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PA: Philadelphia Police Create New Gun Task Force
Submitted by:
Conn Williamson
Website: http://libertyparkpress.com
is 1 comment
on this story
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With the number of homicides in Philadelphia up 14 percent in 2017, police have created a new gun task force, which begins this year. With over 300 murders and 1,200 shootings last year, there's no questions gun violence is a problem that needs to be addressed. Now, Philadelphia police are hoping a new gun violence task force could be part of the solution. "We gotta get these guys that have guns and are inclined to use them off the street," Philadelphia Police Captain Sekou Kinebrew said. |
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At least they admit that the problem is the "guys with guns that are inclined to use them" instead of blaming the guns.
And those guys are the feral minorities that have no respect for laws, people or property.
The real problem is that even when they catch them, they release them on bail, plea bargain to a lesser offense, or probation. These people have become expert at gaming the system and staying our of prison where they belong. |