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Newslinks for 9/27/2008

Why is a US Army Brigade Being Assigned to the Homeland?
Submitted by: Larry

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"Several bloggers today have pointed to this obviously disturbing article from Army Times, which announces that 'beginning Oct. 1 for 12 months, the [1st Brigade Combat Team of the 3rd Infantry Division] will be under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army North' -- ... a joint command established in 2002 to provide command and control for federal homeland defense efforts and coordinate defense support of civil authorities.' ..." ...

"For more than 100 years ... deployment of the U.S. military inside the U.S. has been prohibited under The Posse Comitatus Act ... Though there have been some erosions of this prohibition ... the bright line ban on using the U.S. military as a standing law enforcement force inside the U.S. has been more or less honored -- until now." ...

BOOK REVIEW: The Great New Orleans Gun Grab (Descent into Anarchy)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As I started reading 'The Great New Orleans Gun Grab, Descent into Anarchy'., by Gordon Hutchinson and Todd Masson, I wondered how I could relate the destruction of Hurricane Katrina and the dire conditions that followed to residents of Ohio and beyond. As I finished the book, many people in Ohio and beyond were getting ready to start day five without power."

"Hurricane Ike ravaged Texas, and then headed northeast. Places far from the coast were dealt hurricane force winds that dropped trees on cars, houses, roads and power lines. Damaged houses leaked. Drinking water had to be treated. Showers were cold. Batteries ran dead. There were runs on generators and other 'survival equipment.' ..." ...

Smith & Wesson cuts 80 jobs at Rochester, NH plant
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. said Thursday it has eliminated about 80 jobs at a Rochester, N.H., plant that makes hunting rifles.

The firearms maker cited the U.S. economic downturn.

"As we have discussed over the past several months, economic conditions and their impact on consumer discretionary spending have negatively impacted the hunting-related long gun portion of our business," said Michael Golden, president and chief executive.

In addition to its New Hampshire site, Smith & Wesson also has manufacturing plants in Springfield, Mass. - the location of its headquarters - and in Houlton, Maine.

Smith & Wesson announced the cuts at the Rochester plant after its shares closed up 6 cents at $4.27.

Chicago’s Sad Summer; Barack Obama and Mayor Daley's continued ignorance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I know that what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne.'"
"- Illinois Sen. Barack Obama on gun control, June 26, 2008."

"'What exactly do you think is working in Chicago,' Sen. Obama?"

"Sadly, the hometown we share reached another deadly milestone this summer due to the decision to disarm law-abiding citizens."

" reported recently that 123 people were killed over the summer in Chicago, compared with 65 soldiers killed in Iraq." ...

"To say it's become easy to mock the Chicago leadership because of their willingness to cling to gun control and their bitterness over the city's continuing increase in violent crime is an understatement. ..." ...

Obama Campaign Tries to stop NRA ads with threats to radio/tv stations
Submitted by: Transsylvania Phoenix

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"It's ironically fitting that B. Hussein Obama attacks both, the First Amendment and the Second Amendment in the same time:"

"Obama Silencing Voice of Gun Owners" ...

Hating on the First AND Second Amendments: Obama campaign threatens to sue over NRA ads
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign has sent threatening letters to news agencies in Pennsylvania and Ohio to stop airing ads exposing his anti-gun record sponsored by the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF)."

"The kicker? NRA-PVF's Ohio's ads have not yet begun running."

"'Barack Obama and his campaign are terrified of the truth,' declared Chris W. Cox, Chairman of NRA-PVF. 'Sen. Obama's statements and support for restricting access to firearms, raising taxes on guns and ammunition and voting against the use of firearms for self-defense in the home are a matter of public record. NRA-PVF will make sure that everyone knows of Obama's abysmal record on guns and hunting.'" ...

MO: Obama campaign cracks down on misleading TV ads (video)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Barack Obama campaign is asking Missouri law enforcement to target anyone who lies or runs a misleading TV ad during the presidential campaign."

KABA Note: Truth squads?!?!?

PA: Help Elect Pro-gun Champion Lou Barletta To Congress
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lou Barletta, mayor of Hazleton, Pennsylvania, is best known for his fight against illegal immigration."

"But the mayor is also a staunch advocate for Second Amendment rights, and he is now seeking a seat in Congress."

"Mayor Barletta is running in Pennsylvania's 11th Congressional District, in the part of the country Barak Obama believes is populated by 'bitter' people 'clinging' to their guns."

Although Lou Barletta is a gun owner himself, what he really clings to is the Constitution, liberty and freedom."

"Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund is proud to endorse Lou Barletta for Congress." ...

PA: Court Throws Out Lawsuit Over Philly Gun Laws
Submitted by: jac

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"Philadelphia officials cannot enact gun laws tougher than Pennsylvania's law, a state appeals court ruled Friday in throwing out city ordinances that included limiting gun purchases to one a month and banning assault weapons."

"Commonwealth Court dismissed a lawsuit against the Legislature filed by two members of Philadelphia's City Council, Darrell L. Clarke and Donna Reed Miller."

"The court cited language in several gun ordinances the council passed last year that the measures cannot take effect unless the Legislature were to let municipalities enact stricter laws. That has not happened." ...

WA: Focus on Lead Ammunition - Update on the Lead Chemical Action
Submitted by: annon

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"Lead from ammunition is one of the many sources of this metal covered in the draft Lead Chemical Action Plan (CAP). The CAP is a planning tool to guide statewide efforts to reduce lead exposures in the environment. The goal is to lower the amount of lead people are exposed to. The Washington Department of Ecology is committed to reducing toxic threats. The chemical action plan (CAP) is one of the tools used to carry out this priority work. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Washington State Has Lead Ammunition in the Crosshairs! Please Contact the Governor and the Department of Ecology Today!

PA: Case draws fire from gun-rights advocates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Across Pennsylvania, open-carry advocates — those who support the right to openly carry a holstered firearm — are paying close attention to Lebanon after a woman's concealed-weapon license was revoked for wearing a loaded handgun on her hip at her daughter's soccer game."

"Lebanon County Sheriff Mike DeLeo revoked Meleanie Hain's license this week after he received complaints from a parent who attended a game played by 4- and 5-year-olds on Sept. 11 at Optimist Park."

"DeLeo's action will not prevent the Lebanon woman from carrying a gun in the open, but she will not be allowed to wear it concealed on her body or carry it in her vehicle." ...

MI: Detroit Crime Lab Closed: 10% Error Rate in Firearms Cases!
Submitted by: Dustin

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"1 in 10 firearms cases were found to have serious errors during an audit of the Detroit Police Crime Lab which led to its closure - there are likely innocent people in the slammer placed there with invalid evidence from that lab. ..."
... "The inspection found that the laboratory's firearms unit was in compliance with just 42 percent of 'essential standards,' which are criteria that fundamentally affect the outcome of work there. Accreditation requires 100 percent compliance. In addition, auditors re-examined 200 randomly selected shooting cases and found serious errors in 19. The laboratory handles about 1,800 shooting cases a year, they said." ...

MO: Obama Supporters Bob McCulloch, Jennifer Joyce Threaten to Prosecute People For Criticizing Obama
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"KMOV TV newscast had a story that stated that St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch and St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, both Obama supporters, are implying that they will bring criminal libel charges against anyone who levels what turns out to be false criticisms of their chosen candidate for President." ...

"... Also, we find out that certain Missouri 'law enforcement officials' are part of this, including that known Democrat hack, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer. (Hint: Boyer was a big loudmouth against conceal-carry). The implication here is also clear — if people with badges and guns are getting involved, they want Obama critics to shut up lest some cop will arrest them and send them to jail. We also found out from this news clip that this is indeed all at the behest of the Obama campaign." ...

Canada: Program aims for a different kind of shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If swords can be turned into plowshares, maybe aging firearms can be swapped for brand-new digital cameras. And while few foresee a plunge in Toronto's homicide rate as a result of its newest gun amnesty, perhaps - perhaps - its streets will be a little safer."

"There's no guarantee of that. The city has promoted several such amnesties in recent years, as have many other Canadian jurisdictions, and in terms of denting gun crime, the results appear unspectacular." ...

"But illegal handguns, stolen in burglaries or smuggled across the U.S. border, remain the firearm of choice in Toronto's underworld, and as police concede, it's unlikely their owners are about to turn them in." ...

WA: Suspect in 2 Sequim killings "was a walking time bomb"
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A lot of people in Shelton were grateful when Shawn Roe recently packed up and moved someplace else."

"Roe, who police say killed a U.S. Forest Service officer and a Sequim-area man Saturday before dying in a shootout with sheriff's deputies, left a wake of fear and uneasiness when he left Shelton ..." ...

"The main targets of Roe's threats and rage were his ex-wife, Mary Catherine White, and her mother, Patti White. ..." ...

"Mary Catherine White lost her job as a teacher at Nisqually Middle School in Lacey in 2006 because her fear of Roe led her to believe she needed a weapon on her at all times despite the school's zero-tolerance policy."

"'I feel she was vindicated in that respect,' said Byrd, the Mason County chief deputy. 'She was completely right. All of her fears were founded.'" ...

OH: Big City Newspaper Editors Complain About OFCC Win
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The editors of The Plain Dealer and the Toledo Blade are throwing virtual temper tantrums this morning over OFCC's win in Ohioans For Concealed Carry v. the City of Clyde in the Ohio Supreme Court."

"According to the Blade, we're all a bunch of 'gun-rights zealots' who won't let cities 'safeguard their communities' by banning guns in parks or anywhere else they choose. They can't wrap their heads around the fact that the Ohio legislature moved to make gun laws uniform so that we could safeguard ourselves."

"Comparing banning the Constitutional right to protect yourself ... to rules about park hours and dogs, as the Plain Dealer did, shows their lack of understanding of the concept of Rights. ..." ...

PA: Straight Shooters
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Last Saturday was a bad day to be a target in Archbald."

"The annual Junior Shooting Competition for youngsters from 10 to 18 years of age, was held at the State Game Lands 300 Shooting Range, on Archbald Mountain. This year's competition was the largest ever, with 206 competitors."

"The shooting began at 8 a.m. and continued until well into the afternoon"

"The competition, held in conjunction with the Richmondale Hunting Club and The Scranton chapter of the National Rifle Association's Rifle and Pistol Club, was founded 15 years ago by State Rep. Ed Staback."

"'For everyone involved it was a very long but very worthwhile day and I am already looking forward to next year's competition' said Rep. Staback. ..." ...

FL: Local businesses respond to new gun law
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A Florida law went into effect this July that says employers can no longer bar employees from concealing a registered gun in their car."

"Also covered by the law are volunteers, interns and customers. Today, some local business owners are outraged and afraid of what will happen now that guns are allowed on their property."

"The law, called the 'Preservation and Protection of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Motor Vehicles Act of 2008,' had been debated by both the National Rifle Association and anti-gun corporations for more than three years, before being passed by Gov. Charlie Crist in April. Business owners argue they should have power over whether they have guns on their property." ...

TX: Both sides - Guns on campus debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a result of shootings at universities, especially the Virginia Tech shooting last year, people are seeking more preventive measures like carrying concealed firearms, rather than reactive measures that rely on law enforcement officers' response."

"Lawmakers in several states, including Texas, have been contemplating allowing faculty to carry handguns to school as long as they possess concealed carry licenses."

"Some states are considering extending this to students."

"Gun control advocates say the responsibility of preventing such tragedy falls upon law enforcement officers and that students and faculty should be proactive and report suspicious activity immediately to authorities." ...

UK: New teen stabbing takes toll past 2007 figure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The number of teenagers murdered in London this year reached 27 yesterday, higher than the total for the whole of 2007 with three months of the year remaining."

"Scotland Yard is now braced for the death toll to exceed 30, more than double the figure five years ago."

"The latest victim was Craig Marshall, 19, from Acton, West London, who was stabbed in what locals said was an argument over payment for a drug deal."

"Mr Marshall stumbled 50 yards from where he was attacked outside a tower block into Acton police station at around 11pm on Thursday night. He was taken to hospital by ambulance, but despite emergency surgery died at 8am the next morning." ...

If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government that is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. — JAMES MADISON

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