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Right-to-carry laws lead to more violent crime: Isn’t that a huge surprise?
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
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One of the most contentious arguments within the larger gun control debate is over whether right-to-carry laws that make it legal for gun owners to carry loaded weapons in public, usually concealed on their person, make people safer. Gun rights advocates argue that packing heat is a prevention against crime and violence, invoking slogans like, "An armed society is a polite society." Gun control proponents, however, argue that a proliferation of loaded weapons is bound to lead to more violence, if only because people have easier access to the means to harm others. |
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No, it's a huge lie, not a huge surprise. |
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The states and cities that restrict concealed carry have considerably more crime than those that do not.
Crime rates would be much higher if the criminals did not have to fear running into an armed citizen. |
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Too bad it's a lie. Gary Kleck, Professors Lott and Mustard, and others have demonstrated the total falsity of these claims! The ignorant, those who believe the tripe on MSNBC, CNN, and other video media, however, will believe this lie. |