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Might be worthwhile to bust on the NYC bureaucracy to see if this bunch had all the requisite permits and licenses to run their scam. Then bust on the NYC ATF SAIC to see which - if any - FFL holder had those arms in his "Bound Book". |
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Let's say States United really filmed whoever came in, editing out anyone who disagreed. Go watch the video again. Pay attention to the customers. The recent gun-control study tells us that guns in the U.S. are owned by a small and shrinking minority of old white guys. How many of this video's customers fit that demographic? I saw women, men, blacks, whites, and Hispanics, who are overwhelmingly young professionals. Styles from coat-and-tie to open-shirt-and-vest to full-yuppie-beard-and-pullover. Not a bitter-clinger in the bunch. If these are the people who come into a first-time gun store, considering a gun for defense, off the streets of NEW YORK CITY, then gun control is over, and the gun-ban groups are just whistling in the graveyard. |