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Newslinks for 9/25/2012

Former FBI agent Shipley enters halfway house
Submitted by: David Codrea

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“'The government has labeled him as a violent criminal because he had a gun charge,' the source revealed. 'This is ridiculous, and for that reason they are going to keep him until December 24th.'”

Partisan Black Caucus ignores Fast and Furious, honors Holder as 'role model'
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"How someone found in contempt of Congress, who presided over the organization responsible for Fast and Furious gunwalking , which (if one is to believe all the excuses) at best represents detached incompetence rising to the level of criminal negligence, should be considered a role model for any community, is yet another example of the Orwellian 'Opposite Day' nature of modern “progressive” political terminology. But the First Lady’s and Attorney General’s statements focused instead on voting rights, not on people killed as a result of criminal federal law enforcement schemes and official machinations to withhold related evidence from Congressional investigators."

Obama, Axelrod, and Gun Control in a Second Term?
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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The overachieving Charles C. Johnson of the Breitbart domain and several other enterprises (and a recent product of the Claremont brain factory), writes in exclusively to Power Line with a topic that Obama ought to be asked about in one of the debates—will a second-term Obama press for gun control? Apparently his chief strategist likes the idea

IL: Rolling out the welcome mat for new shooters!
Submitted by: John Boch

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Illinois’ excessive and oppressive gun laws impede new shooters taking up safe and fun shooting sports, not to mention deriving the potential life-saving benefits of firearm ownership.

By educating more of our state’s residents, we can change attitudes and laws. To affect that end, we should exploit every opportunity to welcome new in shooters and share the excitement of shooting sports.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen.

MI: Officers in troubled police department deny assault as ad executive sues Detroit
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Keenan Ellsberry said the last thing he expected when he drove to his ex-wife's house in the wee hours of May 2, 2011, was to be mistaken for a drug dealer and beaten by police.

"I thought I was going to die," the 36-year-old advertising executive from West Bloomfield said of the events that morning in Detroit.

Ellsberry, who is black, said two white officers savagely attacked him in front of his ex-wife and two of his children and then falsely accused him of assaulting the officers and trying to grab one of their guns.

IL: Highway Sign Work Report: Mission Accomplished!
Submitted by: John Boch

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Last week, a GSL Highway Sign crew went out and totally refurbished one set of our “Burma-style” sign sets, on westbound I-72 between White Heath and Monticello, and got a good start on refurbishing the other set, on the eastbound lanes at the same location.

Today, we finished the job. ...The completed message eastbound now reads,


These signs get the word out to literally millions of people each year. If you’re a member of Guns Save Life, you can take pride of ownership in them.

IL: Criminal Re-branding: CeaseFire Illinois becomes “Cure Violence”
Submitted by: John Boch

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The ex-cons and criminals at CeaseFire, recipients of a million dollars in “tribute” money – or “protection” money from the City of Chicago earlier this year has re-branded itself as Cure Violence in an effort, we suspect, to escape CeaseFire Illinois’ criminal reputation.

What is CeaseFire Illinois and how in the world did they get a cool million from Chicago?

CeaseFire Illinois is a bunch of criminals – ex-cons and “reformed” gang members who use their “street cred” to prevent crimes and violence and mediate gang-related disputes.

Yeah, sounds good in theory to do-gooders, but in reality it’s just like criminals would turn in the tools of the trade at gun buy backs. Yeah, it just isn’t going to happen.


Rumor Control: U.N. ATT and POA, Bad but Different
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The latest rumor making its way through the darker corners of the internet is an inaccurate spin on the U.N.’s never-ending mission to disarm the American people. The rumors vary, but some have wrongly claimed that the U.S. has secretly adopted a U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, subjecting Americans to the schemes of U.N. gun controllers.

The confusion stems from a misunderstanding of the differences between July’s month-long U.N. Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and the Second Review Conference for the U.N. Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons (POA) that took place August 27 through September 7. The ATT and POA, while having many of the same anti-gun supporters and objectives, are two distinct U.N. initiatives.

CA: Donnelly Asks for a Veto to a Ban on Long Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Assemblyman Tim Donnelly has sent another letter to Governor Jerry Brown, this time asking him to veto AB 1527, a bill that would ban the open carrying of all long guns - rifles and shotguns, according to the assembly.

The bill was sponsored by Anthony Portantino (D-La Cañada-Flintridge) and is reportedly the sequel to Portantino's AB 144, which outlawed "open carry" of unloaded pistols at the beginning of the year, according to the Sacramento Bee.

DOJ ‘Fast & Furious’ Report Pulls Punches on Holder, Man Most Responsible
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Department of Justice Inspector General’s report on the “Fast and Furious” scandal was released this week, and while it found 14 officials from the department and its Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives responsible for the reckless program, it failed, unfortunately, to hold Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. responsible for the actions of those under his supervision.

NC: Pink camouflage? You bet
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A dense fog did little to quell the enthusiasm of the crowd that turned out to Fisher River Park Saturday for the fourth annual Tri-County Women in the Outdoors Struttin’ in the Foothills event.

The effort to get women involved in outdoor activities was sponsored by the local chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation.

Walking into the park, the reports of shotguns, rifles and pistols mingled with the muffled “pfwwtt” as arrows were released from both compound bows and crossbows.

Four More Years of Obama Means Gun Control ‘Under the Radar’ No More
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As president, Obama has filled important posts with notorious anti-gunners. For example, Attorney General Eric Holder shares Obama’s opposition to gun rights. Under Holder’s watch, we have seen the Fast and Furious debacle – an attempt to justify new gun regulations – come to pass with a body count in the hundreds. And there are new gun control requirements on long-gun sales in Arizona, Texas, California, and New Mexico.

And justices nominated by Obama have already begun chipping away at the Second Amendment and concealed-carry laws by ruling that there’s no Supreme Court-recognized, Constitutionally-explicit right for Americans to carry guns outside their homes.

OR: Court Upholds Portland's Loaded Firearm Ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A sharply divided Oregon appeals court upheld Portland's ban on carrying loaded firearms in public, affirming a lower court's conviction of city resident on a pair of concealed weapons charges.
Jonathan Christian was charged with carrying a concealed firearm without a permit, in violation of Oregon law, and of carrying a loaded firearm in a public place, in violation of a Portland ordinance.
The district court convicted him on both counts, despite Christian's demurrer that the laws violated the Second Amendment.

"Whatever Your Mission": Civilian Firearms - from Sports to Weapons
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a gun magazine advertisement, a militia member, tricked out in copies of army “tactical” gear hefts an assault rifle with a 30 round magazine and strides forward above the text “…Whatever your mission.” Today, ads for military rifles and self-defense pistols have intensified, aimed at civilians with images of combat situations combined with text promising deadly capabilities.

NM: Guns and parks are a bad mix
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Rather than make guns more pervasive, we would recommend changing the law so that park visitors must leave concealed, loaded guns at home. That way, families and individuals enjoying the beauty of nature don’t have to worry about a stray bullet shattering their lives.

Ed.: If you live in NM (or use their state parks), follow the link to weigh in on the proposal to allow concealed carry in state parks (as required by existing state law).

NY: Rabbitt gets backing of gun rights group
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Assemblywoman Annie Rabbitt, R-Greenwood Lake, has been endorsed by the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association for re-election to the 98th Assembly District, which includes Orange and Rockland counties.

Rabbitt's position on Second Amendment rights gave the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association no doubt she would be an asset to the district, representatives said in a statement.

NRA Chief lobbyist on Obama’s 1998 gun control comments: It ‘isn’t surprising’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the wake of a secret 1998 recording of then Illinois State Sen. Barack Obama pushing for, among other things, gun control, National Rifle Association chief lobbyist Chris W. Cox told The Daily Caller that President Obama opposes the Second Amendment, and will try to do whatever he can to limit firearm ownership in America.

TX: America’s conflicts over gun control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The most prominent opponent of gun control today is the National Rifle Association (NRA). But in the 1920s and 1930s, the NRA led the gun control movement, drafting and promoting laws that restricted carrying guns in public, mainly aimed at restricting the gangsters of that day. Some of those laws still exist, but are opposed by today’s NRA. Winkler traced the militant anti-gun control stance of today’s NRA to an unusual series of events.

Germany: In storybook rural Germany, thefts prompt concern over gun restrictions
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Not long after the Polish border crossing into Germany fully opened in 2007, the Russian mob arrived. But it took until this summer for people in this newly capitalist German region of farmland, forests and lakes to start fighting back.

Small businesses have lost millions of dollars’ worth of agricultural and construction equipment to thieves from beyond the German border. The thefts have made some Germans wary of their neighbors and triggered an unprecedented debate on gun use, as well as the installation of private fences, electric gates and surveillance systems.

FL: Off-duty security guard cleared in Palm Harbor 'stand your ground' shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There’s another case involving the controversial 'Stand Your Ground Law' here in Florida.

This time, an-off duty security guard, Seth Browning, 23, was cleared of any wrongdoing after killing another man.

The State Attorney’s office says it was “justifiable use of deadly force.”

IN: Self-defense found in fatal Indy gun shop shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Prosecutors in Indianapolis say a gun store employee who fatally shot a customer who had shot him first acted in self-defense under Indiana law and won't face charges.

FL: George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin case: DNA test results could change defense team's strategy
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The results rule out Martin's DNA from being on the gun's grip. Zimmerman's DNA also was identified on the gun's holster, but no determination could be made as to whether Martin's DNA was on the gun's holster, according to the report from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

Meet the Street Artist Who’s Wanted by the NYPD for Punking the Police with Fake Drone Ads
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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His name is 'Essam' and he's a 29-year-old art school grad from Maine, who served in Iraq as a "geo-spatial analyst", and has put up posters like the one above all over New York. It shows drones being used to police regular people in an Orwellian world... with the NYPD logo plastered all over it, as if to endorse it. The NYPD wants him arrested, he wants to let people know the scariness of drones.

The Posner-Scalia row—the latest round
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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He identified Scalia as a "pertinacious" foe of the use of legislative history to interpret law, Scalia's grounds being that legislative majorities consist of so many members supporting the law they're enacting for so many different reasons that there's no clarity to be gained by examining their motives. And yet, Posner continued, when it suits Scalia he's willing to hold his nose. "When he looks for the original meaning of eighteenth-century constitutional provisions—as he did in his opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller, holding that an ordinance forbidding people to own handguns even for the defense of their homes violated the Second Amendment—Scalia is doing legislative history."

NM: Reconcile State Parks’ Conceal-Carry Policy
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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State law doesn’t prohibit carrying a concealed handgun in New Mexico’s nearly three dozen state parks.

State Parks policy does.

That contradiction sets law-abiding gun owners up to violate a regulation that’s out of step not only with state statute but national practice. So it makes sense for Gov. Susana Martinez’s administration to reconcile the discrepancy.

Thanks to the government’s past record, it is unfortunately very predictable that, in spite of the severe penalties mandated, tens of thousands of people will not comply at all (with Bill C-68). A new class of criminal will be created among harmless citizens whose previous lawbreaking may have resulted in nothing more than parking tickets. — Lee Morrison, Canadian Mounted Police

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