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Migrant politician Torres reflects shape of things to come for gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Per Project VoteSmart documentation of her voting record on guns, Torres voted to prohibit semiautomatic rifles with detachable magazine, to expand the list of crimes that disqualify individuals from firearms ownership, to prohibit lead ammunition for hunting, to prohibit open carry, and to expand firearms registration, among other bills considered in the California Senate. And there is no reason to believe this 'symbol of leadership' for migrants' won’t do the same thing at the national level." ...

Wisconsin Virtual Learning shows virtual insanity on guns
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "I've observed before, this is nothing short of child abuse under color of authority. It’s also an insidious form of cultural brainwashing, where references to that which the founders deemed 'necessary to the security of a free State' are erased from the collective memory. It’s mass purging, not all that dissimilar to a practice perfected by the murderous tyrant Stalin, as illustrated in 'The Commissar Vanishes,' and which Orwell chillingly elaborated on with his description of 'unpersons'.” ...

ABA Report on Stand Your Ground Laws: FUD, Flaws and Failure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The American Bar Association (ABA) has come out with a startling, indeed groundbreaking white paper ... This report is startling for displaying just how ignorant and uninformed an ostensibly select group of lawyers can be. It also breaks new ground in attempting to re-cast crime victims as criminals for choosing to fight back while painting their would-be assailants as victims. Now I could go into one of my famous multi-thousand word, highly detailed and meticulously annotated dissertations, identifying and eviscerating each logical flaw, unsupported assumption, undulating lie and outright falsification in the report, but I am not going to do that here for two reasons . . ." ...

SAF Files Lawsuit Against Gun Ban in Northern Mariana Islands
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the 9th Circuit ruling in Peruta, Guam, Hawaii, and the Northern Mariana Islands can no longer sustain heavy restrictions on the ownership and carry of handguns. Guam has already reformed its law. Hawaii now has a ruling against it and is waiting to see what happens with the Peruta decision. Now the Northern Mariana Islands have had a lawsuit filed against them to repeal the total ban there on the ownership and carry of handguns. It’s hard to see how such a ban can stand, given the decisions in Heller, McDonald, and Peruta . . ." ...

Self Defense and a Tale of Two Cities
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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"It is the best of times and the worst of times for the everyday American citizen. More than forty states recognize our right to defend ourselves. Unfortunately, a few states deny the right of armed self defense. In those states the list of victims continues to mount. Here is a tale of contrasts. Do you see the pattern?" ...

The Second Amendment, the Founders and Original Intent
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a recent TTAG thread I watched as a debate ensued over the words 'well regulated' and their meaning in the Second Amendment. I read an article recently from a deluded anti-gun liberal who pushed the idea that Madison, Jefferson and Washington were nothing but rich, white landowners who wanted a militia to put down revolts. He stated that all pro-gun folks were crazy to think otherwise. The reason we think otherwise is because history tells us otherwise . . ." ...

Gun control debate re-emerges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "With the help of a compliant press and the entertainment business, which makes the violent video games and movies that I think play the biggest role in mass shootings, Democrats took advantage of the recent tragedy of the young girl who accidentally shot her gun instructor during a lesson to call for more gun control."

"First, Obama, Hollywood and mainstream liberal media offices are all protected by gun-toting security. They are safe precisely because their guards have guns. Second, if more laws and gun control really worked, Obama could just outlaw all shootings of people. Chicago and Washington, D.C., have strong gun control laws, yet are violent." ...

This Is Not the Racial Disparity in Deadly Force The Anti-Gunners Are Looking For
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A press release from Washington State University [click here to read] promotes the findings of its aptly named SHOT Lab (the Simulated Hazardous Operational Tasks Laboratory). The report, recently published in the Journal of Experimental Criminology, confirms that there are indeed racial disparities in defensive shootings. But the conclusions don’t reveal the disparity we’ve been primed to expect . . ."

"In summary, although the subjects of the study (85 percent of them white) were more likely to show an unconscious threat reaction when confronted with black suspects, they took longer to fire at black suspects than at white or Hispanic suspects — and were less likely to fire in error." ...

Gear Review: Strike Industries Mega Fins Key-Mod Handguard
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Free floated Key-Mod handguards seem to be all the rage. A bunch of companies make them. I’ve had the pleasure to try out a few, and over the last few months I’ve started to form an opinion of them as a whole. Mostly, I like them. As a guy with small hands, I can certainly appreciate the slimmer profile provided by not having Picatinny rail sprouting from every surface, and I generally enjoy a lighter gun whenever possible. Strike Industries has a Key-Mod handguard that features a cut out for an A2 sight that claims to be lightweight, durable, and endlessly modular thanks to Key-Mod as part of their Mega Fins line of handguards. I got the opportunity to try it out, and I’m mostly a fan . . ." ...

Massad Ayoob: Power Factor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Rifle, one of my favorite gun magazines, I always enjoy reading Terry Wieland’s thoughtful column, 'Walnut Hill.' In the May 2014 issue, he cited an important quote from a great authority on firearms, Bob Hagel."

"The quote was, 'You should not carry a rifle that will do the job when everything goes right; you should have one that works when everything goes wrong.'"

"Words to live by, and they don’t apply just to rifles." ...

MSNBC Asks Readers if Kroger Customers Should be Able to Carry Guns – Results Might Surprise You
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"MSNBC, and their readers/watchers for that matter tend to be on the anti-gun side of the gun debate more often than not."

"So, it’s not surprising that MSNBC asked its online readers if they thought Kroger customer should be able to carry guns into the grocery stores."

"According to an online, unscientific poll 84% of the 27,000+ respondents say YES, Customers should be able to carry in Kroger." ...

Anti-Gun Hypocrite of the Day: Father Michael Pfleger (And His Three Armed Guards)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Chicago’s activist Catholic Priest, Father Michael Pfleger was on hand at Saturday’s Brady Campaign rally against Chuck’s Guns in Riverdale, Illinois. Pfleger is to firearms civil rights what Bull Connor was to racial civil rights in the 1960s. It wasn’t that many years ago that the man of the cloth called on the owner of Chuck’s Guns, John Riggio, to be 'snuffed out' – using the lingo of his parishioners. Pfleger had used the same thinly veiled call for violence against Illinois legislators who voted against gun control. Pfleger didn’t call for anyone to be snuffed out yesterday, but he did enjoy the protection of three armed bodyguards . . ." ...

Gun Control Groups Target TrackingPoint for Being Too Accurate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The standard bill of fare gun control activists serve up includes demands for a ban on firearms they consider too scary for civilians to use. Firearms like AR-15 rifles, or certain styles of shotguns. Their rallying cry is that these guns have 'no legitimate use' — that they’re weapons of war and need to be removed from the streets. Obviously they don’t quite grasp the point of the Second Amendment, but when they start using that rationale to oppose products like TrackingPoint’s rifle, their message goes off the rails. It becomes obvious that they simply are scared of change, and just want everything that doesn’t fit their idea of 'acceptable' firearms to go away. ..." ...

This is What Happens to a Disarmed Populace: They Know Nothing About Gun Safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I grew-up in an anti-gun culture: the east side of Providence, Rhode Island. I didn’t hold a handgun until I was in my twenties. Prior to that point, and for some time thereafter, I didn’t know how to load or unload a handgun or the four safety rules or how a gun behaves under recoil. Neither did anyone in my family. What if I’d gone to a friend’s house and he’d pulled out a gun for us to play with? What if a drunk co-worker in Atlanta had done the same? Who knows what would have happened? I grew up amongst a disarmed populace. I was gun ignorant. I was gun unsafe. So the 'revelation' that the father of the girl who shot her Uzi instructor is from Weehawken, New Jersey is instructive, in the sense that . . ." ...

Pitts misses mark in anti-gun column
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In ... 'An Uzi and a 9-year-old girl,' Leonard Pitts criticizes the parents’ lack of judgment for allowing their child to handle a powerful weapon at a shooting range, which resulted in the death of an instructor. I agree with him."

"He then asks, 'What kind of idiot country does not prohibit such things by law?' By such things, he mentions taking a gun into a bar; erecting a shooting range in your backyard; and allowing a blind person to get a gun permit. Pitts says these are the things 'making people in civilized places shake their heads.'"

"The gun carnage those 'people in civilized places' shake their heads over has nothing to do with these occurrences, even if all true. Neither has it anything to do with a lack of gun laws ..." ...

Why a Judge Ordered Me to Get an Indiana Carry Permit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the autumn of 2010 I was 19 years old. I worked for Taco Bell. I had no car and I typically rode my bicycle the six or so miles to and from work. ... I had to ride through some less-than-savory parts of my town ... During the day, this was no problem, but since I usually ended my shift late at night, I was uncomfortable making the trip unarmed. I didn’t have an Indiana carry permit, which is required for any form of carry in Indiana. I did, however, have . . ."

"a black powder revolver, a reproduction of a Colt Model 1851 in .44 caliber. After checking the laws and discovering that even current-production black powder weapons were not considered firearms under Indiana or federal law, I thought that might be a viable option. ..." ...

WHY I CARRY: Couple Mercilessly Beaten by Group of 8+ People (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here is another one of our 'Why I Carry' stories. These stories, unlike our defensive gun uses, take a look at situations that may have turned out very differently if the victim(s) had been armed. These stories also serve as an important reminder as to why it’s important to carry everyday."

"Sadly, I feel like we’re having to post too many of these types of stories recently." ...

MO: Missouri lawmakers could overturn a record number of Nixon vetoes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lawmakers return to the Capitol on Wednesday for yet another showdown with Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon. And the Republican super majority expects to make history."

"With 110 members in the House and 23 in the Senate, the GOP has the votes to override any of the governor’s vetoes."

"That probably means ... less-restrictive laws over openly carrying a firearm ..." ...

"Kansas City recently passed a ban on the open carry of firearms. An override would effectively wipe out the ordinance. State lawmakers have framed the issue as a debate over the Second Amendment, arguing cities should not have the authority to limit a constitutionally protected right." ...

DC: Guns, banks, bags and the government
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Aside from the seriously big issues of the day — the ones making President Obama wish he had stayed a community organizer in Chicago — sometimes it’s important to ponder the everyday decisions governments make."

"For example, the District of Columbia, home of the nation’s capital, is trying to figure out how to write a law that will permit presumably law-abiding citizens to carry guns on the street without turning the city into the Wild, Wild West."

"So many questions. Must weapons be concealed or hurled about openly? Could a resident carry a gun into City Hall, the White House or the Capitol? Will, heaven forbid, Virginians or Marylanders be able to come into the District with their guns?" ...

MA: Race for governor: Where the candidates stand on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Stemming gun violence and illegal gun trafficking has been a major topic of discussion in Massachusetts in recent months despite the state’s reputation for having some of the nation’s most stringent laws already in place."

"Differences in approach to gun safety issues have emerged between the three Democrats and two Republicans seeking their party nominations in Tuesday’s primary elections." ...

WA: State's wealthy backing gun control measure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two years after their money helped make charter schools possible, the Ballmers, the Gateses and the Nick Hanauers are using some of their loose millions to try to tighten gun laws in Washington."

"They’ve made six- and seven-digit contributions to the campaign for Initiative 594, the measure on the November ballot which would expand the state’s background check law to cover most gun sales conducted at gun shows and online." ...

Submitter's Note: If all it's doing is "expanding" background checks, why is it over seventeen pages long?

KS: Kansas Senate hopefuls spar over guns and trips to Dodge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kansas Republican Sen. Pat Roberts and independent challenger Greg Orman disagree about whether federally mandated background checks for gun sales should be expanded."

"Orman said during their first debate Saturday at the Kansas State Fair that he supports reasonable restrictions on gun sales, particularly to ensure that background checks are done on buyers at gun shows." ...

NY: Bisso focuses on schools, SAFE act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Karen Bisso believes that the current state lawmakers are defending their budget, laws and Albany without cause." ...

"Bisso is challenging incumbent Janet Duprey for the 115th Assembly District seat in Tuesday's primary." ...

"A major fix that Bisso would strive to accomplish is repeal of the SAFE Act, which, she said in a statement, was 'passed in the middle of the night with less debate in the Assembly than the New York state official snack food.'" ...

FL: Allen West Just Got A Sweet New Tat
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Former Florida Congressman and war veteran Allen West got a new tattoo of a slogan that’s apparently all the rage these days among Second Amendment supporters."

"Aces High Tattoo shop Instagrammed a photo of West with the newly tattooed phrase 'Molon Labe' across his right forearm." ...

The World Of Gun Tourism Under Attack After Uzi Shooting Death In The U.S.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun tourism is under renewed attack by critics that detest seeing businesses thrive off the American Second Amendment right to bear arms. The political Left has been seething since the Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling a few years ago which clarified that the right to bear arms was not written for the benefit of law enforcement and the military, but rather for the citizenry to arm and protect itself. As it turns out, guns [i]s a big part of the whole 'Americana' experience. In fact, tourists come from Australia, Europe, Africa, and Asia to place their hands on weapons outlawed in their native lands and experience the thrill of firing the automatic weapons." ...

IN: Indiana Man Convicted of Felony After Shooting Intruder (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Portland, Indiana man has been found guilty on the charge of criminal recklessness resulting in serious bodily injury. That’s a felony which carries an 18 month prison sentence with it."

"David McLaughlin claims that when he opened fire on David A. Bailey he feared for his life due to hand movements Bailey made after McLaughlin told him to stop at gunpoint." ...

OH: Ohio Judges Declare Themselves a ‘Special Class’, Exempt from Carry Rules
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This from friends in OH:"

"Judges of our 4th District Court of Appeals, which covers fourteen counties in southeastern OH, are, by their own one-sided 'proclamation,' are licensing themselves to carry concealed handguns, both while sitting on the bench and at all other times."

"They are not extending that special privilege to anyone else!"

"This 'proclamation' altogether bypasses the legal requirements, including training and proficiency, that we peons are required to obey in order to acquire state-issued concealed carry permits." ...

LA: Louisiana businesses see spike in gun sales with tax-free weekend (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An increase in gun sales has been noted across Louisiana over the past 48 hours."

"It's an increase that can possibly be attributed to Louisiana's Tax Free Second Amendment Weekend. It has been in effect since Friday and means guns and ammunition can be purchased tax-free in the state."

"'I hunt a little bit, target shoot,' Marrero outdoorsman David Perret said. He's considering taking advantage of the Second Amendment weekend since he enjoys hunting rabbits, squirrels and deer." ...

SC: Study: Florence, Darlington counties are locked and loaded
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several years ago, Neil Thigpen was among the jury pool for a federal case in Columbia involving illegal guns."

"Because of the nature of the case, the judge asked any of the potential jurors who were members of the National Rifle Association to stand. A good many immediately rose."

"Then the judge asked the remaining potential jurors to stand if they owned a gun or had at any point in their lives owned a gun."

"'I turned around, and I was about the only person left seated,' Thigpen, a retired political science professor, said. 'I mean, even most of the women were standing up. South Carolina and most of the deep South, it’s just always been gun country. It’s part of the culture here.'" ...

MS: Tax free weekend on guns in Mississippi
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some gun stores in Mississippi saw an increase in sales this weekend because of a new holiday."

"The state's first gun sales tax holiday started Friday Sept. 5 and ran through Sunday Sept. 7."

"Sammy Green owns Big Boys Pawn, Gun and Gold in Corinth, Mississippi and says this weekend was a lot like neighbors."

"He says during this second amendment sales tax holiday his sales doubled, if not more."

"'We had six people working and didn't have enough,' Green said." ...

"Let us contemplate our forefathers, and posterity, and resolve to maintain the rights bequeathed to us from the former, for the sake of the latter. The necessity of the times, more than ever, calls for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude, and perseverance. Let us remember that `if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom.' It is a very serious consideration...that millions yet unborn may be the miserable sharers of the event." --Samuel Adams, speech in Boston, 1771

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