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Newslinks for 9/28/2007

Dave Workman: The anti-gun lobby misleads us with false data on officer deaths
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"ONCE AGAIN the anti-gun lobby is trying to convince Congress and the American public that so-called 'assault weapons' should be banned because so many police officers are dying in the line of duty."

"And predictably, the effort is founded on falsehood and hysteria ..."

"Recently, the Brady Campaign ... issued a statement containing figures on the annual number of law enforcement deaths in America. Buried in their news release was this remarkably transparent canard: 'More officers are killed with firearms than through any other single cause.'" ...

"... the Brady Campaign can claim that guns are the top killer only by ignoring officers killed in motor vehicle incidents." ...

Ex-military to be denied gun ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Gun Owners of America is launching an urgent campaign encouraging citizens to call their U.S. senators and ask them to oppose a bill that could be described as 'disarmament by diagnosis.'"

"The legislation would allow a person's right to own a gun in the U.S. to be permanently removed under a wide range of circumstances."

"'You'd think that when rabid, anti-gun legislators like Sen. Charles Schumer and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy join together to pass anti-gun legislation, it would raise a few red flags,' the alert says. '... legislation which would bar you from owning guns if: You are a battle-scarred veteran suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; or as a kid, you were diagnosed with ADHD.'" ...

American gun law expert commends Coburn for blocking Schumer ramrod tactics in United States Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights expert John M. Snyder this morning commended Sen. Tom Coburn (OK) for blocking an attempt by Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY) to ramrod firearms legislation through the United States Senate without full consideration of the proposal."

"'America’s millions of law-abiding gun owners owe Coburn their appreciation for his action,' said Snyder."

"'Schumer tried to bring a so-called National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) improvements bill out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and directly to the floor of the Senate without amendment by virtue of a unanimous consent agreement. ... Fortunately, Coburn objected and that is why he now is a hero of the gun rights movement.'" ...

Senator Coburn Blocks Life-Saving Bill (BCPGV)
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Paul Helmke, President
of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, issued the following

"'It appears that Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma is blocking passage of a bill that would address a weakness in Brady Law enforcement that allowed the Virginia Tech killer to buy his guns.'"

Senate blocks effort to share gun information
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Efforts by New York lawmakers to curb illegal guns played on two fronts in Congress yesterday."

"An Oklahoma senator blocked as too expensive and restrictive legislation that would speed the way states share information on potential gun buyers to weed out ineligible purchasers."

"The legislation, which has been championed by Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-Mineola), had been expected to pass earlier this week." ...

"Meanwhile, the acting director of the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives told the Senate Judiciary Committee he does not believe federal law bars him from sharing gun trafficking data with local police agencies." ...

Sullivan is now in confirmation hearings for BATFE Director; and he is after your guns
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan, who is the acting BATFE Director, is NOW undergoing Senate confirmation hearings. As has been shown in previous posts regarding the ATF, Sullivan is out to get your guns. If you do not believe me then for heaven’s sake read the previous redpills posts, then read below what Sen. 'Chappaquiddick' Kennedy, Sen. John 'Swabbie' Kerry, and Sen. 'Chuckie' Schumer have to say re: Sullivan and their wanting MORE gun tace data! Then read what Ryan Horsley of Red's Trading Post has blogged then check out the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership site." ...

By His Friends You Shall Know Him (War on Guns)
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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... "And just look at who is heaping praise: Ted Kennedy and John Kerry. With Chuck Schumer providing the theatrical cues needed to prompt the requisite responses and give the illusion of a 'grilling.'"

"And Sullivan promises to work around those pesky restrictions on providing municipalities with ammo to sue gun manufacturers... I mean, gun trace data sharing. Because we all know Congress said cities couldn't do that. Just ask Judge Weinstein."

"Is it just me, or does it seem the "Vote Freedom First" president goes out of his way to alienate ("betray" is such an ugly word) the base?" ...

CA: Acampo shooting ruled self-defense
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"An Acampo homeowner acted in self-defense and will not face charges for fatally shooting a man who drove through his home and confronted him, prosecutors said Wednesday."

"David Robinson, 60, was not arrested after the June 13 death of Ravi Batuk Vora, 39. San Joaquin County Sheriff's deputies instead investigated the case and then forwarded it to prosecutors, who ruled it justifiable homicide." ...

SC: Union Co. funeral home director shoots intruder
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A funeral director shot an intruder who tried to rob him while he embalmed a body. It happened around midnight at the Lewis Funeral Home in Union."

"Police say the intruder's face was covered and so were his hands, leading the funeral director, Scott Lewis, to believe the suspect had a gun."

"The man demanded money and threatened to kill Lewis. That's when the funeral director convinced the intruder to go out to his van with him to get a key to a safe."

"Lewis then pulled out a gun and shot the intruder in the arm. ..." ... Offers Bullet Resistant Student Backpacks For Students
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"BACKPACKSHIELD Manufacturing today announced a series of Level IIIA bullet resistant portable shields for student backpacks, computer bags, brief cases and other portable cases and bags. Impermeable to most all handgun bullets the shields are portable and can be moved between backpacks and bags securing the investment offering years of use." ...

OH: Ohio Supreme Court to Review Pivotal Home Rule Challenge and Local Government Limitations in Gun Ban Case
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"On Wednesday, The Ohio Supreme Court accepted an appeal by the City of Clyde in Ohioans For Concealed Carry, Inc. et. al. v. City of Clyde, et. al."

"The original lawsuit, filed in 2004, challenged the city of Clyde's ordinance that allowed posting of signs to prohibit otherwise legal handguns being carried by licensed Ohioans in local city parks."

"'Reviewing this case will provide the Ohio Supreme Court a great opportunity to review Article XVIII, Section 3 of the Ohio Constitution, the Home Rule Amendment, and its limitations when a local municipality attempts to exceed its authority by enacting ordinances in conflict with comprehensive state legislation,' said Ohioans For Concealed Carry attorney Daniel Ellis, of Lydy & Moan, LTD." ...

The D.C. Gun Ban: Supreme Court Preview
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On September 4, the District of Columbia government asked the Supreme Court to reverse a federal appellate decision in Parker v. District of Columbia ... The six D.C. residents who brought the lawsuit — although they won in the lower court — agree with the city that the Supreme Court should revisit the Second Amendment for the first time since 1939. A four-square pronouncement from the High Court is long overdue. The entire nation, not just Washington, D.C., needs to know how courts will interpret 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms.' Sometime before yearend, the justices will decide whether to review the case. If the Supreme Court chooses to intervene, a final decision will probably be issued by June 30, 2008." ...

NY: Glaring loophole in St. John's rifle incident
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The Eyewitness News Investigators make a startling discovery. The rifle police say the gunman at St. John's University was carrying is not considered to be a firearm under federal or state law." ...

"The St. John's student who threw an entire college campus into a panic knew for several months he wanted to buy a gun -- and he knew he wanted to buy it in Upstate New York. ..."

"It is at a sporting goods store in Poughkeepsie, New York where last week St. John's student Omesh Hiramam purchased a $170 dollar rifle simply by showing an ID card."

"... unlike many of the guns sold here, this one was distinctive: using black powder and firing a single metal pellet."

"It's a replica of an antique firearm and federal and state gun laws do not apply to antique-type guns. It can be purchased without any background check." ...

DC: New Militia Group at Georgetown Law Center
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Center has a new student group called the Georgetown Law-Militia. The group’s mission is to foster 'greater awareness of legal issues concerning the right to keep and bear arms and the human right of self-defense.'"

"At the Militia’s inaugural meeting this afternoon, attorney Alan Gura ... spoke about his work as lead counsel for the plaintiffs in Parker v. D.C.- the federal appeals case that successfully challenged the District’s handgun ban in March. Gura told a group of about 30 Law Center students that 'the Second Amendment is really not all that mysterious.' He says he is confident the U.S. Supreme Court will decide to review the case, and that he is 'looking forward' to arguing before the court." ...

Has Giuliani Really Learned to Love the NRA?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jonah Goldberg's piece in NRO ... puts a happy face on Rudy Giuliani's newfound love for the Second Amendment. He pictures it as testament to Rudy's respect for federalism, i.e., 'what works in New York [a gun ban, for example] doesn't necessarily work in Mississippi or Montana.' But I get nervous when liberals get religion on states' rights and holler amen to federalism. That's been the strategy of gun control activists since Bush was elected and they gave up on federal gun control legislation. Instead of trying to push gun control laws through a Congress justifiably wary of crossing gun owners, gun controllers have gone to states friendly to their cause, working to infringe gun owners' rights through state legislation." ...

Locked and Loaded
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The 2008 GOP presidential primary is shaping up to be the most competitive the party has seen in decades. It is also the most frontloaded."

"Candidates are fighting it out in the 'early primary' states and hoping to make it to Super Tuesday. ..."

"To get there, however, a candidate will need to lock down a key constituency."

"In each of the last four even year general elections gun owners have had a massive impact. And the National Rifle Association has proven to everyone that if you want to win the presidency, earning the support of gun owners and Second Amendment defenders might be the deciding factor." ...

Rudy's gun sellout
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"When Rudy Giuliani spoke to the National Rifle As sociation last week, there was no way he could say anything remotely pleasing to the audience and remain consistent to his record."

"The former mayor was one of the NRA's biggest targets in the 1990s, and for good reason: His positions were largely indistinguishable from the Clinton administration's, from which he received lavish praise for helping the feds impose an assault-weapons ban, among other NRA no-nos."

"So Giuliani went the way of many of his rivals by ditching his principles to appease the NRA crowd. It was a full-fledged pander ..." ...

Fred Thompson Aims At Rivals At NRA Event
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Speaking to "Speaking to members of the National Rifle Association, Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson kept his criticism under a veil as he talked about his support of the organization since being elected a Tennessee Senator in 1994. While fellow candidate John McCain was not as subtle in his criticism of Rudy Giuliani who, as former mayor of New York City, is suing gun manufacturers for the use of guns in crime, attempting to bankrupt them, pushing them out of business."

"Thompson revealed to the group of about 500 NRA members that he believes the right to bear arms, as provided by the Second Amendment of the Constitution applies to everyone and not only the military, as some other candidates have previously expressed." ...

SC: 4 showing interest in Dist. 10
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 2008, for the first time in 40 years, someone other than John Drummond will be elected to the South Carolina Senate in District 10 ..."

"The 88-year-old Drummond, a Democrat, recently announced he will not seek re-election ..."

"While filing for the seat will be in March 2008 and with the election still more than a year away, four locally prominent candidates have announced their intention to run ..." ...

"Experience in government is a reason [local attorney and Greenwood County Councilman Dee Compton (Republican)] - who labels himself an 'unapologetic supporter of the National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment' - also cited."

"'I have a lot of experience in local government,' he said. ..." ...

TX: Rep. Flynn seeking re-election
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Representative Dan Flynn announces his intent to run for re-election to the House of Representatives. Marking his fourth campaign for this seat, Flynn is dedicated to living up to his message of 'Faith, Family, and Freedom.'"

"Flynn's third term was his most successful yet ..."

"'My job is to serve you, the people of Hunt, Rains, and Van Zandt Counties,' commented Flynn. 'I am prepared to continue my commitment to improving the lives of our communities.'"

"Among his legislative accomplishments during his term as State Representative for House District 2 are protecting the second-amendment rights of foster families ..." ...

CA: Schwarzenegger should buck NRA to protect condors in state
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Perhaps it is true, as Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger claims, that his firing of Fish and Game Commissioner R. Judd Hanna this month had nothing to do with pressure from the National Rifle Association. If so, Schwarzenegger should be willing to buck the gun lobby and sign a bill banning hunters from using lead bullets in areas that endangered condors inhabit."

"That's what scientists are unanimously recommending, and a governor who argues that science should determine the state's response to global warming should apply the same principle to protecting the state's magnificent, endangered bird. As scavengers, condors absorb lead as a result of eating squirrels, coyotes and other animals that hunters shoot." ...

Pufendorf: The Whole Duty of Man According to the Law of Nature, "Farthermore, both in a State of Nature, and in a Civil State, it is lawful for every Man to defend himself", 1673
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"...This Defence of our selves then will be such as is, either without any Harm to him from whom we apprehend the Mischief, by rendring any Invasion of us formidable to him and full of Danger; or else by hurting or destroying him...."

"...But all these are by no means of such weight as to render this Sort of Defence unlawful...."

"...Farthermore, both in a State of Nature, and in a Civil State, it is lawful for every Man to defend himself, if the Precautions before-mentioned be taken against him who attempts to take away his Life; whether it be designedly, and with a malicious Intention, or without any particular Design against the Party assaulted..."

Catos Letters, No. 62 - "since by the means of liberty they enjoy the means of preserving themselves", Jan. 20, 1722
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"...By liberty, I understand the power which every man has over his own actions, and his right to enjoy the fruit of his labour, art, and industry, as far as by it he hurts not the society, or any members of it, by taking from any member, or by hindering him from enjoying what he himself enjoys..."

"...Let people alone, and they will take care of themselves, and do it best..."

"...The love of liberty is an appetite so strongly implanted in the nature of all living creatures, that even the appetite of self-preservation, which is allowed to be the strongest, seems to be contained in it; since by the means of liberty they enjoy the means of preserving themselves..."

Catos Letters, No. 60 - "the laws of nature and general reason supersede the municipal and positive laws of nations", Jan. 6, 1722
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"... Government therefore can have no power, but such as men can give, and such as they actually did give, or permit for their own sakes..."

"...Nor has any man in the state of nature power over his own life, or to take away the life of another, unless to defend his own, or what is as much his own, namely, his property. This power therefore, which no man has, no man can transfer to another..."

"...So that here the laws of nature and general reason supersede the municipal and positive laws of nations..."

"...So that the nature of government does not alter the natural right of men to liberty..."

NY: Cadet Honored in NYC Gun Suspect Capture
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A police cadet credited with helping capture a masked student armed with a loaded rifle at St. John's University was honored Thursday, as the student's family blamed the incident on mental illness."

"At a news conference, New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly gave Christopher Benson a special award for his 'quick thinking and quick action' on Wednesday afternoon at the university's Queens campus. No one at the Catholic school of about 20,000 was harmed."

"Investigators now have a warrant to search the computer of Omesh Hiraman for clues to why he took the single-shot firearm to school around the time he was supposed to be in a business class, Kelly said." ...

NC: Nasty cough, nasty run-in with the law
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"When Morrisville police officer Chris Gill handed him a ticket, Kent Kauffman coughed. Next thing Kauffman knew, Gill was charging him with assault on a government official."

"Gill contends Kauffman intentionally coughed on him three times. According to Gill's report, Kauffman looked into the officer's eyes before 'hacking' in his face, Morrisville spokeswoman Stacie Galloway said Wednesday." ...

"Kauffman said that Gill cuffed him and threw him into the side of the patrol car, and that he ended up on the ground."

"'It knocked the wind out of me,' he said. 'He kept yelling at me to get up. I told him, 'I can't move, man, I'm sick.'" ...

Kauffman was pulled over for not wearing a seat belt.

MO: Police Stake Out Brett Darrow's Home
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A young Saint Louis, Missouri motorist faces trouble with local police upset at the national attention his September 7 video of an out-of-control officer has drawn to ongoing problems within area law enforcement agencies. On Sunday, Brett Darrow filmed a Saint Louis Metropolitan Police Department cruiser staking out his home."

"'It was the first time I've seen it,' Darrow told TheNewspaper. 'But my neighbor said he's seen a lot of police down our dead end street since all of this happened.'" ...

When Darrow walked outside to his 1997 Nissan Maxima, he noticed two officers sitting in a marked squad car, numbered 65.

"As I got into the car, he started to pull up the street and he and his partner just stared me down," Darrow explained.

GA: Suit over bumper sticker citation soon may be settled
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Denise Grier told the world that she was tired of the BUSHIT, but the controversy her bumper sticker stirred more than a year ago continues for the Athens woman who alleges a police officer wrongly ticketed her for a decal that she sees as a political statement."

"The registered nurse may see the end of the legal battle soon; both sides in a federal lawsuit have asked a judge to rule without sending the case to a jury."

"In March 2006, DeKalb County police Sgt. R.S. Caviness stopped Grier's car and wrote her a $100 ticket for a sticker that read, 'I'm Tired Of All The BUSHIT.'"

"Although a DeKalb County judge later dropped the ticket, Grier sued in federal court, alleging the officer cited her for political reasons ..." ...

PA: Allentown Officer Fined $25 For Causing Collision That Killed Boy
Submitted by: jac

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"An Allentown police officer who caused a crash that killed a 4-year-old pedestrian will be cited for running a red light but won't be charged in the boy's death ..."

"The summary citation of running a red light carries a $25 fine plus court costs." ...

"On Wednesday, state police announced that while responding to a 911 call ... Officer Brett Guth ran a red light at the intersection as he was looking down at his patrol car computer, checking an address."

"They said when he looked up he slammed on the brakes, but it was too late. The rookie officer's patrol car broadsided another police cruiser, sending it sailing through a crowded sidewalk, and into Legrande, killing him instantly." ...

Submitters note: Any surprises here?

NY: Manhattan's Riverside Church Hosts First Annual "God Not Guns" Sabbath Activities, Rev. Jesse Jackson to Preach (BCPGV)
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"At the famed Riverside Church will be the site of the launch of a new national effort to engage the faith community in stopping gun violence in America. Rev. Jesse Jackson will be the guest preacher on Sunday following a concert and performance on Saturday evening."

"The God Not Guns Coalition hopes that communities of every faith will join together as we commemorate the lives lost to gun violence and renew the commitment to a vision of a peaceable world. More than 30,000 lives are lost to gun violence every year in America. The Coalition has a website, The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence is a member of the coalition and a sponsor." ...

OH: Attorney General Dann asked to settle questions on media access loophole (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Youngstown Vindicator is reporting that Trumbull County prosecutor Dennis Watkins has instructed the sheriff not to allow journalists to copy the confidential records of concealed handgun llicense (CHL) holders, and has asked Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann to clarify how information about those who have licenses can be released under an amendment to Ohio's concealed carry law media access loophole." ...

MD: Values-centered talk about guns needed
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"On Oct. 11, six years will have passed since the murder of Thomas Wales, the assistant U.S. attorney who was shot in his home on Queen Anne. Wales was president of Washington CeaseFire, the state's principal gun-control advocacy group. He was at his desk ... when he was gunned down."

"Wales' death comes to mind in the light of two more recent shootings -- the killings in April of 32 students at Virginia Technical University and the slaughter, in August, of three students and the serious wounding of a fourth in Newark, N.J. The response to the latter shootings has been so pathetically typical that 'only in America' best describes our national capacity for the ludicrous in American life when it comes to talking about guns in our society." ...

UK: Gun victims 'refuse' police help
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Almost half of gun crime victims in London's black community refuse to help police investigations, a senior Metropolitan Police officer has said."

"Lack of confidence in the police and fear of reprisals stop many answering officers' questions, Det Ch Insp Steve Tyler of Operation Trident said."

"He said figures also suggest children are becoming involved in gun crime at an increasingly young age."

"Operation Trident investigates gun crime in the black community."

"DCI Tyler [said] that Operation Trident had never charged a teenager with shooting someone dead until April 2005."

"He said: 'We have now charged in excess of 20 teenagers with shooting someone dead - the youngest of those was 14.'" ...

If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago, and a racist today. —THOMAS SOWELL

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