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NY: The N.R.A. Has Declared War on Andrew Cuomo. He Couldn’t Be Happier.
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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That solution has now become a new problem: It is the latest fodder in Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s long-running clash with the N.R.A., as he seeks to ban Carry Guard not only in New York but across the nation. The powerful gun-rights group, in turn, has sued New York State, casting the battle in life-or-death terms and arguing that if Mr. Cuomo prevails, the N.R.A. could be left “unable to exist.”
That existential lamentation created a ready-made political opportunity — and Mr. Cuomo seized on it.
He has made the rounds on the morning news shows, mounting a national campaign to encourage other governors to follow his lead in banning Carry Guard. He has rolled out campaign ads promising to take the N.R.A. “to the brink.” |
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AC went to war against the NRA, the NRA is just fighting back.
And yes, AC is enjoying the publicity for his anti gun efforts, at the expense of taxpayers and NRA members. |
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When the NRA wins its tort suit, the last laugh will not belong to Cuomo.
Hopefully, the court will award heavy penalties along with damages and costs. |
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"Hopefully, the court will award heavy penalties along with damages and costs."
Like I said, at the expense of NY taxpayers... I'd love to see AC personally owe the NRA 5-10 million, but it isn't going to happen. |
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mickey -
If it destroys his career, it just may be worth it.
He's a menace, and needs to be GONE. |
I now think the only way to control handgun use is to prohibit the guns. And the only way to do that is to change the Constitution. — M. Gartner, then President of NBC News, USA Today, January 16, 1992, pg. A9 |