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Newslinks for 9/28/2012

Ames home gun sale ban reflects intolerance, not safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Greg Seaton is the Federal Firearms Licensee who was granted a permit last April, and who has taken pains to demonstrate his compliance with all laws and that he 'leave[s] no footprint whatsoever.' That’s not good enough for some neighbors, who insist 'This is not a Second Amendment issue' but nonetheless want to infringe on Seaton’s rights and affairs, citing a wholly speculative potential decline in property values to make their case. That’s an interesting position for them to publicly take when talking about housing, discrimination and civil rights." ...

Communists for 'gun control'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The title, it could be argued, is rather redundant, because collectivists always advocate keeping the citizenry disarmed and helpless to resist the all encompassing power of the state--the 'government monopoly on force' so beloved of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. Still, though, the link between those who would see the citizenry disarmed, and those who hate the United States and would see the free market system destroyed, is seldom made as explicitly clear as it is in a People's World article, 'U.S. gun culture diagnosed as a social disease':" ...

The Beginning of an Effort
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This blog is meant to be the beginning of something."

"Many of us are very tired of our voices not being heard, and of our liberties being time and again ignored or suppressed by those who claim to be our 'leaders' and 'representatives'. We the people are often left to vote for the continuation of such suppression by choosing between the establishment's candidates." ...

"So, on election day 2012, vote with your wallet."

"I say we overwhelm NICS, set a new daily record, and shake our rattle."

"Restoration is coming. By ballot or bullet."

"Buy whatever you wish and can afford, although I'd recommend buying a fighting weapon with no real 'sporting purpose'. A tool of the citizen-soldier. If this is not feasible, buy a box of ammunition and go shoot." ...

FIRE in The Denver Post on the Colorado Shooter and College ‘Threat Assessment Teams’
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Reports following the tragic theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, indicate that [redacted], the alleged shooter, had been referred to the University of Colorado's threat assessment team for evaluation. This revelation has led to calls for expanding the powers of those committees (sometimes referred to as 'behavioral intervention teams,' or 'BITs') on college campuses. Some advocates are even calling on Congress to create a new 'National Center for Campus Public Safety.'"

"Yesterday, I took to The Denver Post to explain why creating such an agency or increasing the authority and reach of behavioral intervention teams would be a significant imposition on students' constitutional rights. ..." ...

Why Your Workplace Needs a Gun Policy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you employ more than 10 people and you don't have a gun policy in your office, it may be time to write one. There are 88.8 firearms per 100 people in the United States, according to The Huffington Post, meaning that it's possible someone in your workplace owns a gun."

"The time to deal with whether employees can have guns in the office isn't when a conflict comes up; by that point it's almost too late. A gun policy allows you to be proactive which can protect your company."

"Just like a dress code or Internet-use policy, a gun policy gives employees a heads-up about acceptable behavior and stops potential issues from becoming real problems." ...

An Act of Bravery: Otis W. McDonald and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Otis McDonald, born and raised amidst the hardships of sharecropping ... overcame poverty and social prejudice to become the first in his family to earn a college degree and rise to the relative comfort of America’s middle class."

"With drug and gang activity on the rise in Chicago, McDonald’s home has become increasingly threatened by violent crime. With no other intent but to defend his family against life-threatening intrusion, McDonald encounters the dichotomy of gun-wielding criminals and a Chicago statute limiting the purchase of handguns."

"As lead petitioner in a Supreme Court case against the City of Chicago, McDonald is the unlikely candidate to challenge local jurisprudence against the Second Amendment." ...

Obscure Object Of Desire: Micor Defense "Leader 50" Bullpup
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let’s face it — the Barrett M82 .50 BMG is sooo 2009. I mean, all that range and knockdown power is great, but who wants to lug around a 57-inch long, 30-pound light artillery piece?"

"If this kind of problem keeps you awake at night, Micor Defense can lighten your heart, your combat load and your wallet all at the same time with their 'Leader 50' semi-automatic .50 BMG bullpup. Micor boasts that the beastly bullpup has a 'low recoil impulse' which I find somewhat hard to believe. But the design’s weight and portability advantages are fairly obvious even though Micor doesn’t actually provide the rifle’s length or weight on their website." ...

Ryan Cleckner On Cleaning Your Bolt Action Rifle (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Shooting Sports Foundation has just released another in its series of YouTube videos featuring rifle shooting with Ryan Cleckner. In this video, he discusses how to properly clean your bolt action rifle along with the proper tools and solvents. After watching this video, I'm buying one of those Parker-Hale jags! They look like they make things a whole lot easier." ...

Three Bolt Action Rifles For Lefties
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My father was left handed. My son may be. I lucked out, in a way, in that most guitars and guns have a right handed orientation. They're built by right handed people who can test their performance in the same way that they'll be used."

"And that has me thinking. What if my son is left handed? He'll inherit some guns that are set up for me, not him. The world will continue to turn, I guess."

"Lefties used to have to make some tough choices. ..."

"But left handed guns are much easier to find, and it seems to be getting easier every day." ...

New MAG Tactical Systems lightest ultralight AR alloy lower
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"MAG Tactical Systems has developed a new ultra-lightweight metal AR-15 lower receiver. Using a proprietary nickel-aluminum alloy and an extremely cut-down design that has no unnecessary material. Even the pistol grip portion of the receiver has been hollowed out. The final product weighs just 5.8 ounces." ...

Modified Navy Qualification Drill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Guys who trust their lives to their rifles don’t spend much time shooting from benches. They train as they expect to fight, and they certainly don’t expect a sturdy shooting bench to be waiting for them on the two-way range. In a self-defense situation, neither should you. The Modified Navy Qualification (MNQ) Drill gets you off your butt and in the dirt to work on rifle skills without artificial support, because it probably won’t be there during a gunfight, either."

"Developed by former Navy SEAL Jeff Gonzales, the MNQ Drill is based on a portion of a course of fire previously used by the U.S. Navy when conducting rifle qualification. As such, it is intended to be shot with an AR or other semi-automatic. ..." ...

Gun N00bs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To answer his question, generally my advise to first timers is to go shooting. Often times that alone clears up so many of their misconceptions. Hands on experience and especially with a friend or relative who actually has some knowledge on the matter helps more than these want-to-be gun owners ... have any idea it will. Teaching someone about gun ownership by giving them a chance to have hands-on learning is a far greater help than just nudging them in one direction or another on what to buy." ...

Mini 9mm Roundup
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve been a fan of mini 9mm pistols for concealed carry since before they became a market niche all their own. A mini 9mm is hard to beat for size, power and accuracy and that’s why they make a lot of sense for ordinary people who want to carry a pistol day in and day out, in their ordinary clothes. " ...

More Guns, More Mass Shootings—Coincidence?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the fierce debate that always follows the latest mass shooting, it's an argument you hear frequently from gun rights promoters: If only more people were armed, there would be a better chance of stopping these terrible events. This has plausibility problems—what are the odds that, say, a moviegoer with a pack of Twizzlers in one pocket and a Glock in the other would be mentally prepared, properly positioned, and skilled enough to take out a body-armored assailant in a smoke- and panic-filled theater? But whether you believe that would happen is ultimately a matter of theory and speculation. Instead, let's look at some facts gathered in a two-month investigation by Mother Jones." ...

Gun Violence Victims, Advocates, Major Actors, and Musicians Will Be Featured at Brady Center New York City Honors
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence today announced that men and women whose lives have been forever altered by gun violence, along with well-known celebrities who've filmed a new call-to-action PSA, will play a prominent role in the annual Brady Center New York City Gala on Thursday, Oct. 4." ...

God bless our troops: Soldier hit four times, returns fire (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We found a great video of a soldier in Afghanistan who was shot four times, retrieved his rifle, and fought on." ...

10 Tips for spotting and stalking … elk!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Spotting and stalking is our preferred method for hunting elk. We’ve made some ground blinds in the past, but we’ve had the most success spotting and stalking. It takes time and probably more time to harvest an elk with this method than in a blind, but you are guaranteed to have an awesome experience, see some incredible things, and if successful — have a hunt you’ll never forget. Below are some tips for successfully spotting and stalking elk:" ...

Keep yourself safe, IDF-style
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We found this over at the Blaze and thought it worth sharing."

"The Israeli Defense Forces YouTube channel has a couple of videos featuring Sgt. Rachel Shir, a 20-year-old Krav Maga instructor with the IDF. A twenty-year-old instructor, you ask incredulously."

"Oh yeah. And she’s not bad looking either. But you best not accost her unless you’ve got plenty of frozen peas in your freezer, along with plenty of prescription pain relievers." ...

Communication Items You’ll Want Before TSHTF – Part 1
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Having good radio equipment is important for many reasons. What will you do when there is no Internet? What will you do when there is no cellphone service? How will you know what’s going on in other parts of the country, let alone the world? Radio signals don’t need an intermediary, they just bounce all over the earth and are received by radios."

"It’s not even necessary that you transmit (speak) on the radio, but the information you can garner from just listening to others from far away is worth the time it takes to understand how to use a radio." ...

H/t to Mike Vanderboegh.

FL: Off Duty FL Cop Shoots and Kills Registered Sex Offender Who Broke Into His Girlfriend’s Home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty Citrus County Sheriff’s deputy shot and killed an intruder in his girlfriend’s home on Tuesday."

"The intruder broke into the home while the deputy and his girlfriend were inside."

"A confrontation between the deputy and intruder ensued. At some point the altercation became physical and ended when the deputy fired his gun, striking the suspect in the chest." ...

CT: Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Double Tap Edition (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'This is like my house, I open up here 6:30 in the morning until 9 o’clock seven days a week for 40 years, this is my house, this is my business.' That’s seventy-year-old Edilberto Fontanez, owner of Eddie’s market in New Haven. He’d already faced down a couple of previous robbery attempts, so when Brandon Mills tried to knock the store over, Fontanez used a little ballistic persuasion to discourage him . . ." ...

One More Day Until GRPC!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We are getting excited. It is only one more day before we board a Delta jet to Orlando for the Gun Rights Policy Conference. There will be old friends to see, new friends to make, and a chance finally to meet people you only know from the Interwebs." ...

Important Update On CCW At GRPC In Orlando - It's Legal In The Hotel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thanks to the industrious work of Miko Tempski, Board Member of the CCRKBA, we have the definitive answer on whether the Hyatt Regency Orlando Airport is considered a part of the airport for concealed carry purposes."

"It is not!" ...

Grassley: IG report proves White House Executive Privilege claims specious
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Republican senator leading the inquest into Fast & Furious said he has a mixed reaction to the Sept. 19 Justice Department Inspector General report on the operation that day."

"'Operation Fast and Furious was the height of irresponsibility on the part of a number of people from the ATF Phoenix field office all the way up to the Justice Department headquarters,' said Charles E. 'Chuck' Grassley (R.-Iowa), who with Rep. Darrell E. Issa, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, is trying to piece together the facts as to what really happened inside the [ATF] program that facilitated the flow of illegally purchased firearms into the hands of Mexican crime organizations." ...

This November, cling to your gun rights
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"In recent memory, the U.S. Supreme Court held, in two related 5-to-4 decisions, that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home."

"You would think this was an unremarkable conclusion. For one thing, the constitutional text expressly guarantees the right 'to keep and bear arms.' For another, the right is specifically enumerated — not implied — and applies to 'the people.'"

"In other words, unlike many of the individual rights that the Supreme Court has recognized — some would say invented — you can actually find the right to bear arms in the literal text of the Second Amendment." ...

Girls With Guns Flood Twitter As Conservatives Rally In Support Of Paul Ryan, Constitution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bragging about your hunting prowess is nothing new, but bragging about your prepubescent daughter and her guns seems to be a more recent trend (this Buzzfeed item notwithstanding)."

"A Twitter outpouring of Second Amendment love began after Paul Ryan made a widely publicized stop at a Bass Pro Shops in Ohio Tuesday to buy his 10-year-old daughter, Liza, some camouflage hunting gear." ...

Question of the Day: What’s the Best Litmus Test for Gun Rights Advocates?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When I interviewed Glenn Beck at the NRA hoedown, I asked the conservative talk show host whether or not he supported Constitutional Carry (i.e., no paperwork required for concealed carry). To my surprise Mr. Beck said 'the people' aren’t ready for it. This despite the fact that concealed carry-related blood isn’t running in the streets of Alaska, Arizona, Vermont and Wyoming. Is that a fair litmus test for a gun rights advocate? ..."

Submitter's Note: David Codrea has a pretty good candidate's questionnaire here.

OH: BFA endorsee holds successful machine gun shoot fundraiser; Gun banners' internal emails about similar event last spring exposed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last spring, Rep. Margaret Conditt, an 'A'-rated Buckeye Firearms Association endorsee, announced she was having a 'Shoot for Liberty' fundraiser, at which it was originally advertised that participants would be given an opportunity to shoot a machine gun."

"The response from the gun ban extremist crowd was quick. ... [Democrats from the Columbus area] joined Toby Hoover, who fronts ... the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, in staging a press conference to decry the event." ...

"Internal emails obtained from the Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman's office through a freedom of information request show that there was disagreement among gun ban extremists about whether attacking Conditt's fundraiser was a good idea." ...

The new threat to the U.S. Army: "Anti-federalists." West Point professor decides to dabble in "domestic extremism."
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Perliger is now branching out, into a subject about which he apparently knows exactly . . . dick. First evidence? Look at his sources listed on his website:"

"Predictably, under 'Relevant links' lists The Southern Preposterous Lie Center and under 'Datasets' lists SPLC's 'Hate Incidents.'"

"Also, given his sources listed at the end of the article in Note 2: Richard 'Abens' American Militias; Joel Dyer's Harvest of Rage; and Kathlyn Gay's Militias: Armed and Dangerous, it is not surprising that his paper reflects 'The Narrative of 1995' critiqued by historian Prof. Robert H. Churchill in his book To Shake Their Guns in the Tyrant's Face ..."

"... Here is what Prof. Churchill has to say about the quality of Abanes' and other 'Brown Scare' writers of the 90s:" ...

GA: NW Ga. deputy on leave amid gun pawn shop probe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Authorities say a sheriff's deputy in northwest Georgia has been put on paid administrative leave amid allegations that he pawned two guns he was issued."

"Whitfield County sheriff's Maj. John Gibson says the deputy was placed on leave Friday after a routine check of area pawn shops revealed a shotgun and a rifle the deputy had been issued were pawned in Dalton." ...

TN: Campfield claimed Memphis can’t destroy guns from buyback program
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Colorful State Sen. Stacey Campfield seems to court controversy, particularly in his blog, Camp4u."

"So it was no real surprise when he took a reproachful tone in blog posts on Sept. 11 about the 'gas for guns' program announced the day before by the City of Memphis ... The idea was to get guns off the streets, and 497 guns were exchanged for the cards and tickets at the event. The city said most of the guns would be 'destroyed.'"

"'I don’t think they can do that,' Campfield wrote in his first blog post on the gas for guns program, adding that '…the point of this post is that the city is saying they intend on destroying the guns they buy. I may be wrong but didn’t we change the law to say they have to resell the guns now?'" ...

MN: Minnesota trooper arrested for DUI at morning training
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Minnesota State Trooper was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol when he reported for an in-service training at the State Patrol's district office in Duluth just after 8 a.m. Wednesday."

"Trooper Nick Morse has been placed on investigative leave pending the outcome of criminal and internal investigations."

"Morse had driven his squad car from his home in Two Harbors, Minn., arriving at the district office for training at 8:10 a.m. A supervisor could smell alcohol on Morse and a field sobriety test was administered." ...

TN: Federal judge sentences former West Memphis police officer to 3 years of probation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former West Memphis police officer has been sentenced to three years of probation after his misdemeanor conviction for violating the civil rights of a man under arrest."

"Scott McCall had faced up to a year in prison for the June 2010 incident. McCall was accused of choking a man who was under arrest and had his hands handcuffed behind his back." ...

IL: Virtual House Arrest Ordered for Minors in East St. Louis
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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nced today that police are going to impose drastic new measurers to keep teens off the streets." ...

"Surrounded by police, Parks announced they also plan to arrest adult males and young men wearing gang colors, amounting to a city-wide dress code."

"'No royal blue, no bright red to be worn by our men or our boys in this community,' Parks said. 'Why is that? Those colors have long been affiliated with gang kinds of affiliations'"

"Asked about Constitutional concerns, and the need for probable cause, Parks says the recent wave of crime is the probable cause and justifies the extreme new measures." ...

Submitter's Note: Translation - Civil rights? You don't have no steenking civil rights!

WY: Combat vet files suit in bizarre open carry arrest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Things are heating up for a Wyoming sheriff’s deputy to made a bizarre offer to a Marine Corps veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan. Capt. Robert Pierson says the deputy offered to release him if the Captain allowed the deputy’s partner to shoot him if he made an sudden movements as he drove away."

"The deputy agrees to the account provided by the Marine, and furthermore, there is an audio recording of the stop."

"The Marine has filed a civil rights lawsuit." ...

IllinoisCarry Spokesperson Valinda Rowe Receives Recognition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Valinda Rowe, IllinoisCarry spokesperson received a special recognition from her peers during a recent week long blitz of gun rights meetings in the northern part of the state."

"... Valinda received the national title of 'Grass Roots Activist of the Year' last fall by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. This was in recognition of her countless hours of work for our Second Amendment Rights."

"To commemorate that event, Valinda was presented with an engraved Springfield Armory EMP .40 caliber handgun. The special handgun is engraved with the title of the award, the IllinoisCarry logo, and Valinda’s signature." ...

OH: New Cincinnati area gun shop seeking full and part-time employees
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Point Blank Range & Gun Shop, which promises to be the tri-state's largest and most advanced indoor shooting facility, will open its doors to the public in November 2012." ...

"General Manager, Todd Heimann adds, 'Now that we are getting closer to our grand opening, we are in the process of hiring friendly and courteous employees.'" ...

NC: A Reminder For NC Hunters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission is reminding hunters of the requirement to wear blaze orange during certain hunting seasons. As an aside, I wonder if this requirement will ever be expanded to include the safety yellow that you see so many highway workers and public safety personnel wearing nowadays." ...

Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. — Thomas Paine

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