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10 officers honored with Medal of Valor for heroism under fire
Submitted by: Copper

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The man was armed with two assault rifles and more than 400 rounds of ammunition. He was mentally unstable and trained in urban warfare tactics. He came gunning for Los Angeles Police Department Officer Romik Keshishi in an underground garage only six weeks after Keshishi graduated from the academy.
"I can still see his eyes," Keshishi said Wednesday after receiving the LAPD's Medal of Valor. "It was scary. You think, 'Oh, my God, this guy's trying to kill me.'....

Scot knows his shotgunning
Submitted by: Shotgunner

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"Eighteen months ago, Blakely was named resident shooting coach at the exclusive Dallas Gun Club. The driven pheasant shoots from his chilly homeland have been replaced by wild doves riding a hot Texas wind. Between hunting seasons, Blakely stays busy teaching the improbable art and science of shotgunning."

Made it in a California news source, no less. Wow.

Waco Whistleblowing
Submitted by: Waco

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"Last September, there were hints that the Waco cover-up might end. In response to the FBI admission it had previously lied about using incendiary devices before the final conflagration, the Justice Department's primary opponent of independent investigations, Janet Reno, was promising one on Waco."

"Yet Janet Reno's interest in uncovering the truth about Waco was no greater than her interest in uncovering the truth about Chinese Communist money entering the 1996 presidential campaign."

Gore's Lies, New and Old
Submitted by: Gore-nocchio

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At least Bill Clinton lies well. This guy is done.

Deputy accidentally shoots self in church parking lot
Submitted by: Gun Safety!!!!!

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"Deputy John Kolinek was loading his .357-caliber Magnum pistol at around 8 a.m. when it went off, hitting him in the left leg.

"He had just gotten a new box of ammunition, and he was loading the gun when it went off," he said. "He does not know what happened."
What HAPPENED is you pointed a loaded weapon in an unsafe direction and pulled the trigger. Real tough way to learn how stupid that is, too. And with a revolver no less...

11 year old brought gun to school
Submitted by: Dang!!

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Bummer. Some crackhead probably threw the gun down, this kid finds it and brings it to school, probably because guns, to him, or so "mystical" in this society - and his training has been negative none.

And who gets the bad reputation because of one unfortunate incident? Yes, that's right, the 83,000,000 gun owners who didn't have anything to do with it.

Robbery attempt foiled, scumbags in jail
Submitted by: Armed Citizen

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"GREENSBORO -- They were expecting an easy target -- and dinner too. Instead, two teenagers had their robbery attempt foiled Wednesday night when a Greensboro police officer posed as a pizza deliveryman, police say."

"Police arrested the two 15-year-old boys, whose names were not released, and charged them with common-law robbery."

Good job, officer.

NC: Two insurance robberies
Submitted by: Robbery Alert

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Wonder if the people at these offices are "allowed" to carry a gun by their employers.

Glad nobody was hurt, but an armed and prepared citizen might have turned the tides and taken these pukes off the streets. (though it does look like the perps got the drop on the people, because they weren't prepared)

More people charged with federal gun crimes
Submitted by: Project Exile Alert

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"Eight cases have been dismissed. U.S. attorney spokesman Jeff Dorschner said most of the dismissals were caused by the unavailability of witnesses or evidence."

Some good is coming of this, but some DANGEROUS precedents are being set. Read it with a keen eye.

"Violence on decline, but many live in fear"
Submitted by: Preposterous

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"Call it secondhand fear - most people, even those who are not crime victims, feel threatened by the perception that violence lurks everywhere, a trio of clinical psychologists at California State University, Northridge, said Thursday."
They are in fear for two reasons. One, the media scares the heck out of everybody by overblowing the crime situation - by order of magnitude. Two, they aren't prepared to deal with a violent criminal if he comes to their doorstep.

Get a gun and learn.

Movie "Way of the Gun" Misfires (good, let it burn)
Submitted by: Bad Movie

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Though I haven't seen this movie, it looks to glorify violence. I don't like guns being maligned in that way. It gives us lawful people a bad name.

Neighbors take aim at rifle range
Submitted by: Shooting Range

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This is a tough issue. People apparently live rather close to the place where shooters want to build a range. Even though I love shooting, I would not want to live 500 feet from a shooting range either.

Woman who bought guns wants to be dropped from Columbine lawsuits
Submitted by: No Way

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People in hell want ice water, too.

"A woman who admitted providing three weapons to the Columbine High School killers is asking to be dropped as a defendant in lawsuits brought by families of victims."

She provided weapons used in murders to minors - minors whose clothing, demeanor and attitudes exuded disrespect for life, no less.

I doubt she'll avoid prosecution when they are even going after the law enforcement folks who came to the scene, but we shall see...

Spank your child, go to jail
Submitted by: Mother

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The title says it all, to which I will add: they'd rather have us let children grow up completely out of control in order that the state exert control when they become out of control teenagers and adults.

Or shall we put duct tape over a kid's mouth before giving a spanking??

"Spare the rod, spoil the child" is simply a fact of life, regardless of whether or not it came from the bible so many people like to bash these days...

Guns, Drugs, and Insider Trading
Submitted by: Greg McAulay

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Forbes Magazine: "John Lott is famous for his work on gun control. But he's got some equally compelling thoughts about other aspects of government's intrusions on our lives."

International War: A Pretext for Standing Armies
Submitted by: Good One

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GREAT piece of writing...

"There are some who are humored by the timidity of others. And there are those elite few, a little bit more sophisticated and self-seeking in their thinking, who selectively use speech to incite fear, to create chaos and to provoke unneedful compromise for three big reasons: the acquisition of wealth, position, and power."

"We call those kind of people politicians."

Gunning for Gore

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You may disagree with many of the NRA's positions however the NRA is still the most powerful lobbying & recognizable force we have and we're growing thanks to Algore.

So why won't the elitist, socialist democrats --traitors to the second-- get a clue and realize they're in for a fight for their political careers?

Let's whip Algore and DiFi in November!

Liberty is not a means to a political end. It is itself the highest political end. — LORD ACTON

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