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Outside the Circle: A Pagan at a Gun Range
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Paganism and guns isn’t something you see an article on very often. We Pagans love our wheel of the year and moon cycles, and magic as well as our love of nature and harmony with everything. I love my athame, and sword, but I would never consider ever using either besides in ritual. So, what was this Pagan doing at a gun range?
Well, I decided to get way outside of my usual and was invited to go shooting one afternoon, to see if I could shoot and to assess my proficiency. Truth be told before this, I had never held a gun in my life. It was also one of the strangest days of my life, and here’s why. |
Comment by:
1. Your son may sit around playing LEGOs and watching TV, but other parents prefer to take their kids outside and DO things with them. And engaging in sporting activities with Dad is one of the things they like to do.
2. "Turns out, you can’t even rent a gun unless you are with someone. Only if you are already a gun owner can you come by yourself. I did not know this, but learned that this is to prevent someone coming alone renting a gun and committing suicide. Apparently before they made that rule that’s what happened, but if you are already a gun owner you must be responsible enough to have maintained that gun so are considered less of a risk."
2. You miss the point entirely, possibly on purpose. If you have a gun at home, you have zero need to rent one from somebody else in order to blow your own brains out. You'll do it at home, maybe even call 9-1-1 first to arrange cleanup (I know a guy who did that 'please don't let my wife find my body'), and not make your death a huge burden on some business owner just because he has the tools and you don't. |