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MD: Limiting guns in Baltimore and beyond
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: www.marktaff.com
is 1 comment
on this story
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Kudos to Dan Rodricks for writing about this issue. I am just flabbergasted as to why there isn’t a wider media campaign, like there was with smoking and cigarettes, on reducing gun violence. It is just outrageous that there are places in this country, where one can walk around with a firearm with no controls, licensing or training. No other country in the world has this kind of callousness to loss of human beings and, most notably, of children. I will not set foot in a state like Texas or Florida, lest there are those who will advocate for “Second Amendment rights.” |
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"I will not set foot in a state like Texas or Florida, lest there are those who will advocate for “Second Amendment rights.”
Fantastic. We don't want you here either.
What is this big hangup you have with gun violence, though? If murders doubled but "gun violence" fell by half, would you call that an improvement?
If a person was running through a crowd stabbing random people, would you want someone with a gun (police or otherwise) to shoot him? But that would increase gun violence, wouldn't it?
Maybe what you should be concerned about is murder, not "gun violence."