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OH: Recent attacks prompt self-defense and concealed carry options
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Although this week's attack has prompted calls for people to apply for concealed carry permits, Mahoning County Sheriff Jerry Greene said that's not the answer for everyone.

“There are certain individuals that I think would be able to effectively handle and carry weapons, and there is a responsibility for those, too. Then there are the individuals who should not,” Greene said

Brett Kavanaugh: His views on key issues he could face as a Supreme Court justice
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Kavanaugh said he based his dissent on a Supreme Court ruling that "dangerous and unusual weapons" – such as machine guns – could be banned. But he said he didn't see semi-automatic rifles as "unusual."

"Handguns and semi-automatic rifles are weapons used for hunting and self-defense," he said. "That’s what makes this issue difficult."

Why Black And Brown People Will Never Be Safe In States With ‘Stand Your Ground’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In Florida, very little has changed by way of policy with regard to SYG. Yet, there is hope. Recently, Andrew Gillum clenched the democratic nomination for governor of Florida and one of his strongest campaign promises was that he’d repeal SYG. He recognizes that black and brown people are less safe with SYG on the books.

Mossberg 590M: A Game Changer for Pump Shotguns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Mossberg 590M is a pump shotgun that takes detachable magazines with capacities of five rounds, ten rounds, 15 rounds, or 20 rounds.
In other words, the 590M is a game changer.

The 590M with a heat shield weighs approximately eight pounds and is extremely balanced. You shoot it and immediately forget that a magazine holding 15 or 20 rounds is hanging from it. And the heat shield model, which is the model being reviewed, has a rear ghost ring sight with an orange front sight that naturally comes on target.

Three Battlbox Knives, Fieldcraft, DMF Folder & Double-Lock Karambit
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I recently received a request to review some knives from an outfit named Battlbox. I usually just review & test hunting & fishing knives but due to being outdoors I do cross over into survival types of knives sometimes. I don’t usually do any knife fighting type of reviews but, just like the rest of you I live in a wicked world and out of necessity in the past have carried a knife for protection at times. So with that said, let’s cover three knives that Battlbox sent me.

TX: Sig Sauer Academy offers handgun, rifle courses at Texas ranch in October
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sig Sauer Academy is headed to Texas offering handgun and rifle courses to the Lone Star state during the month of October, the company announced in a press release Tuesday.

The courses will be held at Reveille Peak Ranch in Burnet, Texas and will be taught by Sig Sauer Academy instructors. The Handgun Series kicks off the Texas dates, Oct. 10-14 with four classes scheduled. Starting with Handgun 101 — a foundational, entry level course — the series works up to Handgun 104, a fast-paced pistol class designed to teach students how to survive a deadly force encounter with their pistol.

ABC’s Moran Laments Kavanaugh Didn’t Open Himself Up to Be Borked
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Wednesday’s 12-hour Senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh brought with it some substantive discussions for once. Senators peppered the candidate with hypothetical questions about how he would rule in certain situations. Kavanaugh being a studied judicial mind, he avoided giving his opinion because that was how Democrats sunk the nomination of Robert Bork. But ABC correspondent Terry Moran was not having any of it and acted like it wasn’t normal.

Kavanaugh Files: Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“Now, whether I agree with that test or not was not the issue before me,” Kavanaugh told Feinstein. “I have to follow the precedent of the Supreme Court as it’s written, and that’s what I tried to do in that case.”

Howe, writing on SCOTUS blog, said Kavanaugh’s “discussion of the proper test to use to review gun laws suggests that he might be willing to uphold some gun laws, such as those requiring a license to carry a concealed weapon, as long as they are consistent with the history and tradition of regulating guns.”

Feinstein Clashes With Kavanaugh on Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) tangled with Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Second Amendment jurisprudence during his confirmation hearing Wednesday morning, criticizing the Supreme Court's precedent on firearms in common use.

Feinstein asked Kavanaugh about his dissent, as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, in District of Columbia v. Heller, in which he argued a handgun ban was unconstitutional. Feinstein asked which weapons were protected under the "common use" standard and "what evidence or study did you use to do that?"

Kavanaugh replied that, as a circuit judge, "I don't get to pick and choose which Supreme Court precedents I get to follow. I follow them all."

Levi Strauss CEO calls for stricter gun laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The CEO of Levi Strauss urged business leaders to back new gun-control measures, saying the jeans maker will provide $1 million to activists and partner with Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety to promote stricter firearm laws.

In an op-ed published by Fortune Opens a New Window. magazine, Chip Bergh argued that executives “simply cannot stand by silently” on the issue of gun control, adding that “doing nothing is no longer an option” even though taking a stance might be “unpopular with some.”

Brett Kavanaugh won't keep Americans safe
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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According to Kavanaugh's dissent, state legislatures all around the country lose the ability to regulate weapons if they are not banned quickly enough to prevent them from being in "common use." This "common use" test defies common sense. The gun lobby has effectively promoted its modern weaponry and dominated some jurisdictions and politicians, as shown by its ability to even prevent Congress from having a vote on a universal background check system that 90% of all Americans (and a majority of NRA members) supported. Kavanaugh doesn't explain how the NRA stranglehold on these jurisdictions and politicians could then deprive all states and localities from the capacity to craft "those wise restraints that make men free."

Kavanaugh confirmation chaos offers a preview of what life would be like if Dems ran the government
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on his nomination to the Supreme Court was set for its second day Wednesday, after the unhinged left was on full display on the opening day Tuesday.

Partisan rancor reigned as outbursts, interruptions, protests, and juvenile political stunts broke out when opponents of the nomination attempted to highjack the day’s proceedings.

Each Trump-hating Democrat on the committee took his or her turn flaunting the left’s radical anti-freedom agenda, as the American people got a glimpse of what life would look like if Democrats were entrusted with control of government.

CA: Assemblymember Todd Gloria Urges Governor Brown to Sign Gun Safety Legislation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Assemblymember Todd Gloria held a press conference Wednesday urging Governor Brown to sign gun safety legislation he authored that would require weapons training for concealed weapon permit (CCW) applicants.

“This not an infringement on the Second Amendment,” Gloria assured. “We understand that’s enshrined in the Constitution, and this is not going to change that. What we’re interested in is if you want the privilege of walking around in public with a loaded gun, you should have to demonstrate some ability to do that in a fashion.”

Brett Kavanaugh's Extreme Beliefs on Gun Control Ignore the Concerns of Most Americans
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the wake of the devastating Parkland shooting, teenage survivors from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School harnessed the power of grass-roots democracy to push for change. Students and voters across the nation stood with them — and got results. Since the February shooting, 26 states have passed more than 50 new gun safety laws.

But this progress — and more — could be swept away for decades to come if the Senate gives the green light to President Donald Trump’s 53-year-old U.S. Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. His hostile view of gun regulations sets him apart from nearly every other federal judge in the country.

GA: Law of Self Defense: Life Sentence Affirmed for “Warning Shot” That Hurt No One
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Defendant argued that his lawyer should have requested the jury be told he had the right to use, or threaten, deadly defensive force against the men from the other vehicle if he reasonably believed those men were attempting a violent and tumultuous entry into the Mustang for the purpose of offering violence to those within. This would have justified his threat of deadly defensive force—his claimed “warning shot.”

No luck, however. The Georgia Supreme Court notes that Georgia has not yet established any precedent that “defense of habitation” applies to someone else’s habitation, and in this case the car was not the Defendant’s.

Judge bans online distribution of 3D-printed gun blueprints until court case is resolved
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Wednesday’s episode of “The Morning Blaze,” Doc Thompson spoke with Emily Taylor, an independent program attorney at U.S. Law Shield, to discuss the ongoing proceedings regarding the distribution of blueprints for 3D-printed guns.

The U.S. Law Shield is a legal defense organization for self-defense cases founded in 2009 with the goal of protecting citizens fed up with abuse in the legal system toward gun owners.

WV: NRA uses Trump speech to attack Manchin’s gun rights stance
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association is going after the gun-rights stance of U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin in a television ad using a speech by President Donald Trump in the moderate Democrat’s home state.

Trump, at a recent appearance in Charleston, West Virginia, endorsed Manchin’s opponent this fall, Republican state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey. Without going into specifics about Manchin, Trump told the audience that Democrats want to take away Second Amendment rights.

SC: Video Helps Man Get Not Guilty Verdict in Fatal Shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A jury has found a man not guilty of murder in a shooting death after an argument in a South Carolina Waffle House.

Eric Nixon's lawyer said he feared for his life in February 2017 when he shot 28-year-old Wayne Bell in the parking lot of the Columbia restaurant.

Witnesses testified that Nixon went after Bell, but defense lawyer Micah Leddy told The State newspaper a video from a bystander showed Bell following Nixon into the parking lot after the argument.

PA: Gun Shop Proposed for Society Hill Shopping Plaza in L. Saucon
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If you have been wishing a gun shop would open in the Saucon Valley, you’ll likely be happy to hear that one is proposed for the Society Hill shopping plaza on Friedensville Road in Lower Saucon Township.

According to paperwork included with the Lower Saucon Township Council meeting agenda for Sept. 5, 2018, the gun shop would be operated by Lloyd Tactical, which is owned by licensed firearms dealer Brian Lloyd of Upper Saucon Township.

A letter dated June 20, 2018, describes the proposed business as one that would employ two people per day and average seven customers per day.

WA: NRA-ILA Launches Initiative to Stop Assault on Washingtonians’ Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“Under this definition, many hunting guns, competitive shooting rifles, and target-shooting guns that match the current definition of ‘rifle’ under current Washington State law would all become ‘assault rifles,’” it said. Even rimfire rifles like the Ruger 10-22, Remington 597 or Marlin Model 60 are included in the law. Age-based gun purchases, storage requirements that make it difficult or impossible to use the firearm for self-defense, additional fees on sales and transfers of firearms, and a new “verification” process that ensures and enforces compliance are all in store for firearm owners statewide if the measure should pass.

Reporters today are far removed from America's founding values and are alarmed and contemptuous of gun owners as dangerous lower classes. — HENRY ALLEN, WASHINGTON POST

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