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OH: Ohio Gun Owners Should Vote Out Bad, Bad, Sherrod Brown
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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The list of his anti-Second Amendment actions goes on and on. But Brown has managed to stay in office for a while in Ohio, a state where voter support for the Second Amendment has been solid.
One of the big reasons for this is that he, unlike Schumer, has generally kept his anti-Second Amendment actions under the radar of many people. How has he done that? Simple: While his vote is reliably with Schumer and Feinstein, he has rarely been public with his comments or beliefs on the issue. He just casts votes. The other action he has often taken has been to sign on to various letters. Well, that was the case until after the Pulse nightclub shooting (really a terrorist attack, as the shooter pledged allegiance to ISIS). |
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Any person advocating gun control, gun registration, etc., of law abiding citizens, does not deserve to be an elected representative.Those persons involved in such activities need to be named and removed from office. U.S. Congressman and Senators take an oath to uphold and preserve the Federal Constitution. In order to comply with the Constitution, Congress has enacted federal laws to execute and enforce this constitutional requirement. The People of America have never authorized their elected representatives to destroy their Bill of Rights, The Peoples' Rights. Citizens must see that elected officials are bound by the chains of the Constitution. Vote them out..
...If a man lies under oath or procures the lie of another under oath, if he perjures himself or suborns perjury, he is guilty under the statute law. Under the higher law, under the great law of morality and righteousness, he is precisely as guilty if, instead of lying in a court, he lies in a newspaper or on the stump; and in all probability, the evil effects of his conduct are infinitely more widespread and more pernicious. — Teddy Roosevelt - May 12, 1900 |