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Newslinks for 9/29/2012

Fast and Furious whistleblower Dodson demands retraction from Fortune
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Scooping other media with an exclusive story, Dylan Byers of Politico today reported he had obtained a copy of a letter dated yesterday from Robert N. Driscoll, the attorney for ATF whistleblower John Dodson, written to Fortune managing editor Andrew Serwer, that demanded retraction of a report by Katherine Eban the letter calls 'demonstrably false in many respects.'" ...

The government's war at home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "This is only the latest escalation in what looks to be almost a 'cold war' between the government and the people--a war of which most of the people are not even aware. Back in late July, a retired Army colonel who teaches at the University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas wrote an article in the very influential (in U.S. military circles) Small Wars Journal about crushing a 'Tea Party insurgency.' The article mentions 'insurrectionists' often enough to sound like something written by the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence." ...

Taking the Leap: My First Concealed Carry Day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"So, I’m a normal guy. I have an average build, average height, average weight … just an average 44 year old. The only thing that changed about me today is that I received my concealed carry permit. I did a lot of research before taking the CCW class, including my state’s laws and what firearm I think best suits my needs. I went with a Smith & Wesson M&P shield 9 mm as my intended daily carry gun. I’ve been around firearms most of my life so I’m comfortable around them but, as I found out, it just felt different wearing one IWB outside my house . . ." ...

Knowing You Have Rights is the First Step
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I grew up in the northeastern corner of Illinois, a place generally known as Chicagoland. In Chicagoland, home invasions and violent crime are a common staple of the evening news and guns are responsibly 'regulated and controlled.' I left for the military, and after being posted in South Dakota for years, I came to wonder just how the heck I had dealt with living in a crime ridden, unarmed, overtaxed state like Illinois for all those years. I discovered the answer during Christmas leave two years back . . ." ...

About that ID Thing…
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Civil rights groups are shocked, shocked!, that voters in the Quaker State will now have to present photo identification in order to exercise their right to vote. They argue that such a requirement is equal to disenfranchisement of thousands of voters ..."

"When I lived in [MA], I had to pay $100, get fingerprinted, interview at the local police station, and wait four months before I was allowed to possess any kind of firearm, ammunition or even even spent casings…on private property. ... If a mere photo ID is enough to deter somebody from exercising their right to vote, what kind of effect do you think the gun ownership rigamarole has on a citizen exercising their right to keep and bear arms? ..." ...

Little girls are packing heat in support of Paul Ryan after he took flak for buying his daughter hunting gear
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Little girls are packing heat for Paul Ryan."

"One ten-year-old girl poses with her finger on the trigger of a rifle. She’s wearing noise cancelling headphones, a t-shirt emblazoned with a colorful peace sign and a broad smile."

"A blond 13-year-old dressed in head-to-toe camouflage kneels next to the 20-pound turkey she just took down with a Remington 20 gauge shotgun. 'Killed & grilled then off to mall for shoes,' her proud father tweeted." ...

How to get your wife/girlfirend into shooting
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Caleb Giddings broached this subject yesterday on his blog and answered the question of 'how-to' by simply saying… 'Dont.' Seriously. Go read the article for the full context, but basically he is saying don't force the issue."

"My opinion on the matter is the same as I mentioned the other day in my Gun N00bs post… that is take them shooting. If there is truly a real interest there and its something that they want to get into then they will be instantly hooked." ...

Course Review: US Shooting Academy – Defensive Handgun Intensive 214
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wow…what a week. I just got back from spending 5 full days at the U.S. Shooting Academy taking their Defensive Handgun Intensive 214 course. Some of you may have seen my review of their 2-day course a few months ago. It was kind of like going from Kate Moss to Bar Refaeli. The two-day course was good, but this was clearly a step up to a much more satisfying experience . . ." ...

The Stylish Man’s Guide to Concealed Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"How to arrange good-looking clothing around the decidedly non-standard bulge of a handgun is a topic worth looking at. It’s something that a whole range of men need to think about: police detectives, security guards, entrepreneurs in dangerous countries, and even your average American civilian who prefers to be armed."

"'Concealed carry' exists for a number of reasons. When you're doing it, you want to be living up to both parts of the phrase: you want to be carrying, and have access to, a firearm, and you want it to be discreetly hidden until such time as you need it."

"For some men, any jacket long enough to hide a holster is sufficient. But for most men, concealed carry needs to fit other societal expectations:" ...

Springfield/Warren 9mm 1911 Endurance Test: Report #9
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s been more than 3,300 rounds since the three stoppages I experienced with my carry ammo and mags. The gun has been functioning properly ever since I swapped to a 14# variable recoil spring per the recommendation of Jason Burton (Heirloom Precision). About 100 rounds of that has been carry ammo through my new carry mags, and hundreds of rounds have gone through the previous carry mags (the ones that were in the gun when it failed)."

"In fact, this has been the longest stretch the gun has gone without a stoppage. That Burton guy… he could probably make a living doing the 1911 thing." ...

The Lee Enfield: The British Empire's Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Capturing the essence of a rifle that has seen active service for more than a century is complex. The Lee Enfield is, by all accounts, a solid battle rifle. As the go-to rifle for the British Empire for the first half of the twentieth century, the Lee Enfield has seen service in every climate, every geographical region, and every type of armed conflict." ...

Gun Review: CZ-750 Sniper
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some never find the need to reach out and hit something beyond 100 yards away. For them, the world is their oyster and just about any old gun will do. But for those brave souls who dare venture beyond 500 yards, into the realm of spin drift calculations and the coriolis effect, it takes specialized equipment that is normally many thousands of dollars and well outside the budget of the average shooter. CZ disagreed with that sad state of affairs, and decided to try to produce McMillan-level precision on a Noveske level budget. The result: the CZ-750 Sniper . . ." ...

A Question To Ponder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence (sic) is holding their gala event in New York City on Thursday, October 4th. They plan to honor B-list actors who've made public service announcements for them as well as highlight 'men and women whose lives have been forever altered by gun violence.'" ...

"How is Ethan Rodriguez-Torrent a 'theater shooting victim' if he had no physical injuries? Is the Brady Center claiming the Mr. Rodriguez-Torrent has PTSD or other mental disorders other than hoplophobia, that is? Was just being in the theater enough to be able to claim victimhood?" ...

CO: Local control, not a gun fight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is nothing unreasonable about Colorado colleges and universities being able to ban guns on campus, but new state legislation that would give schools the power to do so assuredly will ignite controversy."

"It's an unfortunate reality, but any proposed gun restriction, no matter how legally permissible, has become fodder for fierce fights." ...

Submitter's Note: Try it this way: There is nothing unreasonable about Colorado colleges and universities being able to ban Negroes on campus.
Civil rights are civil rights even if you think guns are scary.

Keep Otis McDonald In Your Prayers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pastor Kenn Blanchard let me know earlier today that Second Amendment hero Otis McDonald was admitted to the ICU at a Chicago hospital. He was admitted for a cerebral blood clot. Mr. McDonald has been a fighter all of his life but this may be his toughest battle." ...

TX: Former Houston Firefighter Shoots and Kills 1 of 2 Armed Home Invaders (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, a former Houston firefighter was forced to defend himself and his family yesterday."

"When the man pulled into his driveway he was confronted by 2 armed men demanding money. The men pistol whipped the homeowner, forced the man into his home where they made the homeowner, his sister and his 12 year old niece lay on the ground as they searched the house for valuables. The men threatened to kill the family if they didn’t cooperate."

"While the men were searching the home, the homeowner saw his chance, drew his concealed handgun (which he has a permit for) and exchanged fire with the home invaders."

"One of the suspects was shot and killed and the other fled. ..." ...

TX: Arcade manager shoots, kills armed would-be robber (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Austin police say the manager of an arcade fatally shot a man who was attempting to enter the business shortly after midnight Wednesday morning."

"The manager says the man attempted to break in to the arcade, located off Manor Road in East Austin, while he was locking up for the night. The suspect was armed with a knife."

"'The manager saw the guy, tried to close the door the suspect grabbed the door and tried to pull it open,' Sr. Officer Dennis Farris said. 'The suspect was armed with a knife and at some point got the door open, he proceeded into the business and that's when the manager produced a weapon and shot the suspect.'" ...

Zimmerman Attorney to Address Gun Rights Advocates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Gun Rights Policy Conference is meeting in Orlando this weekend. It's the 27th annual conference sponsored by the Seattle-based Second Amendment Foundation. The conference will feature a speech by Orlando attorney Mark O'Mara."

"O’Mara is representing former crime watch volunteer George Zimmerman on second degree murder charges in the shooting of an unarmed teenager in Sanford." ...

Gun rights conference unfolds as guns a’ blazing in Northwest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While gun rights advocates from all over the map, including the Pacific Northwest, are gathering here for the kick-off of the 27th annual Gun Rights Policy, back home in Washington one can sense there is a 'gun' battle of sorts heating up anew, over the elimination of a wolf pack in northern Stevens County."

"Wolf predation isn’t on the agenda down here in Disneyworld country, but it’s a safe gamble Evergreen State big game hunters and ranchers are waiting for political and legal fireworks to ignite because of the Wedge Pack eradication this week. Marksman have killed the Alpha male and several other wolves over the past few days, because they had become cattle killers." ...

Gun Rights Policy Conference. Finally.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... So here I am in the fourth room where I can pick-up Orlando Airport’s free Internet breathing deeply. K? Right. Gun Rights Policy Conference. First impression . . ."

"I’ve never seen so many SMFVs (Shoot Me First Vests) on OFWGs (Old Fat White Guys) in one place at one time—outside of a salmon fishing competition. Not that I hang out at salmon fishing competitions. But I am hanging out here on your behalf. There will be plenty of coverage–now—of George Zimmerman’s lawyer, John 'Death by Stats' Lott, Emily 'T2 Arms' Miller and the rest of the zany crew of gun rights advocates." ...

Republicans threaten to subpoena WH official
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congressional Republicans are threatening to subpoena a White House official who declined to speak to them in their investigation of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) gunwalking operation: Fast and Furious."

"Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., and Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, have pressed, unsuccessfully, for an interview with Kevin O'Reilly for a year. O'Reilly also declined to speak to the Department of Justice Inspector General (IG) who investigated Fast and Furious. Last week, the IG issued a scathing report that criticized many officials at ATF, the Justice Department and the U.S. Attorney's office and said O'Reilly had declined to be interviewed." ...

McDonald hospitalized in Chicago; Republicans threaten new F&F subpoena
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Otis McDonald, one of several headliners scheduled to appear at this weekend’s 27th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) in Orlando, Fla., has suffered a serious head injury and is in intensive care at a Chicago-area hospital, Gun Rights Examiner has learned." ...

MEANWHILE, CBS News is reporting that Congressman Darrell Issa and Senator Charles Grassley, the men who spearheaded Capitol Hill’s 21-month investigation of Operation Fast and Furious, are 'threatening to subpoena' Kevin O’Reilly, the White House official who was quickly whisked out of the country after his name came up last year during the second congressional hearing on the gun walking scandal." ...

Lead bullets under fire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Should President Obama win in November, it’s a certainty he’ll try once again to ban lead ammunition. Just two months after he moved into the White House, the National Park Service suddenly announced it was banning lead bullets from its parks. The blowback from sportsmen was intense, so the agency backed down. Mr. Obama surely will exert 'more flexibility' in a second term to accomplish this backdoor assault on the Second Amendment." ...

Why your vote for President matters this year
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On November 6, 2012 Americans will go to the polls to vote for the next President of the United States of America. Either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney will win this contest."

"It has become cliché, but this really is the most important election in our lifetime."

"In the last few years, gun owners have celebrated two of the most important Second Amendment rulings the in our nation’s history. Heller v D.C. and McDonald v City of Chicago have set the stage for national reciprocity and the elimination of discriminatory 'may issue' concealed carry laws. But we can lose it all and more in the blink of an eye." ...

Recently discovered report forces the question: Do I owe Mitt Romney an apology?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have not been easy on Mitt Romney in the years since he began seeking the presidency." ...

"And yet, here I am today, pondering the question - 'Do I owe Mitt Romney an apology?'"

"Here is why:"

"No long ago, I came across a report prepared by the Gun Owners' Action League (GOAL) in February 2007. GOAL is a state-level group defending the gun rights of the citizens of Massachusetts just as Buckeye Firearms Association does here in Ohio. Why this report never came to my attention sooner is beyond me. Whether or not it had come to the attention of other pro-gun writers I don't know. But the facts presented by GOAL fly in the face of what I've always thought I knew about Mitt Romney and the Second Amendment." ...

Gun rights: Tester doesn’t support Montanans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Do you own a gun? Do you believe in the right to have firearms to protect you, your family, or maybe to go hunting? Is the Second Amendment important to you?"

"If so, please be aware that Sen. Jon Tester had voted in the Senate to confirm President Barack Obama’s appointments of two staunch anti-gun, left-wing judges to the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayer and Elena Kagan. ..." ...

CA: Gov. Jerry Brown outlaws open carrying of long guns in California cities
Submitted by: Mike DeArmond

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"Californians will no longer be able to openly carry rifles and shotguns in cities under legislation signed Friday by Gov. Jerry Brown."

"The bill was responding to public demonstrations by gun owners who were showing up at coffee shops and other public places carrying long guns to demonstrate their right to bear arms."

"The bill by Assemblyman Anthony Portantino (D-La Canada-Flintridge) closes a loophole left when the state last year banned the open carrying of unloaded handguns in public." ...

Police State - We're Almost There
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During this heated election season, the politicians and the pundits banter back and forth about the economy, jobs and important social issues ... But in the midst of all of this political wrangling, the Obama administration’s war on gun owners – in the name of the war on crime, the war on drugs, the war on gun trafficking to Mexico ... – rages on."

"When I first wrote about the outrageous assault on the Reese family gun shop in Deming, N.M., I expressed concern that the case was apparently headed up by the [DHS] rather than the [ATF]. My concern about this shift in policing has grown since that report as Homeland Security Investigations has become more and more prominent in reports of federal police actions." ...

FL: County attorney: 'No guns' sign wrong on Government Center
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"That sign on the County Government Center door is wrong:"

"'For the protection of the public and County personnel, notice is hereby given that this building has been designated as a Courthouse and bringing a concealed weapon or firearm into building is a violation of section 790.06 (12) Florida Statutes and is punishable by law.'"

"'I don't believe there is any factual basis for that,' County Attorney Ross Macbeth told the Highlands County commissioners Tuesday evening. The sign was placed there 10 years ago by a previous board of county commissioners." ...

CA: Cop from San Clemente Charged with Threatening Woman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An LAPD officer was charged Thursday with threatening a woman with whom he had a relationship, according to Orange County prosecutors."

"Dale Wayne Ziesmer, 48, of San Clemente, was charged with a felony count of criminal threats ..." ...

KY: Police officer arrested on charges he sent sexual text messages to juvenile
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer has been charged with sending sexually explicit text messages to a juvenile."

"The Oldham County Police Department says in a news release that Officer Shane Mosley resigned after being charged with using electronic means to induce a minor to engage in sexual or other prohibited activities; official misconduct; and third degree unlawful transaction with a minor." ...

DC: Mustache on Photo of [Fire] Chief Ellerbe Draws Fire
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"What seemed like a joke at one of D.C.’s oldest fire houses prompted an official investigation this week."

"Someone at Engine 10 on Florida Avenue in Northeast drew a mustache on the official photo of D.C. Fire Chief Kenneth Ellerbe and turned it upside down, which led to a destruction of property investigation, sources told News4."

"A deputy chief and a lieutenant dressed down the company, demanding respect for the chief and threatening criminal charges." ...

"Police were called, and a formal crime report was filed. Evidence technicians apparently dusted the photo frame for fingerprints." ...

CA: Fullerton Police Ripped Film out of Woman's Camera After Kelly Thomas Beating Death (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A day after a third Fullerton cop was charged in the beating death of a mentally ill homeless man that was caught in a gruesome and horrifying city surveillance video, the victim’s father said there is more video that has yet to be released, specifically footage from cameras that were confiscated by police."

"Ron Thomas, who has been relentless in seeking justice for his son, said there is one clip that shows police ripping the film out of a woman’s camera in the moments after the beating."

"However, they are saving that evidence for the trial, which has not been scheduled yet." ...

NJ: New Jersey Cop Caught on Video Threatening to Steal Teen's Camera (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A New Jersey cop who did not appreciate being video recorded by a 15-year-old boy threatened to steal the teen’s camera forever."

"'Turn that video camera off right now or it’s going to be mine forever,' the Hanover Township police officer said, obviously knowing he was being recorded, but dumb enough not to care." ...

WY: Former Powell officer faces sex assault charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Powell police officer is accused of using his former position of authority to get a woman to submit to unwanted sexual contact."

"The Powell Tribune reports ... Kirk B. Chapman is charged with third-degree sexual assault, and a judge ruled last week that there is enough evidence for the case to proceed." ...

CA: 3rd California police officer charged in beating death of homeless man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A third former Fullerton, California, police officer was charged in the beating death of a mentally ill homeless man, the Orange County district attorney said."

"Joseph Wolfe, 37, pleaded innocent Thursday to one count of involuntary manslaughter and one count of use of excessive force in connection with the death of 37-year-old Kelly James Thomas on July 7, 2011." ...

Gun Tweet(s) of the Day: Obvious Evidence of Abuse Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"OMG! GOP VP candidate Paul Ryan was caught – red handed – in a Cincinnati area sporting goods store earlier this week buying his 10-year-old daughter (gasp) camo gear for her first deer hunt this fall. Cue the tiresomely predictable outrage from lefties in general and anti-hunters and -gunners specifically. You know, corrupting an impressionable little girl and all. Yawn. ..." ...

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German philosopher

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