Wide Receiver ‘Good Samaritan’ clarifies role in OIG ‘gunwalking’ report
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David Codrea
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“'I recently had a conversation with another AUSA from the Tucson office,' Detty recalled. 'Regarding OWR he said you have to look at the end gain-what was it? To see where the guns were going? We already know where the drug cartel kingpins live and operate. To seize their assets? They'd only be able to seize assets in the US-which were very little. Why commit all these man hours and millions of dollars to arrest people for straw purchases? The only answer that makes sense is to have these guns show up at Mexican crime scenes.'" |
Only 15% ‘Not At All Concerned’ About Drones Invading Privacy
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A poll conducted by Monmouth University and cited in a Government Accountability Office report published yesterday indicates that only 15 percent of Americans say they are “not at all concerned” that the use of drones by law enforcement will invade their privacy. At the same time, 67 percent say they are opposed to police using drones to issue speeding tickets. The GAO report said that law enforcement agencies are “the greatest potential users” of small drones within the United States. |
TX: Houston police officer shoots dead double amputee in wheelchair
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A Houston police officer shot and killed a one-armed, one-legged man in a wheelchair Saturday inside a group home after police say the double amputee threatened the officer and aggressively waved a metal object that turned out to be a pen. Police spokeswoman Jodi Silva said the man cornered the officer in his wheelchair and was making threats while trying to stab the officer with the pen. At the time, the officer did not know what the metal object was that the man was waving, Silva said.
Submitter's comment: I'm beginning to believe the Brits got this one right -- no firearms for cops except for exceptional situations. |
The New Gun Culture
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rick schwartz
Website: http://jack-burton.hubpages.com/hub/For-Women-Only----A-Pictorial-Journey-About-Choice
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The gun community has forever changed. Once in a supposed slow decline, the popularity of shooting and gun ownership has come roaring back during the past couple of decades. Sales of firearms are setting all kinds of records, and gun ranges are frequently packed with people.
Michael Bane calls the latest generation of gun owners “Gun Culture 2.0,” which I find to be an exceptionally apt description. Much like the move from the “old” internet, to the current generation of interactive and social web sites was called “Web 2.0,” the Gun Culture 2.0 is a similarly remarkable change in our own community. |
MI: Saginaw demotes 1 officer, disciplines 2 in fatal shooting of homeless man
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A police supervisor has been demoted and two officers were disciplined for their roles in the fatal shooting of a knife-wielding, mentally ill, homeless man in a parking lot, city officials said Friday.
The on-scene supervisor during the July 1 shooting of Milton Hall, 49, was reprimanded and demoted to patrolman, Saginaw Acting Police Chief Brian Lipe said, and the two officers received reprimands for not following the department's mobile video and audio policy. |
Russia: Speak up: US law enforcement to use Russian software to store millions of voices
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The US government has already proven its intent to see all evil, with the use of Orwellian programs like TrapWire. But it can now hear all evil too, as law enforcement agencies implement a tool able to store, analyze and identify voices in seconds. ‘Voice Grid Nation’ is a system that uses advanced algorithms to match identities to voices. Brought to the US by Russia’s Speech Technology Center, it claims to be capable of allowing police, federal agencies and other law enforcement personnel to build up a huge database containing up to several million voices.
Submitter's comment: And remember, it's all paid for with your taxes. |
CO: Guns on campus
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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That doesn’t mean to say that private universities should abridge those rights, just that under law, students at publically funded universities enjoy all of their constitutional freedoms.
Moreover, public universities tend to have large number of students who commute to class. It may be unrealistic to ask those students to discard their guns at the door when they do not have access to lockers or other safe places to store them. |
NY: Stop-frisk bill could bankrupt city: Vallone
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Lawsuits against the NYPD could cost the city more than $1 billion annually if a bill against the department’s stop-and-frisk policy continues to sail through the City Council, according to one lawmaker. ... The bill, sponsored bv Brooklyn Councilman Jumaane Williams, would make it easier for people to sue the city, the NYPD and cops over claims of improperly being stopped and frisked. The city already spends millions in legal fees for lawsuits against the Police Department. In 2009 alone, it paid $117 million in taxpayer money to settle suits against cops. |
PA: Flight Attendant Tries to Bring Loaded Gun Through Airport Security
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A Republic Airlines flight attendant was detained and then charged with disorderly conduct after she attempted to pass through security at the Philadelphia International Airport with a loaded .38 revolver in her purse, triggering an incident in which police accidentally discharged the weapon while securing it, authorities said. According to officials, at 6:33 a.m. today, the flight attendant entered a Terminal C security checkpoint lane with a loaded .38 caliber Smith and Wesson Airweight revolver in her purse. A Transportation Security Administration employee discovered the gun on the x-ray machine and notified police.
Ed.: Should read "an incident in which police negligently discharged the weapon" |
Nationally and locally, civilian militias have a new look
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Amelia Foxwell is the new face of citizen militias in Florida. At 33, the Sarasota resident is younger than most militia members. She is Web-savvy, eloquent and a mother who is working on a master's in psychology.
Foxwell and fiancé Darren Wilburn are founding members of the Florida Charter Oaks Militia, a Sarasota- based group with about 25 active members who travel from around the state each month to train in survival tactics and firearms use. |
CO: Gun rights and gun control aren't necessarily exclusive
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Oh, please. The president doesn't enact anything. Congress does. And there would be a political downside for members of Congress if they were to go too far on gun control — a huge downside, as it happens, given existing public opinion supporting the right to own guns.
But what would qualify as going too far? For Second Amendment absolutists, any restrictions qualify. But that's not what public opinion polling suggests. |
NY: 'Stash guns' give Staten Island hoodlums quick access to firearms
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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That gun, it turned out, was what law enforcement officials here refer to as a "community gun" or a "stash gun" -- one of several firearms stashed away in easy-to-access locations, like a trunk of an abandoned car, or a mailbox, or a garbage can.
"Somebody yelled, 'go get the gat.' And everybody knew where it was," said District Attorney Daniel Donovan.
Authorities believe the NYPD's stop-and-frisk tactics has fueled the "stash gun" trend -- criminals expect to be searched, so they're more likely to hide the guns nearby to avoid being caught with a weapon. |
IA: Clergy versus guns
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Mark A. Taff
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These common understandings suggest that, while we all need to respect the rights of hunters and sport-shooters to have access to their weapons, we also need to respect the vulnerability of human life that is threatened by allowing weapons to be too easily available. People of good conscience need to take this conversation back from the extremes into real life in which real lives are at stake. |
Joe Perry: Guns Rock!
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Mark A. Taff
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Aerosmith leader Joe Perry fulfilled a life-long dream when he appeared on Discovery Channel’s hit series “Sons of Guns” this week, joining Will Hayden and his team of gunsmiths to restore and repair an antique, black powder Lyle cannon owned by the rock legend.
“I was surprised that it was as real as what you see on television. It’s pretty credible,” he told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column of the experience. “Someone found these guys doing what they do. It’s a niche market, and it’s really impressive.” |
Gun-Selling Shooting Victim Was a Newlywed
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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The search for the two men believed to have shot and killed a man while selling guns continues. This shooting in a Bellevue shopping center had people nearby in shock Saturday.
"It's one of those feelings you can't believe you saw something like that," said one shopper.
The victim, Joshua McLean, 30, was shot at least twice in his chest during his attempt to sell six guns to buyers found on Craigslist. We now know from friends Joshua was a loving brother and newlywed, married to his wife for just six weeks. |
IL: States need to consider effects laws have on Universities’ climates
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Mark A. Taff
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Now, I can just hear the arguments against my peace-loving, pacifist nature. Guns don’t kill people; people do. And how will people who need to defend themselves do so if they’re not sufficiently protected? In fact, David Burneet, spokesman for Students for Concealed Carry, said carrying a firearm gives students the right to protect themselves, reported the New York Times.
Still, I want to remind everyone of an age-old adage: You can’t fight fire with fire. Also, you can’t ignore the fact that the shooter was a grad student on campus — a campus that allowed students to have concealed weapons. |
IN: Lawmaker pushes for understanding of gun law
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Mark A. Taff
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“Not once has it ever been reported accurately,” he told me last week, after patiently correcting me for a mistake I’d made in a story about how the law will impact polling places this November.
The Tomes-authored bill prohibits local governments from enacting stricter gun laws than the firearms statutes set by the state. It also did away with local gun laws that were already in place. Tomes said his law was intended to align firearms regulations throughout Indiana.
FL: Go West!
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Republican Allen West was elected to the United States Congress representing Florida’s 22nd district in the Tea Party wave of 2010. West is the first black Republican Congressmen from Florida since 1876, when Rep. Josiah Walls left office. He is known as rock star Republican, Tea Party Caucus stalwart and unabashed Constitutionalist.
Congressman West’s down-to-earth, southern charm reigns in supporters of all colors and cultures from both sides of the aisle. What makes West so unique is that he is unafraid to speak his clever mind and steam rolls ahead without fear of rebuke, promoting conservative principles that often get lost in the business-as-usual attitude that plagues Washington. |
Fast, furious fiasco
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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The scheme by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to track the movement of guns from their sale in the United States into the hands of Mexican drug dealers was just as misguided and mismanaged as it seemed. The best report the nation is likely to see about the scandal confirms this view.
The first attempt at prying open the secrets of the scandal came through a partisan investigation in Congress led by Rep. Darrell Issa, a Republican from California. Attorney General Eric Holder resisted handing over all the documents requested. Republicans took the unprecedented step of finding him in civil and criminal contempt of Congress. |