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St. Louis Post-Dispatch Letter to the Editor: Tax, License, Restrict Ammo!
Submitted by:
David Williamson
Website: http://keepandbeararms.com
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This is not the first time gun control advocates have targeted ammunition. You may recall that New York’s post-Sandy Hook dead-of-night signed-into-law-as-an-emergency-measure SAFE Act contained a provision mandating ammunition licensing, shelved (but not eliminated) due to the fact that it would be insanely expensive, not to mention completely unworkable. Politicians in various gun control enclaves have also proposed adding tax to ammo. But Ted Schaefer’s letter to St. Louis Post Dispatch breaks new ground in ammo-flavored gun control fervor
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future moves will be restricting who is 2A eligible...so, the slightest bump in your life history and game over. Medved used the rather major example of a guy spazzing on airplane, causing security scare/lockdown, "do you want that guy owning guns? Of course not." As his favorite chris christie said, all we have to do is enforce existing law, not enact new ones. Basically gut the population of free roaming criminals and keep them locked up instead of catch and release DNC voter bloc revolving door to bolster gun control moves with their shoddy gun use behavior. Crime drops to zero, problem solved.
freetexthost.com/satez6wccr |
I now think the only way to control handgun use is to prohibit the guns. And the only way to do that is to change the Constitution. — M. Gartner, then President of NBC News, USA Today, January 16, 1992, pg. A9 |