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MI: Order shuts down gun range. Court: 'Defendants did it to themselves'
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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A gun range and shop shut down at noon today, Sept. 2 due by order of Muskegon County's 14th Circuit Court.

Grasmeyer Bros. Properties, LLC and Dalton Township for more than a year about fines and changes to the gun range. Residents have complained about increased activity and alleged stray bullets flying from the gun shop and range at 4786 Holton Road.

Dalton Township brought a lawsuit against Grasmeyer in May 2015 alleging "unlawful expansions." Dalton Township, Grasmeyer, and the circuit court approved a consent judgement in December 2015 that stipulated hours of operation and improvements to be made to the gun ranges, including higher berms on the limits of the ranges. A second consent judgement was entered April 2016.

MO: Make Sure that Your Legislators Override Veto of Your Right to Self-Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On September 14, your lawmakers will reconvene in Jefferson City and vote to override Governor Jay Nixon’s veto of pro-gun, self-defense legislation, Senate Bill 656. SB 656 will expand Missourians’ right to protect themselves and their families. It is imperative that your legislators hear from you now!

PA: Licensed Gun Owner Shoots Home Invader
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Someone started banging on the front door of his Market Street home.

The male subject outside was yelling he just wanted his car keys. The resident responded he had no idea what the man on his porch was talking about.

The individual continued the pounding, so the 50 year old resident called 911. As he was waiting for police, the intruder broke through his front door and entered the home. Believing he had no other option, the resident shot the man in the abdomen with his .40 caliber handgun.

TX: Gun rights activist responds to Cocks Not Glocks protest with violent video
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“I wanted to throw up... I felt targeted, disgusted, and embarrassed” Lopez told the Daily Dot.

Lopez said her mom cried after watching the video while at work. She decided to file a complaint against Sanders and contacted campus police and student services for support.

Ed.: Free speech is OK for me, but if you do it, I'm calling the cops!

OR: Ashland author's 'Gundown' book suggests firearms fix
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In his new novel “Gundown,” Ashland author Ray Rhamey has a visionary fix for America’s gun problem: arm everyone with little plastic guns that innocent people can use to put violent people to sleep, wrap them with constraining goo or induce confusion.

Since the real driver in the explosion of guns is weapon-makers’ need for profit, he says, they can manufacture all these so-called “stoppers” and keep on profiting.

ATF Attacks the Ammo Industry, Classifies Wetted Nitrocellulose as High Explosive
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Tucked inside a June 2016 Explosives Industry Newsletter, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) took it upon themselves to reclassify wetted nitrocellulose (also known by the terms flash cotton, flash paper, gun cotton, and flash string) as containing more than 12.6 percent nitrogen, and placing it under the high explosive column and now under the federal explosives laws, restrictions, and or regulations.

Ed.: The ATF has temporarily backed off this position, pending more consultation with industry.

Gary Johnson is in Favor Of Armed Teachers in Classrooms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Remnick then tried to hit Johnson with a common point of contention between 2nd Amendment supporters and anti-gun advocates, armed teachers. Johnson, however, maintained his stance that guns are good.

“I’m not going to tell teachers whether or not they should have a gun in the classroom. Come on, man,” said Johnson. “If a teacher would deem that to avail the classroom of potentially being secure, or if the teacher were to deem that something that within their own purview they might prevent an atrocity if it were to occur, I would support the teacher in wanting to be able to do that.”

Recent UN Arms Trade Treaty Conference Marks Dangerous Shift in U.S. Policy
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Moreover, American gun owners’ fears were confirmed. Previously, the U.S. attended ATT meetings as the proverbial adult in the room, ensuring treaty negotiations did not devolve any further. Conversely, at this latest meeting, the U.S. offered support and assurances that the country would ratify the ATT at the first available opportunity.

Barack Obama and the History Books
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When I was in school, I can remember being taught whoppers like: the Second Amendment only applies to militias and/or muskets, the Founders wanted to keep religion separate from the public square, southern Dixiecrats all became Republicans, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt ended the Great Depression. Kids today learn that Bill Clinton was impeached over sex, the Supreme Court gave George W. Bush the presidency in 2000, and the 9/11 terror attack was the fault of the United States, amongst other patently false things.

AZ: License and registration, please: How regulating guns like cars could improve safety
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Americans regulated cars to make them safer and reduce deaths. Use this as a model for gun reform.

In the midst of the Senate’s failure to agree on measures designed to tighten controls around the sales of firearms, a new idea is emerging.

In June, U.S. Representative Jim Hines, a Democrat from Connecticut, appeared on “The Daily Show With Trevor Noah” and said, “we ought to probably test people and make sure there is as much licensing and regulation around a gun as there is around an automobile.”

It’s Time For a Firearms Vocabulary Lesson…
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When it comes to firearms, knowing proper terminology is important. From firearm mechanics to shooting skills to Second Amendment rights, understanding these terms is essential. Unfortunately, without proper instruction, many people easily use this terminology incorrectly, leading them to misunderstand firearms. Let’s clear the air and address some of the most commonly misused terms:

ME: Bloomberg ad on ‘Responsible Maine’ full of safety violations
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Doh! The first ad by Mainers for Responsible Gun Ownership, a group funded in large part by Everytown, breaks multiple gun safety rules in the first few seconds.

The Mainers for Responsible Gun Ownership is pushing a ballot referendum that would expand background checks to most gun transfers in an effort to make the state safer.

However, their first ad, released Friday, shows acts that are anything but.

TX: Texas HBCU Students Show Concern Over New Campus Gun Law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One of the students said: “The truth is this law isn’t for us. It’s for those white boys over at University of Houston.” Because of the constant discrimination of Blacks, this law could be a disaster. Black people won’t be allowed to carry firearms as freely as white people and neither would the law be on their side in a case of a shooting. We need to stand against racial discrimination by police at universities. Black people have the same rights for the second amendment as whites.

Switzerland: Swiss fear EU effort to tighten gun control could disarm law-abiding citizens
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Swiss gun rights proponents fear a new European Union measure to tighten gun control could disarm thousands of law-abiding citizens, Reuters reports.

The proposed gun restrictions which Switzerland, a non-EU member, would be obliged to implement under cross border agreements, has raised hackles among the Swiss, who resent intervention from Brussels, the news wire reported.

It also comes at a time of increased tensions between Switzerland and the EU over Swiss efforts to curb immigration.

Christopher Blocher, a leading voice of the Swiss right, told Reuters Switzerland should end its participation in the system of passport-free travel if the tighter gun restrictions are defeated in a referendum.

FL: Angela Corey, Zimmerman Prosecutor, Loses Primary, 26% to 64%
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When both the NRA and the local president of the NAACP want you out of office, you are in trouble. Angela Corey found herself in that position after ham-handling a number of cases that she chose to prosecute, including George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin self defense case.

Gun sales hit 16th consecutive monthly record in August
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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August marked the 16th consecutive month to hit a record for gun sales, according to data released by the FBI.

A total of 1,853,815 individual background checks were processed through the agency's National Instant Criminal Background Check System for the month. That was a slight increase over the previous record of 1,745,410 set in August 2015, and brought this year's total to a whopping 17,880,475.

Tactical Walls Issue Box
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Okay, so you're right in the middle of a good cry during "The Bridges of Madison County" and some bad guy has the nerve to attempt to break into your house. Rather than dash over to the gun safe in the corner, though, you continue to reach for a tissue...

Except it's no standard tissue box, it's the Issue Box from Tactical Walls. Removing the sturdy polymer housing reveals a hidden section where a small-frame handgun nests securely in foam padding. There's even enough room for a spare magazine.

Gary Johnson Would Veto Gun Control Legislation, 'Optimistic' About Iran Deal
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the final video chapter of my exclusive interview with Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson, we cover gun rights issues and touch on foreign policy. Segments one, two and three are available at the links. Here, Johnson asserted that his ticket is supportive of the Second Amendment (:10), addressed his running mate's recent comment that handguns -- like AR-15's -- are a "problem" (2:08), weighed in on America's national defense and the perils of military interventionism (3:00), and pronounced himself "optimistic" about the Obama administration's Iran nuclear deal (5:18).

IN: Indiana Gun Owners on Pace to Layup a Record Number of Permits
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun owners in Indiana are on pace to top last year’s number of concealed carry permit applications in a big way.

According to analysis by the IndyStar, the number of Hoosiers who hold active licenses to carry handguns has grown by nearly 50 percent since 2012.

And the data that backs their analysis makes their case a slam dunk:

KS: 'Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense' Hopes To Change Kansas Law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Wichita chapter of a nationwide grassroots organization called Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense in America is planning to speak out against the decision by Kansas legislators that will allow people to carry guns on college campuses in the state.

The group is hoping to change state legislation that is set to go into effect next summer. They plan to attend candidate forums, ask tough questions and encourage people to vote.

Ruger CEO to Retire
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Ruger’s accomplishments under the leadership of Chief Executive Officer Michael O. Fifer make his announced retirement in May 2017 noteworthy for gun owners. His efforts were critical in the company’s growth, and helped ensure our Second Amendment rights.

Yesterday Ruger announced Fifer will retire on May 9, 2017, at Ruger’s next annual Board Meeting. What he’s accomplished in a decade at the helm is amazing, and outpaces nearly (if not all) every competitor in the firearm industry.

Why People Don’t Carry Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There are a lot of reasons why people don’t carry guns, including legal, moral, and competence-related excuses.

In this video, Rob Pincus addresses the three most common excuses he hears, all of which can easily be overcome.

Ed.: I'm not sure 'because it is a serious crime' is an excuse, nor is it easy to overcome.

Gun bans don't disarm criminals, gun bans attract them. — WALTER MONDALE

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