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Sick minds of shooters a bigger problem than guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"DON'T BLAME the gun. Blame the psychologically unhinged man who pulled the trigger."

"Blame a mental heath system that allows people of unsound mind to walk free to hurt themselves -- or others, as Tuesday's horrific shooting spree in Skagit County shows."

"The suspect, 28-year-old Isaac Zamora, has an extensive criminal record and a history of mental illness. His family said they did what they could to get him help ..."

"... we've come to know such deadly outbursts. The names and places may change. The bodies pile up." ...

"The deeper question, one that often goes unaddressed or gets pushed aside in a knee-jerk clamor for a gun crackdown, is this: How do we handle unquiet minds before the violence?" ...

ACLU very selective in upholding Bill of Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The American Civil Liberties Union says, 'Majority power is limited by the Constitution's Bill of Rights, which consists of the original ten amendments ratified in 1791 ... The mission of the ACLU is to preserve all of these protections and guarantees.'"

"ACLU doesn't mean all of the original 10 amendments because its policy No. 47 says, 'Except for lawful police and military purposes, the possession of weapons by individuals is not constitutionally protected,' thereby ignoring the Second Amendment." ...

"In blatant disregard of constitutional law, ACLU's new position is, 'The ACLU interprets the Second Amendment as a collective (militia) right. Therefore, we disagree with the Supreme Court's decision in D.C. v. Heller.'"

Don't Waste Energy on Rule Allowing Concealed Guns in National Parks
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A lot of people are hot and bothered about the Bush administration's proposed rule to allow concealed weapons in national parks, but practically, is this really worth our time and effort?"

"Yes, it's maddening to tolerate such low-end, election-year politics spurred by the National Rifle Association (NRA), but I say give the gun lobby this hollow victory, so we can spend our time and energy on issues that could really help our national parks instead of worrying about something that's already happening and hasn't caused any problems." ...

Gun Groups, Buoyed by Court Ruling, Are Working for More
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gun rights groups are planning a busy election season."

"To maintain momentum gained from the Supreme Court's ruling in June striking down the District of Columbia's handgun ban and declaring that the Second Amendment grants[sic] individuals a right to own firearms, the gun groups have launched the most ambitious voter registration and education drives they've ever attempted. Congressional election endorsements from the [NRA] are due this month. Also on tap is a media blitz by multiple groups in competitive districts."

"At the Republican convention, strategic planning is under way."

"'It's a chance for us to sit down and buttonhole the candidates on legislative matters,' said Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the [CCRKBA]."

Palin Pick Protects Pistol Power, Notes Self-Defense Advocate, and Overshadows Obama Oscillation on Second Amendment Issues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'When John McCain picked Alaska's sharp shooting Gov. Sarah Palin for his vice-presidential running mate, the selection underscored the significance of Americans' gun rights in the forthcoming presidential election, galvanizing the Second Amendment movement into support for the McCain candidacy,' firearm rights advocate John M. Snyder of Telum Associates ( stated here today."

"'The McCain-Palin ticket,' Snyder added, 'contrasts sharply with gun-grabbing records of Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden.'" ...

Palin May Be NRA's Best Ammo
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"By now, millions of Americans have seen photos of vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin testing weapons while visiting members of the Alaska National Guard in Kuwait."

"But it wouldn't be surprising if millions more in battleground states get to see similar pictures soon -- plus appearances by Palin herself -- in states where gun rights are a big issue, courtesy of the National Rifle Association's fat $40 million budget for this year's elections and parallel plans by the McCain campaign to deploy Palin where gun owners are numerous." ...

John Longnecker: My Two Cents In A Multi-Million Dollar Campaign, Part II
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Well, I promised you more to come."

"With the naming of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as running mate of John McCain, there's a lot to appreciate in how America may change and for the better."

"Will America become more mature and less adolescent in the next four years? Will this become a greater dependability on self in self-rule instead of dependency on government.. and losing self-rule? " ...

Firearms Industry Congratulates Palin on Nomination; Urges Sportsmen to Register to Vote
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) -- the trade association for the firearms industry -- congratulated Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on accepting the Republican nomination for vice president of the United States. The industry's association also reminded all hunters, sportsmen and gun-owners to register to vote and secure an absentee ballot if they plan on being in the field on Election Day, Nov. 4."

"Governor Palin, a true member of the 'hook and bullet' community, is a lifelong hunter, sportswoman and firearms owner. She is also a life member of the National Rifle Association who has a clear record of supporting the American traditions of hunting and firearms ownership." ...

Ten points of hogwash
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I found the letter on 'Barack Obama's ten-point plan' utterly amazing. To the best of my Internet research, that kind of attack on Obama's 'Second Amendment' position is too extreme for even the [NRA]."

"The NRA has, admittedly, created its scary profile of Obama's position from the people who support him (guilt by association) and his voting record. It has extrapolated, from any indication contrary to their wishes, that Obama wishes gun owners total harm. But, then, their 'official' articles qualify (as I paraphrase): 'Well, he must believe that, because some of those damn liberals we fear most believe that.'" ...

Loaded Questions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I've seen a Brady Campaign list of questions for Vice Presidential Candidate Palin going around the net today. I serously doubt that Ms. Palin will find it necessary to address the concerns of an astroturf group as irrelevant to national politics as the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership, so I'm going to take the liberty of addressing the questions they ask:"
"In view of your being 'a lifetime member of the NRA,' what is your reaction to the disclosure that the NRA has been paying a woman to spy on gun violence prevention groups and the victims they represent for over 10 years?"
"What violence prevention groups? As far as I know, the NRA has only been accused of 'spying on' anti-gun groups like the Brady Campaign and the Freedom States Alliance." ...

NH: Off-duty NH officer charged with DWI
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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An off-duty New Hampshire police officer turned down a chance to avoid a sobriety checkpoint and ended up getting charged with drunken driving.

Franklin police say they arrested Brad Wheeler - a police corporal in Newbury - after he failed a sobriety test during the weekend.

State law requires police to warn drivers they are approaching checkpoints so they can choose alternate routes. Franklin police say they assume Wheeler saw a warning sign but chose to go through the checkpoint.

They say he was put in a holding cell and his car was towed after his arrest.

Newbury police declined to say whether the arrest would affect Wheeler's job.

TX: Illinois deputy arrested on drug charges in Texas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A longtime sheriff's deputy from Illinois and his traveling companion have been arrested on drug possession charges in Texas."

"Forty-seven-year-old Cook County Deputy Darryl Jenkins and 31-year-old Dorothy Edwards were arrested Sunday when they were returning to Chicago from Los Angeles. ..."

"Texas authorities say they found 138 pounds of marijuana and 4,000 grams of cocaine in the couple's vehicle during a traffic stop. The drugs have a street value of about $368,000 and were found inside luggage."

"Both remain jailed on Tuesday on $60,000 bail each. ..."

"Cook County Sheriff's spokesman Steve Patterson says Jenkins has been placed on paid suspension."

"Jenkins was a Chicago courthouse deputy for 22 years."

NJ: Shore cops say Healy wanted it 'swept under rug'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"You are going to be sorry for this whole incident."
- "Do yourself a favor and get your chief down here before this goes any further because I can't believe you don't know who I am."
- "I can't believe you maced me. You had no reason to do that. I wasn't resisting. I wasn't fighting you. I didn't do anything wrong. I am the mayor of Jersey City. I was a judge, I was a lawyer, I am a good personal friend with your Chief (Lenny Guida)."
- " . I'm sorry. Call the chief and let's get this rectified without any charges. For the good of your town, for the good of your department, for the good of my city, we need to resolve this without charges."

Submitter's Comment: Healy's a member of Bloomberg's anti-gun mayors group.

NY: Buffalo Police Batter Their Way Into the Wrong House
Submitted by: Larry

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"Armed with a battering ram and shotguns, Buffalo police looking for heroin broke down the door and stormed the lower apartment of a West Side family of eight."

"The problem is that the Wednesday evening raid should have occurred at an apartment upstairs."

"And, that’s only the tip of the iceberg, according to Schavon Pennyamon, who lives at the mistakenly raided apartment ... with her husband, Terrell, and six children."

"Pennyamon alleges that after wrongly breaking into her apartment, police proceeded to strike her epileptic husband in the head with the butt end of a shotgun and point shotguns at her young children before admitting their mistake and then raiding the right apartment." ...

NE: Nebraska man sues prosecutor to get his leg back
Submitted by: motoboy

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After being shot five times, a western Nebraska man had to go to court to get his prosthetic leg back from prosecutors.

The Box Butte County Attorney's office gave Val McCabe's leg back Wednesday after a judge ordered it returned.

McCabe's prosthetic left leg had been held since Friday's shooting because prosecutors wanted to run tests on it and a bullet lodged inside.

The 58-year-old McCabe, who lost his leg below the knee in a railroad accident roughly 30 years ago, filed his lawsuit Tuesday.

McCabe lawyer argued it wasn't practical for him to replace the specially built, $28,000 prosthesis.

Police removed the bullet from the leg before returning it. No arrests had been made by Wednesday.

TN: Former LaFollette officer charged with rape
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A former LaFollette police officer faces charges of raping a woman at gunpoint during a traffic stop.

A Campbell County grand jury indicted Jeremy S. Cross last week on charges of aggravated rape, official oppression and two counts of official misconduct. The charges stem from July 5, when Cross would have been on duty, said Mike Ripley, an assistant district attorney general.

He wouldn’t give any other details about the case.

“These are the charges, and that’s all I can say,” Ripley said.

Cross resigned after the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation began looking into the case in July. He could make his first court appearance Sept. 8.

CA: SD officer charged with tipping off drug suspects
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A San Diego police officer has been charged with tipping off suspected drug dealers about a narcotics investigation."

"Juan Hurtado Tapia, who the traffickers allegedly refered to as 'Corrupto,' was charged Wednesday in federal court with obstruction, fraud and making false statements."

"A federal complaint says Tapia used a police computer to run criminal history checks for suspected members of a drug-trafficking ring. It also alleges he warned at least one suspect against trying to cross the border from Mexico on a particular night." ...

"David Ramirez, San Diego police executive assistant chief, says Tapia's police powers were revoked in August and he was placed on unpaid leave Wednesday."

UK: Tony Blair Bodyguard Leaves Gun in Starbucks Bathroom
Submitted by: gemalo

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"A blundering bodyguard of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair left a loaded pistol inside a Starbucks bathroom during a pit stop while on duty."

"The semi-automatic Glock 17 remained on the floor of the coffee shop's only toilet for nearly 20 minutes as Blair's close protection officer tried to retrace her steps."

"It was eventually found by a horrified Starbucks employee, who called police."

"The gun was linked to the officer when cops compared its serial number to those logged at a police armory. She was 'removed from operational duties.'" ...

"After leaving the bathroom, the officer stopped to buy a coffee and then walked out — completely forgetting she had left the gun behind." ...

Canada: Veteran Calgary police officer charged with assault in connection with bar fight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A veteran police officer has been charged in connection with an off-duty melee at a northwest Calgary bar.

Const. Darwin Pearce, 41, has been charged with assault and uttering threats in connection with an incident at a bar in Kensington on Dec. 22, 2007. The 18-year member of the police force is on leave with pay.

The charges came following an investigation by the Calgary police professional standards section and a review by the Crown prosecutor's office in Edmonton which recommended laying charges.

NY: High-tech targets gunfire
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A high-tech listening system that reports immediately when and where gunshots are fired might become the next tool police will deploy to fight gun violence in the city's most crime-ridden neighborhoods."

"Instead of relying solely on calls from residents, the acoustic surveillance system known as ShotSpotter will triangulate the sound of a fired gun to within feet of where it was fired."

"'It's impressive. It's an excellent tool for the safety of our residents and for our police to do an even better job,' Mayor Harry Tutunjian said Wednesday after watching a demonstration at Knickerbacker Park." ...

WA: Field Expedient Medical Care for Outdoorsmen in Austere Environments - 9/12-14
Submitted by: concerned american

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"This two-day (16 hour) course of instruction will prepare the motivated outdoorsman to treat life-threatening and function-threatening medical conditions in the wilderness without access to classical EMS and medical resources."

"The working hypothesis of this program is an injury or illness sustained by a family or work group remote from medical resources by distance, time, or availability (grid-down) over a short to intermediate interval."

"Designed by a retired Emergency Physician with 35 years of Trauma, EMS/ Rescue, and instructional experience, the methods and techniques taught are derived from over 10 years of front-line trauma care in an urban gangland zone and over 35 years of medical practice ..." ...

DC: Gun sales start Tuesday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"District residents will be able to buy handguns starting next Tuesday."

"The District began registering handguns in mid-July ... But, as of last month, only 11 handguns had been registered."

"The low number could be because there was no way for residents to buy a handgun and get it transferred into the city. That's about to change." ...

"Charles Sykes, the only licensed firearms dealer in the District willing to transfer handguns for individuals, tells WTOP his office in Anacostia will be open for business next week."

"Sykes says he will be charging a $125 fee to transfer each handgun. Gun stores in Maryland and Virginia charge as little as $25 for the same service. ..." ...

FL: Stop criminals' access to guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Letter writer Arthur Hayhoe may unwittingly be moving closer to the NRA's position on one issue than he may care to acknowledge."

"He writes, 'Guns in schools and colleges is simply another more-guns solution the NRA continually pushes, instead of restricting criminal access to handguns that would make a difference.' How does Mr. Hayhoe's fight against allowing students with concealed weapon licenses to carry handguns on campus restrict criminal access to handguns?"

"If a student with a Florida license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm is permitted, through an act of the Florida Legislature, to carry a handgun on campus, how can that student be considered a criminal? ..." ...

Canada: Dawson coroner calls for gun ban
Submitted by: Trapper

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"A coroner's report into the deadly Sept. 13, 2006 shooting rampage at Dawson College recommends banning the type of assault rifle used in the killings and giving police heavier weapons." ...

"Ramsay said police should be allowed one or two rifles that would be kept in the trunks of their vehicles or that of their supervisor."

"His report also noted that the gunman, Kimveer Gill, was treated for depression and suicidal thoughts 18 months before receiving a gun permit to obtain a semi-automatic Beretta CX4 Storm rifle."

"Ramsay said the short-barrelled military-style assault weapon is light, accurate and easy to aim. He said it is up to the federal public safety minister to ban it." ...

KABA Note: But wasn't the $2 Billion registry supposed to fix these problems?

The whole of the Bill of Rights is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of. — Albert Gallatin of the New York Historical Society, October 7, 1789.

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