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Newslinks for 9/27/2000

Tolerance for Gays but not for Guns?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The Gay killing spree in Roanoke, Virginia has brought forth the usual suggestions from the "usual suspects" on how to prevent future violence. Of course, the Roanoke Times suggests that: "Helping troubled lives and minds, not arming the citizenry or expanding the list of hate crimes, seems the likeliest way to avert the kind of anti-gay attack in Roanoke last week."


Gay ordered to surrender guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A Florida judge in June ordered Ronald Edward Gay to surrender all his firearms and submit to a psychological evaluation after a domestic incident with an ex-wife.

Less than three months later, he still had at least one weapon - a black Ruger 9mm pistol. And police say he used it Friday night in what national activist groups say is one of the worst anti-gay attacks in U.S. history.

Gays in a Barrel
Submitted by: Anonymous

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In Virginia, it is against the law to carry a gun concealed (even with a valid permit) into any establishment licensed to serve alcohol. Those who support this nonsense claim it saves lives.

So, over the weekend, a man with a gun goes into a gay bar and opens fire, shooting seven people. No one could fight back.

What are gay activists demanding now? More hate crime laws. Only one person, a state legislator, thinks allowing people to protect themselves is the solution.

Gay goes on Killing Spree
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A drifter searching for a gay bar because he wanted to shoot gay people walked into the Backstreet Cafe Friday night, calmly ordered a beer and then opened fire, killing one person and wounding six others.

Why would anyone do this? Because the suspect's name is Gay, and he was tired of being made fun of.

His killing spree was easy because in Virginia, no one may legally carry a concealed gun into a bar.

Kiwi Kids Get 'Gun Licenses'
Submitted by: Blaise Burry

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Changing the rules is one thing; ridding kids of the desire to point and shoot is more difficult. So one New Zealand preschool has decided to allow gun play, but only after its 3- and 4-year-olds have applied for a license for their pretend guns.

Bel-Ridge shooting leaves woman dead, teen injured
Submitted by: Blaise Burry

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A teen-ager who refused to prosecute her boyfriend for an alleged kidnapping last year was critically wounded by him Tuesday during a flurry of violence in which her friend was killed and a police officer was peppered with shotgun pellets.

New anti-gun ads play on "the children"
Submitted by: Mitchell J. McConnell

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A new ad series plays on keeping guns locked up "for the children".

Submitted by: Blaise Burry

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Jonathon David Bruce came to kill. He didn't have a gun so he used a pitchfork. Jessica Lynne Carpenter could have stopped him cold if the guns she tried to use had not been disabled with gun locks.

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The Handgun Registration Act is No Hoax
Submitted by: Blaise Burry

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There is a REAL bill circulating in Congress with a REAL bill number attached and is being offered by a REAL Congressman, although in this case, a senator.

Conference will consider gun violence as health issue
Submitted by: Blaise Burry

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William Bullock's death -- one of 49 gun-related homicides in Marion County so far this year -- is part of what some public health officials regard as an epidemic of firearm violence in Indiana. ...

...To examine the issue, the Indiana Partnership to Prevent Firearm Violence and Clarian Health will hold a conference Wednesday. It's part of a relatively new way of viewing firearm violence: as a public health problem instead of a behavioral or a criminal justice issue.

Third-grader suspended for gun key chain
Submitted by: Bryan S. Sampsel

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The third-grader was suspended for a day in a decision Green Bay Public Schools Superintendent Tom Joynt said would "emphasize the importance of safety."
Another writeup of previously run story, this one with a picture of the offending "weapon".


You'd be surprised who you'll meet at a gun rally.
Submitted by: Orion

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A British-born resident of Long Island, New York,
discusses his pleasant surprise at the quality of the folks and
discussions at a pro-gun-rights rally.

"Whether you care about guns or not, if you believe in running
your own life and deciding your own fate, this movement is your movement, and you could
do a good thing for yourself and your country by joining four million
other Americans in the N.R.A. "

Many parents of depressed teens do not give up guns
Submitted by: Mark Wolf

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Now the psychiatrists are jumping in with the pediatricians to characterize guns as some kind of health hazard. Naturally, there is junk science passed off as fact, and no mention of the hazards to the whole family of removing guns from household. Folks, check your doctors for signs of intelligent life and choose your care-givers from KeepAndBearArms' own Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws.

FBI links U.S.-supplied arms to Colombia bombing
Submitted by: SMW

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Almost two years later...some major evidence is striking up questions...

"FBI analysis has found that fragments from the site matched a type of bomb that Washington has provided to the South American country's air force.

The finding would appear to cast doubt on claims by the Colombian air force that the deadly explosion in Santo Domingo was caused by a truck bomb set by leftist guerrillas."

Ex-officer admits to stealing evidence
Submitted by: Copper

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"Willie Keys and his wife plead guilty to charges stemming from the pawning of confiscated guns..."

Homeowner likely won't face charges for shooting intruder
Submitted by: Self-defense

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Big lesson here? .32 don't cut it, and high capacity mags can be necessary for self-defense!!!

Holey Wars: Government Actually Regulates the Size of Holes in Swiss Cheese
Submitted by: Fed Up

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Your Tax dollars at work!

Some of you might have already read this article from other sources a while back. Fox decided to catch up and report on it's stupidity.

Wake up! your government isn't working FOR you. Your government is using you. You are nothing more than cattle to our "elected officials".

It doesn't matter if it's Democrats or Republicans. They are BOTH stealing from you. They will continue wasting your hard earned money until you tell them you have had enough!

New Orleans juvenile punks shooting each other
Submitted by: Kids Shootings

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Three lessons here:

1) "Kids" cannot be expected to be "kids" any more, so watch them closely.

2) This could have turned into a multiple shooting had this "kid" gone that way, proving the dangers of not letting qualified teachers have a gun handy to stop such a shooter.

3) Don't expect one .38 slug to put somebody down. This kid took the gun and shot the kid who shot him, and if a kid can do that, so can an adult.

Double tap.

Cop, shot on job, talks of forgiveness
Submitted by: Copper

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Whew!! This is a tearjerker. Mighty big man here...ouch.

Officer injured during 911 hoax
Submitted by: Copper

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Infuriating!! If they catch the person wasting time and resources like this, they should charge him, BIG TIME.

Police Foil Planned Connecticut School Shootout...with pellet gun
Submitted by: Hoaky

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Story says the guy was planning to "commit a massacre." But all he had was a pellet gun.

It's possible to kill someone with a pellet gun if you shoot them in the eyeball and it goes into their brain, and with kids so gun-ignorant these days, they'd probably sit their like scared little whimpering fools while he reloaded, but only a moron would think a "massacre" possible with a pellet gun.

This story is FISHY.

Pewaukee police asked too much
Submitted by: Copper

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"Gun registration probably wasn't what the Village of Pewaukee Police Department had in mind when it asked for the names and addresses of people asking for gun locks. But asking wasn't a real bright thing to do, either."

"Gun owners already feel they're under siege. Every time there's a shooting, there are new calls for more restrictions on firearms. Every time someone misuses a weapon, all people with weapons - from handguns to hunting rifles to target pistols - come under suspicion..."

John Lennon's murderer wants early release
Submitted by: Lennon

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"The warped fan who shocked the world by gunning down John Lennon nearly 20 years ago said he deserves to die for killing the beloved Beatle."

"I should have been executed, you know," Mark David Chapman said. "I'm lucky to be alive. You know, I deserve to die."
You're right, asshole. You took a revolutionary leader from us. Rot in jail until you die.
"But Chapman...believes Lennon would want to see him freed..."
We don't know what John wants, BECAUSE of you!!

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German philosopher

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