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Bloomberg self-defense response highlights mayor's elitist anti-gun hypocrisy
Submitted by: David Codrea

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“'Let me ask you this Miss, if somebody pointed a gun at you and you had a gun in your pocket, what would you do? I think that answers the question,' Bloomberg responded."

Dem platform calls for gun control, but advocates pan language as timid
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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The Democrats' approach to gun control is far too timid and needs a boost of courage to be effective, some leading gun-control advocates are charging.

The draft language of the Democrats' 2012 platform — set for a final vote this week in Charlotte, N.C. — argues that current safeguards protecting the public against gun violence are insufficient and urges "an honest and open conversation about firearms."

The document also calls for "reasonable regulation" governing guns, including laws banning assault weapons and requiring all gun sellers — not just licensed dealers — to perform background checks on potential buyers.

IL: Chicago’s crime wave out of control, but Rahm sends 50 Chicago cops to Democrat National Convention
Submitted by: John Boch

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Chicago’s crime wave continues unabated, but Mayor Rahm “The Godfather” Emanuel finds a way to send fifty of Chicago’s finest to Charlotte, N.C. to babysit Democrats at their convention.

How typical.

Despite Crime Wave, 50 Chicago Police Sent to Dem Convention

Only days after Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel asked for federal agents and U.S. Marshals to help combat the city’s wave of violence, about 50 Chicago police officers have arrived in Charlotte to work perimeter security details for a week at the Democratic National Convention.

...Chicago cops aren’t impressed.

Warning: Graphic. Barack Obama, of Mr. Fast and Furious fame isn’t campaigning for other Dems
Submitted by: John Boch

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Ed.: The linked story contains graphic images of the results of cartel violence in Mexico. *Only* mature adults with strong constitutions should consider following the link.

That’s a real shame, we believe.

The man whose administration brought us Fast and Furious, otherwise known as Project Gunwalker to many of us, is said by a Wall St. Journal reporter to not be campaigning for anyone but himself, despite his bully pulpit.

"The president does almost no fundraising for Senate or House candidates and hasn’t transferred money to other party election committees. His numerous campaign offices rarely coordinate with local candidates or display signs for anyone but Mr. Obama."

Yes, he surely knew of Project Gunwalker, created by his Attorney General, who has done a fine job of ignoring Congressional demands to turn over documents relating to the failed program to send guns from American gun shops...

UK: Farm Shooting Pair Had Been Burgled Before
Submitted by: Mike the Limey

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A couple arrested after two burglars were shot at their remote farm cottage had been burgled several times before, their family has told Sky News.

Police went to the home of Andy Ferrie, 35, and wife Tracey, 43, early on Sunday morning when a man rang 999 to say he had opened fire with a shotgun on four intruders.

Andy’s stepfather Maris Spilner told Sky the pair's farm cottage in Welby, Leicestershire, had been broken into three or four times.

Submitter's note: One can only hope this is considered a justified shooting before it ever gets to court but as it is here in the UK, there is no guarantee that will be the outcome.

UK: Farm tenant arrested after burglars shot was 'plagued by break-ins'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The man is believed to have grabbed a legally owned gun after they were disturbed by the break-in early yesterday.
He is understood to have fired at the intruders who then fled the isolated house at Melton Mowbray, Leics, before calling the police.
Minutes later, an ambulance was called to treat a man with gunshot injuries nearby. It is understood that call was made by one of the suspected burglars.
The arrested man's mother said: "This is not the first time they have been broken into.
"They have been robbed three or four times. One of them was quite nasty.
"They have not been injured but property has been stolen."
Local farmers said the area has been increasingly targeted by car thieves.

NJ: Warren County freeholders turn down prosecutor's 'war wagon' request
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Yippee ki-yay, Richard Burke.
Warren County's new prosecutor got a taste of local politics last week when the freeholder board brushed off his request for a 10,000-pound armored truck.
Freeholder Director Everett Chamberlain said the black, tank-like truck reminded him of something from an action movie. ...
The freeholders questioned what the truck, known as a convoy, would be used for in the heavily rural county.
Burke, who was sworn in in late March, did not return calls for comment.

Submitter's comment: Off in rural areas of New Jersey, near the Pennsylvania border, small pockets of good sense survive and prosecutors don't always get all the toys they ask for.

CO: New university firearm regulations go too far
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In March, the Colorado Supreme Court overturned a University of Colorado policy that banned concealed firearms on CU campuses. This allows anyone with a concealed-carry permit to bring a weapon onto university property.

Recently, the University of Colorado Boulder and University of Colorado Colorado Springs amended their student housing contracts and issued new rules for athletic and cultural events, banning weapons in freshman dorms and at ticketed events.

Though meant to promote safety on campus, the new rules are likely at odds with state law, are inconsistent with the university’s overall policy allowing concealed weapons on campus and create a dangerous situation for students.

IL: Is Chicago’s New Gun Law Legal?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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To hear Patton tell it, this “narrow challenge” to the law was no big deal. (The city even chose not to appeal the decision.) In the wake of the Supreme Court decision two years ago, he says, these sorts of legal disputes are to be expected as people on both sides of the issue try to interpret the subtle meanings of the ruling. Nor does he expect any significant repercussions from three pending lawsuits related to the city’s ban on gun stores, its regulation of gun ranges, and its restrictions on the number of handguns allowed in a home. (Decisions on those cases may come this year.)

Ed.: They didn't expect to lose McDonald, either.

CO: University issues concealed carry regulations
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“I really feel less safe with people with concealed carry on campus,” said Mikaila Ketcherside, a freshman on campus.

“I feel as though they’re not trained, and I know I need a permit, but we’re still young, and a lot of us are teenagers and hot-headed by nature. I don’t feel secure knowing there are hot-headed teenagers on campus with guns.”

Ed.: If this student thinks 21 year-old students are teenagers, she is going to have a tough time in math class.

MI: What's the answer to gun violence?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If trained professionals, 15-year NYPD veterans, can't take down an armed man a few feet away from them without injuring nine bystanders, could civilians really expect to do better under this pressure? Apparently during this incident and one Aug. 11, when police killed a man running around Times Square with an IKEA kitchen knife, bystanders started shooting cellphone video and photos. Far better, I say, than having them pull out personal pistols. But does that settle anything?

Ed.: If cops are so much better than armed civilians, where are the stories of armed civilians intervening to stop a shooter that result in nine innocent people being shot or otherwise injured by their fire?

IN: NRA to visit DePauw
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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NRA-U, a division of the NRA, reached out to DePauw’s chapter of College Republicans over the summer. NRA-U visits college campuses and speaks to students about the NRA, the Second Amendment and the gun control debate. DePauw’s NRA-U event, titled “Arm Yourself with the Facts,” is co-sponsored by the College Republicans and the Trap and Skeet Club.

So far, event planners have not had anyone object to the presentation.

Bloomberg’s gun follies
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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You might know him as one of the richest people in the United States. Or maybe you know him as the guy who wants to take away your Big Gulp. But perhaps his most notorious feat is becoming the nation’s front man for gun control and an adversary of the Second Amendment.

As Mayor of New York City, Michael R. Bloomberg has repeatedly called for anti-gun legislation that will make NYC’s already strict gun laws even more restrictive.Bloomberg is a powerhouse.

UT: Prosecutor: Sandy apartment shooting self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Salt Lake County's top prosecutor says a 35-year-old man who shot and killed an intruder at a Sandy apartment was justified in using deadly force.

Priest Jemelle Mitchell is being cleared in shooting of 41-year-old Brendon Saunders at the Windmill Cove Apartments on June 30.

CA: Neighbors: Early morning shooting an act of self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A 19-year-old man shot and killed an intruder who tried to break into his west Patterson home early Monday, Sept. 3, according to the teen's neighbors.

The Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department received word at 1:09 a.m. that someone had been shot on the 1400 block of Shearwater Drive, according to Sgt. Frank Fenn of the sheriff’s department.

NJ: It's a case for fewer, not more, guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A few days before a 23-year-old ex-Marine walked into a Pathmark in Old Bridge last week carrying an AK-47 assault rifle and an automatic pistol and went on a shooting spree, killing two young workers before committing suicide, Republican leaders in Tampa approved a new platform for their party.

That platform includes language stating that the GOP opposes legislation that would “restrict our Second Amendment rights by limiting the capacity of clips or magazines.”

Magnum Martinez Highlighted Republican Convention for Gun Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez wowed Second Amendment community with her revelation that she carried a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum handgun while guarding Catholic Church property as a young woman.

BLM declares Burning Man Second Amendment-free zone
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Whether this upsets Burning Man organizers and participants, and there does not appear to be any mention of weapons in the almost-anything-goes gathering’s “rules and regulations,” remains unknown, but there are larger principles at stake here.

First, it’s not like crimes of violence, particularly sexual assault and rape are unheard of there, and Mr. Seidlitz’s edict is silent on any responsibility or duty to protect those he demands be defenseless. His notice does admit “Actions by a few participants at previous events have resulted in law enforcement and public safety incidents similar to those observed in urban areas of similar-size populations,” documenting that he knows people he is disarming may be exposed to physical danger.

Olympic Gold Medal Shooter Kim Rhode on Addressing the 2012 Republican National Convention
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Ginny Simone talks to Kim Rhode from the United States Olympic Shooting Team about speaking at, and appearing with, fellow Olympians at the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida.

Ed.: Video story.

CA: California Fish & Game Commission Rejects Proposed Expansion of Lead Ammo Ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a victory for hunters and sport shooters, on August 8, the California Fish and Game Commission rejected a proposal to expand the existing ban on the use of lead ammunition that applies to hunting in certain parts of California.

The proposal would have expanded the existing ban on the use of lead ammunition, now applicable only in the limited “Condor Zone” created by AB 821, to also include State Wildlife Areas, Ecological Reserves, and depredation hunts.

No One Hunts With An ‘Assault Weapon’ or Do They? – Gun Control Lies Files
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With fall a mere few weeks away, and with it the start of the traditional hunting season Nationwide, I thought it would be timely to discuss another in the endless list of lies foisted on a largely ignorant public and intentionally myopic media by Gun Control Advocates, their supporters and Politicians.

That being the trite and well worn buzz phrases that “no one hunts with an assault rifle” or “assault rifles” are not used for hunting or other similar, slightly altered, but massively imbecilic and obtuse comments.

NY: Demand a plan to get illegal guns off streets
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I’m not saying we need new gun restrictions to beat this back. We just need to enforce laws already on the books. We must demand Congress fix the broken background check system. At present, Utica-area criminals can legally travel to other states and buy guns with cash and no questions asked. Nearly all of the guns we recover in Utica come from states where criminals can skip out on the commonsense background check.

Expect No Dynamism on Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The candidates’ lack of enthusiasm can be partly attributed to partisanship. People who favor gun-ownership rights tend to vote Republican, and they dislike Obama’s position so much that they will cast their ballots for any alternative. Gun-owner advocates are doing Romney’s work for him.

John Velleco, director of federal affairs for Gun Owners of America, said that Obama “is the most antigun president ever.” He described the administration’s “coordinated effort” to restrict gun ownership, extending through the Justice Department, with the failed Fast and Furious gun-tracking operation along the U.S.-Mexico border, and as far as the United Nations, which has been debating an international treaty to govern the export of weapons.

OH: 92-year-old Ohio homeowner guns down intruder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A suspected robber is dead Monday morning after being shot by the 92-year-old man whose home he broke into overnight, according to the Boone County Sheriff's Office.

The identity of the deceased 24-year-old man has not been released, but police say he was one of three men who broke into the Verona home of Earl Jones shortly after 2 a.m. Monday.

Jones, 92, told police that he heard noise in his basement on Violet Road at 2:10 a.m. and armed himself with a .22 caliber rifle. At about 2:25 a.m., an intruder walked up from the basement and opened the door to the first floor. At that point, Jones told police, he fired his weapon.

KY: Murray State Police Chief addresses guns on campus
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Kentucky Supreme Court passed a ruling over the summer, which states Kentucky education institutions are in violation of the law if they do not allow students, faculty and staff to keep concealed weapons in the glove compartments of their vehicles.

The Court ruled Kentucky universities were however, allowed to regulate concealed weapons on all other parts of the university.

Murray State Chief of Police David Devoss said there was added need for concern because of the ruling.

The writings of scholars who have written on the subject are virtually united on the point that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, not simply the state national guards. — PROFESSOR GLENN HARLAN REYNOLDS

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