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IL: Assault Weapons Ban Moves Forward in Deerfield, April Vote Likely
Submitted by:
David Williamson
Website: http://libertyparkpress.com
is 1 comment
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The village of Deerfield may follow the lead of neighboring Highland Park and ban the kind of rapid-fire weapons that were used in the Feb. 14 mass shooting at a Florida high school and recent massacres at a church in Texas, a Las Vegas concert and an Orlando nightclub. A proposed ban of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines received unanimous support from Deerfield trustees Monday night in the first formal action taken on the measure.
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Great, all those law abiding AR-15 owners won't be able to shoot me now. Unfortunately the criminals won't follow the laws, and they were the ones I didn't count on. Oh mercy me, I have to get to my safe space!! |
...If a man lies under oath or procures the lie of another under oath, if he perjures himself or suborns perjury, he is guilty under the statute law. Under the higher law, under the great law of morality and righteousness, he is precisely as guilty if, instead of lying in a court, he lies in a newspaper or on the stump; and in all probability, the evil effects of his conduct are infinitely more widespread and more pernicious. — Teddy Roosevelt - May 12, 1900 |