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Gun owners have vested interest in opposing U.S. Syrian intervention
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Does anyone believe in such a scenario, bearing in mind the heavy hand we saw in Watertown, that a broadly-imposed martial law situation would leave gun owners unmolested?"

Why we should vote no on U.S. military action in Syria
Submitted by: The Old Gunhand

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The article below by Candice Miller is spot on and pretty much reflects my own thoughts on the matter. American intervention has not changed much. No one has embraced democracy and they are still killing each other and being run by corrupt officials. The people that our brave men die for turn around and attack us. No one wants us in their country and the U.S. insists on playing international Police in countries that are not a threat to our national interest and does nothing about those that do like Korea and Iran to name just two. It seems that we like to go to war only when we think we can win. No one wants to start a losing war.

Despite this, did we really win anything? ....

Why carry a pocket pistol?
Submitted by: The Old Gunhand

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I usually carry a pocket pistol. It is arguably the most comfortable method of carrying a gun and that ensures that it is always with me. My friends say they always carry their Glocks or similar guns but what they really mean is that they always carry them when they think they need them because they are too uncomfortable to carry during their normal day to day activities like golfing, going out to dinner, or playing Pickleball

Back to the Future with a 1911
Submitted by: The Old Gunhand

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It is true that if you live long enough, you will end up going full circle and end up where you started. I started with a GI issues 1911 in Vietnam with all of zero hours of instruction on how to use it. Nothing like putting someone in a combat zone and in charge of guarding prisoners with a handgun on which he was never trained. To make matters worse, it was the first time that I even saw a handgun. I had not idea of it worked having only been trained on the M-16. ...

Liberals Attack Yelp for Pursuing a Liberal Cause
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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MoveOn recently launched a petition to pressure Yelp to drop its membership from the American Legislative Exchange Council, a group that writes model legislation for states on a range of issues, most notoriously “Stand Your Ground”-style self-defense laws and legislation raising barriers for people trying to register to vote. The petition has gathered about 15,000 signatures, and on Friday the organization is holding a rally in front of Yelp’s headquarters in San Francisco. To hear it from MoveOn, Yelp has suddenly decided to dive into a right-wing political agenda:

IA: Gun permits for the blind? Iowa grants them, stirs debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Should blind people be granted gun permits?

The question entered the crosshairs of some gun control advocates over the weekend, after a report about Iowa issuing permits to buy and carry firearms to people who are legally blind.

That's legal under the federal Gun Control Act of 1968, which limits who can get guns nationwide. People who were convicted of crimes and served time for more than a year, people addicted to controlled substances and anyone who has been committed to a mental institution are among those who aren't allowed to possess firearms.

TX: White house institutes new gun control executive orders
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Ed.: Texas Governor Rick Perry weighs in on President Obama's recent executive orders pertaining to the re-import of antique US rifles and the elimination of NFA trusts. Video story.

CO: Strong early voting turnout in historic Colorado recall elections
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In what would be a substantial win for Second Amendment supporters, early voting in historic Colorado recall elections was "similar to that on a busy day during a presidential election," as reported by Fox News today.

Clearly, passion runs deep on the issue of gun control.

Colorado Senate President John Morse and Senator Angela Giron are facing the first recall elections in Colorado's history over their support of stifling gun control laws. The recall election ballots will be tallied on Tuesday night in what Democratic National Committee Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz referred to, ironically, as "a blatant attack on our Democratic principles," as previously reported by the Examiner.

ME: Ammo shortage, regulation rumors fly at Bangor Gun Show
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Ammunition and gun experts at the 36th annual Bangor Gun Show said there are a lot of rumors floating around about why there is an ammunition shortage, but they say it simply comes down to supply and demand.

“People are concerned they won’t be able to get it, that our Second Amendment is under attack, so they’re buying all they can,” ammunitions dealer Jeff Holt, who with wife, Nancy, are the owners and operators of Farmington-based Appalachian Ammunition Inc., said standing behind a table covered with bullets.

MO: Mo. lawmakers vow veto showdown with governor
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This year's vetoed bills include one that seeks to nullify any federal measures "which infringe on the people's right to keep and bear arms." The bill allows state misdemeanor charges to be brought against federal authorities who attempt to enforce those gun laws and against anyone who publishes a Missouri gun owner's identity. One Republican has voiced opposition to the bill, but several House Democrats have said they likely will buck their party and vote for an override — even though they agree with Nixon that the bill is unconstitutional.

NY: Gun Debate, Tax Issues Signs Of Lost Freedom
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I'd ask Mr. Demler why he continuously demonizes tools rather than actions of people. If using a gun to kill someone is the ultimate act of tyranny, what does that say about a man defending his home, a police officer defending his community, or a soldier defending his country? Such hostility toward guns, rather than the deeds of bad people, will always baffle me.

CNMI: Issue on potential of legalizing handguns in NMI now moot
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The dismissal of the gun and ammunition charges means that the court will no longer entertain Rangamar’s motion that questioned the constitutionality of simple possession of handguns in the CNMI.

Attorney Mark Scoggins, counsel for Rangamar, earlier filed a motion to dismiss the charges of illegal possession of a firearm and illegal possession of ammunition. Scoggins pointed out that portions of the Commonwealth Weapons Act are unconstitutional under the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

WA: Gun control initiative in newspapers raises ruckus
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Stuffing newspapers with copies of petitions is not a new tactic, but the ploy is getting attention today from readers of the Seattle Times, which erroneously reported Sunday that the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation is sponsoring a counter measure, Initiative 591.

SAF’s Philip Watson is quoted by the Times, which ought to know by now that it is the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms that is involved in the I-591 campaign. SAF is not sponsoring the measure.

MD: Law won't reduce gun violence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Oct. 1, just under a month away, SB281, passed by both houses of the Maryland legislature and signed by Gov. Martin O’Malley, will become law. This bill reinstates the so-called assault weapons ban, makes it even more stringent and adds other measures restricting the purchase, ownership and transportation of covered firearms in Maryland.

While there are significant Second Amendment issues with this bill, such limitations might be at least somewhat justified if there were clear evidence that they would result in a significant drop in firearms-related crime. The problem is, there is no such evidence.

PA: No one has asked to carry guns inside Kutztown buildings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If there's anyone who thinks they need to carry a gun inside Kutztown University buildings, they aren't speaking up about it.

The fall semester began Aug. 26, but no one has applied to carry guns inside buildings or at special events, as allowed under a policy implemented this year, Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education spokesman Kenn Marshall said last week.

Anyone who would apply is required to meet with the chief of campus police and must prove they have compelling reasons related to personal safety to carry a gun, according to university policy.

Kutztown referred all questions about the policy to PASSHE.

MO: Gun bill, tax bill to be top targets of veto override session this week
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“With veto overrides on certain bills, we would provide income tax relief for the first time in more than 90 years,” he said. “The Legislature would also be providing some of the strongest Second Amendment protections in the country with a veto override of the Second Amendment Preservation Act, which is designed to curb the continued overreach of the federal government. And we would also be providing certainty to the lead industry in our state and thus protecting over 1,500 jobs.”

IA: Iowa to allow the blind to carry guns in public
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lawmakers and law enforcement officials in Iowa are debating the merits of issuing blind citizens permits to acquire and carry concealed firearms. The legality of such permits is unquestionable: state law doesn’t allow sheriffs to discriminate on the basis of physical ability. Moreover, as Jane Hudson, the executive director of Disability Rights Iowa, told the Des Moines Register, preventing the blind from the right to obtain weapons or public carry permits would violate the Americans with Disabilities Act.

MN: Guns at the Minnesota Capitol? Here's a compromise.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Nonetheless, just as gun advocates maintain, I don’t think the presence of a gun in the possession of a permit holder is a major cause of concern, although permit holders have been known to abuse that privilege and kill other people.

A modest compromise is that anyone who wants to enter the Capitol area would have to pass though an obligatory screening and metal detector. Staff and legislators have their own line to go through, but without a screening.

Permit holders could go through this line, identify themselves to security personnel and show their permit. That way, permit holders get what they want and the rest of us don’t need to be concerned that a gun in the hands of some angry, deranged person will be floating around.

NY: NY Sheriffs defy Cuomo: We won’t take guns from law-abiding citizens
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A law is only as good as its enforcement, and a growing number of New York sheriffs are announcing that they don’t intend to enforce the SAFE gun legislation Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law in January, PoliceOne reported.

Cuomo’s rush to make New York the first state to react in knee-jerk fashion to the tragic December shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., resulted in a highly-flawed, overly-broad law that restricts the rights of legal gun owners while doing little to address violence.

OH: Ohio town readies for battle over weapons in parks law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The small town of Oberlin, Ohio is preparing for a big fight over a change in its law that would permit people to carry weapons in local parks, in accordance with a state statute.

The change will have to be made over the opposition of many residents and the City Council.

"I'm not in favor of any of this,' Council President Ron Rimbert told the Plain Dealer. "No one on Council is. But we need to get this passed. We have a responsibility to our citizens that we don't get caught up in any litigation. In Oberlin, we're protective of our family and friends. But this is a state law.'

CA: Minimum wage, guns, fracking bills face lawmakers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Some of this year's most contentious issues remain unresolved with just four days for lawmakers to consider hundreds of remaining bills.

They plan to add new limits to what already are some of the nation's strictest firearm laws while trying to find a compromise to meet federal court demands to reduce the prison population.

MO: CCRKBA Urges Missouri Gun Owners To Attend Override Rally Sept. 11
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Missouri gun owners are encouraged to attend the veto override rally on Wednesday, Sept. 11 at the state capitol in Jefferson City, and support adoption of the Missouri Second Amendment Preservation Act, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

CCRKBA has signed on as a co-sponsor of the rally, which is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. Learn more by clicking the following link. Rally for the Second Amendment Preservation Act Veto Override.

If we lower our standards, we lower the flag. — President Ronald Reagan

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