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Newslinks for 9/27/2004

Unarmed and Dangerous: John Kerry and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The NRA should thank John Kerry for exposing three tragic flaws in the gun control debate:"

"· Gun control legislation does not reduce crime because—surprise!—criminals do not obey the law.
· Gun control legislation does not work because existing gun laws are not enforced.
· Liberals pushing for more gun laws on Capitol Hill—like the Assault Weapons Ban—have no actual knowledge of the weapons they desire to ban."

"In fact, Senator Kerry was kind enough to provide a personal example of two of these flaws in the same week."

GRPC 2004 - Informed Voting Is Key
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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The emphasis of this year's Gun Rights Policy Conference is knowing who the friends of the Second Amendment are as you prepare to enter the voting booth.

"We further realize that having a firm philosophical grounding about the importance of our vote is paramount to ensuring that politicians do not continue killing the Second Amendment."

"And we appreciate that in order to be truly informed this election season, we have to look beyond the propaganda, beyond the media’s feeble attempts to obfuscate the truth and beyond the shrill, hysterical shrieking of Michael Moore and the talking heads of the media."

"Only the informed, educated and rational vote of every gun owner and gun rights advocate will help the demise of gun bans."


Statement by Dick Whiting, West Virginia State Rifle and Pistol Association President
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The West Virginia State Rifle and Pistol Association is endorsing President Bush because America needs a president who always respects our Second Amendment rights. West Virginia voters aren't going to trust a candidate who came to our state and pranced around the stage with a shot gun that he once supported banning. That was after Kerry went to Wisconsin and talked about hunting deer while crawling around on his belly. The reality is that Kerry has an 'F' rating from the NRA and deserves an F' rating when it comes to his credibility among West Virginia sportsmen."

"We ought to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them. That’s why I’m for instant background checks at gun shows. I’m for trigger locks. I think we ought to raise the age at which juveniles can have a gun. ..." -- President George W. Bush

Candidates zero in on firearm preferences
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Sen. John Kerry, a hunter who supported the recently expired assault weapons ban, frequently tells audiences he has never met anyone who wanted to use an AK-47 to shoot a deer. But it is not clear what Kerry does with the Chinese assault rifle he told Outdoor Life magazine he kept in his personal collection."

"In interviews appearing in the October issue of Outdoor Life, Kerry and President Bush were asked whether they were gun owners, and, if so, to identify their favorite gun."

"Bush named the Weatherby 20-gauge (although he gave a slightly different answer in a separate chat with Field and Stream magazine.) Kerry's answer was more complicated."

" 'My favorite gun is the M-16 that saved my life and that of my crew in Vietnam,' Kerry told the magazine. 'I don't own one of those now, but one of my reminders of my service is a Communist Chinese assault rifle.' "

Notice that the only desperate defense this article could dig up is Bob Ricker's half-hearted "he's ... one of the most credible individuals when it comes to ... what it takes to keep weapons of war off the street."

Meanwhile, the writer couldn't resist taking a swipe at Bush...

"Bush does not have such high-powered weapons but seems unable to pick a consistent favorite. To Field and Stream, he said, 'My favorite gun is the first gun that my dad gave me, which is a Winchester .22 pump, Model 61.' "

"He also mentioned the Weatherby he chose for Outdoor Life, saying that it was a 'custom-made gun presented to me by the CEO of the company, Mr. Weatherby.' "

ACLU Calls for Restrictions on Taser Gun Use
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Tasers, which temporarily incapacitate people with an electric shock."

"Law enforcement officials and stun gun maker Taser International of Scottsdale, Ariz., argue that Tasers are a safer and more humane way to subdue suspects or mentally deranged individuals than guns, batons, pepper spray or brute force." ...

"But civil rights groups are alarmed that some agencies allow officers liberal use of Tasers rather than limiting their use to situations where a life is in danger."

Larry Lunsford: Assault weapons ban deceiving
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In keeping with the mindset of the 'Chicken Little' folks in the news business, at least for a few more seconds I would like to say the end is near.
That's right, we're all in for a dramatic rise in murders, assaults, lootings and bad times in general! The reason? The 10-year ban on assault weapons expired on Sept. 13."

"According to the 'infotainment' folks, formerly the credible news media, that are more interested in ratings than unbiased factual reporting, this country will now become saturated with military style assault weapons. These guns now will be easier for terrorists to obtain; film at 11 o'clock."

Weapons ban failed to live up to its name
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An accurate name for the measure would have been "the assault rifle features ban" because that's all it really prohibited."

"The description of the ban by some politicians and media outlets as a measure that kept automatic weapons off American streets is grossly misleading."

"Automatic weapons, pre- and post-ban, are only obtainable by a special license that in effect gives federal authorities the right to search the gun owner's home whenever they want."

"As for whether the United States should ever enact a real assault weapons ban, that is a matter that divides the nation along typical Second Amendment lines."

Mad science: Gun-law demise worries 'health experts'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Health experts are concerned that the demise of the assault weapons ban will result in more gunshot victims and increased trauma costs, CBS.MarketWatch.Com reported Sept. 22." ...

"It probably comes as little surprise that this report comes to us from CBS News."

"One thing is for certain, the doctor truly doesn't understand the law, since he claims lifting the ban will 'leave weapons of mass destruction in the hands of kids and criminals.' Not one kid or criminal will now be able to purchase a rifle that was formerly banned, and if this doctor doesn't know that, he shouldn't be providing comment on the subject."

Ross Nelson: Weapons theory is mugged
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"As gun researcher Gary Kleck points out, nearly all studies of firearm-caused police fatalities put those killed by SAWs anywhere from zero to five percent of the total. In other words, officers killed by SAW-wielding criminals are an extreme rarity."

"Do the high-capacity magazine weapons pose a greater danger to police than other firearms? Common sense indicates that a criminal with a 10-round firearm is virtually as dangerous as one with, say, a 20-round magazine. FBI data bear this out: 85 percent of all victim officers killed by firearms never fire a single shot. ..." ...

"Too bad. The assault weapon boogeyman is yet another beautiful liberal theory mugged by a gang of facts."

David Ropeik: Steady drumbeat of fear creates a threat to public health
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I wonder whether the politicians who are using fear to get themselves elected would stop if they knew the harm they may be doing to people's health. Real physical harm. Making people sick. Perhaps even killing them. Not intentionally, of course. But this kind of 'be afraid' message does more than encourage people to think that you are the candidate who will make them safe. It creates stress and may be at least as much of a threat to public health as terrorism itself." ...

"...Around the 2002 July 4th holiday -- the first post-9/11 national birthday celebration -- government warnings suggested an increased likelihood of terrorism. FBI records indicate that requests for handgun purchases in the latter part of June were one-third higher than average. Own a gun if you choose, but let's be honest. The likelihood that a gun will protect you from a terrorist attack is low. But having a gun around does increase the chance of an accident."

How disturbing to know that there are still people around who rely on Kellerman's discredited study on gun ownership in the home to push a political agenda.

Facts are:

According to the CDC, in 2001 there were 101,537 unintentional injury deaths in the US.

802 of those deaths were firearm-related.

That's less than one percent.

However, had there been just one armed person on any of the 9-11 flights able to confront box cutter-wielding terrorists, the outcome of the attacks may have been different.

Clarence Page: Bye-Bye to a gun ban that didn't
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Let's be perfectly candid about the demise after 10 years of the dearly departed federal 'ban' on 'assault weapons.' It didn't really ban anything."

"Ask any kid on any high-crime street in America. They can tell you."

"Yes, crime rates overall took a welcome dip while the law was in effect in the 1990s, but that dip can be attributed to many reasons, including aggressive arrests and prosecutions. Meanwhile, the supply of heavy-duty weapons was hardly effected, thanks to the law's limits and loopholes." ...

"Yet, most Americans want to do something, however modest it may be, to at least slow down the high tide of high-capacity weapons flooding this country. A University of Pennsylvania National Annenberg Election Survey in April found that 71 percent of respondents, including 64 percent of those in households with guns, supported a renewal of the ban."

How many of these 71 percent actually understand that these weapons are involved in a miniscule percentage of gun crimes? And how many are simply reacting to propaganda and blood in the press and emotionalist appeals by gun banners?

CA: LA Anti-Terror Chief Found With Gun At Airport (Another report)
Submitted by: Mitch

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The commander of the Los Angeles Police Department's Counter-Terrorism Bureau was detained on Thursday at Los Angeles Airport after a gun was found in his carry-on luggage.

John Miller was allowed to board the flight with his family after the weapon was confiscated by airport police, a spokeswoman said.

"As you might imagine, he was extremely embarrassed, also his family was embarrassed, and quite frankly so is the department," Bratton said.

Embarrassed, but not arrested. Of course, had he not been part of the "in" crowd, the elite whose rights are more important than the average citizen who pays their salary, he would have likely been charged and kept from his destination.

NY: Police officer accused of rape
Submitted by: medicdave

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Second item on page


State Police have filed first-degree rape charges against a Caledonia, Livingston County, police officer who was previously charged with unlawfully dealing with a child. The new charges were announced Friday against David A. Witherspoon, 49, of Mumford. Witherspoon, a 16-year officer, also was charged with facilitating a sex offense with a controlled substance.

He was arraigned in York Town Court and sent to the Livingston County Jail on $50,000 bail.

On Aug. 13, troopers charged Witherspoon with unlawfully dealing with a child for allegedly giving alcohol to an 18-year-old female.

But only cops and the military are responsible enough to be trusted with guns!

CA: Criminals usually don't get guns legally
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Guns that are purchased and carried legally are not usually involved in crimes, law enforcement officials say."

" 'A lot of the criminal element doesn't go to your local gun store and get a gun, nor do they come to the Sheriff's Department and get a gun permit,' said Tulare County sheriff's Lt. Keith Douglas. 'A large amount of weapons that are used in crimes, the people that have them don't have permits.' "

"Xavier Garcia, manager of Best Jewelry and Loan in Visalia, said the process for getting a gun, including the waiting period, helps prevent criminals from buying guns."

It prevents criminals from purchasing guns legally. That's why a black market exists and is so successful. That's why the vast majority of criminals don't bother with bureaucratic hoops when purchasing firearms.

CA: Officer allowed to carry weapon
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A decorated Fresno police officer can keep his gun, but he must avoid harassing his neighbor for the next three years, a judge ruled Friday in Fresno County Superior Court."

"Officer Brian Twedt never used a weapon to threaten Clovis neighbor Holly Louen or anyone else, Judge R.L. 'Chip' Putnam said; instead, he used his position as a police office to intimidate her."

"Because a police officer needs a gun to do the job, Putnam said, it's common sense to allow Twedt to be armed."

NY: Former Deputy Indicted
Submitted by: medicdave

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"(Rochester, NY) AP 09/25/04 - A former Monroe County sheriff's deputy has been indicted on charges that he possessed child porn and used his computer at work to disseminate it."

"Sheffer resigned after his arrest earlier this month. He had been a sergeant and 19-year veteran of the sheriff's office."

But Rosie, aren't veteran police officers even more qualified to have a monopoly on force?!

NH: NRA backs student on gun photo in yearbook
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The National Rifle Association and the Gun Owners of New Hampshire have agreed to support a Londonderry high school senior in a lawsuit, the student's attorney said."

"Blake Douglass, a student at Londonderry High School, had requested that a photo of himself with a shotgun slung over his shoulder be published in the school's yearbook." ...

"School officials have said a photo with a gun violates their zero-tolerance policies."

UK: Gamekeeper fined £300 seeks gun permission
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A GAMEKEEPER at one of Scotland’s largest estates is fighting to get his firearms certificates back after an incident in which he was cleared of removing a bird of prey from its nest."

"John McLeod, 42, was fined £300 and had his shotgun and firearms certificates revoked after police officers spotted a weapon and ammunition in his unattended Land Rover."

"On June 4 last year the gamekeeper was caught on film which purported to show him taking a protected bird of prey from its nest and placing it in a bag. But the video footage showing alleged incident was ruled inadmissible when the case came to court. McLeod was subsequently found not guilty."

Election concerns shoot down gun control law (Bigoted Jamaican view)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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If you want to see the height of revolting bigotry, take a look at this article. It begins with smarmy prejudice...

"Once again, the gun fetishists who with their overflowing coffers and braying voices tend to drown out anyone who tries to talk reason in the United States have won out over common sense. ..."

Continues with disingenuous strawman arguments that with their shrillness drown out the fact that no terrorist has used any military-style weapon to commit crimes in the US...

"The day before the September 11 commemorations, residents of Washington and New York found full-page ads in their morning papers to coincide with the 9/11 anniversary, arguing that lifting the ban makes it easier for organisations like Al Qaeda to obtain guns for their terrorist purposes. ..."

Continues with more insulting generalizations...

"Americans, as we know, have a kind of love affair with guns, and have incorporated that sentiment into many aspects of their popular culture. ..."

And ends with the kind of smarmy arrogance that comes from never knowing freedom, not caring about it and hiding behind armed guards while telling the rest of the peons how to live...

"...It's not easy to tell an arrogant, self-centred and self-willed superpower what to do, but America runs on business, and anything that disrupts the smooth operation of that business gets results."

Drop this bigot an email at:

IL: Area gun companies await next round
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Some politicians and gun control advocates have tried to push the idea that because the ban expired, Americans are somehow less safe than they were the day before. They are pushing to have either the same ban put back in place, or a different, possibly more restrictive, ban passed." ...

"The controversy and confusion about the assault weapons ban is instructive about what gun manufacturers, and other industries for that matter, face from government regulation and public perception."

"Scattered across western Illinois are several gun companies, including ArmaLite and Springfield Armory. The two Geneseo companies, which sell guns to private individuals and government entities, provide more than 200 jobs."

"Westrom said there are always concerns about what will be coming next from government, although governments themselves are a major customer of ArmaLite."

NY: Armed robber fatally shot at social club
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A 64-year-old man gunned down an armed robber Friday night in an apparent act of self-defense during a card game at a social club on Genesee Street, police said." ...

"Two masked men - one armed with a shotgun, the other with a pistol - showed up and told the five people playing cards not to move, Detective Mary Gugliuzza of the Major Crimes Unit said."

"A round from the robber's shotgun went off and a man playing cards hit the floor."

"Meanwhile, the 64-year-old man, who also was playing cards - apparently believing his friend had been shot - pulled out his gun and returned fire, police said."

VA: An Analysis of Falls Church's Illegal Gun Ban Attempt (VCDL)
Submitted by: Tomahawk

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Falls Church tries to circumvent VA state law.

"The Federal Gun Free School Zone Act ('GFSZA') has already been held as unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court (United States v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549 (1995), which held that 'The Act exceeds Congress' Commerce Clause authority). Congress subsequently revised the GFSZA without fixing the basic flaw. The revised statute is currently in effect awaited a judicial test.' "

"The GFSZA specifically exempts persons with carry permits from the act, so the new Falls Church policy is null and void for permit holders under all conditions. Here is the language from 18 U.S.C. § 922 (q)(2)(B)(ii) that exempts permit holders from the GFSZ act:"

"if the individual possessing the firearm is licensed to do so by the State in which the school zone is located or a political subdivision of the State, and the law of the State or political subdivision requires that, before an individual obtains such a license, the law enforcement authorities of the State or political subdivision verify that the individual is qualified under law to receive the license;"

NY: Mail Carrier Bitten on Berry Street
Submitted by: medicdave

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"Thursday afternoon, a postal carrier in Rochester had a decidedly unfriendly greeting, when she delivered mail to a Berry Street home."

"Carrier Stacey McManuus was met by a pit bull. The dog bit into her legs and refused to let go. Eventually, the dog released McManuus and she who was treated for wounds to both legs. She'll be out of work for a few days."

Poster's Note: At least Canadian letter carriers are issued pepper spray. Our USPS feels it's better to strip US letter carriers of any means of self defense...

MN: Gun club should move (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Hugo city government has been unwilling to take any meaningful action to address the public nuisance arising from the activities of the Bald Eagle Sportsman Association's gun club in southeastern Hugo."

"In the past several years, the area around the gun club has undergone rapid residential development, and the gun club is now bordered by residential property. Given the increasingly residential character of the area, there is no excuse for the city's failure to encourage BESA to relocate its gun club to an area better suited for such activities. ..."

Another princess that thinks her failure to take into consideration the existence of a gun club when she purchased her home entitles her to dictate to others what to do with their private property.

VA: Local sues to carry guns on campus
Submitted by: Tomahawk

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James Madison University thinks disarming people in violation of Virginia law is good policy. Someone begs to differ.

"A Valley resident is suing JMU for the right to carry a gun on campus."

"The lawsuit, filed Wednesday against President Linwood Rose, challenges the university’s authority to prevent people who hold concealed weapons permits to carry guns on school property."

" 'I’m sorry, but public colleges and university grounds are not exempt from Virginia law,' said Dave Briggman, a Keezletown resident, who filed the suit in Rockingham County Circuit Court."

"Briggman maintains that public institutions such as JMU can’t enact policies contrary to the state code, which only prohibits concealed handguns in places of worship, courthouses, places licensed for alcohol and K-12 schools."

IA: Gun cabinet locks no match for pen
Submitted by: Larry E. Bigham

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"By putting two and two together, a Bettendorf father of three managed to break into his own gun cabinet using nothing but a Bic pen." ...

"When news broke last week about a popular, high-end brand of bicycle lock, Kryptonite, being susceptible to a simple break-in method, the Bettendorf man recognized the type of tubular lock and round key that were described in the story. It sounded just like the lock on the gun cabinet bolted to the wall of his bedroom closet." ....

"After reading the story, the man called Wauconda, Ill.-based Stack-On Products Co., which made his gun cabinet. Even though a company spokesperson assured him his cabinet was secure and the lock could not be opened with a pen, he was not convinced."

AZ: Travelers still bringing prohibited items to airports
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Two years after the federal government took over security at airports throughout the nation passengers continue to bring prohibited items to airports — everything from knives to radiator fluid, federal officials said."

"Travelers going through Yuma International Airport are no exception."

"Security officers intercepted 668 weapons and prohibited items on passengers or in carry-on bags at the Yuma airport in a nine-month span, said Nico Melendez, spokesman for the Los Angeles office of the Transportation Security Administration."

"The primary reason travelers give for having the contraband is that they forgot they had the prohibited item in their possession, Melendez said."

PA: End of weapons ban draws concern from local police
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"While some gun dealers and owners are happy that the 10-year federal ban on assault weapons has expired‚ some local police are a little nervous the ban is no longer in place." ...

"Police had mixed reactions that the ban expired‚ maintaining that the ban was a good thing but that if criminals wanted the banned weapons they could probably get them."

"Hatfield Township Police Lt. Ray Wilson‚ who served as the department’s firearms instructor‚ said he was not overjoyed by the expiration of the ban."

" 'It helped‚ I’m sure – it probably got a lot of those weapons off the street‚' Wilson said."

The federal government knows the ban is useless, independent studies concluded it was useless. Even Tom Diaz says it was useless. But by golly, this cop is SURE it helped in some vague way.

SD: Poll responses from readers on the AW ban
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The 'Assault Weapons' Ban was a waste of time and effort except insofar as the political backlash in the 1994 elections demonstrated the lack of popular support for it. ..."

"I favor the assault weapons ban because most of the law-enforcement agencies in the country do. ..."

"The "Assault Weapons Ban" was a complete waste of money and I thank God that it was allowed to sunset. ..."

"Government research about the effect of the assault weapons ban has been inconclusive. Police in San Jose, Calif., tested a semi-automatic Uzi and found that 30 rounds could be fired within five seconds. So why does the gun lobby claim that assault weapons are only cosmetically different from ordinary firearms?"

OH: Families take aim at safety
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Wes Sayre had good reason to attend the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife Family and Youth man Day at the Big Island Wildlife Area on Saturday." ...

"The annual free event held on LaRue-Prospect Road west of Elgin High School also included a shotgun shooting area, trap shooting, a shooting simulator, an archery zone, field and water dog retrieving, ghillie suit construction and wild game cooking."

"It was held by the ODNR in conjunction with the Delaware Wildlife Management Work Unit, the Marion County Pheasants Forever Chapter, the Mid Ohio Chapter of the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA), and the Big Island Ducks Unlimited Chapter."

FL: NRA makes TV spot supporting Martinez
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The National Rifle Association is taking aim at Florida's ballot with a half-hour TV spot urging voters to support President Bush and Republican U.S. Senate nominee Mel Martinez."

"The NRA, which has fought gun-control bills for decades, cited nine votes Sen. John Kerry cast in favor of banning various types of semiautomatic rifles, his vote to hold gun manufacturers liable for criminal use of firearms, support of waiting periods for gun purchases and his vote to let the federal government keep a database of gun owners."

"As for Martinez, who is battling former Education Commissioner Betty Castor in a tight race to succeed Sen. Bob Graham, the NRA says it's important to keep a Republican majority in the Senate."

MT: Dealer says former ban didn't change much
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gun dealers like Jim Mitchell of Great Falls fielded plenty of calls this month from customers looking to buy guns restricted under the federal assault weapons ban that expired at midnight on Sept. 13."

"Interest in the formerly banned weapons and the banned accessories spilled into Four Seasons Arena on Friday and Saturday during Great Falls' first major gun show since the ban was lifted."

Australia: Man charged over gun robbery
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"A 21-year-old man has been charged in relation to the theft of six guns from a security company in Sydney's inner-west two years ago."

"One of those guns was later used in the shooting death of Constable Glenn McEnnallay."

"Police spokeswoman, Joanne Elliot, says the man from Merrylands was arrested yesterday afternoon and charged with robbery armed with an offensive weapon."

"She says the theft allegedly took place in March 2002."

NJ: Burlco begins campaign on dangers of firearms
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Burlington County Prosecutor's Office plans to start a public awareness campaign beginning Monday to alert people about the dangers of using a firearm in a crime."

"The ad campaign is part of the federal Project Safe Neighborhoods initiative, a national anti-gun program designed to reduce crime, death and injury caused by the use of firearms, according to a statement from Burlington County Prosecutor Robert D. Bernardi."

VA: Falls Church Trying To Ban Guns Illegally!
Submitted by: Tomahawk

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"If you take blood pressure medicine, this might be a good time to take some."

"Looks like a power-hungry unelected bureaucrat is trying to circumvent Virginia law. General Assembly - take note: Falls Church is getting ready to spit in your eye!"

"Falls Church City Manager, Dan McKeever, according to an article Thursday in the Falls Church News-Press (link to article is below) said he has found a way to ban citizens for carrying guns in City buildings and at City events. He is apparently angry at the General Assembly and wants to use the Federal Gun-Free School Zone (GFSZ) act to ban guns carried by law-abiding citizens. He says that there is a school near City Hall, the main library, and other government facilities and thus the 1,000-foot perimeter around the school would prevent someone from carry at those locations!"

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. — H.L. MENCKEN

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