charged with carrying a concealed weapon and disorderly conduct. He refuses to say what he planned to do with the gun."

"But no one near the Dairy Queen saw the orange tip. Police say Juan Manzano, who bought the gun at a store in Forest Mall, wanted people to think it was real."

UK: Banker's Family in Gun Raid Kidnap Ordeal
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A bank manager, his wife and two daughters were kidnapped at gunpoint by armed robbers, police said today.

The victims were snatched at their home in Leigh, Lancashire, at 8pm last night and held overnight in a warehouse by two armed men.

The manager was then forced to open his branch in Manchester at 7.30am this morning.

When four other bank workers arrived for work, all five were locked inside the bank vault.

The raiders made off with a “substantial amount” of cash, Greater Manchester Police said.

Police said the family, including the manager’s two daughters, aged 12 and 14, are, “severely traumatised”.

Analyzing The 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: William Mayhue

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"Does the Second Amendment guarantee a right to states rather than an individual right to choose to own firearms? One clue to the answer is looking at who supports each position. The few law-review articles supporting the states'-right view all come from advocates, most of them employed by or associated with anti-gun groups."

"Yet, intellectual honesty compels many far more important scholars to accept the standard model of the Amendment as an individual's right despite personal anti-gun feelings. Famed constitutional lawyer and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, who defended O.J. Simpson and Claus von Bulow, is a former ACLU national board member who admits he "hates" guns and wants the Second Amendment repealed. Yet, says Dershowitz: 'Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it's not an individual right or that it's too much of a safety hazard don't see the danger in the big picture. They're courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don't like.' "

This Gun-Law Warning Misfired (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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I agree that President Bush caved in to the National Rifle Association ["Gun Ban Advocates Fault Bush," Metro in Brief, Sept. 15], but it is disingenuous of Bryan Miller to hold up a MAC-10 submachine gun as an example of the weapons that will be on the streets because of the expiration of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.

The MAC-10 is a fully automatic weapon. The 1994 ban related solely to semiautomatic weapons. The difference is critical. Automatic weapons continue to fire any rounds available via the magazine as long as the trigger is held down. Semiautomatic weapons fire one round per trigger pull. Automatic weapons fall under a set of laws dating to the 1930s.

Mr. Miller had a good point, and he had no need to cheat to make it.

FL: Man rams house, is shot
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Caruthers said Carr received threatening phone calls at her mobile home in Croom-a-Coochee throughout the night from Jennings, and around 8 a.m. Wednesday morning, Jennings rammed his GMC pickup into the bedroom area of the home."

"Though Jennings caused only minimal damage to the home, he then grabbed a hammer from inside his truck and shattered the window into Carr’s bedroom, Caruthers said. Carr ran from the room, and at the same time, her son Donald ran in and shot Jennings twice with a 22-caliber rifle."

UK: Campaign launched to highlight gun crime
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A crime-fighting charity has launched an anti-gun crime campaign."

"The campaign comes in response to the rise in gun crime across the country in the last five years."

"In 2003 there were 1,101 serious incidents involving guns in the West Midlands and 62 in Warwickshire. Across the country it was the worst year for gun murders since records began."

"Earlier this month a Coventry shopworker had a gun held to her head during a raid at a post office in Ringwood Highway, Potters Green, Coventry."

Canada: Dryden Gunsmith Leads Gun Legislation Challenge
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A gunsmith from the Dryden has got his wish. William Montague says he'll help lead a court challenge against the federal gun control legislation that requires gun owners to register their firearms.

Montague was released from police custody Tuesday on bail after being charged with several firearm violations, including unauthorized possession of firearms, a week ago.

Earlier this week, O.P.P executed a search warrant at his home and seized a large number of firearms and explosive materials located in a hidden room at the Montague's home. Police say further charges may be laid.

VA: Use Common Sense (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In the lead editorial by Mary Kimm, Connection publisher, in the Sept. 16-22 issue, we are warned of the fear, horror and local lives at stake because the so-called Assault Weapons Ban has expired. As I read the editorial, as with much of the debate on this issue, I couldn't help but wonder if gun control advocates even listen to themselves speak. ..."

"The D.C. sniper's use of an assault weapon is raised to prove why we need the ban. On ABC's 'Nightline' a few weeks ago, a police chief pointed out that most of the police officers killed on duty in the last decade were killed with assault weapons, again to demonstrate why we need the ban. But wait. How can criminals be using assault weapons when they are banned? ..."

"Assault" weapons ban needed (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Gun violence isn't something that happens in other communities - it happens right here."

"You remember it - newspapers around the world carried the story. It was the day after Christmas in 2000, just a few miles from where you live. A 42-year-old employee of Edgewater Technology, located in Wakefield, took an AK-47 assault rifle from his gym bag and gunned down seven of his co-workers."

"In Malden earlier this month, officials believe that an assault weapon was used in a local bank robbery."

"With new threats to our communities every day and a greater burden being placed on law enforcement, the last thing we need is to weaken the ability of the police to keep assault weapons out of the hands of criminals and terrorists."

Brazil: Brazil implements new gun law
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Brazil's new stricter gun-control laws went into effect Wednesday, part of a nationwide effort to curtail one of the world's highest murder rates."

"According to legislation first passed in December 2003, unlicensed gun carriers caught with a weapon face up to 4 years in prison as well as a fine."

"Restrictions created by the new law included stricter control of weapon importation and mandatory registration of all firearms. Gun licenses will also have to be renewed every three years."

Any bets on how many criminals, gangsters and thugs will renew their licenses?

Australia: Robbers tie up guards before escape
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A TEAM of armed robbers tied up two security guards in a western Sydney warehouse overnight before fleeing in a Mercedes loaded with stolen goods.

Five men, each armed with a firearm, forced two guards to take them into a Parkview Street warehouse at Homebush West at about 12.15am (AEST) today, a New South Wales police spokesman said.

It is believed the men, wearing dark clothes, gloves and balaclavas, made the guards walk through the building before tying them up.

The robbers then loaded electrical goods into a white truck, which they had arrived in, and a silver Mercedes sedan and escaped, he said.

The guards, who were uninjured, managed to free themselves and contact police.

CA: Gov. Schwarzenegger Bows to NRA, Vetoes Gun Safety Bills; Would Have Protected Children From Gun Violence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In a bid to curry favor from the NRA gun lobby, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed two gun safety bills that would have protected children from gun violence."

"The bills, authored by Senator Jack Scott (D-Pasadena), who lost his son to gun violence, would have held gun owners responsible if they left guns and ammunition easily accessible to children and required handgun ammunition buyers to provide proof of age and identity. The bills were backed by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence united with the Million Mom March and supported by law enforcement."

Several points are glaringly obvious here.

1 - The Brady Bunch is attempting to convince us that somehow they know Schwarzenegger's motive for vetoing yet more immoral, unconstitutional gun ban legislation that would punish innocent, law-abiding gun owners as trying to curry favor with the NRA. Schwarzenegger has already proven that he doesn't care about garnering the NRA's OK by publicly stating his support for the AW ban and outlawing .50 caliber BMG's.

2 - Brady and crew are STILL not above using the blood of innocent children to justify clearly immoral laws, as if the fact that Scott lost a child to "gun violence" gives him moral authorization to treat every gun owner like a criminal.

UK: Family returns home after 'contract shooting'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"THE devastated family of loving father-of-two, Daniel Blackett, who was gunned down at his luxury home, found comfort in each other's arms this week."

"Mr Blackett, 36, was shot five times in the chest while his 11-year-old son and four-year-old daughter were inside their £2million house on Saturday evening."

"Yesterday (Wednesday) a distraught mother, Sandra Blackett, Daniel's partner Nicola Jackson and her children, were returning from a shopping trip to the family home in Follett Close, Old Windsor, but were too distressed to talk."

MI: Concealed weapons rules changed to follow state law
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"With no choice, Ada Township Board members amended an ordinance allowing those with permits to carry concealed weapons in township parks."

"Some board members voted for the change with reluctance, but state law required the change." ...

"Supervisor George Haga and Clerk Deborah Ensing Milhuff reiterated that the board needed to bring the township ordinance in line with the state's concealed weapons laws."

A sunset is not a bad thing (Letter)
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"Mr. Traverso and others have blindly inculcated an 'Assault Weapon' with an evil which doesn't exist. Likewise, there is the impression that there was in fact an Assault Weapons Ban to start with. That is not true, all of the supposedly evil weapons mentioned in the ban were not rendered illegal. Rather the future production of their exact models were barred unless they contained no more than two of several alleged evil features, bayonet lug, detachable magazines, folding stock, grenade launcher, prominent pistol grip extending below the weapon and flash suppressor. The AWB made it illegal for civilians to purchase and own high capacity pistol or rifle magazines holding over 10 rounds which were manufactured after September 1994. Preban units were still legal. All these potentially new 'evil items' could only be held and used by police and military. If one wishes to be paranoid, one would ask, against whom?"

Trigger Happy
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"In short, on Monday it was business as usual for most American gun vendors. Newspapers around the country ended up with headlines like: 'Gun Sellers Say Ban Never Really Made Much Difference Anyway.' "

"But those pieces missed the real significance of the day. Even if the assault weapons ban didn't change the situation on the ground for Thorne and his ilk, it's been a metaphorical thorn in the side of the NRA for 10 years. Its uneventful sunsetting is the capstone of an almost absurdly successful four years for the National Rifle Association."

New Airport Body X-Rays Reveal All
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The government plans to soon begin testing a new security technology that could give airport screeners detailed images of a passenger's body through his or her clothing."

"The Transportation Security Administration will launch a pilot program in several airports of 'backscatter' X-ray machines, which use low-radiation X-rays to produce a black and white image that clearly shows the person's body and any metal, plastic or organic materials, such as marijuana, hidden beneath clothing. ..."

"The agency said the machines to be used will be modified to produce less explicit images and protect passengers' privacy. '... Obviously, one of the major issues is the privacy of passengers,' said TSA spokeswoman Yolanda Clark."

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and a conscientious stupidity. —MARTIN LUTHER KING

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