2011 Gun Rights Policy Conference Attracts Leaders from Hawaii to New York
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"The 26th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference attracts over 700 leaders from across the country, including speakers Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms; Joseph Tartaro, president of the Second Amendment Foundation; Sandy Froman, former president of the National Rifle Association Richard Pearson, executive director of the Illinois State Rifle Association and many others."
"Also scheduled to speak: Attorney Alan Gura, winner of the landmark Second Amendment Heller, McDonald and Ezell cases; John Fund, Wall Street Journal and Fox News contributor; Larry Pratt, executive director, Gun Owners of America; Hawaii State Sen. Sam Slom ..." ... |
Congressman refutes claim that right to arms as check on tyranny is obsolete
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David Codrea
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... "And there’s a lot more than the 'Know Your Lawmakers' feature. This issue devotes its cover to the passing of Gary Cooper, reflecting a different era and different attitudes from Hollywood 'A-listers' than we are subjected to today. There’s also a great piece on Cole Younger, tips from the legendary Elmer Keith, 'Crossfire' letters, an exclusive report on the gap in small arms development and production to counter the Iron Curtain 'brush wars' strategy…" ... |
Guns in the Home Offer More Risk than Benefit. Or Not.
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"The conclusions of the study Risks and Benefit of a Gun in the House are held up as fact by anti-gun advocates. It is published by Harvard, after all. But there are several problems with how it goes about coming to those conclusions. I read the study and noted its citations wherever things did not add up. I then looked up the citations and cross referenced them with readily available information. My analysis is broken down by section within Dr. Hemenway’s study, so you can go back and forth between the two if you’d like." ... |
IHOP massacre: Indict and demonize the gun
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... "It is not clear yet whether the rifle Sencion used was an 'automatic' rifle or a semiautomatic, which is more likely. ... It was reported that he reloaded at least once. Watch for the gun prohibition lobby to use this incident to demand more restrictions or outright bans on the kind of firearm Sencion used."
"Millions of American citizens legally own the kind of firearm he used, and they haven’t harmed anybody. The gunman apparently was not a citizen, but a foreign national living legally here. A lot of foreign citizens live here legally, and they don’t commit heinous crimes. Many legally own firearms and they don’t shoot people." ... |
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"The London Daily Mail reaches back in time to hit a nerve that’s a lot closer to reality than the genre of 'alternate history.' The question is, what if Axis forces had invaded the United States during World War II? Explore the disturbing possibilities here:"
"There are obvious reasons why the Nazis never got close to landing an invasion force on the East Coast of the United States ... Even in Europe, Hitler’s own generals talked him out of invading contiguous Switzerland, because they knew that nation’s disciplined armed citizenry would devour the invaders. ..." ... |
Gun Review: American Tactical Imports VK-22
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"It seems like every major gunmaker–and several dozen lesser ones– is now selling a .22lr version of their AR-15. The American Tactical Imports VK-22 gives you an M4-styled flattop .22lr upper mated to a fully equipped mil-spec AR lower at a list price ($480) that’s about the same as the Ruger SR-22 or the Smith & Wesson MP-22. Street prices, of course, are well below MSRP, and my example was part of a 'No Rain Checks' promotion at $299. Did I get a great deal, or what? Keep the latter option in mind . . ." ... |
Gun Preview – Cabot Guns Jones and Rangemaster 1911s (video story)
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"TTAG ran into a new American gun company at the NRA show: Cabot Guns. [Caution: link triggers autoplay audio] You may remember our exclusive April piece on Cabot’s $4,300 GI 1911. In the months that followed, TTAG secured extended trigger time with test models to verify Cabot’s claim that each pistol produced will ship with specs that 'exceed national match standards.' We visited Cabot’s factory to see how the company makes [what they say is] the finest tolerance 1911 in the world . . ." ... |
Glock Announces Voluntary Replacement Of Recoil Spring Assemblies In Gen4 Pistols
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"GLOCK Inc. announces that it is voluntarily exchanging the recoil spring assembly (RSA) on its new Gen4 pistols shipped since August, 2009, to ensure each pistol’s performance meets the company’s demanding standards."
"With several variations of the RSA in the market today, GLOCK’s goal with this voluntary exchange is to standardize the RSA to gain the best possible performance in each pistol." ... |
Guns and Tragedy
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... "I’ve never interpreted the right to bear arms as the right to own any damn gun you want. The Second Amendment was written when arms consisted of flintlock muskets. You had to actually work to load one of those things ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: And the First Amendment was written when "the press" consisted of manual printing presses putting out a a couple of pages a minute and "speech" consisted of getting up on a soapbox and making a speech. If the Bill of Rights is outdated, there is a process in place to amend it. |
WV: What's the cure for gun deaths?
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West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.
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... "Gun-control laws have little effect, because America is saturated with hundreds of millions of weapons, so any sicko or criminal easily can be armed, ignoring laws. The gun lobby's only remedy is for everyone, from schoolchildren to church worshipers, to carry loaded pistols so they can shoot back at killers. That proposal is grotesque beyond belief."
"Thus America remains the gun murder capital of the world. If anyone knows a cure, we're eager to hear it." -------
Submitter's Note: Rambling incoherence.
KABA Note: This is a classic example of a straw man. I know of absolutely no one in the "gun lobby" who believes that "schoolchildren" should carry guns. Unless, of course, the antis are once again stretching the definition to include "children" up to 21 years old. |
The Gunwalker Scandal: Overview and Timeline
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... "As this scandal has unfolded, it has become increasingly evident that the unlawful, almost certainly treasonous acts and intents behind Project Gunwalker make both Watergate and Iran-Contra pale in comparison, and that a massive, well-coordinated cover-up has been, and remains in effect to this day." ...
"The Gunwalker Scandal Timeline"
"Early 2009: High ranking members of the administration launch a major campaign to pass a new 'Assault Weapons Ban' in the US. Over and over again, they state that 90% of weapons recovered in Mexico from drug cartels come from U.S. retail gun shops. Almost immediately, the 90% figure is called into question. it becomes apparent that:" ... |
Sipsey Street Exclusive: Do the guys in the NRA weeniemobile know about this? More background on Grenadewalker and AUSA Emory Hurley.
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"Well, now, won't this be disconcerting to The Lairds of Fairfax?"
"Sources on the ground in Arizona report that Assistant United States Attorney in Phoenix Emory Hurley, the man at the center of both the Gunwalker and Grenadewalker fiascoes, is 'a card-carrying NRA member who had NRA posters on the walls of his office.' Further, one source reports, 'He was known to, and seen by, ATF agents on surveillance at gun shows sitting behind the tables of FFL's.' (That's federally licensed gun dealers to the uninitiated.)"
"'Godfrey Daniel!' as W.C. Fields would say. Has anybody broken the news to Wayne LaPierre?"
"Our sources also provide some interesting details about 'Grenadewalker.'" ... |
New ATF Chief Inherits Agency Fighting For Survival (podcast available)
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"The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is fighting for its life. The agency is under pressure from Republicans in Congress after a botched gun-trafficking operation known as "Fast and Furious," and the scandal has already cost the ATF leader and a top prosecutor their jobs."
"Now, the Obama administration is counting on a new leader, B. Todd Jones, to try to get the agency back on track. Jones spent years as a U.S. Marine, and he's got the direct approach to prove it." ... |
Gunwalker goes to the Hoosier State
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"At Pajamas Media, Bob Owens stays on on the trail of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives who, apparently in concert with the FBI, have gotten the White House in some serious hot water. Having already explored the disastrous experiment known as Operation Fast and Furious, we now learn that it may have a kissing cousin out in Indiana. From the Washington Examiner:" ... |
ATF whistleblower keeps blowing, calls personnel shuffle ‘outrageous’
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"One of the chief whistleblowers that raised the curtain on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ Operation Fast and Furious is now wondering why the agency has yet another “acting” director – and this one a part-timer who remains U.S. attorney in Minneapolis – and is also critical of the personnel shuffle that did not result in any dismissals." ... |
A White House 'Gunrunner'?
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"Operation Gunwalker, the rogue ATF operation to arm Mexico's cartels, extends now to three White House officials. A bell goes off with the one named Dan Restrepo."
"Late last Friday, CBS News and the Los Angeles Times almost buried the news that Restrepo, the National Security Council's top man for Latin America, and two other officials, were in on ATF memos from the Gunwalker operation called 'Fast and Furious.'"
"That blows apart White House claims that it had no idea the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives was encouraging frontmen for Mexico's cartels to buy weapons from U.S. gun dealers — to 'trace' them afterward." ... |
Justice Backtracks On Number Of Fast And Furious Guns Involved In Violent Crimes
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"In a letter sent to Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich is backtracking on the number of firearms from Project Gunwalker that have been found at U.S. violent crime scenes. Previously, the Justice Department said these walked firearms had been found at the scene of 11 violent crimes in the United States. Now according to this letter, Weich is saying they combined the number of U.S. and Mexican guns traced into the number reported to Congress by mistake." ... |
Republicans refuse to confirm leader for ATF despite its troubles
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"Congressional Republicans have been upset at the management at the [ATF], which authorized a botched1 sting operation near the Mexican border that put guns in the hands of drug criminals."
"But Republican leaders, responding to complaints from gun-rights lobbyists, have refused to confirm a director for the bureau since it was split from the Treasury Department eight years ago." ... -------
1Submitter's Note: It was not "botched", the "sting" worked exactly as it was supposed to! |
Mainstream media ignores Indiana ‘Gunwalker’ story
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David Codrea
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... "In a development that parallels the earliest efforts to bring the 'Project Gunwalker' story itself to the public’s attention despite media apathy ... once more so-called 'new media' has established itself as the leader in breaking news the majors, with editors, reporting staff and travel and expense budgets, can or will not." ... |
Gunwalker Explodes into the Heartland
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"If the reassignment of ATF officials in recent weeks and the abrupt resignation of U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke were attempts by the Department of Justice and the Obama administration to cover up the Gunwalker scandal, they have failed, miserably."
"Now they are saddled by yet another claim of retaliation against a whistleblower and new revelations that gunwalking was far more lethal and widespread that originally thought." ... |
ATF Death Watch 74: The Smoking Gun
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"You gotta love a good paper trail. And you can forget all that 'conquer the Minotaur crap' you learned in high school, using the ball o’ twine to mark the way out of the maze. Today’s smart shoppers use an email trail to navigate the treacherous waters of an exposé. And this particular email trail is a humdinger." ... |
What Diego Luna and friends SHOULD be demanding of U.S.
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... "The most ironically unfortunate aspect of this is that there is something that those concerned about gun trafficking from the U.S. to Mexico should be demanding of the U.S. government--a thorough investigation of the government's 1,700+ violations of the Arms Export Control Act and International Traffic in Arms Regulations. ..." ...
"These are serious violations of both U.S. and international law, with a death toll so far at least in the hundreds. Strange, isn't it, that an independent investigation of these crimes didn't make it onto the 'Stop Gun Smuggling' list of demands? Well, if Luna and his cohorts aren't going to make that demand, it's up to us ..." ... |
It's about damn time: McCain calls for Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing. Wants Holder and Napolitano to testify under oath.
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... "Sen. John McCain has requested a Congressional hearing on the much-maligned gun trafficking investigation led by the ATF."
"Up until recently, two fellow Republican legislators — Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, and Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., — have led the Congressional inquiries into the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' 'Fast and Furious' operation."
"In a letter sent Wednesday, McCain said additional information released about the operation last week warrants a hearing of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, of which McCain is a member." ... |
ATF Death Watch 75: ATF-Enabled Indiana Guns Went to Chicago Gangs
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"I just got off the blower with Brent R. Weil [above] 0f Kightlinger and Gray, LLP. The Evansville, Indiana lawyer represents the [as yet unnamed] gun store that sold firearms to ATF-enabled straw purchasers. 'The ATF told my client to let the sales go through,' Mr. Weil told TTAG. 'He later told me that the guns went to Chicago gangs.' In one case, a straw purchaser failed to pass the FBI’s NICS [National Instant Check System] background check . . ." ... |
ATF Death Watch 73: Phoenix U.S. Attorney’s Office Implodes Over Gunwalker
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"'Federal prosecutors from Los Angeles and San Diego will take over cases arising from a flawed law enforcement operation in Arizona that is being investigated by Congress and the inspector general’s office at the Justice Department,' the AP reports. 'The change comes at the request of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Phoenix, which was deeply involved with the [ATF] in carrying out Operation Fast and Furious, the program aimed at taking down major arms traffickers.' Or not. . . ." ...
"This action signals a complete loss of confidence by the White House in the credibility of the Arizona U.S. Attorney’s office." ... |
Obama's Worst Nightmare
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"Last month, I laid out the reasons why I thought Texas Gov. Rick Perry was the clear Republican front-runner. I'll take it one step further: Perry would be a very formidable nominee against President Obama, and he poses a stronger threat than most Democrats realize and many Republican strategists acknowledge."
"The hits are already out. Democrats are looking at Perry's states' rights, anti-Washington manifesto Fed Up! as a gold mine for opposition researchers ... Most view Perry's aggressive defense of Second Amendment rights as a general-election loser; never mind that Democrats haven't touched the gun-control issue since Al Gore's failed 2000 presidential campaign, and for good reason. ..." ... |
6 Hot-Button Issues the GOP Presidential Hopefuls Dodged in the Debate
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"In Wednesday night's Republican presidential debate, moderators Brian Williams of NBC and John Harris of Politico grilled the candidates a range of hot-button issues, lingering longer on some—immigration, for instance—than others. But plenty more issues got neglected altogether ..." ...
"5. Gun rights: Not much debate, if any, on the Second Amendment on Wednesday night. Where do the candidates stand on an individual's right to bear arms? (Rick Perry once shot a coyote with a laser-sighted pistol while on a job, so you can imagine where his head's at.)" ... |
Shot through with humor
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"The Texas governor, who packs laser-sighted heat, fielded the ultimate softball at an event in South Carolina over the weekend: How does he feel about gun control?"
"'I am actually for gun control,’' Perry said. Pause. 'Use both hands.'"
"We live in an America where views that inhabited the kooky fringe not so long ago are now settled in the mainstream. So polls have the recently declared Perry besting our former governor and previous front-runner Mitt Romney in the race for the GOP presidential nomination." ...
"Romney is a Second Amendment guy, but as governor, he wasn’t an absolutist. In 2004, he signed into law a permanent ban on assault weapons in Massachusetts. ..." ... |
Paul is what country needs now
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"Ron Paul received a great birthday present as the 76-year-old defeated all the presidential candidates in the New Hampshire Young Republicans straw poll on Aug. 20."
"He also won the presidential straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference (two years in a row). He finished a close second in the Ames, Iowa, straw poll on Aug. 13. And he is surging in the latest Gallup poll and gaining momentum nationally."
"Paul is a champion for our Constitution, Bill of Rights and liberty. He fights for lower taxes, responsible spending, balanced budgets, sound money and the free market."
"He is a defender of the Second Amendment and believes the inalienable right to keep and bear arms is essential to a free society. ..." ... |
AZ: Fundraiser to support Sen. Russell Pearce in recall effort
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"Sonoran News has joined with the Buffalo Chip Saloon and Steakhouse, 6811 E. Cave Creek Rd., Cave Creek, in hosting a fundraiser for Sen. Russell Pearce, R-Dist. 18, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Sept. 17."
"Tickets are $25 and includes a barbeque dinner." ...
"Throughout the years, Pearce has authored legislation to protect taxpayers, private property rights, the unborn, marriage and the Second Amendment." ... |
New Bill Will Improve, Increase Public Land Opportunities
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"Hunting and fishing opportunities will become a priority on 440 million acres of federal public lands under the newly proposed 'Recreational Fishing and Hunting Heritage and Opportunities Act' (HR 2834) introduced today by Reps. Dan Benishek (R-MI) and Dan Boren (D-OK). Cosponsors of the bill include Reps. Don Young (R-AK) and Mike Kelly (R-PA). The bill is also supported by other key members of the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee, members of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus, and the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance." ... |
NH: Deadly force rule revived
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"Shrugging off pressure from Gov. John Lynch and the state's top law enforcement officials, the Republican-controlled Senate yesterday voted to overturn the Democratic governor's veto of a bill that expands residents' ability to use deadly force in self-defense." ...
"Backed by police chiefs and sheriffs throughout New Hampshire, as well as the state safety commissioner and the attorney general, Lynch had toured the state in recent weeks to make the case against the deadly force bill, which allows residents to use deadly force in self-defense wherever they have 'a right to be' without attempting to retreat. Lynch and law enforcement officials said the bill would provide legal cover to criminals and gangsters ..." ... |
VA: Hold elected officials accountable for freedoms
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... "Do you appreciate the freedom of speech freely in public, to bow your head and give thanks for provisions and blessings, to have the freedom provided by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to protect yourself and your family from forced entry into your home and threatened harm to you and loved ones by this right to bear arms?"
"If we continue to turn blind eyes to the daily attacks on our every freedom, we shall very soon be under complete slavery and tyranny." ... |
IL: Divided on 'conceal and carry'
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"Annette Nance-Holt was in the minority."
"The mother of a slain 16-year-old teen, Nance-Holt was among a handful of people last week speaking out against carrying a concealed handgun during a West Side town hall meeting. She lost her son, Blair, to gun violence in May 2007 when a teen fired shots into a crowded CTA bus. Blair Holt was killed while four others were wounded. At an Aug. 31, town hall hosted by state Rep. LaShawn Ford (D-8), Nance-Holt said greater access to guns does not equal increased safety." ... -------
KABA Note: Even if it doesn't lead to "increased safety", even the antis now admit that is doesn't lead to increased violence, so let people exercise their civil rights! |
NH: Shoulder to shoulder against deadly force bill
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"Thirty police chiefs, officers, county attorneys and sheriffs, stood with Gov. John Lynch and Attorney General Michael Delaney to urge the state Senate to uphold Lynch's veto of a bill on use of deadly force."
"The Senate meets today to consider whether to override the veto of Senate Bill 88, which expands the legal use of deadly force. It is the state's version of a “stand your ground” bill that allows one to use deadly force in response to the threat of deadly force against oneself or another anywhere a person has a legal right to be." ... |
NY: No Cause, No Gun, Judge Tells Gun Lovers
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Westchester residents and the Second Amendment Foundation cannot relax a law forcing citizens to demonstrate proper cause before they pack heat on public streets, a federal judge ruled."
"New York courts have interpreted 'proper cause' as having a 'special need for self-protection' as compared to the general population."
"'I hold that the state has an important government interest in promoting public safety and preventing crime,' U.S. District Judge Cathy Seibel wrote in an order dismissing a class action challenging the regulation." ... -------
Submitter's Note: And keeping law-abiding citizens from effectively defending themselves and their families from criminal scum somehow prevents public safety and promotes crime? |
NY: U.S. Court Rejects Challenge to State's Concealed Gun Law
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"New Yorkers do not have a constitutional right to carry a concealed handgun in public, a federal judge ruled yesterday."
"In a case brought by four New Yorkers challenging the denial of 'concealed carry' gun permits by four state judges, Southern District Judge Cathy Seibel said she found persuasive the reasoning of the Illinois' Court of Appeals in People v. Marin, 795 N.E.2d 958 (2003), that the overriding purpose of gun statutes should be to prevent innocent people from being victimized by gun violence." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Unfortunately for Judge Seibel's "logic", Marin was decided 8/11/2003 and the linchpin of the court's holding was "[i]t is well established that the right to bear arms is not a fundamental right." The Marin court then concludes that "[b]ecause it is not a fundamental right, we analyze the constitutionality of the legislation at issue pursuant to the rational basis test." Heller and McDonald changed all that when SCOTUS ruled that the Second does protect a "fundamental right". |
NY: Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Mayor Bloomberg Hail Concealed Weapons Ruling
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"In Kachalsky, et al. v Cacace, et al, Southern District Judge Cathy Seibel rejected the claims of five Westchester residents and The Second Amendment Foundation, Inc.."
"They argued that the 'proper cause' provision of the New York gun law ... violates their Constitutional rights."
"Schneiderman’s office argued ... that the 'proper cause' provision of the New York law is not a violation of the Second Amendment." ...
"'This federal court decision is a victory for New York State law, the United States Constitution, and families across New York who are rightfully concerned about the scourge of gun violence ...' the AG said ..."
"Mayor Bloomberg weighed in, connecting the decision to last weekend’s spate of gun violence." ... -------
Submitter's Note: And tell me Mr. Mayor, just how many of the shooters in those incidents would qualify for a permit under a reasonable "shall-issue" statute? |
NY: AG’s office touts win in concealed-handgun case
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"Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman is hailing a 'major court victory' in defense of New York’s requirement that anyone wishing to carry a concealed handgun in public must obtain a special license to do so."
"The decision was handed down in the case of Kachalsky, et al. v. Cacace, et al by a federal judge in the Southern District of New York, who rejected the plaintiffs’ challenge to the state’s handgun licensing statute. The AG’s office said the decision essentially states that individuals don’t have a constitutional right to carry a gun in public." ... -------
KABA Note: As No Lawyers - Only Guns And Money pointed out last night, "Alan Gura lost both what was then Parker v. DC and McDonald v. Chicago at the District Court level as well as more recently Dearth v. Holder and Ezell v. Chicago. All four of those cases eventually became wins at the appellate level." |
MD: MontCo police dogs get bulletproof vests
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"Dogs in the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office will be getting four new bulletproof vests, thanks to a grant from the Ben Roethlisberger Foundation, founded by the Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback."
"The dogs receiving the vests are trained to detect explosives, as well as to help officers on their regular patrols."
"'The grant funds will provide our dogs with vests that protect them from attacks with firearms and knifes while engaged in their duties,' said Sheriff Darren Popkin." ... -------
CO: Shooting range hours remain unchanged
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"Hours at the Chaffee County Shooting Range on U.S. 285 will remain unchanged year round, sunrise to sunset, after discussion by Chaffee County Commissioners during their regular meeting Tuesday in Salida."
"Hours of use were under discussion in July after public comment from Cheri Charter who lives near the range."
"Charter said shooting during the early morning hours had been 'deteriorating her quality of life' and asked commissioners to change the hours the range was available for public use." ... |
NJ: What If Your Neighbor Refused To Support Your Right To Free Speech?
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"It is not that guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens can never be used to commit a crime or be involved in an accident."
"Not only can those things happen, it is inevitable that they will occasionally happen. Fortunately, they are an extreme rarity, but they do happen."
"That is still not an excuse to disarm the majority of law-abiding citizens who use firearms safely every day for target shooting, sporting events, hunting and most importantly self-defense."
"No amount of rhetoric on the part of gun prohibitionists is going to change the fact that guns save lives. In most cases, guns save lives without a shot being fired. That is why you don’t hear about it." ... |
HI: “Aloha” Won’t Save Your Family
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"Recently, a Mr. George Quarles of Forestville, California sent a letter to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser thanking Police Chief Louis Kealoha for not allowing another concealed-carry gun on the island."
"He seems to believe that by not allowing a law abiding citizen to conceal carry that it will limit the number of firearms that are in Hawaii."
"Point of fact, although the laws make it cumbersome to legally purchase a firearm it does not limit the number of firearms that are in Hawaii." ... |
OH: Buckeye Firearms Association submits campaign finance report; Supporters help keep all-volunteer PAC in strong financial shape
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"Buckeye Firearms Association has filed its campaign finance report covering the period from the post-election report in 2010 through June 30, 2011. We are again pleased and grateful to the many people who donate to our organization in support of the Second Amendment."
"During the period, we had almost 600 donations totaling nearly $21,000. Donations ranged $5 to $750. We are particularly grateful to our Defenders, whose automatic monthly donations allow us to plan on a dependable income."
"Buckeye is run by volunteers who give considerable time toward our cause. But we simply could not execute ideas without the funding of our supporters. Some people can contribute time. Some people can contribute money. Together we form a team ..." ... |
I do believe that where there is a choice only between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence. Thus when my eldest son asked me what he should have done had he been present when I was almost fatally assaulted in 1908 [by an Indian extremist opposed to Gandhi's agreement with Smuts], whether he should have run away and seen me killed or whether he should have used his physical force which he could and wanted to use, and defend me, I told him it was his duty to defend me even by using violence. Hence it was that I took part in the Boer War, the so-called Zulu Rebellion and [World War I]. Hence also do I advocate training in arms for those who believe in the method of violence. I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honor than that she should in a cowardly manner become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonor. — Mohandas K. Gandhi, Young India, August 11, 1920 from Fischer, Louis ed.,The Essential Gandhi, 1962 |