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Anarchy In The UK
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
is 1 comment
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It was a British philosopher, Thomas Hobbes, who theorized during the 17th century about what he called the “state of nature,” a world without government. Hobbs wrote: “In such condition, there is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth … no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” |
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VIDEO: "We run the country!" says Luton Muslims! Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen attacked and abused in Luton! - cnn.com/2015/05/24/opinions/europe-radical-islam/?iid=ob_article_footer_expansion&iref=obnetwork
Fighting radical Islam: Why Europe should move to war footing - theblaze.com/stories/2015/06/03/islamic-state-terrorist-reportedly-enjoyed-brutally-murdering-christians-until-a-mysterious-man-in-white-appeared-in-his-dreams-with-a-message/ - pjmedia.com/tatler/2015/06/03/video-minneapolis-muslims-pine-for-sharia-law-condemn-freedom-of-speech/
youtube.com/watch?v=PfmywzjdtRM - newswithviews.com/Wooldridge/frosty939.htm MUSLIMS DEMANDING THEIR OWN SHARIA PATROLS IN MICHIGAN |