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NC: Can’t we just talk about gun legislation?
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
are 3 comments
on this story
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When a defenseless puppy dies on an airplane, Congress is almost instantly roused to action. Why then, are our legislators so reluctant to provide the same level of care and concern for our children, when we have already lost so many to gun violence? How many mass shootings will it take before we see some meaningful legislation that could begin to turn the tide and make our schools, theaters, malls, and other public places safer? |
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I seldom comment - but this article... I gotta tell ya... is the most childish, ignorant, incoherent babble Ive EVER heard! and thats going the stretch, too - cause Ive heard it all!
This author{sic} is a "teacher"? haha... no wonder NC's living under almost pure SOCIALISM there. With 'superior intelligence' like this, they NEED somebody to RUN their lives.
I *AM* ...amused. |
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Okay, let's talk. What gun restrictions, regulations, or prohibitions do you want to eliminate? Let's hear it. |
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One-word answer: NO. |