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Gillibrand: We need serious gun trafficking laws
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Gillibrand (D-NY) said it takes "regular people coming to Washington" to speak to lawmakers and change their point of view on issues.
The senator noted that the majority of Americans "support common sense gun reform" and want "good, honest Americans to be able to go hunting and have their Second Amendment rights."
But laws should be harsher on criminals, she argued.
As for Congress, "They're in their bubble, they're out of touch, they don't realize there are very significant gun reforms that you can put in place that actually keep guns out of the hands of criminals. It's not a Second Amendment issue."
She is sponsoring a bill that prevents gun trafficking from states with weaker laws to states with more stringent laws. |
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Funny when the major ones trafficking guns happen to be Obama and BATF |
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Funny when the major ones trafficking guns happen to be Obama and BATF |
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She said criminals buy guns in Georgia and bring them to NY. This ignorant wench said they are already CRIMINALS so a new law will stop them how? They are criminals. Maybe she should make a law against stealing guns. Oh wait, there are already laws against that also. |
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She said criminals buy guns in Georgia and bring them to NY. This ignorant wench said they are already CRIMINALS so a new law will stop them how? They are criminals. Maybe she should make a law against stealing guns. Oh wait, there are already laws against that also. |
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She said criminals buy guns in Georgia and bring them to NY. This ignorant wench said they are already CRIMINALS so a new law will stop them how? They are criminals. Maybe she should make a law against stealing guns. Oh wait, there are already laws against that also. |
If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country I never would lay down my arms, never! never! never! — William Pitt, Earl of Chatham (1708-1778) Speech, Nov. 18, 1777 |