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Newslinks for 9/24/2014

Leniency for ‘anti-violence activist’ who took gun to school suggests favoritism
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Adding to the dubious nature of the sentence, where Ferguson evidently has avoided a felony conviction and thus becoming a 'prohibited person' from owing a gun, is the fact that he was also a committed anti-gun activist, being a big supporter of New York’s SAFE Act, which carries felony criminal penalties for violators. He actually thought the law did not go far enough."

GRPC & Leadership Institute To Offer Free Pro-Gun Activism Course
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“The 29th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference Sept. 26, 27, and 28 2014, in Chicago features an expansive lineup of key Second Amendment activists and leaders like Alan Gottlieb, Joe Tartaro, Alan Gura, Larry Pratt, John Fund, John Lott, Dave Kopel, and Joe Tartaro.”

“You’ll get the inside scoop from the leaders in the gun rights movement, then what?”

“This is a critical time to get involved to fight the anti-gunners. Our opponents are well organized and very well-funded. We have to have a game plan and can’t let our guard down.”

“You can make a difference on both a local and national level. But where exactly should you start?” …

Media Advisory: 29th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“Virginia attorney Alan Gura, who won both the 2008 Heller case and the 2010 case of McDonald v. City of Chicago before the U.S. Supreme Court, and also won Moore v. Madigan before the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, forcing the state of Illinois to adopt a concealed carry statute, will be one of the highlight speakers later this month at the 2014 Gun Rights Policy Conference at the Chicago O'Hare Airport Hyatt Regency, an event that will also feature several national gun rights leaders.” …

St. Louis 'open carry walk' will celebrate Amendment 5, raise awareness
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“On October 25, gun rights advocates will hold an ‘Open Carry/Firearm Education Walk’ in St. Louis, to raise awareness of the right to carry unconcealed firearms, particularly in light of recently strengthened protections of that right. The event is to begin at 1:00 PM, starting at the Citygarden/Gateway Mall, walking to the Gateway Arch, and then returning to the starting point.” …

Bloomberg and fellow billionaires see gun rights, legislatures up for sale
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“Two alarming stories surfacing over the past 24 hours, one in USA Today and the other in the Seattle Times, will not surprise Evergreen State gun owners now battling a well-financed gun control measure, but they should alarm voters here and across the nation who worry that their state legislatures – and perhaps their lifestyles and civil rights – may be up for sale.”

“USA Today reported that anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg is dumping money into more than 100 state and federal political races via his $50 million Everytown … group. Those expenditures include the $1 million he has given to the Initiative 594 campaign, which elicited a blunt reaction from Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the CCRKBA, based in Bellevue.” …

D.C. city council reluctantly okays ‘in name only’ CCW ordinance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“The District of Columbia City Council today passed what amounts to an ‘in name only’ concealed carry ordinance after being ordered by the court to provide such an opportunity, but the measure, according to the Washington Times, is rather restrictive.”

“Earlier, according to the Washington Post, Alan Gura, attorney for the Second Amendment Foundation, whose case brought the city to this decision, said that such an ordinance ‘plainly fails to comply with the court’s ruling.’ He described the restrictive measure as ‘something of a joke.’” …

ShootingTheBull410 Takes Federal’s Guard Dog Out for a Walk (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“Following up on last week’s drywall test, this video is a more thorough examination of Federal’s Guard Dog for general purpose self-defense use in a 3″ barrel 9mm pocket pistol. …” …

CZ’s P-07: Old vs New, Then vs Now, v1.0 vs v2.0 (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“Earlier this year, CZ updated its ‘CZ 75 P-07 DUTY’ and turned it into the ‘CZ P-07.’ I happened to have both iterations, new and old, in-hand so thought I’d quickly check out the changes. Actually, I’ll go ahead and call them upgrades. The brief video above highlights the physical changes. Out on the range, I found that ..." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Don’t Have A Plan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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… “The rabbi confirmed my suspicions: if you’re responding to a potentially lethal situation by trying to implement a pre-ordained plan – in a self-defense situation that will be both fluid and chaotic – you could well end up doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. Who’s to say your plan will be appropriate for the situation?”

“’Your pre-ordained plan will be a reaction to a specific, imagined threat,’ the rabbi warned. ‘The problem lies in the fact that the actual threat could play out a million different ways from the scenario that you invented. The chance of your preplanned plan being the right solution for the real threat is nil.’” …

Moms Demand Action Activist Allegedly Says Nazi Leaders’ Words are “Words to Live By”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“An activist who works with Moms Demand Action, had an interesting conversation on Twitter earlier this week with some pro-gun folks.”

“She allegedly actually admitted that she agreed with Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels’ quote that ‘If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear’.”

“She has since changed her Twitter username and protected her tweets, but the Internet is forever and one of the participants in the conversation grabbed the following screenshot.” …

Here's Why The Radnor Lake Rambo Is Bad For Gun Owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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… “Leonard Embody is roughly my age. The so-called Radnor Lake Rambo, who last week was wandering around Vanderbilt and Hillsboro High School with his gun, grew up at the same time I did. I find him utterly baffling. …” …

“This is a man with no honest friends. I acknowledge, it's hard to tell the truth to a man with a gun, but this is a man whose community has let him down. Because somewhere along the way, someone should have told him that a man carrying a gun in circumstances where no guns are called for is indeed a legitimate cause for people to worry they might be about to be shot. Why else would you have a gun on your person in the middle of town? …” …

Gun Control Campaign Targets Parent Company Of Fry's Food
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“A national advocacy group wants the parent company of Fry’s Food and Drug stores to prohibit customers from bringing guns into the Arizona supermarkets. The same group has already persuaded a few other major retailers to ban guns inside their businesses.”

“... Kroger is the latest big business targeted in a national campaign launched by ‘Moms Demand Action …’”

“Jocelyn Strauss is the group’s Arizona manager in Tucson. She said guns should be off limits inside Kroger and Fry’s stores.”

“’We support the Second Amendment but people openly displaying their loaded weapons in places we take our children to shop is unacceptable,’ Strauss said.” …

Submitter’s Note: Let's try it this way: We support the 14th Amendment but people openly displaying miscegenation in places we take our children to shop is unacceptable.

According to Larry Pratt, Liberals Do Not Live in Fact-Based World
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“So crazy met crazy yesterday and, well, talked about crazy stuff. … Specifically, Larry Pratt, president of Gun Owners of America, … called liberals not only ‘insane zealots’ but unmoored from our shared reality.” …

“Specifically, Pratt was attempting to prove that ‘gun-free zones’ are not safe, and that liberals are basically shooting themselves in the foot by wanting to enforce gun controls. Our liberal ‘feelings’ get in the way.”
Their feelings are so intense that the string of mass murder after mass murder in gun-free zones just doesn’t seem to shake them off that conviction.
”He tells us that ‘feeling safe is not the same as actually being safe.’ Well thank you for that, Mr. Pratt. I can tell you that we are not just not feeling safe with all you gun noting nutjobs walking around, but that we are not safe.” …

Obama shows disrespect to Marines with styrofoam cup salute
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"President Barack Obama saluted a pair of United States Marines on Tuesday while holding what appeared to be a styrofoam cup in his saluting hand, a breach of military regulations that won't win him fans among veterans and servicemen."

"Obama is known for drinking tea, not coffee, when he travels, especially before delivering speeches. "

"His quasi-saluting gesture was an instant embarrassment for the White House, and not because his environmentally taboo drinkware clashed with the green-policy speech he was on his way to deliver at a UN Climate Summit." ...

TN: Armed “Good Samaritan” Defends Self, in the Middle of a “Domestic”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“In this case reported from Antioch, Tennessee, a domestic argument ends with a stranger being drawn into a potentially deadly encounter. The accused and a woman were arguing, and the accused told her to get out of the car on the Interstate. A stranger, seeing a woman walking on the Interstate, stopped to ask if she needed help. Shortly after, the accused came back, stopped, drew a pistol and pointed it at the two. The stranger drew his own gun, words were exchanged, and the accused drove off. No shots were fired. Talk to any police officer, and they will tell you . . .” …

KY: Gas station clerk kills two during robbery attempt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... “A store employee told police that three masked robbers came into the station and shot him. The employee told police he returned fire and hit the suspects, who then fled on foot.”

“Police found one person with gunshot wounds in the 800 block of Smith Avenue Southwest and another in the 700 block of Dryden Avenue Southwest. Both men, 23-year-old Antonio Gracia and 21-year-old Ronnie Lawson died at the hospital.”

“Police said they are believed to be the suspects from the Marathon gas station robbery.” …

WA: NRA endorses Newhouse for Congress
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“In a somewhat surprising move, The National Rifle Association has endorsed Republican Dan Newhouse for central Washington's U.S. House seat.”

“The other candidate, fellow Republican Clint Didier, has made support for gun rights a central theme of his campaign.” …


NC: Hagan should welcome NRA opposition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“The NRA Political Victory Fund is going all in for Thom Tillis. It’s backing the Republican state House speaker with a $1.4 million ad campaign that seeks to help him unseat Democratic U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan.”
“For a candidate who is a woman and a Democrat, the big hug for Tillis by a national gun group that supports virtually no controls on handguns and assault weapons should be good news. Women voters, who support Hagan by a wide margin, generally favor more gun restrictions. So do Democrats. Yet the Hagan camp’s response to the NRA ads is to tout the senator’s pro-gun record.” …

CO: Gun-safety group endorses Dems
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“A gun-safety group founded by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg endorsed Gov. John Hickenlooper and U.S. Sen. Mark Udall for re-election Tuesday.”

“Republicans are using the endorsements as fodder, suggesting that Hickenlooper and Udall are in lockstep with Bloomberg’s liberal policies.”

“The endorsements came from Everytown for Gun Safety, a coalition including Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which Bloomberg co-founded, and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.”

“’Coloradans have repeatedly rejected Michael Bloomberg’s radical gun-control agenda, and they will reject Sen. Udall in November,’ said Alex Siciliano, a campaign spokesman for U.S. Rep. Cory Gardner, the Republican challenger in the U.S. Senate race.” …

NY: Tkaczyk slams Amedore on guns, women’s equality
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“Incumbent State Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk (D, Duanesburg) locked horns with Republican challenger George Amedore in an Ulster County Chamber of Commerce debate held Tuesday morning in Kingston.” …

“Sparks flew as Amedore fired shots against Tkaczyk on issues of education and gun control ...” …

“Regarding the controversial SAFE Act, limiting handgun ownership, Amedore said it has ‘overstepped its bounds and is a Constitutional infringement.’”

“He criticized the Democrats in Albany for ‘making knee-jerk reactions’ and passing the bill ‘in the secrecy of the night, without public vetting.’”

“Tkaczyk said it was the Senate Republicans who put the bill on the floor, ‘not me. I wasn’t even there, and to blame me is ridiculous.’ ...” …

CO: Senate candidates talk gun-control legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“A quartet of gun-control bills passed in 2013 by the Colorado Legislature cost three state senators their jobs. That’s the root of this week’s emailed question to the candidates for Colorado Senate District 5, which includes Eagle County.”

“This will no doubt depend on which party controls the Colorado Senate in the 2015 session, but: Should the legislature take another look at the gun-control bills passed in 2013? If so, how?” …

CA: Assemblyman hosts Second Amendment event (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“Hundreds of adults and minors showed up to an East County gun range Saturday to fire weapons.” …

CO: Hicken-Weasel: Why Colorado's Gutless Gov Is in Trouble
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“D.C. journalists called the latest Quinnipiac University poll results in Colorado’s tight gubernatorial race a ‘shocker.’ But it’s a surprise only if you’ve been hopelessly trapped in a Beltway echo chamber.”

“Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper is down 10 points against former GOP Rep. Bob Beauprez …” …

“… the flaky, gutless gov has no one to blame but himself.”

“It was Hickenlooper who caved to East Coast gun-control zealots and partisan White House lobbying. As Democratic state legislators rigged the hearing process, snubbed Colorado constituents and insulted Second Amendment-supporting women during hearings last year, Hickenlooper was chumming it up on the phone with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Vice President Joe Biden.” …

NY: SAFE Act, and Skelos, dominate upstate Senate debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“State Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk and her Republican Senate challenger George Amedore traded insults and blame over the locally unpopular SAFE Act and public ethics during an hourlong debate at the historic Proctor's Theater Tuesday night.”

“Asked whether the tough gun control law championed by Governor Andrew Cuomo should be repealed, both Amedore and Tkaczyk cited the need for background checks but said there were certain aspects of the legislation they didn't like, beginning with the way it was pushed through the Legislature.” …

Citizens With No RKBA In Their State Constitutions Have Lost Most Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“It seems that people who live in states whose founding fathers failed to record that individuals have the Right to Keep And Bear Arms within each state constitution, do have something to lose.”

“The states were talking about, California, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, and New York, do not have ‘right to keep and bear arms’ provisions in their state constitutions. Of those listed here, only two, Iowa and Minnesota, have managed to hold on to some or all of their rights.” …

DC: It Likely Won’t Shock You to Know D.C. Lawmaker Feels This Way About Gun Owners — but the Fact That She Said It Out Loud Just Might
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“Lawmakers in Washington, D.C., passed a ‘may issue’ concealed carry bill unanimously on Tuesday, paving the way for some D.C. residents to carry concealed handguns in public. But one councilmember also made a stunning comment about gun owners that has seemingly gone almost entirely unreported.”

“Speaking in support of a proposed amendment that would create a public database of concealed carry permit holders, councilwoman Yvette Alexander (D-Ward 7) made her feelings on gun owners very clear.”

“’Who cares about the confidentiality of a gun owner? We don’t want it, so expose yourself,’ she said, according to the DCist.” …

NJ: NJ Second Amendment Society Needs Volunteers to Collect Legislator Voting Data
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“Would you like to volunteer for an important NJ2AS project and work at your own pace without having to leave home?”

“Don’t miss your chance to contribute your talents and effort to this very important project.”

“The NJ2AS needs to firmly establish the voting records of the state assembly and senate members (past & present) on all bills affecting our right to keep and bear arms that have been introduced and voted upon in the last five years. The information is available on the NJ Legislative website.” …

NJ: New Jersey bill to strengthen penalties for unsecured guns advances
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“Under new legislation that passed the New Jersey state Senate on Monday, gun owners who do not properly lock up their guns could see up to five years in prison.”

“The measure proposes an increase in the penalties for leaving a loaded firearm within access of a minor that result in an injury or death. Currently, Garden State gun owners who do not secure their firearms according to the state’s guidelines risk a disorderly person’s offense, which can result in up to 18 months in jail should a minor obtain the gun and cause an injury. The bill, which passed the state Senate in a sweeping 31-6 vote Monday, would change that to a sentence of up to five years.” ...

MO: State Senator Jamilah Nasheed calls for tougher gun law
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"State Sen. Jamilah Nasheed stood in a north city neighborhood on Tuesday and called for stiffer penalties on gun crimes."

"Nasheed, a St. Louis Democrat, said she will introduce a bill when the legislature returns to session in January to impose a mandatory 10 year sentence on anyone convicted of a gun-related crime." ...

Submitter's Note: Sen. Nasheed doesn't have a clue about Amendment 5 which recently passed calling for the strictest scrutiny of gun laws. Also if the NRA lobbyist helps with this endeavor they should be tarred and feathered then rode out of town on a rail.

Hawaii latest state to have gun restrictions on legal immigrants overturned
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“A federal judge has overturned a Hawaii law barring legal immigrants from applying for a firearm permit, the latest in a wave of rulings against similar laws across the country.”

“Judge J. Michael Seabright ruled last week in favor of plaintiff Steve Fotoudis, an Australian citizen who is a permanent resident living in Honolulu.”

"... Fotoudis was a competitive shooter in his home country and 'had extensive training in firearms use and safety' before he moved to the U.S.”

“However, when Fotoudis attempted to apply for a firearm permit at the Honolulu Police Department, he was told he was not allowed to because of state law. The law restricted police in Hawaiian counties to issuing gun permits only to U.S. citizens ...” …

Hundreds of Justice Department Attorneys Violated Professional Rules, Laws, or Ethical Standards
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“An internal affairs office at the Justice Department has found that, over the last decade, hundreds of federal prosecutors and other Justice employees violated rules, laws, or ethical standards governing their work.”

“The violations include instances in which attorneys who have a duty to uphold justice have, according to the internal affairs office, misled courts, withheld evidence that could have helped defendants, abused prosecutorial and investigative power, and violated constitutional rights.”

“From fiscal year 2002 through fiscal year 2013, the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) documented more than 650 infractions ...” …

Blunt questions firearm application revision
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“Missouri Senator Roy Blunt (R), who co-chairs the Senate Law Enforcement Caucus, sent a letter recently demanding answers from the Obama Administration surrounding reports that the [ATF] is forcing Americans to declare their race and ethnicity when purchasing a firearm.”

“’The right of law-abiding citizens to own firearms is an individual right guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,’ Blunt wrote. ‘The constitutional right of a citizen to own a firearm has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. …’” …

MT: West Yellowstone police chief fired after state investigation won't face criminal charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“A West Yellowstone police chief who was fired after a state investigation found he selectively enforced the law and violated court orders will not face criminal charges.”

“The Bozeman Daily Chronicle … reports former chief Gordon Berger's attorney Brian Gallik said Friday that the Gallatin County attorney will not file charges against Berger.”

“After the investigation, the West Yellowstone town council in August confirmed a recommendation to end Berger's employment immediately.”

“Gallatin County Sheriff Brian Gootkin began looking into the West Yellowstone department last fall after the National Park Service suspended its mutual aid agreement with West Yellowstone police, citing a lack of training and safety concerns. …” …

MA: Chicopee police officer Michael Gendron fired over alleged relationship with 17-year-old girl
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“A 43-year-old police officer will lose his job in connection with his alleged sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl.”

“Mayor Richard J. Kos announced Monday he has decided to terminate Patrolman Michael Gendron following a discipline hearing in connection to a restraining order taken out on him by the girl’s parents.”

“’As a Civil Service position, Officer Gendron will have the ability to appeal this decision to the Civil Service Commission in Boston,’ Assistant City Solicitor Thomas Rooke said in writing.” …

TX: Sex offender says deputy forced him take nude photos
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“A man who claims a Wise County sheriff's deputy forced him to take nude photographs while registering for the state's sex offender database says he thinks there are other victims.”

“The 28-year-old was recently released from prison after serving time for indecent exposure.”

“’I was intoxicated, and I flashed a group of people. Some of them were underage, and I didn't know they were underage,’ he said.”

“The man asked us not to identify him, because according to court documents he is now a victim.” …

NY: Islip approves gun range contract with U.S. Marshals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“The Islip Town Council at a board meeting Tuesday night approved by a split vote a controversial one-year contract with the U.S. Marshals Service to use the town-owned outdoor gun range.”

“More than a dozen Islip residents spoke at the 7 p.m. meeting, some in favor of Islip Rifle, Pistol and Archery Range, citing Second Amendment rights. Others, who live nearby, railed against the contract and played for the packed board room audio recordings of the gunshot sounds they say pollute their neighborhood.” …

Submitter’s Note: Well maybe if suppressors weren’t illegal in New York it would be less of a problem.

Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms. — Robert Heinlein

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