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IN: Michigan City, Valparaiso Police Buying New Weapons
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Michigan City Police Department is trading in 181 guns in a major weapons purchase approved recently by the City Council. Police Chief Mark Swistek told the council the trade-ins include 47 shotguns no longer in use by the department. The Valparaiso Police Department, too, is taking advantage of a sale Glock Inc. is offering area police departments through Oct. 1.

Video—ARTV: Pacific War, Pearl Harbor, Part 2
Submitted by: David Williamson

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In Part 2 of “The Men and Guns of the Pacific War,” American Rifleman Television continues its in-depth look at “the day that will live in infamy,” the Japanese attack of the American fleet at Pearl Harbor. Field Editor Marty Morgan and the ARTV camera crew are on site at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific where many Medal of Honor recipients are buried. The cemetery was established at the Punchbowl Crater in Hawaii in 1949 to provide a final place of burial for American military service personnel who were killed in action during World War II but were buried on remote islands like Guam, Saipan, Iwo Jima or Okinawa.

IL: Chicago Shootings Claim at Least 5 Lives Over Labor Day Weekend
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Chicago’s crime rates have lived up to their national notoriety over Labor Day weekend, with shootings killing at least five people and wounding more. The dead included a man, 18, shot in the chest and head while standing on a sidewalk; a man, 32, shot in the neck by a man wearing a mask; and a woman, 30, struck in the back of the head while standing in an alley, WMAQ reported.

Billionaire Blazers Owner Paul Allen Donates $100K to GOP
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Paul Allen, the billionaire Seattle Seahawks and Portland Trailblazers owner and Microsoft co-founder, made his largest-ever foray into congressional politics this year by donating $100,000 to a group seeking to keep Republicans in control of the U.S. House. The Seattle Times reports that the June 14 donation, disclosed in mid-July, went to Protect the House, a committee headed by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California.

NJ: Millville Faculty Getting 'Active Shooter' Training
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Staff at city schools are opening their 2018-19 school year with a four-hour training session on Tuesday morning about dealing with “active shooter” incidents. The instruction is coming from the Millville Police Department and district administrators already have gotten a briefing, according to Sgt. John Redden.

TN: Tennessee's Big Game Hunting Season Starts Sept. 22
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A twig snapped deep in the East Tennessee woods early on a misty hunt, and Randy Jones, a local hunter, watched a buck wander by him and his son. Hidden by a blind, his son notched an arrow and Jones gave him the signal. Then he let it loose.

NY: Hunting Season for Canada geese Opens in Upstate New York
Submitted by: David Williamson

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It's open season for Canada geese in New York, and state regulators have set liberal bag limits and extended shooting hours to maximize the number of geese killed.

Living in the Danger Zone
Submitted by: David Williamson

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With a bullet in her gut, her voice choked with pain, Dee Hill pleaded with the 911 dispatcher for help. “My husband accidentally shot me,” Hill, 75, of The Dalles, Ore., groaned on the May 16, 2015, call. “In the stomach, and he can’t talk, please … ” Less than four feet away, Hill’s husband, Darrell Hill, a former local police chief and two-term county sheriff, sat in his wheelchair with a discharged Glock handgun on the table in front of him, unaware that he’d nearly killed his wife of almost 57 years.

CA: Shooting in Southeast Bakersfield Based on Alleged Trespassing
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Kern County Sheriff's Office reports that two men were involved in a shooting Sunday night in southeast Bakersfield. It happened on East Pacheco Road near Union Avenue.

The Importance of Stand Your Ground
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Alabama’s Stand Your Ground immunity hearings are becoming more and more common. On Dec. 3, 2013, Demetrius Watson was confronted by a Chilton County woman at his Shelby County property. Court documents show that the woman claimed that Watson had killed her baby, and was threatening his family.

SAF Joined By Other Pro Gun Groups In Filing Amicus Brief In Mass. Gun Ban Case
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Second Amendment Foundation has been joined by several other groups and Second Amendment scholars in filing an amicus brief with the First U.S. Court of Appeals supporting a challenge of the Massachusetts semi-auto rifle ban. Joining SAF are the Cato Institute, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Millennial Policy Center and the Independence Institute. The case is known as Worman v. Healey.

Gun Lube: How Much Is Too Much?
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Sentry Products’ Tuf-Cloth offers a quick and easy lube solution to protecting your guns from the hazards of friction, rust and wear. I would like some insight regarding proper of a pistol that I carry for self-defense, especially when it is paired with an inside-the-waistband (IWB) holster. The clerk at the gun shop told me I should carry it bone dry because lubricant attracts dirt, which will cause the gun to jam. The owner’s manual recommends the gun be lubricated to work properly.

Video Update on Wyoming ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ Legislation – TAKE ACTION
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Michael Bloomberg is probably smiling from ear to ear right now in NYC, as he plots his new strategy of attacking our Second Amendment freedoms here in Wyoming. That’s because the support for ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation continues to grow — being sold as a ‘common sense compromise’ amongst lawmakers in state legislatures all over the country.

TX: Parkland Survivor's GoFundMe Raises $10K for Texas Billboard Featuring Anti-Cruz Trump Tweets
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A GoFundMe account raised nearly $10,000 for the billboard after Trump endorsed Cruz, who is in a tight race against Democrat Beto O’Rourke, Friday in a tweet. “I will be doing a major rally for Senator Ted Cruz in October,” Trump tweeted. “I’m picking the biggest stadium in Texas we can find. As you know, Ted has my complete and total Endorsement.”

American Bar Association Unanimously Rates Kavanaugh ‘Well Qualified’ for Supreme Court
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The American Bar Association (ABA) rated Judge Brett Kavanaugh “well qualified” for the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday, the highest rating possible from the organization that Senate Democrats call the “gold standard” for nominees, boosting the prospects for President Donald Trump’s second nominee to the nation’s highest court.

TN: Bill Lee, Karl Dean Differ on Arming Teachers, Constitutional Carry
Submitted by: David Williamson

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It's not every day Gov. Bill Haslam's views on a topic align more with the Democratic gubernatorial nominee than the Republican running to succeed him. But that is the case when it comes to how Bill Lee and Karl Dean, the nominees for the GOP and Democratic Party, respectively, approach some gun policy issues.

MA: Gun Owners Group Gives Officials Low Marks
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Gun rights groups didn't fare well in the recent legislative session, with lawmakers pushing through bipartisan bills banning bump stocks, giving police more authority to seize guns and regulating stun guns as firearms. As such, most Beacon Hill leaders received low grades from the state affiliate of the National Rifle Association ahead of the primary and general election.

WV: As Gun Shop Nears 50 years, Owner Receives Special Gift
Submitted by: David Williamson

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An area businessman of nearly 50 years was honored recently with a gift commemorating his life and family. Jim Wheeler, owner of Wheeler's Guns and Ammo, opened his doors on July 1, 1972, not knowing that 46 years later his business would be one of the largest gun and ammunition retailers in the Mountain State.

Mommie Dearest: School Shootings, Toxic Masculinity & “Boys Will Be Boys”
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Another school shooting. This time it took place at Marysville-Pilchuck High School in Washington state. Fourteen-year-old high school freshman Jaylen Fryberg, pulled a gun out during lunch and began shooting, killing two 14-year-old girls, and severely wounding three other students before dying from a self-inflicted gun shot. Like with each school shooting before this one, we all sit back and wonder… why? How?

CA: 7 bills California Just Sent to The Governor for Approval
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A host of legislative bills will be waiting for Governor Jerry Brown's approval after being approved in the past week. The bills include policies impacting school start times, wildfire response, net neutrality, a 4 a.m. last call, and an age restriction for gun purchases. Many of the bills were contentious in the legislature, however, they have all managed to pass both houses.

Corporate Gun-Grabbers
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Last week during a town hall meeting in Texas, Ted Cruz elicited an exchange between one of his supporters and a backer of Democrat challenger Beto O'Rourke. Cruz began by saying, “On the Second Amendment—” only to be interrupted by a gun-rights supporter yelling, “Come and take it!” The apparent O'Rourke acolyte responded, “Oh, we will!” Ordinarily, an anecdotal exchange with a wannabe gun-grabber would be cause for amusement. But these are not ordinary times. Corporate fascism — as in gun-grabbing promoted as virtue-signaling — is on the rise.

More Self-Defense Gun Stories
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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Responsible gun owners defended themselves, but you didn't hear it in the news. Instructor Elizabeth Hautman joins host Rob Morse to talk about four recent examples.

Are you armed at home early on a Sunday morning?
Are you armed when you're visiting friends?
Are you armed at work before you open the store?
Are you armed when you're driving your car?

What would you do in these situations? These gun owners survived a lethal threat because they had a gun and a plan. Text and podcast available at the link. (25 minutes)

I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them. — George Mason, during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788)

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