CCRKBA Urges Sen. Reid to Allow Senate Vote on District Gun Law
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The [CCRKBA] is today calling on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to allow a House-approved bill on the District of Columbia's gun law to face an immediate Senate vote."
"'Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and 46 of her colleagues have asked Sen. Reid to do this before the end of the 110th Congress,' noted CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, 'but we think this vote needs to occur before the Nov. 4 election. It should be openly debated and subjected to a roll call vote.'"
"'Senator Reid has provided cover to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in the past on a gun vote,' he noted, 'and that's got to stop right now. Particularly, Sen. Obama and his running mate, Joe Biden, need to cast an on-the-record vote ..." ... |
Kill 'Em & Grill 'Em
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"There is a powerful, natural force in the fall air, and I, for one, cannot turn my back on it. I know the origin of 'conservatism' and the pragmatic, rugged individualism logic that drives it and us."
"As a conservationist, I believe in the wise use of our precious life-giving resources and clearly understand man's critical responsibility to the stewardship of our wild ground and our wildlife." ...
"I hunt, kill animals, start fires, and barbecue my families' daily sacred protein health food. I bait hooks, catch fish and then cook them in garlic and butter. That’s absolute perfection, just as God intended. Only a disconnected liberal cultist of denial could find fault with my perfect conservation lifestyle ..." ... |
NYC buys new security for Va. gun shop, ends suit
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"New York City will pay to install a better security camera system in a Virginia gun store that will make other changes to its sales practices, resolving a lawsuit the city filed two years ago."
"The city will pay for buy a computer log for The Bob Moates Sport Shop of Midlothian, Va., that will alert sales clerks when a person attempting to buy a gun has made previous purchases of weapons linked to crime. The store will buy its own equipment to help spot fake IDs."
"Both sides said they were happy with the resolution." ... |
GA: Senate panel hears more-guns-in-public debate
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Mark McCullough
Website: http://www.georgiacarry.org/
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"Gun-control advocates, religious leaders and government officials urged a key Senate panel Tuesday to not let more Georgians carry firearms into places of worship, schools, municipal buildings and mental hospitals."
"But gun-rights supporters say there is no evidence Georgians licensed to carry firearms would endanger the public if allowed to bring their weapons to church or onto college campuses."
"The two conflicting views were aired when a Senate committee heard testimony on possible legislation to amend Georgia's 138-year-old law banning firearms at places of 'public gatherings.'" ...
"GeorgiaCarry.org, which pushed House Bill 89, is also backing the move to make it legal to carry guns to church and other places." ... |
GA: Oconee sheriff: Weapons ban confusing
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Mark McCullough
Website: http://www.georgiacarry.org/
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"Oconee County sheriff's deputies are hard-pressed to decide whether they're dealing with a criminal when they get a call that someone is carrying a concealed weapon where they shouldn't be, Sheriff Scott Berry said Tuesday."
"The state's ban on firearms at public gatherings is too ambiguous, Berry told a panel of state senators conducting a wholesale review of the state's gun laws."
"... Berry said the situations his deputies encounter often straddle the line between legal and unlawful because they are subject to interpretation."
"'Essentially, what you have here is unenforceable,' Berry said."
"The Senate Firearms Committee met Tuesday for the second in a series of hearings that may lead to new gun legislation in January." ... -------
Submitter's note: Sheriff Berry is a member of GeorgiaCarry.org |
MO: Police: Would-Be Robber Shot
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A clerk at a 7-Eleven stood up to a robber, police said, and shot him dead."
"An 18-year-old man was attempting to rob the convenience store ... at gunpoint when one of the two clerks in the store pulled out his own gun and shot the man, police said."
"When officers arrived at the store, which is across the street from a police station, they found the teen dead behind the counter, shot once in the neck."
"'... There were two clerks working at the time. ...' said Capt. Rich Lockhart of the Kansas City Police Department."
"The man who was shot was carrying a gun, police said. And they said the clerk who had a gun had a permit to carry a concealed weapon." |
Australia: Rescue Planned for Woman Trapped in Home by Giant Pig
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"A huge pig called Bruce has trapped a terrified woman in her home in Australia."
"Caroline Hayes, 63, tried to leave her house ... to use the outdoor toilet, but the animal bit her and shoved her back inside."
"Bruce, who is the size of a Shetland pony, showed up at her home 10 days ago after his owners were unable to cope with him and let him loose ..."
"Hayes began feeding the beast, but he became more aggressive, demanding more food and biting her on the leg when she tried to go to the toilet."
"Local rangers tried to rescue her but could not capture the huge animal."
"The case has now been handed over to the Rural Lands Protection Board (RLPB), who have promised not to put the animal down." ... |
Brady Campaign Joins With Parents of Murdered Children to Mark National Day of Remembrance
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"On Thursday, September 25 Parents of Murdered Children (POMC) will host a National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims, which will end with a gathering and ceremony at the National Press Club here at 6 PM."
"'We at the Brady Campaign stand in solidarity with families of murder victims on this day,' said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. 'We must do more as a nation to keep dangerous people from getting dangerous weapons. We need to take steps like this to make our country safer for all Americans and our families.'"
"'On this day, we are reminded that over two-thirds of all homicides are enabled by guns,' said Jennifer Bishop, Brady's Program Director for Victims and Survivors ..." ... |
PA: 4th Philadelphia Officer Killed in Under a Year - It's Time for a Change
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"... In the last year these four Philadelphia Police officers died in the line of duty. Numerous other officers have been injured - several critically, while protecting the citizens of Philadelphia."
"Yesterday's victim ... was shot and killed during a shootout in North Philadelphia. The gunman was also killed. ..."
"I've never used to be a big supporter of gun control. I grew up in a conservative, blue-collar town in Delaware County where I'll always remember our next door neighbor celebrating the New Year by firing blanks from his hunting rifle into the air. I suppose for me it's always come back to that Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms."
"It's time for a drastic change in the way we think." ... |
Finland: Finland's PM calls for stricter gun laws
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Solemnly leading his country in a day of mourning, Finland's prime minister called for tighter gun laws Wednesday as he visited the site of a fiery school massacre that left 10 victims dead."
"A 22-year-old student armed with a .22 caliber handgun and petrol bombs opened fire on classmates at a vocational college here Tuesday, killing 10 others and burning their bodies before turning the gun on himself. It was Finland's second deadly school shooting in less than a year."
"Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen said it was time to consider restricting access to guns in a country with deeply held hunting traditions and over 1.6 million firearms in private hands. ..." ... -------
KABA Note: Why not 'restrict access' to petrol? |
CA: Dos Palos students protest after school forces sophomore to remove American flag shirt
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"Students at Dos Palos High School protested Thursday -- by wearing patriotic regalia to school -- after a sophomore student was forced to remove a T-shirt depicting the American flag." ...
"Kaycee Shelly told members of the media at lunchtime that her brother was overwhelmed and did not want to do any more interviews."
"Earlier in the day, he was speaking with a local news station when an unidentified teacher walked up to him, ripped off the microphone clipped to his shirt and told him he was not allowed to talk to the media." ... |
Revenge of the Bitter Gun Owners
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Last spring, after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to arms, Democrats hoped the decision would neutralize the gun issue. Instead the ruling, by inviting debate over which kinds of gun control are constitutional, has made the issue more salient."
"That's bad news for Barack Obama, who the [NRA] says 'would be the most anti-gun president in American history.' The Democratic nominee pays lip service to Second Amendment rights while calling for 'commonsense,' 'reasonable' restrictions. But Obama's sense of what's reasonable ... may seem decidedly unreasonable to the pro-gun voters the NRA is trying to mobilize against him." ... |
Democrats don't have a shot with pro-gun voters
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Breaking up is so hard to do. Judging from the Democratic Party platform, remarks from presidential nominee Barack Obama and his selection of anti-gun Sen. Joseph Biden as a running mate, the long, transparent courtship of gun owners by Democrats is over."
"Instead of a goodbye kiss, there was a slap in the face; the political approximation of a domestic assault."
"It was inevitable. After Democrats lost Congress in 1994 because their actions brought legions of angry gun owners to the polls, the party repackaged its rhetoric and tried to sell itself as a friend of the Second Amendment."
"American gun owners, who are increasingly becoming gun rights activists, are not the fools Democrats think they are. ..." ... |
Analysis: Fact-Checkers Fall Short in Criticizing NRA's Anti-Obama Ads
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "Brooks Jackson, who authored the FactCheck.org piece with D'Angelo Gore, was extremely upset about the NRA ads. Jackson told FOX News: 'They are lying. This is what they do. This is how they make their money. Do these people have no shame? They are just making this up. I just wish that they would tell the truth.' He said that their ads were 'one of the worst examples of lying' that he had 'ever seen.'"
"But what are the facts? Were the NRA ads this bad? How accurate are the fact checkers? FactCheck.org, which is regularly relied on by FOX News, had the longest critical discussion of the ads. Here is a review of their most critical comments." ... |
A New AWB Is Now Official
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Barack Obama's campaign site was just updated and they've added the following verbiage to their Urban Policy section:""Address Gun Violence in Cities: As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment ... Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets." "Emphasis mine." ...
Joe Biden shoots his goose
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"It is often said that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The phrase definitely applies to Democrats Barack Obama and Joe Biden, and the 2004 Democrat presidential nominee John Kerry."
"For most of the 2004 campaign, the Kerry campaign was winning on the gun issue by making it a non-issue. Kerry was doing well, having lulled to sleep the giant pro-gun voting block."
"And then came September. ..."
"In the first week, Kerry's 'saviors' had succeeded in placing the gun issue on the front page of every newspaper in America, by staging a photo-op of Kerry being given a shotgun as a gift from union workers in West Virginia. The stunt quickly became a gaffe ..." ... |
Fact-Checking FactCheck.Org on Obama and Guns
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"FactCheck.org doesn't think much of the NRA's ads criticizing Obama."
"They are, sadly, way off base. ..."
"For starters, FactCheck.org takes Obama at his word that he 'believes the Second Amendment creates an individual right, and he respects the constitutional rights of Americans to bear arms.' Many gun owners are not so willing to give the benefit of the doubt, as Obama spent most of his adult life in a city with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country, and, according to every record of the past 20 years, never uttered a word of objection. If a candidate claimed that he strongly opposed legal gambling, and yet lived in Las Vegas for 20 years, voters would be understandably skeptical." ... |
PA: To Help Keep Dangerous Guns Away From Dangerous People, Brady Campaign Endorses Bob Roggio For Congress
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"The Brady Campaign ... today endorsed Bob Roggio for election to Congress from Pennsylvania's Sixth Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Congressman Jim Gerlach."
"Bob Roggio is a strong advocate for his community as a business leader, former army reservist, former Southeast Pennsylvania Field Representative for Senator Bob Casey, as well as Little League coach ..."
"'Bob Roggio will fight for common sense gun laws to reduce the tragic toll of gun violence in America,' said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign. 'His opponent, Jim Gerlach voted against restrictions on .50-caliber sniper rifles and other legislation that will make our families and neighborhoods less safe.'" ... |
OH: Stewart gets NRA, FOP endorsements
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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State Rep. Jimmy Stewart, Republican candidate in the Ohio 20th Senate District, has received endorsements from the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP).
Stewart is serving his third term in the Ohio House, representing the 92nd District, sitting on the House Finance and Appropriations Committee and serving as chairman of the Human Services Subcommittee.
He faces Democrat Rick Shriver, a Morgan County Commissioner, in the Nov. 4 election, as the pair vie for the seat held by Joy Padgett of Coshocton, who chose not to run again. |
IL: Winnebago County sheriff says gun law's draft 'shameful'
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"The end work of a group charged with drafting a resolution to give county residents the concealed carry rights passed a proposal that probably won't do much to that effect."
"The Winnebago County Board's concealed carry subcommittee unanimously approved a resolution Tuesday night that essentially allows the sheriff to hire auxiliary deputies."
"But that's a power the sheriff already has according to state statute."
"The key difference, committee chairman Tom Owens said, is 'encouraging him to utilize that to the fullest extent that he can.'" ... |
PA: Pistol-packing Pa. soccer mom loses gun permit
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"Officials in Pennsylvania have revoked a woman's concealed-weapons permit because other parents complained that she was carrying her loaded handgun at her daughter's soccer games."
"Meleanie Hain said she's fighting the revocation ..."
"Hain lost the permit and got a warning from local soccer officials after a game on Sept. 11."
"Sheriff Michael DeLeo said openly carrying a weapon to a youth soccer match shows a lack of judgment."
"Hain told the Lebanon Daily News she has always openly carried a firearm without any problems in the past."
"And her lawyer, Robert Magee, said that while Pennsylvania requires a permit for a concealed firearm, it doesn't require a license to carry one openly except in Philadelphia." -------
KABA Note: Sheriff in this country behavior which is not forbidden is allowed. |
WV: Man Passes Gas, Charged with Battery on Officer
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As if getting a DUI wasn’t enough, a man arrested for driving under the influence got in a lot more trouble at the police station.
Police stopped Jose Cruz on Route 60 in South Charleston Monday night for driving with his headlights off.
Then, he failed sobriety tests and was arrested.
When police were trying to get fingerprints, police say Cruz moved closer to the officer and passed gas on him. The investigating officer remarked in the criminal complaint that the odor was very strong.
Cruz is now charged with battery on a police officer, as well as DUI and obstruction. |
IL: Cop indicted in deadly Thanksgiving DUI crash
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A Chicago Police officer who had DUI charges dismissed against him in a fatal November crash was indicted Tuesday in the same Roscoe Village car accident that killed two men." ...
"Ardelean, who prosecutors said refused to take a field sobriety test at the scene of the crash, wasn't given a Breathalyzer test until almost eight hours after the incident. That test indicated his blood-alcohol level was .032 -- below the legal limit of .08." ... -------
H/t to David Codrea who sensibly asks why the cops who delayed the Breathalyzer eight hours aren't facing obstruction charges? |