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Newslinks for 9/26/2000

Third-grader suspended for 1.5 " toy gun on key chain
Submitted by: Joe Sylvester

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PC Madness!

By Jeff Decker
Just 15 minutes after school began at Helen Keller Elementary School Friday, an 8-year old student was sent to the office for showing students his key chain shaped like a gun.


The key chain, bought in a restaurant vending machine, has a plastic toy gun that measures 1 3/8 inches across.


Dumb Ass Kids Shoot Each Other In a Middle School.
Submitted by: Fed Up

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Great, just what we need. More media whores crying about school shootings. Perfect.

Not much info on the story yet, but who wants to put money on the fact that at least one of these kids couldn't be described as an "innocent" child.

Vote for Harry Browne or kiss your gun rights good by!

Women rally for guns
Submitted by: Women

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"Five form political action group via Internet after discovering common conviction in right to bear arms..."

Lock and Load Time
Submitted by: Wow

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No mincing of words here, at all...and he's right on the money.

Another Standoff In Texas -- Update on Gray
Submitted by: Greg McAulay
Website: http://www.LibertyTorch.Com

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Update on John Joe Gray...A little more than an hour drive from Waco another standoff has begun. John Gray and his family live on a small ranch, "compound" sound familiar? The biggist complication is a custody argument between one of John's daughters and her ex-husband. She has the kids with her, texas gave custody to him. ABC is the source of the report.

Aux Armes Citoyens!

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NEW YORK — My first impression on finding myself in a room with 1,200 other gun enthusiasts was that this was a very friendly crowd. I don't know what I had expected: a mob of snaggle-toothed, visor-capped strays from the set of Deliverance, John Derbyshire

Cops shoot at people's shoes, arrest one and leave two stranded when they protest???
Submitted by: Copper

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This is TOO bizarre.

The sheriff said, "I don't think it serves any purpose to identify the other officers. I don't see that anything would be gained by releasing their names."

Oh, really. Isn't that special?

Firearms registration still under fire
Submitted by: Canada

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"Want to open a can of worms? Ask Alberta hunters how they feel about Canada's incoming firearms laws.
Opposition to the new laws, which would see every person wanting to own, or currently in possession of, a firearm, having to register it by Dec. 31, 2002, was initially very great, especially here in the west."

"Groups such as the Rocky Mountain-based LUFA (Law-abiding Unregistered Firearms Association) were so opposed to Bill C-68 that..."

The Tough Answer: Fight Back
Submitted by: Women's Self Defense

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These people at LA Times (and the vast majority of legislators in California) are criminals who should be tried for treason. From this report:

"Some women ask if they should carry their own gun for protection. It depends on your personal view, but rape prevention counselors are firmly against it. You are more likely to wind up getting shot if you have a weapon the attacker can get his hands on."

William F. Buckley - The Search for Pure Thought
Submitted by: Dr. Michael S. Brown

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William F. Buckley discusses the latest twist in the Second Amendment debate.

NRA members jam mailboxes of state mayors
Submitted by: Neal J. Lang

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NRA members jam mailboxes of state mayors By ERIC STIRGUS St. Petersburg Times, published September 25, 2000

The mayors say the writers have been misled about police gun purchases.

S&W Sellout still news in Florida.

Pupil Suspended Over Gun-Shaped Keychain
Submitted by: Too Much!

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From the GOING OVERBOARD file:

"Those anti-gun activists are getting silly in their increasing extremism.

Government school bureaucrats in Green Bay, Wis., are trying to defend their suspension of a third-grader who committed the terrible crime of ... having a key chain with a 1-inch plastic fob shaped like a tiny gun, UPI reported Monday.

"The student was suspended for having a replica of a gun," Superintendent Tom Joynt told the News-Chronicle.

The 8-year-old boy got the key chain from a vending machine.

UK: gunman opens fire on a school bus
Submitted by: UK

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In "gun free" UK, gunmen attack a school bus. Whew, those gun bans are really working, eh?

No kingdom can be secured otherwise than by arming the people. The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave. He, who has nothing, and who himself belongs to another, must be defended by him, whose property he is, and needs no arms. But he, who thinks he is his own master, and has what he can call his own, ought to have arms to defend himself, and what he possesses; else he lives precariously, and at discretion. — James Burgh, Political Disquisitions: Or, an Enquiry into Public Errors, Defects, and Abuses [London, 1774-1775].

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