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CA: Congress continues to ignore gun violence
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
are 3 comments
on this story
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This, apparently, is “normal” in the United States: Earlier this week, in the small town of Benton, Kentucky, a high school sophomore walked onto his campus and started shooting, wounding several schoolmates and killing two — Bailey Nicole Holt, who died at the scene, and Preston Ryan Cope, who died after he was transported to a hospital.
Americans barely noticed. |
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And this will keep happening until the parents start paying attention to what their children are thinking and doing!!!! |
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There is no law, anyone can dream of, that can fix this problem!!!! |
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This argument has been officially discredited by Scalia's emasculation of Stevens's dissent in Heller.
So, WHY to idiots like this chick continue spew this nonsense? |
Thanks to the government’s past record, it is unfortunately very predictable that, in spite of the severe penalties mandated, tens of thousands of people will not comply at all (with Bill C-68). A new class of criminal will be created among harmless citizens whose previous lawbreaking may have resulted in nothing more than parking tickets. — Lee Morrison, Canadian Mounted Police |