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Newslinks for 9/25/2014

‘Everytown’ marks political debut by endorsing safe candidates
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Just as the billionaire-funded Astroturfers pose as the grassroots, the overabundance of safe selections, guaranteed to give them a track record of victories they can them claim as proof of their political wallop, is all part of the carefully-staged illusion-making."

OH: No Indictments Against Officers in Case of Fatal Ohio Walmart Shooting
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A special grand jury decided today that no officers will be indicted in the August shooting and killing of a man in an Ohio Walmart.

As previously reported by Opposing Views, 22-year-old John Crawford III was the victim of the Walmart shooting.

Crawford’s family and supporters had called for the release of the Walmart’s surveillance video; the video was finally released during a news conference today.

The special grand jury reviewed the evidence and found that the Beavercreek officers involved were justified in their actions.

Surveillance video of the shooting, which had previously been unavailable to the public, shows Crawford walking around the store while talking on the phone, with the BB gun at his side or on his shoulder.

OH: Feds to investigate after grand jury declines to charge cops in fatal shooting of man holding fake gun at Ohio Walmart
Submitted by: Anonymous

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John Crawford III, 22, was shot twice as he held a pellet gun inside a Beavercreek Walmart on Aug. 5. A 911 caller thought the gun was real and that the man was a threat. A grand jury, hearing from witnesses and watching surveillance and hearing audio, found that Sgt. David Darkow and Officer Dean Williams had not committed a crime when they shot the man. The U.S. DOJ announced later Wednesday that it would investigate the killing for possible civil rights violations.

How Common Are School Shootings?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Schools are stocking up on M16s and modified grenade launchers and holding drills involving shooting blanks in middle and high school hallways, but is the risk really worth the expense and possibility of preemptively traumatizing children?

Groups like Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety argue that our nation’s schools are dangerous, claiming that there have been 74 school shootings since the Sandy Hook massacre in December 2012 in an infographic that went viral earlier this summer.

Et tu, Panera?
Submitted by: Liston Matthews

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These Moms some of whom are alleged to be following some of the mayors down the paths of unrighteousness, have been successful in getting several stores and restaurants to issue meaningless statements, asking folks to please disarm themselves prior to entry. Such businesses include Chipotle, Target, and now Panera Bread. Wanting to get it straight from the source, this column contacted Ron Shaich, CEO of Panera:

PA: Eric Frein search has some neighbors upset at Pa. troopers over roadblocks
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Pennsylvania state police are defending themselves against complaints that they have unfairly denied residents access to their homes during the manhunt for a suspected killer.

The massive search for 31-year-old Eric Frein, who is charged with killing one trooper and wounding another, has resulted in frequent unannounced and indefinite roadblocks in the village of Canadensis. Some people have ended up sleeping in their cars because their neighborhoods were cordoned off.

In a statement Tuesday night, police said they have been "diligent in respecting the rights of the public while working hard to keep both residents and law enforcement personnel safe."

Shaneen Allen Is Free (Basically)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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I just spoke with Shaneen Allen’s lawyer, Evan Nappen, who had fantastic news for me: The prosecutor in Atlantic County has relented, and Shaneen Allen will be admitted into a pre-trial intervention (PTI) program. In consequence, she will avoid jail time, a felony conviction, and the destruction of her life.

Allen, a single mother of two, had been threatened with up to ten years in prison after she drove from her home state of Pennsylvania into neighboring New Jersey with a concealed handgun in her purse. Allen had thought that her Pennsylvania concealed-carry permit was accepted in New Jersey. When she was pulled over for a minor traffic offense, she discovered that it was not.

DC: Washington D.C. approves strict ‘May-Issue’ legislation by a unanimous vote
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The District of Columbia passed one of the strictest concealed carry laws in the nation Tuesday, calling for 16 hours of training, “good reason” be proven for consideration, and a host of other restrictions.

The measure, outlined in a 21-page bill, comes in an effort to comply with a federal court order that struck down the District of Columbia’s ban on handguns outside of the home. The 90-day stay agreed to by U.S. District Judge Frederick J. Scullin Jr. is set to run out Oct. 22.

DC: A small victory for the Second Amendment in Washington: D.C. Council votes approve concealed carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun owners who live in the District of Columbia may soon be carry a firearm for self-defense, provided. The he D.C. Council voted on Tuesday to allow concealed carry of firearms in the city, provided the applicant meets some stringent requirements:

CT: Connecticut Gubernatorial Candidate Likes Guns and High Drama
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Connecticut gubernatorial candidate Joe Visconti opposes the state's new gun restrictions, and he has an online commercial that shows him riding in a 1974 Pontiac convertible with rifles fixed to the rear fenders.

Mr. Visconti gets out and approaches the camera.

"Remember, what one day is your neighbor's problem could easily become yours," he says, then lifts his coat to reveal a holstered handgun.

"I believe that with all politics, theater is important," said Mr. Visconti, 57 years old, in an interview.

MN: Nolan campaign portrait has gun owners up in arms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It's almost impossible to escape the advertisements that permeate any political season, but one campaign picture from a Minnesota candidate is causing an uproar among those who looked closely.

There's an old adage that a picture is worth a thousand words, but one political action committee told Fox 9 News they don't' need that many to explain what's wrong with the photo Rick Nolan put out. Rather, they only need three: Basic gun safety.


That's part of the reason why the Minnesota Gun Owners PAC couldn't wait to pounce on the picture the democratic congressman from the 8th District posted on Twitter of him holding an AR-15 -- a gun he once thought should be banned, or so he told CBS's "Face the Nation" on Jan. 6, 2013.

MA: Comm2A Files Suit Against Boston Police Commissioner Paul Evans
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Monday September 22nd 2014, Commonwealth Second Amendment (Comm2A) and an individual plaintiff filed suit in federal district court against Boston Police Commissioner William Evans seeking a temporary restraining order against the department’s policy of refusing to recognize valid US passports as proof of US Citizenship.

“I think most Americans would find it deeply offensive to learn that the police don’t consider a US passport evidence of citizenship,” said Comm2A President Brent Carlton.

AK: NRA says it won't endorse in Alaska Senate race
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association has decided to not endorse in Alaska's U.S. Senate race, with a spokesman saying Wednesday that Democratic Sen. Mark Begich's support of two Supreme Court nominees opposed by the group cost him that endorsement.

The announcement came after the group's political arm reported in recent filings with the Federal Election Commission that it made ad buys in several prominent U.S. Senate races across the country, including Colorado and North Carolina.

IN: WL police start wearing mobile cameras
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The West Lafayette Police Department looked into putting body cameras on cops long before the issue began making national headlines during the community uprising in Ferguson, Missouri.

Starting this week, mobile cameras, about the size of a smartphone, become standard equipment for patrol officers in the city.

When cops respond to a call, cameras will capture everything said and done,including interactions with people in the community.

How Gun Control Made England The 'Most Violent Country In Europe
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun control in Britain passed in stages, beginning just after World War I and continuing in a reactionary fashion with increasing strictness through the 1990s.

When the final stage arrived in 1997, and virtually all handguns were banned via the Firearms Act, the promise was a reduction in crime and greater safety for the British people. But the result was the emergence of Britain as the "most violent country in Europe."

DC: D.C. Council votes, reluctantly, to allow public to carry concealed weapons
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“The court instructed the city to treat the carrying of handguns as a right rooted in the constitutional interest in self-defense,” he said. “It’s not much progress to move from a system where ­licenses are not available to a system where licenses are only available if the city feels like issuing them. It’s something of a joke.”

Gura said he is prepared to take the matter before U.S. District Judge Frederick J. Scullin Jr., who struck down the carry ban in July and has scheduled an Oct. 17 hearing on the city’s request that he reconsider his decision.

“They have to explain why this is different than what currently exists,” Gura said. “I don’t believe they can do that.”

New Jersey, New York Gun Control Demonstrates Glaring Double Standard
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Two individuals; both legal gun-owners with permits to carry and both arrested for exercising their constitutional right. One, however, committed an offence worthy of a simple citation, if anything; yet, she faces jail time with no parole. In the other case, a man commits a serious and deliberate breach of a law which he, himself, advocated and gets off with little more than a slap on the wrist. Granted; these are two separate states, but the two cases, when compared, clearly demonstrate the glaring double standard of the anti-gun lobby – a double standard which is evident, not only in New Jersey and New York, but across the country.

HI: Judge says aliens can apply for gun permits
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A U.S. district court judge issued an injunction last week against the citizen-only requirements of Hawaii’s firearms permit program.

This came in the case of Steve Fotoudis, an Australian who became a permanent U.S. resident but was denied the opportunity to apply for a firearms permit by the Honolulu Police Department after he did not meet the state’s standard of being a U.S. citizen.

U.S. District Judge J. Michael Seabright, a 2005 President G.W. Bush appointment, issued an injunction against not only the chief of police for HPD, but also the state of Hawaii as a whole, citing that the requirement is unconstitutional.

NY: SAFE Act, and Skelos, dominate upstate Senate debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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State Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk and her Republican Senate challenger George Amedore traded insults and blame over the locally unpopular SAFE Act and public ethics during an hourlong debate at the historic Proctor's Theater Tuesday night.

Asked whether the tough gun control law championed by Governor Andrew Cuomo should be repealed, both Amedore and Tkaczyk cited the need for background checks but said there were certain aspects of the legislation they didn't like, beginning with the way it was pushed through the Legislature.

TN: Should guns be allowed on campus?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lopez was a high school senior who carried a loaded concealed hand gun into school.

He also had five extra rounds of ammunition in the pockets of his jeans. Lopez was convicted of violating the Gun Free School Zone Act of 1990.

However, he appealed this conviction stating that the law violated his Second Amendment right to bear arms. Upon appeal, Lopez won the case. The judge stated that Lopez was correct, the law did indeed violate his Second Amendment right, and that Congress had overstepped its bounds by putting such a law in effect.

This raises the question do you agree with judge’s decision? Should students be allowed to possess a gun on school grounds?

Fact-Checking Feinstein On The Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the ten years since the federal assault weapons ban expired, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., has kept trying to renew the law, which she authored. In a press release this month honoring the 20th anniversary of the ban, she wrote, “The evidence is clear: the ban worked.”

But gun violence experts say the exact opposite. “There is no compelling evidence that it saved lives,” Duke University public policy experts Philip Cook and Kristin Goss wrote in their book “The Gun Debate: What Everyone Needs to Know.”

U.S. Supreme Court, 2014
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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White supremacist, Samuel James Johnson, who started his own Aryan hate group in Minnesota, revealed to an undercover FBI agent that he had napalm, explosives, silencers, and wanted to attack the Mexican Consulate in St. Paul. Johnson appealed his sole gun possession conviction, stating mere possession of a short-barreled shotgun should not be treated as a violent felony. His supporters, Gun Owners of America, Inc. and The Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, agree.


In Washington, D.C., guns will soon be carried in public. Major cities, like D.C., have asked the Court to tell them if expanded Second Amendment gun rights means guns can be carried outside of the home.

UT: Santa Clara City Council repeals ordinance outlawing guns in parks
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Up until Wednesday night, it was illegal to possess a firearm or knife with a blade more than 3 inches long in a city-owned park in Santa Clara.

The Santa Clara City Council repealed an ordinance Wednesday that city officials weren’t aware was on the books until receiving a letter from the Second Amendment Foundation, a gun rights advocacy group.

The ordinance, part of an overall city code related to city parks, states:

While in a park, no person shall carry a knife upon their person having a blade of three inches (3″) or longer in length, or have possession of, or discharge a BB gun, air rifle, pistol, firearm, bow and arrow, or any other type of dangerous weapon. – Santa Clara City Ordinance 12.20.010J

FBI releases report examining mass shootings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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According to the report, an average of six shooting incidents occurred in the first seven years that were studied. That average rose to more than 16 per year in the last seven years of the study. ...

The majority of the shootings occurred either at a business or a school, university or other education facility, according to the study, conducted in conjunction with Texas State University. Other shootings have occurred in open spaces, on military properties, and in houses of worship and health care facilities.

Chicago set for 29th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun rights advocates from across the map will begin gathering in Chicago Thursday and Friday for this weekend’s 29th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, which last unfolded in the Windy City three years ago.

Co-hosted by the Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, the conference brings together a veritable “Who’s Who” in the gun rights community. This year’s lineup includes economist and author John Lott, attorneys Alan Gura, David Kopel, David Jensen and David Sigale; National Review Online’s John Fund, SAF founder Alan Gottlieb, attorney and scholar Stephen Halbrook, and dozens of other Second Amendment authorities. In all, about 60 different speakers will make presentations.

MN: Gun group tells Nolan: You need firearms training
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Minnesota Gun Owners Political Action Committee has offered to pay for firearms training for Democratic congressman Rick Nolan at the chain of retail stores owned by the family of his Republican opponent, Stewart Mills.

The offer came in response to a picture posted to Twitter on Wednesday showing the congressman holding an AR-15 rile with his finger on the trigger while surrounded by supporters.

Bryan Strawser, executive director of the Minnesota Gun Owners PAC, said Nolan’s actions were “unsafe and dangerous.”

GRPC & Leadership Institute To Offer Free Pro-Gun Activism Course
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The 29th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference Sept. 26, 27, and 28 2014, in Chicago features an expansive lineup of key Second Amendment activists and leaders like Alan Gottlieb, Joe Tartaro, Alan Gura, Larry Pratt, John Fund, John Lott, Dave Kopel, and Joe Tartaro.

You’ll get the inside scoop from the leaders in the gun rights movement, then what?

This is a critical time to get involved to fight the anti-gunners. Our opponents are well organized and very well-funded. We have to have a game plan and can’t let our guard down.

You can make a difference on both a local and national level. But where exactly should you start?

"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it." --Col. Jeff Cooper

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