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FL: Lift on gun ban absurd, dangerous for students
Submitted by:
Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
is 1 comment
on this story
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"Around this time last year, a loophole was forced open that allows students to keep guns in locked cars. Many found it problematic, some saw it as a decent compromise between an all-out ban and a free-for-all. But for a few on the ideological fringe, it wasn’t nearly enough of a relaxation."
"For that reason, House Republicans have proposed a total lift on the ban. It’s championed by Rep. Gregory Steube of Sarasota, a young representative who took office in 2012."
"If this bill passes, anybody with a concealed-carry license will be allowed to have a firearm on their person anywhere on college campuses in the entire state of Florida. It would remove guns from the list of things you can’t have in dorms ..." ... |
Comment by:
Such a bill will certainly reduce "casual theft" opportunity for firearms on campus. Cars aren't very secure "gun safes". And, (from my collegiate experience) cars came and went. Nor was there a lot of cash or skills to install a safe into them. (There's also today's issue of LE finding one suspicious.) The "dorm issue" isn't one, unless campus life has changed considerably. And if you can't trust "your family", who can you trust ? |